Cyndi has found a way to read pm's and take over LF accounts as an impostor

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2 Sep 2021 11:18 am
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ArthurTreacher67 » 01 Sep 2021, 11:31 am » wrote: Cyndi can read your private pm's, hijack your account and, as an impostor, post as you

She can block people from making comments in the forums or in pm's.

She can read your communications without your knowledge.

She can prevent you from reading what she wants to conceal from your view.

She can post under your account and pretend to be you without your knowledge or permission.

She has actually hijacked Famagusta's account and is posting as Famagusta.

I assume she has blocked the real Famagusta from posting here at all.

It is like she kidnapped someone and introduced a body double to act as an impostor and no one can even tell that she committed the crime.

Cyndi has undermined the integrity of Liberal Forum's system of communications so that you can't be sure of who you are talking to, or that the person you pm will see your pm, or that you will see theirs.

Cyndi has assumed the identity of Famagusta and introduced doubt about the integrity of LF and that lack of integrity will slowly corrode the faith of posters to communicate reliably.

Cyndi has crossed the line.

No one can trust their communications as long as she remains here.
Did anyone ever tell you that you're a paranoid nutcase?

:rofl:   :rofl:   :rofl:  

In memory of Pumpkins

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ArthurTreacher67 » 01 Sep 2021, 11:31 am » wrote: Cyndi can read your private pm's, hijack your account and, as an impostor, post as you

She can block people from making comments in the forums or in pm's.

She can read your communications without your knowledge.

She can prevent you from reading what she wants to conceal from your view.

She can post under your account and pretend to be you without your knowledge or permission.

She has actually hijacked Famagusta's account and is posting as Famagusta.

I assume she has blocked the real Famagusta from posting here at all.

It is like she kidnapped someone and introduced a body double to act as an impostor and no one can even tell that she committed the crime.

Cyndi has undermined the integrity of Liberal Forum's system of communications so that you can't be sure of who you are talking to, or that the person you pm will see your pm, or that you will see theirs.

Cyndi has assumed the identity of Famagusta and introduced doubt about the integrity of LF and that lack of integrity will slowly corrode the faith of posters to communicate reliably.

Cyndi has crossed the line.

No one can trust their communications as long as she remains here.
I think you're onto something.

People should share their experiences and perhaps we can out this miserable troll.
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sooted up Cyndi
18 Sep 2021 1:40 pm
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Water Cooler Poleece
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ha ha ha sok.. pom. Sootie isn't capable of that. I really am flattered you give me that much credit.
Image  makes me look smart.
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sooted up Cyndi
18 Sep 2021 2:36 pm
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Water Cooler Poleece
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ArthurTreacher67 » 18 Sep 2021, 2:30 pm » wrote: The blonde in the photo has a famous husband and daughter.
How many times do I have to tell you... to leave me alone over the years.. if you were happy with what you have.... you would. CLOWN... stop melting down on me. and making a fool of yourself.. please.. your looking like an arss. :rofl:  
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sooted up Cyndi
18 Sep 2021 3:24 pm
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Water Cooler Poleece
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ArthurTreacher67 » 18 Sep 2021, 3:12 pm » wrote: You sweet talked Jantje to tell you how.

Jantje was played like a fiddle so you might pursue the real object(s) of your desire.

If he realized you were using him, do you think he'd have given you the techniques or done your dirty work for you?

Biden doesn't know how to launch a drone missile, but he has people who obey his requests to do what he wants them to do.

Just like you may not know how to hack into forum member's accounts, but you have Jantje obey your requests to do what you want him to do.

Look at the way you two jive talk with each other so no one knows what you are really up to.

You are only fooling yourselves.

And you don't care if Jantje takes the fall for the orders you give him.

And you are of limited comprehension as he is because you really think none of this will affect you and you don't care if it undermines the confidence in the integrity of our pm's, posts and other communications as long as you don't think you will suffer any of the consequences.

That's how criminals think.

You over estimate your charm and cunning. And it will eventually catch up to you, but you don't care.

"So what?"


On that Sammy Kershaw video...Sammy Kershaw - Third Rate Romance (Official Video)

You commented, that the man who got taken was dumb.

And that tells us that you thought the fast, street girl who took advantage of him was smart.

