I'll match pay stubs with you any day, cupcake.....Cannonpointer » 14 Dec 2014 7:20 pm » wrote: Being a janitor at the local elementary schorl is not participating in capitalism, moron.
.Cannonpointer » 14 Dec 2014 7:05 pm » wrote: AAAAAHHHH HAHAHAHAHAHAHA
And yu still will not have been a participant in capitalism, you **** idiot.
Capitalism is an economic system in which trade, industry, and the means of production are largely or entirely privately owned and operated for profit.Cannonpointer » 14 Dec 2014 7:26 pm » wrote: And yu still will not have been a participant in capitalism, you **** idiot.
Did I EVER say that janitors are not paid well, moron?
That's cool, *******.rayj » 14 Dec 2014 7:47 pm » wrote:
Capitalism is an economic system in which trade, industry, and the means of production are largely or entirely privately owned and operated for profit.
That a corporation with dominant market share has used it's huge cash reserves to buy politicians and clout in Washington to protect their market share is capitalism at it's finest.golfboy » 07 Apr 2014 9:44 am » wrote: This ******* claims that the government going after e-cigs is "capitalism"?
Thank you for proving once again what a tenuous grip you liberals have on reality.
Of course it is. But the queer to whom you responded is dooty bound to pretend otherwise, even though he knows better. The lie is ambrosia to the *** in denial. It's aroma, to him, is as that of unwashed *** in a public men's room - the smell of game - of accomplishment; the smell of target acquired.JunkerGreen » 14 Dec 2014 11:43 pm » wrote:
That a corporation with dominant market share has used it's huge cash reserves to buy politicians and clout in Washington to protect their market share is capitalism at it's finest.
How to Lie with Semantics in one easy lesson.Cannonpointer » 14 Dec 2014 10:19 pm » wrote: That's cool, *******.
So what is the name of the economy that Wall Street operates in? Everything on Wall Street is PUBLICLY OWNED.
We are apparently really good at shutting down stupid threads.Cannonpointer » 15 Dec 2014 3:07 am » wrote:
Of course it is. But the queer to whom you responded is dooty bound to pretend otherwise, even though he knows better. The lie is ambrosia to the *** in denial. It's aroma, to him, is as that of unwashed *** in a public men's room - the smell of game - of accomplishment; the smell of target acquired.
Gooey loves the lie, lives the lie, lies with the lie.
The last thing unfriendly intelligence agencies wanted to see in America was an end of official harassment of gays. They wanted every homosexual in America to be as tortured and conflicted and fearful and furtive as gooey. That way, they could use the fear of exposure as blackmail. So the "good guys" actually won big with what repukes bemoan as "political correctness."
But gooey is stuck in the sneaky, undercover, down-low world of D.A.D.T.
He resides in red-necked Idaho (Yes, he voted for Larry Craig), and he's married to a black woman (Homegirl don't play dat).
JunkerGreen » 15 Dec 2014 9:35 pm » wrote:
We are apparently really good at shutting down stupid threads.
Correct, queer - but I straightened him out.
This thread also needs a bump.Cannonpointer » 07 Apr 2014, 7:56 pm » wrote: ↑This is only the most current and accessible example of what I've been saying on these boards since 2009. This is NOT an anomaly. This is NOT "crony" capitalism. It is the DESIGN of capitalism - it is, as Rand would put it if she were a truth teller, "capitalism qua capitalism."[url=http://www.liberalforum.net/viewtopic.php?p=218954#p218954 » wrote:NeoConvict»07Apr20147:41pm[/url]] As a purveyor of finer alternatives to smoking I occasionally consider sending celebrities samples. To do this I must know who is currently using them. If I could land Rush or Bruno Mars as a customer.....business would reach epic heights. Rush claims to have stopped using his....perhaps I could get Obama to evolve his opinion on the things because its his FDA and others that are attempting to hand the industry over to the cancer merchants. Right now I am enjoying my business as a hobby, helping people directly, as a tribute to my father, grandfather and favorite uncle who died from smoking related lung cancers. And as a hobby dedicated to the way I found to stop my own 25 year death spiral. Mass market success would kill some of that.
Capitalism relies on the state to corner markets, rather than earn their business. Look at Microsoft. It's an inferior product. But it owns the lion's share of the market. The reason for this is not that it served the market better, but that they were better connected and better at bullying the competition rather than out-serving the competition. If you look at any industry, private enterprise always does a better job. But capitalism always wins, because they have the government gun behind them.
We need to emulate this nation's founders and rebel against capitalism and reinstate free enterprise. Wall Street should be hermetically sealed as a monument to a failed economic system - an economic system defined by parasitism over service.