keep diverting from the discussion life has never exceeded reproductions living timed apart now. use all of history's narratives you want, all history centers on people never accepting now is eternity.Abatjour » 09 May 2021, 10:56 am » wrote: ↑ should some @omh family member viewing this thread, contact his spouse, and give her clues to how @Jantje_Smit is trying to pilfer her spouse?
you troll in real time as a network of we, I visit the realities invading my time mutually evolving as their displacement occupies space within this atmosphere same as mine. I understand the difference between alphabets and DNA and the separation of DNA from the molecular periodic table.
I voted yes...not because your poll makes any sense, it's quite clear you just want revenge for me exposing your your ridiculous lies.. but because if any of omh's family members sees this thread they'll realize that omh has a point when he says everyone is denial and are just following the social narratives of the ruling elites.. the liberal elites in your case...Abatjour » 09 May 2021, 10:56 am » wrote: ↑ should some @omh family member viewing this thread, contact his spouse, and give her clues to how @Jantje_Smit is trying to pilfer her spouse?
ahhhh, an honest mistress. such a rarity indeed!
Post 26 Jan 2021, 16:42if any of omh's family members sees this thread they'll realize that omh has
I voted no from a woman's perspective.. Mrs Omh is probably happy Jantje is keeping him busy.
He's a guy. LOLAbatjour » 09 May 2021, 11:33 am » wrote: ↑ ahhhh, an honest mistress. such a rarity indeed!
Post 26 Jan 2021, 16:42
Post 26 Jan 2021, 16:56
and of course
27 Jan 2021, 01:53
Misdirect as all intellectual minds are programmed since birth to do. But when did your brain first appear that a body developed around it by birth to be a proportionate replacements to 16 great great grandparents, 8 great grandparents, 4 grandparents, 2 parents, you and your siblings if any were ever reproduced by one or both parents.Abatjour » 09 May 2021, 11:33 am » wrote: ↑ ahhhh, an honest mistress. such a rarity indeed!
Post 26 Jan 2021, 16:42
Post 26 Jan 2021, 16:56
and of course
27 Jan 2021, 01:53
Quoting just the first few words from my post to make a cheap insult isn't very impressive... I thought about doing the same but then I would lower myself to your standards and that would be bad for my self respect... you might want to google that, experience teaches that liberals are unfamiliar with the concept...
awww, wutzamatta wittle fella? I'm using your tools your methods your posting style against you, and now you can't take it? ROFL ... gtfohwtbs pal your sissified cowardice is on tap right now, and I'm sending your moms a full keg for Mothers' DayJantje_Smit » 09 May 2021, 12:27 pm » wrote: ↑ Quoting just the first few words from my post to make a cheap insult isn't very impressive...
Nothing's the matter.. it's monday morning, I don't have to work, I've got coffee, cigs, some herbs... liberal pussies to play with and annoy... life could be worse...
Your didn't even vote on a thread about you.omh » 09 May 2021, 12:17 pm » wrote: ↑ Misdirect as all intellectual minds are programmed since birth to do. But when did your brain first appear that a body developed around it by birth to be a proportionate replacements to 16 great great grandparents, 8 great grandparents, 4 grandparents, 2 parents, you and your siblings if any were ever reproduced by one or both parents.
What proportion is your DNA to lifetimes added so far? No kids until dead, you became extinct? Life is that simple. Your reality is a wild goose chase between arguing what if and what about living shouldn't be so direct adapt or become extinct as it does maintain the population from now on, or never again to each living here now.
Equality without ethics of equity.
Keep posting the way you do, Intellectual Armageddon counts on it. Passive extinction to arguing whatifisms and whataboutisms without disrupting everyone having an equal opportunity to adapt as timed apart now.
Liberty for all and equal justice as reproduction delivers inception to extinction of any species native to this atmosphere as ancestrally occupied or occupying time now.
navigating kinetic specific gravity, 14/7:1 at see level of each reproduction living. 8, 4, 2, each. 1/2, 1/4, 1/8 See the 7 bands of light to population of each species regardless plant, animal, predator, prey, male, female, asexual means of reproduction.
In social circles I don't matter until I comply with the hypothesis everyone else follows per one sided narratives always drifting away from things being perpetually balancing now as specifically occupying space timed apart here.
Its important you vote because you can be the ty breaker.omh » 10 May 2021, 10:35 am » wrote: ↑ In social circles I don't matter until I comply with the hypothesis everyone else follows per one sided narratives always drifting away from things being perpetually balancing now as specifically occupying space timed apart here.
statistically averaging mutually evolving cycles they defining the future form the inaccurate and incomplete narratives promising tomorrow is where artificial goals can be collected upon.
Now is eternity, and tomorrow is geographic location moving by the midpoint rotation facing away from the star of its solar system. wake up cyndi. You spend 80% of your time living making rule elites' dreams come true. They got away with fooling everyone another generation.
lesser of two evils doesn't break a tie, it slows the speed of corruption one generation after another. But with humanity, every reality has corrupted understanding life in its natural displacement already.sooted up Cyndi » 11 May 2021, 4:51 am » wrote: ↑ Its important you vote because you can be the ty breaker.
Abatjour » 09 May 2021, 12:34 pm » wrote: ↑awww, wutzamatta wittle fella? I'm using your tools your methods your posting style against you, and now you can't take it? ROFL ... gtfohwtbs pal your sissified cowardice is on tap right now, and I'm sending your moms a full keg for Mothers' DayJantje_Smit » 09 May 2021, 12:27 pm » wrote: ↑ Quoting just the first few words from my post to make a cheap insult isn't very impressive...
Jantje_Smit » 10 May 2021, 1:58 am » wrote: ↑Nothing's the matter.. it's monday morning, I don't have to work, I've got coffee, cigs, some herbs... liberal pussies to play with and annoy... life could be worse...
What makes you think I can't take it... I only said that what I'm taking isn't very impressive.. it's nice of you to remember mother's day though, I completely forgot about that.. I'm familiar with a lot of abrreviations but I don't know this one... gtfohwtbs... what does that stand for?
That is the point, you haven't delivered on your slaughtering promises....