Still is great. But in great danger.Rock » 23 Nov 2021, 8:16 pm » wrote: ↑ America was great when bad people weren't released because of guilt feelings from judges. ... ng-a-crime
'Inappropriately low' bail set for Darrell Brooks, man in custody connected to Waukesha parade tragedy
wokeism is like covid-19, comorbidity between styles of corrupting each generation forward since dawn of civilization working within one species globally todate.
No. Can’t say l ever have.omh » 24 Nov 2021, 5:56 am » wrote: ↑ wokeism is like covid-19, comorbidity between styles of corrupting each generation forward since dawn of civilization working within one species globally todate.
Ever wonder why there is such a difference between evolution and religion both saying life cannot be limited to biology eternally separating ancestries here now?
Start understanding how and why every reality has separate missing links to explain the kinetics to mutually evolving here now. It wasn't done by accident or oversight, but intentional from those governing power of suggestion directing ancestors to unite against biological outcomes forward now as going on here last 5 generations still occupying space now within this species the only species doing it last 6,000 years of recorded history at controlling people cradle to grave through hope, faith, charity promises of power, wealth, fame, controlling the misery created by the we justifying themselves as chosen people and anyone defying their mantra is subhuman intellectual, second class citizens, 3rd world savages, sinner, gentiles, infidels and what ever terminology that came from eastern civilizations.
Still none the wiser.omh » 24 Nov 2021, 6:05 am » wrote: ↑ Start understanding how and why every reality has separate missing links to explain the kinetics to mutually evolving here now. It wasn't done by accident or oversight, but intentional from those governing power of suggestion directing ancestors to unite against biological outcomes forward now as going on here last 5 generations still occupying space now within this species the only species doing it last 6,000 years of recorded history at controlling people cradle to grave through hope, faith, charity promises of power, wealth, fame, controlling the misery created by the we justifying themselves as chosen people and anyone defying their mantra is subhuman intellectual, second class citizens, 3rd world savages, sinner, gentiles, infidels and what ever terminology that came from eastern civilizations.
you never discovered why or how to be just you. Always performing to social consensus to fit into mantras working against your specific time mutually evolving here.
Still learning.omh » 24 Nov 2021, 6:34 am » wrote: ↑ you never discovered why or how to be just you. Always performing to social consensus to fit into mantras working against your specific time mutually evolving here.
Your inner feelings is you have nowhere else to go but comply with facts saying real isn't kinetically real amd every reality validates that in social controlled behavior of we say so and let nobody stand against us, they, them, those people or all sides converge on anyone that does.
Psychological implanted feeling of hopelessness, helplessness, uselessness. Then everyone sells a philosophy of better tomorrows by just giving up trying to understand natural timing and obey chronological relative time logistics cradle to grave.
Change your mind and face insubordination, treason, blasphemy from your own side and never trusted by any other to stay a character of your word. <catch22.
what have you been learning since birth? How to deny why you exist in the first place. your parents went through it, your grandparents went through it, most your generations evolved being trained to never accept how biology sustains eternal separation of reproductions native to this atmosphere inception to extinction.
you are a blinded by possibilities type cast individual.
You are blinded by mental illness.
I am all seeing beyond context controlling those rather be anything other than what they remain in plain sight even their use of context in cyberspace arena of ideas..
GHETTOBLASTER » 28 Jul 2022, 2:10 pm » wrote: ↑ America was great back when Ford only made a handful of different keys for their cars. I could take the key to my 64 Ranchero and use it to start a friends 65 T Bird and another friends 1966 F-150.
America was great 1960 you could by a house in North Sand Diego County with a view of the ocean for about the same money that a draftsman, or a school teacher made in 1 year.
Jimmy Carter 12 years before Clinton, LBJ a decade before Carter, Kennedy was a thugocracy nut same as Bill Clinton fooling in his footsteps as a womanizing president in office.DeplorablePatriot » 28 Jul 2022, 3:57 pm » wrote: ↑ America was great when I could cut a tree down in my own yard and not be the source of liberal ridicule for doing so.
America was great when cops could shoot a fleeing felon.
America was great when we didn't have social media.
America was great when the news was the news.
America was great when we had JFK democrats before turning into radical leftists.
America was great when the 1st amendment was followed before it was violated by creating "hate speech" crimes.
America was great when citizens, for the most part, respected law and order instead of championing chaos and crime.
America was great when drug addicts weren't given more attention than school children.
America was great before forced "diversity."
America was great when people didn't think it was necessary to publicize their sexuality in infantile ways and push it upon others.
America was GREATER before Bill Clinton.
The list is almost endless.