Well like your sister... you have to know when to walk away sometimes.. you know. I walked away from a house recently. Smartest thing I ever did. Was thinking of manning a battle.. but glad I didn'tomh » 04 Dec 2021, 12:55 pm » wrote: ↑ My mom's side of the family had her two sisters married to deans at a university and the other a lawyer. Two of My cousins married into big money families. One of which was in the national news around the death of their in-laws. the Dean had one of his adopted children become a fire bug that eventually getting himself killed playing with fire.
I have a sister that was in headlines for over 6 months. I told her she couldn't win and her faith in Jesus wouldn't save her and she got so mad at me I walked away never looked back.
Most people say I don't have a soul, but I am a sole replacement watching eternity get ignored by everyone else within my species. You cannot imagine the pain I feel being instinctively linked to everyone wishing life wasn't what it became.
time is stationary, your genetic occupation of the moment is as they say temporary conceived to decomposed never same total sum twice. ideology isn't everything..sooted up Cyndi » 04 Dec 2021, 1:14 pm » wrote: ↑ Well like your sister... you have to know when to walk away sometimes.. you know. I walked away from a house recently. Smartest thing I ever did. Was thinking of manning a battle.. but glad I didn't :)
Well thank you dennis. You made me laugh.
who you posting too mike-ee?????looks blank to me..
sootedupCyndi » 11 Dec 2021, 4:20 pm » wrote: ↑ who you posting too mike-ee?????looks blank to me..
your frothing at the mouth again... you need your meds.. hurry
Sez the lying whore.sootedupCyndi » 11 Dec 2021, 4:53 pm » wrote: ↑says the loser who has nothing to do but repeat a nothing... post... gods you are pathetic...
parrot.. parrot.. got nothing but that...
Sez the lying whore.
parrot parrot.. who's the *** you were talking too? just askin. I dont see anyone... or a ***.
Sez the lying whore.sootedupCyndi » 11 Dec 2021, 5:14 pm » wrote: ↑ parrot parrot.. who's the *** you were talking too? just askin. I dont see anyone... or a ***.
Go here. You can do this all day.danielpalos » 12 Dec 2021, 8:04 am » wrote: ↑ I would rather see nude women than read your non-graphic "pornography".
danielpalos » 12 Dec 2021, 8:04 am » wrote: ↑ I would rather see nude women than read your non-graphic "pornography".