What does tomorrow deliver every rotation of the planet arriving now at dawn? A new balance to everything that happens already here. What does humanity ignore about the dawn event horizon, It never ended yet. Same with evolving as a species.
Space is limitless, but time is finite to the cycle occupying space eternally changing what remains next cycle or nothing left cycling. Intellect is an induced by-product of the brain navigating unlimited space with a finite amount of time existing as one of a kind ancestrally displaced here now. which ever atmosphere is home to a planet's unique native food chain.
You pretend to know something fabricated out of hypothetical scenarios as all the truth you will accept possible and you defend that with relative statistical comparisons between he, she, it, person, place, thing, when, where, what, whom were involved with specific parts of the whole always focusing on the part with details divided from the whole life never exceeds evolving here now at the universal scale.
How and why intellectual minds are always thinking 5 generations behind current evolution results.
Every reproduction arrives to replace the previous 4 generations lived forward since inception of one's species and ancestral lineages present. Rule of law creates a constant like event horizons do marking balancing completed already.
When a species is self educating next generations forward to question everything but the answers responding are hypothetical scenarios, what became true?
Nobody knows how self evident life works in real time each generation gap still being eductated to believe anything else is possible than genetics eternally separating current population.
A brain originated in fertilized cell. A social identity is harvested after birth to follow hypothetical scenarios to extinction.
what does my post have to do with Misty's Thread?
The irony of it all, eternity was always in plain sight and personal experience with adapting to the moment living here now. 400 generations deceiving themselves and everyone won't change their nurtured minds when a person discovers what went wrong throughout history.
Pride before the downfall.