you claim to not intellectual know, but you instinctive navigate space limited to adapting in the moment, in your own unique skin. Don't try and have me believe you never noticed your body never duplicated total sum of events you became exactly here behaving as you did and do not matching everythingDeplorablePatriot » 23 Nov 2021, 7:42 pm » wrote: ↑ I accept everything but disagree with much of it. Or profess to simply not know. I will neither accept or ignore the unknown. Just ponder it.
Vegasgiants » 23 Nov 2021, 7:43 pm » wrote: ↑ Inevitably when people talk about going back in time to when America was great they refer to a time when it was only great for white, Male Christian straight people
****DeplorablePatriot » 23 Nov 2021, 7:55 pm » wrote: ↑ *******. Evidently you weren't around when whites, male and female, didn't embalm themselves with political distractions which polarized races. At least in my youth. We had nothing but praise for our black, law-abiding neighbors. We didn't see color, we saw character. We reveled in dance, music, and love of life right beside them. Teachers, cops, classmates. Law-abiding blacks have given us some of our greatest talents as well, bringing light where there could be hate.
Get off your stupid horse. Your leaders and ilk lit that fire of hate, and you continue to stoke it. You relish that.
So **** off.
omh » 23 Nov 2021, 7:51 pm » wrote: ↑ you claim to not intellectual know, but you instinctive navigate space limited to adapting in the moment, in your own unique skin. Don't try and have me believe you never noticed your body never duplicated total sum of events you became exactly here behaving as you did and do not matching everything
defined in chronological order of history.
You know damned well theories and theologies are excuses rationalized into social truths to stay in social identity cradle to grave then set into law where anyone discussing kinetic genetics is facing insubordination, treason, blasphemy from their own social network of like minded people.
Showing that IQ poll again, I see. I'll give you some slack because of that missing chromosome.Vegasgiants » 23 Nov 2021, 8:01 pm » wrote: ↑ ****
**** off white supremacist
In my opinion and for the biggest gains in my life and pride in my country, 1981-1988.SJConspirator » 23 Nov 2021, 7:24 pm » wrote: ↑ Okay, so when was America great, outside of Carter's time? Not YOU being great, but AMERICA as a whole
Where's my sandwich bitch?DeplorablePatriot » 23 Nov 2021, 8:04 pm » wrote: ↑ Showing that IQ poll again, I see. I'll give you some slack because of that missing chromosome.
Syllogistic question, trying to fool my brain. Intellect is reciting what a body learned to communicate after birth relative to social narratives exposed too while transforming from infant to adult. Sure you know the event horizons shared by each addition to the species been through them yourself.DeplorablePatriot » 23 Nov 2021, 8:02 pm » wrote: ↑ Is there anything which you don't intellectually know? "Intellectually know" seems rather redundant. Knowing requires some level of intellect, however minimal. Using the word "know" suffices by standing alone. Why use superfluous verbiage?
omh » 23 Nov 2021, 8:08 pm » wrote: ↑ Syllogistic question, trying to fool my brain. Intellect is reciting what a body learned to communicate after birth relative to social narratives exposed too while transforming from infant to adult. Sure you know the event horizons shared by each addition to the species been through them yourself.
knowing what to believe isn't as accurate as understanding your position mutually evolving here now.
I understand the use of plausible deniability when caught in the act. You know your reality would implode if you admitted I was completely accurate on the kinetic of genetics aspect of life in plain sight..DeplorablePatriot » 23 Nov 2021, 8:13 pm » wrote: ↑ I'm not trying to fool anyone's brain.
You wrote that there are things I don't intellectually know.
My question stands.
According to your definition of the term, is there anything you don't "intellectually know"?
omh » 23 Nov 2021, 8:16 pm » wrote: ↑ I understand the use of plausible deniability when caught in the act.
simply won't change your mind and keep repeating ancestral errors forward expecting better days ahead hoping now isn't eternity..DeplorablePatriot » 23 Nov 2021, 8:17 pm » wrote: ↑ I like sharing cyberstuff with omh. Is there something wrong with me? Should I seek therapy?
that wouldn't work either.DeplorablePatriot » 23 Nov 2021, 8:19 pm » wrote: ↑ You didn't get caught, you sly devil. I need to place a drop of omh pheromone on the trap. Does Amazon carry it?
Jeffery? I thought you were dead?