Follow-on training for peehead:peepee » 29 Jul 2022, 2:03 pm » wrote: ↑
...'legitimate authority' and 'legitimate government' amount to the same thing, you stoooopid puppet trump c@cksucker [and monetary ignoramus]![]()
...if you don't think so, explain the difference, trumptard...![]()
[watch this f@cking idiot squirm]
I enjoyed Florence King's take on that old saying.SJConspirator » 23 Nov 2021, 7:21 pm » wrote: ↑ Wow, the answer to that question is legion, and could fill the Library of Alexandria with examples. How much time you got?
For one, feminism sells women the notion that sexual freedom is better than being tied in commitment to a single man, which is deemed patriarchy. It promotes freedom, independence, and like it or not, promiscuity. These ideas, once rooted in the female psyche, do not bode well for the family unit - the most basic building block of society.
The family unit is a prerequisite for the functioning of more complex social order. One cannot have committees, courts, institutions, panels, religions or even nations without first establishing family. As the individual bonds with the family, the family bonds with the civilization it inhabits. But individuals deprived the bonds of family by outcome of immutable social factors are often at odds with civilization.
Such individuals give up on community, opting for a more parasitic survival strategy. They are the shameless narcissists, the angry barbarians and each and every shade of dysfunction there between. Scarcely do such people care for civilization. And how can we expect them to care for something as grand and abstract as civilization when such individuals were never fully subject to the bonds of family? How does one come to love something as grand as nation when they had not even the love of kin?
Familial estrangement manufactures apathy. This is how promiscuity and divorce undermine social progress, and in turn, civilizational progress. The effects of such action cause pain, which in turn, promotes excessive individualism and a disdain for collectivism. And so the cosmic recurrence that is a need for balance is tipped too far in one direction. That is, an obsession with the self (individualism, narcissism) and a disregard for the whole (collectivism, abstraction.)
In truth, if all enjoyed the near absolute freedom of the few, social order would break down. Civilization would be but a shadow of its former self. And then those left would quickly call for order and more conservative social mores. Indeed, boom and bust, rise and decline, the attitudes and social mores of a civilization’s people appears quite cyclical. It appears that with prosperity, comes the rise of the feminine. Like children with access to the cookie jar, this leads to excessive freedom, which in turn leads to destruction and general apathy.
Then when collapse comes, the masculine takes over – leading to order, conservatism, creation and empathy.
To enjoy the furnishings of higher civilization, we are required to, for better or worse, forgo some of our more primitive aspects. Unfettered hedonism is just one of these aspects, although it is popular to think this is a piece of the proverbial cake that can be eaten and enjoyed without consequence.
Russia managed to end the situation of satanic atheist socialism and begin a constitutional Republic form of government and USA would need to somehow accomplish similar steps ending public private partnership deals that amount to a strange feudal subsidies monarchy.SJConspirator » 23 Nov 2021, 9:59 am » wrote: ↑ The MAGA crowd never did answer this question. If Make America Great Again is a campaign slogan, it begs the question, WHEN was America great?
I say we had 3 decades of greatness, roughly 1950 to 1980. That was when America had great standing on the world stage, everybody wanted to come here, and opportunities were amazing for even average folk. A family could be raised on one income, all indicators of quality of life were on the rise. Of course, the caveat to all this is it was true if you are white.
After about 1980, the middle class began to evaporate. Homelessness, poverty, sickness, drug addiction, all began to skyrocket.
Anyway that’s my take. I would like to know how some others would answer the question… when was America great? And how in the world could we ever return to greatness?
SJConspirator » 29 Jul 2022, 2:08 pm » wrote: ↑ We have been watching you squirm for quite awhile, sadly's alright... i forgive you... and thank you for your readership...DeplorablePatriot » 29 Jul 2022, 10:55 pm » wrote: ↑ I'm a stooooooooooooopid, butt-hurt, puppet Trump cacksucker [and monetary ignoramus] who doesn't understand that 'legitimate government' and 'legitimate authority' are synonymous in the context peepee used.
peepee » 30 Jul 2022, 8:11 am » wrote: ↑'s alright... i forgive you... and thank you for your readership...
DeplorablePatriot » 30 Jul 2022, 11:06 am » wrote: ↑ I could be replaced by a parrot trained to suck puppet Trump's cack.
The answer is yesterday, it's always yesterday when something was great regardless of the context .SJConspirator » 23 Nov 2021, 9:59 am » wrote: ↑ The MAGA crowd never did answer this question. If Make America Great Again is a campaign slogan, it begs the question, WHEN was America great?
I say we had 3 decades of greatness, roughly 1950 to 1980. That was when America had great standing on the world stage, everybody wanted to come here, and opportunities were amazing for even average folk. A family could be raised on one income, all indicators of quality of life were on the rise. Of course, the caveat to all this is it was true if you are white.
After about 1980, the middle class began to evaporate. Homelessness, poverty, sickness, drug addiction, all began to skyrocket.
Anyway that’s my take. I would like to know how some others would answer the question… when was America great? And how in the world could we ever return to greatness?
Hank » 30 Jul 2022, 11:51 am » wrote: ↑ The answer is yesterday, it's always yesterday when something was great regardless of the context .
peepee » 30 Jul 2022, 12:02 pm » wrote: ↑![]()
...that is obvious...but that won't stop the endless worthless lame blather from the puppet trump c@cksucker [and monetary ignoramus] crowd... word...
DeplorablePatriot » 30 Jul 2022, 12:12 pm » wrote: ↑ Not true. Millions knew that the next day under Trump would be a better day and a better country.
peepee » 30 Jul 2022, 12:19 pm » wrote: ↑![]()
![]() i take it you know puppet trump personally? ..or are you just assuming what puppet tucker, puppet sean, etc. puppet$ galore, tellyou is true? you know puppet tucker and puppet sean personally too?
...naive. brain-laundered. fool. [and monetary ignoramus]
DeplorablePatriot » 30 Jul 2022, 2:55 pm » wrote: ↑ Do you know Brandon personally? Is that why you voted for him, peewee?
I hate when puppets try to talk smack.peepee » 30 Jul 2022, 11:18 am » wrote: ↑![]()
...a great majority of 'murcans don't like puppet Trump or you puppet Trump cacksuckers... time for (((((YOU)))) to move to ?the netherlands where fellow Trump cacksucker, jaunty schitts, is trying to organize a global movement: "PUPPET TRUMP CACKSUCKERS [and monetary ignoramuses] OF THE WORLD UNITE!!"
...your orange puppet trump cack