The latest house bill on gun control is cheese

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By Huey
19 Apr 2021 9:03 am in No Holds Barred Political Forum
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4 Jul 2022 2:09 pm
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Huey » 04 Jul 2022, 2:05 pm » wrote: 1.  You did not ask a question.  You made a demand and it is a diversion.

2.  I told I am conceding the point you were driving at on volume.

3. Volume has nothing to do with your argument:

My argument is that it is not a design optimized for assault. The ordinance compliments its purpose.

Come on BV what makes it “not a design optimized for assault”?
Answer the question, ******.

You have a lot to yap about "lying" "answering questions" and "cowardice".

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4 Jul 2022 2:10 pm
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Vegas » 04 Jul 2022, 2:08 pm » wrote: Get ready for meltdown Mary. You know what he is going to do next, right? He is going to accuse you of what he is guilty of: not answering questions, evading, running away, know, the usual. 

That's how we know his meltdown has commenced. 

Loser mutual support group.
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4 Jul 2022 2:11 pm
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Blackvegetable » 04 Jul 2022, 2:10 pm » wrote: Loser mutual support group.

I see I predicted correctly, as usual. 100% accuracy. 

1. Refute it (no cop-outs allowed)
2. You admit that it pisses you off only because I trash talked your media. Nothing else. 
Lol. No stupid ***. Here, let me narrow it down for you. Whatever your stupid liberal sources say ie...CNN, MSNBC, and your brainless leftwing blogs you love, if you take the complete opposite of what they tell you to think, then you will find the truth about Trump. 
Retarded Horse's view on women.

JohnEdgarSlowHorses » Today, 7:28 pm » wrote: ↑Today, 7:28 pm
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4 Jul 2022 2:25 pm
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Huey » 04 Jul 2022, 2:03 pm » wrote: You didn’t ask a question.  You made a demand.  I told you I don’t even know where to look for that info.

There are probably 100 companies that make an AR 15 style weapon.  There is one company that sells a weapon named AR 15.  There is one company the makes the Ruger Mini 14 and variants.

It is safe to say the others have a higher sales volume.
if you don't have an answer, don't volunteer your **** reasons.

The number of AR-15 rifles sold every year is between 3-4 million.

Total number of rifles sold is around 5 million.

That doesn't leave a lot for Ruger.

Now, did you say something about "the look"?

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4 Jul 2022 2:29 pm
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Blackvegetable » 04 Jul 2022, 2:25 pm » wrote: if you don't have an answer, don't volunteer your **** reasons.

The number of AR-15 rifles sold every year is between 3-4 million.

Total number of rifles sold is around 5 million.

That doesn't leave a lot for Ruger.

Now, did you say something about "the look"?

Yes...he said women don't think you have the look...cause you wear gay ski pants.    :rofl:  
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4 Jul 2022 2:33 pm
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roadkill » 04 Jul 2022, 2:29 pm » wrote: Yes...he said women don't think you have the look...cause you wear gay ski pants.    Image
Women love the way I fill 'em, Road...
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4 Jul 2022 2:35 pm
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Blackvegetable » 04 Jul 2022, 2:33 pm » wrote: Women love the way I fill 'em, Road...

Like when you keep yer hands off of them.   lol
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4 Jul 2022 2:37 pm
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Blackvegetable » 04 Jul 2022, 2:09 pm » wrote: Answer the question, ******.

You have a lot to yap about "lying" "answering questions" and "cowardice".
You didn’t ask me a question.  You made a demand.  Big difference.  Here is your answer:

I don’t know, don’t give a ****, and don’t really care to go dig up these numbers.
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4 Jul 2022 2:38 pm
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Huey » 19 Apr 2021, 9:03 am » wrote: @Blackvegetable  mark your calendar ... dy-failed/

This new piece of gun control legislation would ban the sale, manufacture, transfer, importation, and even possession of firearms magazines that can hold more than ten rounds.Gun Magazine Ban: Why It Won’t WorkHowever, the Department of Justice (DoJ) conducted a study in 2004 that concluded that such a ban actually did little to reduce gun violence.“Should it be renewed, the ban’s effects on gun violence are likely to be small at best and perhaps too small for reliable measurement,” the study concluded.

Even it if it passes there is no way to control the number of magazines already in circulation.  Many, if not most, sidearms have magazines that hold well over 10 rounds.  Additionally, if your mass shooter is a law abiding sort he will just carry MORE magazines.  Only takes a second.  Take the VA Tech shooter.  He killed 33 and shot 17 others with two handguns.

We need gun control in blue cities. That would solve most gun crimes...if lawful citizens hand guns.
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4 Jul 2022 2:41 pm
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Blackvegetable » 04 Jul 2022, 2:25 pm » wrote: if you don't have an answer, don't volunteer your **** reasons.

The number of AR-15 rifles sold every year is between 3-4 million.

Total number of rifles sold is around 5 million.

That doesn't leave a lot for Ruger.

Now, did you say something about "the look"?
Schmuck, I already told you that. Less use of strike thru.  There are a helluva lot of companies selling AR 15 style weapons.  There is only one company that sells AR15s.That has nothing to do with this:

And that number has nothing to do with this:

Come on BV what makes it “not a design optimized for assault”?  