You see nothing wrong with illegal predatory behavior because the guy was dumb and he deserved what he got.

Who would ever want you as a friend?

That's karma.

When you steal someone else's identity in order to experience nice people and share sweet emotions, it's because you know your other side is very ugly and no nice people want anything to do with someone who'd make that kind of observation.

You want to have your cake and eat it, too.

Well, you have come to the point where you must choose to be a player and live with the ugliness that comes with that mindset.

Or you must decide to take a different course, to be a better person, but you will have to accept that the rewards of a real commitment to change for the better won't happen overnight.

You will go years and not see your outer reality change because that's how this stuff works.

You will try to cheat the process but you are only fooling yourself and the people you want to be with and the people you are trying to masquerade as will see right through you.

But you can't go back to the dark side once you commit to being a better person./

You have to sukk it up and take whatever pleasures you can derive from loving the process and getting your rewards from just knowing you are following the right path.

That will be small consolation when you know you could just lie or cheat or steal or pretend and get a short term reward that is much juicier than the dry rewards that come from knowing you are following the right path.

But stick with it and one day you may see how others regard you and then look back on how you used to be and when nice people start to want your company without your trying to play them or deceive them or convince them or con them, you will feel an inner excitement because you will know you have come a long, long way and you will truly be a better person and the tenor and flavor of your life will have changed.

You will no longer have the people in your life that you have now. You will look back at how you've been and wonder why it took you so long to change and you will want to speed up your change, but this stuff takes time.

There are nice things about you but you can't separate the nice things that you do and think and post from the crappy things you have done and have posted until you truly change and I don't know if any of us here will be around you long enough to reap the rewards of your commitment.

But we won't matter in that context. You will be the one who has to live with you and the consequences of what you do.

When you stop doing crappy things the new people you meet will assume you are a nice person.

But once they see you doing crappy things, you will have fallen back to where you are now and you will have to start all over.

That's why I think going to another forum would be the best thing for you. You could start over and people will help you by assuming you are actually nice.

But if you **** in the new forum and se the same results that you see here, you will know you fukked up and you will kick yourself, but that is how this process works.

Accept it. Just do the work and stop doing **** things and eventually you will stop getting **** all over your reputation.

How quickly can you do it?

It's up to you, but it won't happen in a year.

So, do what you want but stop **** on this forum.

No sweetheart.. your melting down again... ha ha ha..He has more charm and kindness in his little pinky then you EVER had...and why is he upsetting you so? your making a fool out of yourself.. seriously dear..did Hat creek trip your trigger? bla bla bla… lol
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3 Dec 2021 8:47 am
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Bitch always claims you're "melting down" when she gets caught.
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Ike Bana
20 Feb 2023 4:30 am
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Oh come on...this joint is conspiracy theory headcase paranoia central.  And anybody who's surprised that the paranoia ends up with nembers being paranoid with each other is a schmuck.

Several of the most **** up headcases in this psych ward have me pegged as using a dozen different aliases...its **** hilarious.

I say, change the name of the forum to paranoiaforum .   Image  
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Ike Bana
20 Feb 2023 4:50 am
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ArthurTreacher67 » 18 Sep 2021, 3:12 pm » wrote:
Biden doesn't know how to launch a drone missile, but he has people who obey his requests to do what he wants them to do.
For real? The orange **** knows only two things...

1. How to call his shyster lawyers and sue the next **** on the list who thought they could make some money doing business with a sociopathic grifter.

2. Inhaling a half dozen Big Macs for lunch.

The work, what little of it that was actually done in the four years of the Trump Criminal Enterprise, was done behind Trump's back, and the smart staffers were the one's who figured out how to avoid being caught at it. Ether that or sucking Trump's little peckerhead on a regular basis, like Hope Hicks.
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sooted up Cyndi
20 Feb 2023 5:50 am
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Water Cooler Poleece
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IkeBana » 20 Feb 2023, 5:30 am » wrote: Oh come on...this joint is conspiracy theory headcase paranoia central.  And anybody who's surprised that the paranoia ends up with nembers being paranoid with each other is a schmuck.

Several of the most **** up headcases in this psych ward have me pegged as using a dozen different aliases...its **** hilarious.

