First off ... just the facts:
...liberals are still America’s smallest ideological group — 25 percent of the public versus 37 percent conservatives and 34 percent moderates.
... In 2024, Gallup found that liberals comprised 55 percent of the party — an all-time high.
In just one generation liberals have double within the dem party. In politics it is always a bad thing to move away from the leading ideological group; it is even more so when you are moving so strongly toward the smallest ideological minority.
It gets worse. In the last 3 years, Republicans have gains in:
... 27-36% Hispanics
... 12-17 Blacks
... 33%-39 in young voters
The young voter is especially significant. Not only has this been a particularly strong Democrat bloc historically, but age cohorts exhibit a pattern of "the older you get the more conservative you get".
Dem's need a massive overhaul or they may not be around in 12 years.