I a, glad you don’t think this an assault rifle:


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4 Jul 2022 2:46 pm
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Huey » 04 Jul 2022, 2:41 pm » wrote: Schmuck, I already told you that. Less use of strike thru.  There are a helluva lot of companies selling AR 15 style weapons.  There is only one company that sells AR15s.That has nothing to do with this:

And that number has nothing to do with this:

Come on BV what makes it “not a design optimized for assault”?  

I a, glad you don’t think this an assault rifle:

You yapped some vague **** in place of an answer.

10 to 1 is probably a conservative estimate.

If these rifles are "the same", why doesn't Ruger - the number 1 selling gun manufacturer in the US - sell more Mini 14s?

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4 Jul 2022 2:50 pm
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Huey » 04 Jul 2022, 2:03 pm » wrote: You didn’t ask a question.  You made a demand.  I told you I don’t even know where to look for that info.

There are probably 100 companies that make an AR 15 style weapon.  There is one company that sells a weapon named AR 15.  There is one company the makes the Ruger Mini 14 and variants.

It is safe to say the others have a higher sales volume.
Try again without the strike thru, schmuck
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4 Jul 2022 2:53 pm
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Blackvegetable » 04 Jul 2022, 2:46 pm » wrote: You yapped some vague **** in place of an answer.

10 to 1 is probably a conservative estimate.

If these rifles are "the same", why doesn't Ruger - the number 1 selling gun manufacturer in the US - sell more Mini 14s?
This is your argument:

My argument is that it is not a design optimized for assault. The ordinance compliments its purpose.

What makes the Ruger mini 14 not a design optimized for assault?

Schmuck, you are comparing Ruger to dozens of companies, if not close to a hundred, that manufacture AR 15 STYLE weapons.  Only ONE company makes THE AR 15.  Colt.
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4 Jul 2022 2:57 pm
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Huey » 04 Jul 2022, 2:53 pm » wrote: This is your argument:

My argument is that it is not a design optimized for assault. The ordinance compliments its purpose.

What makes the Ruger mini 14 not a design optimized for assault?

Schmuck, you are comparing Ruger to dozens of companies, if not close to a hundred, that manufacture AR 15 STYLE weapons.  Only ONE company makes THE AR 15.  Colt.
Answer a question, ******.
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4 Jul 2022 3:00 pm
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Blackvegetable » 04 Jul 2022, 2:57 pm » wrote: Answer a question, ******.
This is your argument:

My argument is that it is not a design optimized for assault. The ordinance compliments its purpose.

What makes the Ruger mini 14 not a design optimized for assault?

Schmuck, you are comparing Ruger to dozens of companies, if not close to a hundred, that manufacture AR 15 STYLE weapons.  Only ONE company makes THE AR 15.  Colt.
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4 Jul 2022 3:02 pm
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I was wrong.  It is 500 companies that make the AR 15 STYLE weapons. ... yan-busse/

This is your argument:

My argument is that it is not a design optimized for assault. The ordinance compliments its purpose.

What makes the Ruger mini 14 not a design optimized for assault?

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4 Jul 2022 3:04 pm
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Huey » 04 Jul 2022, 3:02 pm » wrote: @Blackvegetable  

I was wrong.  It is 500 companies that make the AR 15 STYLE weapons. ... yan-busse/

This is your argument:

My argument is that it is not a design optimized for assault. The ordinance compliments its purpose.

What makes the Ruger mini 14 not a design optimized for assault?
My argument is that it is not a design optimized for assault.
What design is it, specifically?
The ordinance compliments its purpose.

You just yap for the sake of yapping.
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4 Jul 2022 3:06 pm
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Huey » 04 Jul 2022, 3:00 pm » wrote: This is your argument:

My argument is that it is not a design optimized for assault. The ordinance compliments its purpose.

What makes the Ruger mini 14 not a design optimized for assault?

Schmuck, you are comparing Ruger to dozens of companies, if not close to a hundred, that manufacture AR 15 STYLE weapons.  Only ONE company makes THE AR 15.  Colt.
Just answer.

Don't improvise.
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4 Jul 2022 3:07 pm
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Blackvegetable » 04 Jul 2022, 3:06 pm » wrote: Just answer.

Don't improvise.
This is your argument:

My argument is that it is not a design optimized for assault. The ordinance compliments its purpose.

What makes the Ruger mini 14 not a design optimized for assault?

Schmuck, you are comparing Ruger to dozens of companies, if not close to a hundred, that manufacture AR 15 STYLE weapons.  Only ONE company makes THE AR 15.  Colt.
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4 Jul 2022 3:08 pm
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Blackvegetable » 04 Jul 2022, 3:04 pm » wrote: What design is it, specifically?


You just yap for the sake of yapping.
That is your argument.  You tell me.

This is your argument:

My argument is that it is not a design optimized for assault. The ordinance compliments its purpose.

What makes the Ruger mini 14 not a design optimized for assault?

Schmuck, you are comparing Ruger to dozens of companies, if not close to a hundred, that manufacture AR 15 STYLE weapons.  Only ONE company makes THE AR 15.  Colt.
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