I say, change the name of the forum to paranoiaforum .   Image
LOL. Ike- There recently was a head case on here. Who thought I was Cannon pointer and OMH. and a few others.. Image  The paranoid dude on this thread has been gone a few years now.
But i was quite flattered the guy thought i was that smart. HA!
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20 Feb 2023 6:00 am
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IkeBana » 20 Feb 2023, 5:30 am » wrote: Oh come on...this joint is conspiracy theory headcase paranoia central.  And anybody who's surprised that the paranoia ends up with nembers being paranoid with each other is a schmuck.

Several of the most **** up headcases in this psych ward have me pegged as using a dozen different aliases...its **** hilarious.

I say, change the name of the forum to paranoiaforum .   Image
Hello friend,
Have you considered you responded to a post that is over 15 months old ?
Have you considered retirement?
What you will do with all your "GREENIES"?

We are the new Savings department for this website. Fully block chain compliant, your

Store your GREENIES with us, sit back, and watch your Golden Years.

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20 Feb 2023 6:02 am
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sootedupCyndi » 20 Feb 2023, 6:50 am » wrote: LOL. Ike- There recently was a head case on here. Who thought I was Cannon pointer and OMH. and a few others.. Image  The paranoid dude on this thread has been gone a few years now.
But i was quite flattered the guy thought i was that smart. HA!

Hello friend,
How is your day going?
Are you thinking of taking some time off? Consider investing your GREENIES with us.
We are the new Savings department for this website. Fully block chain compliant, your

Look for us in the Water Cooler!


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sooted up Cyndi
20 Feb 2023 6:05 am
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Water Cooler Poleece
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SOCKSAVINGS » 20 Feb 2023, 7:02 am » wrote: Hello friend,
How is your day going?
Are you thinking of taking some time off? Consider investing your GREENIES with us.
We are the new Savings department for this website. Fully block chain compliant, your

Look for us in the Water Cooler!


It's Presidents day! :die:  
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20 Feb 2023 6:09 am
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Hello friend,
It is not President's day in India. Have you seen our schedule?

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Ike Bana
20 Feb 2023 6:47 am
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SOCKSAVINGS » 20 Feb 2023, 7:00 am » wrote: Hello friend,
Have you considered you responded to a post that is over 15 months old ?

Silly me...when I notice idiocy running rampant in this septic field, I just can't resist publicizing it, regardless of the age of the post.

Perhaps when I see another aging "go suck *** dick" post, according to you I should just ignore it, eh? 

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20 Feb 2023 6:56 am
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IkeBana » 20 Feb 2023, 7:47 am » wrote: Silly me...when I notice idiocy running rampant in this septic field, I just can't resist publicizing it, regardless of the age of the post.

Perhaps when I see another aging "go suck *** dick" post, according to you I should just ignore it, eh? 

Hello Friend,
We are here for Savings and Loan Services.
On the subject of "go suck *** dick" all we can offer is
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17 Feb 2024 4:07 pm
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Jantje_Smit » 02 Sep 2021, 11:18 am » wrote: Did anyone ever tell you that you're a paranoid nutcase?

:rofl:   :rofl:   :rofl:  

Did anyone ever tell you that you're a dick sucking little bitch and your mother's a whore?
He's dead Jim!
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31st Arrival
17 Feb 2024 4:36 pm
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murdock » 17 Feb 2024, 5:07 pm » wrote: Did anyone ever tell you that you're a dick sucking little bitch and your mother's a whore?
you cannot come up with original understanding to your time of origin. I came up with understanding the origin of Intellectual Time Management corrupting every great great grandchild ever born since Actual Time Evolving here now using Intellectual Time Management used against me socially by people demanding I give up being me cradle to grave to save their corrupted interpretations of being alive now.

So keep bringing up dead threads to slander other posters.
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18 Feb 2024 2:21 am
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murdock » 17 Feb 2024, 5:07 pm » wrote: Did anyone ever tell you that you're a dick sucking little bitch and your mother's a whore?
Did anyone ever tell you that you need a new avatar?


In memory of Pumpkins

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18 Feb 2024 4:46 am
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Jantje_Smit » 18 Feb 2024, 3:21 am » wrote: Did anyone ever tell you that you need a new avatar?


**** you, you stupid cock sucker. Die.
He's dead Jim!
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