Speaking of learning how yo use the quote function, idiot!Cannonpointer » 22 Jan 2017 3:28 pm » wrote:Time to get specific. What specific rules do you want government to impose on paid for broadcasts that do not use public airways? On services that we as citizens CHOOSE to utilizes and PAY for? ]/quote]Specifically, I want rules against deliberate fraud on the public - that is, manufacturing news through b-roll and false narrative, for example. I want news outllets tolose their license for such crimes against the public. Additionally, I want a return to the prohibition against ANY corporation operating against public interest. I want every corporation's charter to be predicated on, and periodicaly reviewed for, compliance with a requirement to operate IN THE PUBLIC INTEREST.
Just as no corporation is allowed to behave against its principals' interests (SEC), no corporation should be allowed to operate counter to PUBLIC interests.
Corporations are NOT PEOPLE. They are artificial constructs, with eternal life. They should be treated as less than people, kid.
Again, dick sucker - never let that smirk soil your penis kissers. You have defended federal torture chambers ON THIS BOARD, you hypocritical ***. You have no place with that smirk coming out of your cowardly mouth.
YOU brought up torture chambers, dick kisser, when you smirked about me being mr. big government, mr. big government.Huey » 23 Jan 2017 5:38 am » wrote: Cannon is losing big time so he pulls out his old, tires stand by line about torture chambers.
Huey » 23 Jan 2017 12:06 pm » wrote: No sir, you haven't answered those questions. You keep repeating the same general crap. Return to the standards before the FCC was gutted. (It was not). The problem with those standards is they apply to over the air broadcasters using public airwaves. Cable news is paid for service. Plus, due to the availability of news sources those standards are archaic. You have not told us what specific standards you want enforced. You have not told us how opinion shows will be handled. You refuse to tell us who will enforce the standards.
Will you claim a TV app like CRTV with Mark Levin will fall under these standards? How about shows like Chris Mathews, Maddow, etc? How will you restrain their freedom of speech? I gave you the ownership rules as they are now. They were changed but not gutted.
NO sir, you are not even close to answering questions. As far as I am concerned CNN is under no moral obligation to serve the public good.
Whatever the MARKET will bear.
In a sense, the human race is a market.Cannonpointer » 02 Aug 2022, 9:33 pm » wrote: ↑ Whatever the MARKET will bear.
That is my whole point. The US isn't a **** country. It's a market, masquerading as a country.
DeezerShoove » 03 Aug 2022, 10:54 am » wrote: ↑ In a sense, the human race is a market.
It's just varying degrees... Local rules... Situational ethics...
Yeah. Too bad.
It isn't the world - just the white world.DeezerShoove » 03 Aug 2022, 7:57 pm » wrote: ↑ Yeah. Too bad.
I liked when we were not fractured so much.
The big thinkers; pessimists were right:
Can't lift the world so bring down the decent places.
The world is turning into homogenized ****.
Why, Sage? Why?
Would you be inclined to turn the world into homogenized **** if you had omnipotent powers?
I can't see the logic.
It isn't genocide of the white race then? It's suicide.Cannonpointer » 03 Aug 2022, 8:21 pm » wrote: ↑ It isn't the world - just the white world.
The rest is staying the same. Which will make it ascendent. You take number one and put it behind number three, and you've got **** like Chile and Argentina in first place.
The one remaining great white hope is Russia - and men like Putin, who is aging out, are one in a century.
what is a larger society than the ancestries occupying time inhabiting space here now by the actual numbers living in series parallel positions as reproductively added to this point of ancestral progression as equally arrived biologically here.Cannonpointer » 20 Jan 2017, 12:00 pm » wrote: ↑ WHAT DUTY DO CORPORATIONS HAVE TO THE LARGER SOCIETY, BEYOND THEIR DUTY TO PROFIT THEIR SHARE HOLDERS?