Yeah, I'm still giving vegas giants a week, and I'm still saying that y'all have less patience over there with fools like him.rippy3838 » 05 Dec 2021, 11:42 am » wrote: ↑ Actually, there are only a scant few on the "do not recessitate" list now. Everyone else is free and clear.
Kfu took his hands off of the day to day a while back, and just about everyone that was axed in the "purge" has been reinstated now.
I can certainly understand that a certain level of animosity still exists from certain members over the bloodbath though, and probably always will.
It is what it is.
Just for clarity, my thesis was that kfu bans a lot of people - and it ain't all just about you.omh » 05 Dec 2021, 10:59 am » wrote: ↑ eternally included conceived to decomposed linked to numbers occupying space here, I have two children governed by denial I just became a grandpa. It is about them and recycled denying gone on for 350 generations to date, minimum.
Bigger picture without exceptions because mob rule believes reality is better than eternity separating ancestors here now. Who is the fool among the fooled.
Now on top of myself, I had two siblings living until over a year ago my oldest died leaving great great grandchild occupying space another generation after my grandsh=on arrived
See why I harp on spontaneously evolving instead of standardized timeline logistics and ancestral positions not rank within social order statuses. My thought processing includes everyone and everything always becoming a new total sum now.
the kinetic whole universe is total sum of its evolving parts here so far. Your method of navigating time is predetermined since dawn of civilization.
As I put it compounding ancestral human error in plain sight.
Let me repeat, what I defend in real time is everyone been taken advantage of cradle to grave historically as ancestrally positioned since inception of homo sapien compounding DNA results continue serving humanities ignoring natural time occupying space here.Cannonpointer » 05 Dec 2021, 1:10 pm » wrote: ↑ Just for clarity, my thesis was that kfu bans a lot of people - and it ain't all just about you.
Now, did you agree, or disagree, with that thesis?
Yup. They way those two ooze estrogen gets on my nerves.
Just for clarity, my thesis was that kfu bans a lot of people - and it ain't all just about you.omh » 05 Dec 2021, 1:14 pm » wrote: ↑ Let me repeat, what I defend in real time is everyone been taken advantage of cradle to grave historically as ancestrally positioned since inception of homo sapien compounding DNA results continue serving humanities ignoring natural time occupying space here.
Stand against corruption of actual life one doesn't win allies when everyone defends ideology first breath to last exhale. I thank human technology for this system of contacting others brain to brain without ever being geographically face to face.
yep and he's very Bitah.Cannonpointer » 05 Dec 2021, 1:15 pm » wrote: ↑ Yup. They way those two ooze estrogen gets on my nerves.
I gave both of those *** enough rope to hang a whole tribe of savages - and finally hit my point with 'em.
your incomplete suggestion wants me to give up completely understanding everything you insist all people ignore for tomorrow's sake. Your thesis is not accurate but the second I agree to its incompleteness I become typecast again.Cannonpointer » 05 Dec 2021, 1:16 pm » wrote: ↑ Just for clarity, my thesis was that kfu bans a lot of people - and it ain't all just about you.
Now, did you agree, or disagree, with that thesis?
I'll hide and watch. I have to admit, ricki's survival surprised me.rippy3838 » 05 Dec 2021, 1:45 pm » wrote: ↑ I don't know... we set a pretty low bar over there.
SupraDOOF and Benson are still "members in good standing" so...
rippy3838 » 05 Dec 2021, 1:45 pm » wrote: ↑ I don't know... we set a pretty low bar over there.
SupraDOOF and Benson are still "members in good standing" so...
@kfools does nothing but cash in.Cannonpointer » 05 Dec 2021, 1:16 pm » wrote: ↑ Just for clarity, my thesis was that kfu bans a lot of people - a
I think a little piece of him broke when I cornered him in front of his own daughter and made him admit that dicks do not belong in her shower.rippy3838 » 05 Dec 2021, 2:04 pm » wrote: ↑ The mongoose is still in good standing, although he doesn't visit as often as he once did.
He still pops in on his Friday night bender from time to time though.
I will plug him.. I admire he never backs down..we see him on the other forum..rippy3838 » 05 Dec 2021, 2:04 pm » wrote: ↑ The mongoose is still in good standing, although he doesn't visit as often as he once did.
He still pops in on his Friday night bender from time to time though.
Lacking the dignity to abandon a defeated position is not praiseworthy. Being man enough to admit you were wrong is praiseworthy.sootedupCyndi » 05 Dec 2021, 2:07 pm » wrote: ↑ I will plug him.. I admire he never backs down..we see him on the other forum..
sootedupCyndi » 05 Dec 2021, 2:07 pm » wrote: ↑ I will plug him.. I admire he never backs down..we see him on the other forum..
I would bring a picture of a gnat around a horse's eyes or nostrils. Horse just has to tolerate the little neusaunse.sooted up Cyndi » 05 Dec 2021, 2:12 pm » wrote: ↑ I always think of ricky when I see this..
please do?omh » 05 Dec 2021, 2:15 pm » wrote: ↑ I would bring a picture of a gnat around a horse's eyes or nostrils. Horse just has to tolerate the little neusaunse.
I did, everyone can imagine it.
^^^^^^^^rippy3838 » 05 Dec 2021, 2:01 pm » wrote: ↑
Right before the Thanksgiving crash, we were holding 25-30 during the day on weekdays.