"They said they were vitamins": Jail inmates unknowingly got ivermectin (msn.com)An Arkansas doctor under investigation for prescribing an anti-parasite drug called ivermectin to jail detainees with COVID-19, even though federal health officials specifically warn against it, has said that those patients took the drug willingly. But several inmates at the Washington County jail say that is not the case — that they were given the pills with no indication of what they really were.CBS News spoke with 29-year-old Edrick Floreal-Wooten over a video call from the jail on Friday. After testing positive for COVID-19 in August, he said he and other inmates went to "pill call" and were given several pills with the explanation that it would help them "get better." He said he and others asked repeatedly what the pills were. "They said they were vitamins, steroids and antibiotics," Floreal-Wooten told CBS News. "We were running fevers, throwing up, diarrhea ... and so we figured that they were here to help us. ... We never knew that they were running experiments on us, giving us ivermectin. We never knew that."Ivermectin is only approved by the Food and Drug Administration for human use to treat parasites, and in some cases, head lice and rosacea. It is not an anti-viral, and the FDA has repeatedly warned against using it to treat or prevent COVID-19. But misinformation promoting the drug on social media has fueled its use. Large doses of the drug can be "dangerous and can cause serious harm," the agency has said. Overdose symptoms may include diarrhea, dizziness and nausea, among other things.
Clearly this is Biden's fault...Vegas » 04 Sep 2021, 11:49 am » wrote: ↑ If this is true, these doctors need to be held accountable to the full extent of the law. Just because they are inmates doesn't mean they aren't human beings. They aren't test subjects like rats. The inmates are claiming they were told they were vitamins and antibiotics. Whereas , the medical staff said they knew what they were taking. Hopefully the investigation will exhume the truth.
"They said they were vitamins": Jail inmates unknowingly got ivermectin (msn.com)
This should be investigated if what they say is true people should go go JAIL over itVegas » 04 Sep 2021, 11:49 am » wrote: ↑ If this is true, these doctors need to be held accountable to the full extent of the law. Just because they are inmates doesn't mean they aren't human beings. They aren't test subjects like rats. The inmates are claiming they were told they were vitamins and antibiotics. Whereas , the medical staff said they knew what they were taking. Hopefully the investigation will exhume the truth.
"They said they were vitamins": Jail inmates unknowingly got ivermectin (msn.com)
solon » 04 Sep 2021, 11:56 am » wrote: ↑ This should be investigated if what they say is true people should go go JAIL over it
I thought you would blame Trump....or me.
Blackvegetable » 04 Sep 2021, 12:21 pm » wrote: ↑ Biden has been breeding Vaccine skepticism and his promotion of quack cures is clearly infecting his cultists..
DeezerShoove » 04 Sep 2021, 4:51 pm » wrote: ↑ Harmless.
The steriods were probably worse, but that was ok?
If it was cocaine nobody would have said a **** thing.
They're being told they're getting proper nutrition too, I'll bet.Vegas » 04 Sep 2021, 8:22 pm » wrote: ↑ They were told they were steroids, and they agreed to them. They knew it ahead of time. However, they were told they were getting one thing, and then they were slipped something else instead.
Are you saying it was OK?DeezerShoove » 04 Sep 2021, 4:51 pm » wrote: ↑ Harmless.
The steriods were probably worse, but that was ok?
If it was cocaine nobody would have said a **** thing.
Did the truth die?Vegas » 04 Sep 2021, 11:49 am » wrote: ↑ If this is true, these doctors need to be held accountable to the full extent of the law. Just because they are inmates doesn't mean they aren't human beings. They aren't test subjects like rats. The inmates are claiming they were told they were vitamins and antibiotics. Whereas , the medical staff said they knew what they were taking. Hopefully the investigation will exhume the truth.
"They said they were vitamins": Jail inmates unknowingly got ivermectin (msn.com)
Until last month there was no officially approved treatment for Rona. Ivermectin has shown mixed results in clinical trials. Personally I don't see value in it but loading up with nutracuticals makes sense.Pengwin » 05 Sep 2021, 3:57 pm » wrote: ↑ One, not approved for Covid-19, two, you have to ask their permission.
It's an anti parasitic. It wouldn't do anything to a virus but could lessen bacterial pneumonia that often kills Rona patients.Pengwin » 05 Sep 2021, 4:06 pm » wrote: ↑ It's a **** horse-dewormer. Why is God's name would you think that would effective on a virus?
You people will believe any **** fed to you as long as it reinforces your paranoia...
*******?? you are the idiot mindlessly parroting the horse dewormer soundbite. "Put water on plants? You mean like from the toilet?" Idiocracy level stupidity is being pushed by the Fauci followers.Pengwin » 05 Sep 2021, 4:11 pm » wrote: ↑ Bacteria and viruses aren't **** PARASITES.
Look it up, *******.
Viruses are small obligate intracellular parasites, which by definition contain either a RNA or DNA genome surrounded by a protective, virus-coded protein coat. Viruses may be viewed as mobile genetic elements, most probably of cellular origin and characterized by a long co-evolution of virus and host.Pengwin » 05 Sep 2021, 4:18 pm » wrote: ↑ What is a parasite?
What is a bacteria?
And what is a virus?
You asked how a broad spectrum anti parasitic, antibiotic would help against a virus. The answer is it won't directly kill the virus but does reduce secondary infections that usually result in death with Rona. Calling it horse dewormer is disingenuous and more than a tad idiotic.Pengwin » 05 Sep 2021, 4:36 pm » wrote: ↑ Now we're getting somewhere. I have a broken foot, I think I'll take a paste for horses for it.
And the vaccines were created so you didn't have to try something that wasn't made specifically to help protect you from the virus, but you dumbasses would rather take advice from Internet quacks who think car keys will stick to your forward if you get the vaccine.
Ivermectin is one of the safest drugs in the history of humanity. It's a known prophylaxis AND TREATMENT against the cov-19 virus.Vegas » 04 Sep 2021, 11:49 am » wrote: ↑ If this is true, these doctors need to be held accountable to the full extent of the law. Just because they are inmates doesn't mean they aren't human beings. They aren't test subjects like rats. The inmates are claiming they were told they were vitamins and antibiotics. Whereas , the medical staff said they knew what they were taking. Hopefully the investigation will exhume the truth.
"They said they were vitamins": Jail inmates unknowingly got ivermectin (msn.com)
solon » 04 Sep 2021, 11:56 am » wrote: ↑ This should be investigated if what they say is true people should go go JAIL over it