LAGNIAPPE: The Shower Cap Blog

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By B.See
5 Jan 2022 7:34 am in Liberals Only Political Chat Room
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20 Aug 2022 7:38 am
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Crudités And Terrorism: Portrait of a Party Gone Mad - Shower Cap Blog

excerpt part one:

Forgive me, I’m a little grumpy tonight, I’m all but completely incapacitated by the hangover I don’t have from celebrating the political demise of the Cheney family. My head should be throbbing right now. My blood type should be Kölsch. But noooooooo, Wyoming voters didn’t reject Liz Cheney by a 40-point margin over her plutocrat economics or her daddy’s war crimes, but because she defended democracy, and in doing so blasphemed against their festering **** god.

Once again, ascendant American fascism is the turd in our punchbowl. 

Because the rapidly congealing consensus is that the Marm-a-Lago raid is a political positive for Off-Brand Orbán, tightening his tiny-fisted grip on the rage-warped idiot death cult known as the GOP.

I guess they’re looking to beef up that otherwise nonexistent platform with populist policy proposals like This One Game Show Host Should Be Allowed to Commit Any Crime He Likes, Up To And Including Theft of Nuclear Secrets.

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20 Aug 2022 7:40 am
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continued from above excerpt part two:

Cult45 is actually showering the crooked bastard with donations right now, (which is rude, frankly; everyone knows he prefers hooker piss) while somehow making time in an already jam-packed death threat-sending schedule (more on that in a minute) for the FBI.

In short, what’s left of MAGA nation following natural selection’s recent team-up with ivermectin is dumber, angrier, and crazier than ever.

Just how freaky? Well, former CIA Director Michael Hayden approvingly shared a tweet from columnist Edward Luce, reading “I’ve covered extremism and violent ideologies around the world over my career. Have never come across a political force more nihilistic, dangerous & contemptible than today’s Republicans. Nothing close.”

It’s hard to disagree.

And you have to figure, in Hayden’s line of work, one encounters a fair amount of nihilistic/dangerous/contemptible types.

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20 Aug 2022 7:44 am
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Child Groomer, Sexual Predator
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continued excerpts part three:

But let’s focus on “dangerous” for a minute. You’ve probably noticed a bumper crop of columns n’ think pieces lately, on America’s growing right-wing political violence problem, many of which take on the “welp, guess this is life now” tone that surfaces in history’s healthiest democracies.

‘Course, if you asked the agitators down in Trumpworld, they’d tell you the trouble is there’s not enough violence.

They’re threatening to reveal the identities of the FBI agents dispatched to reclaim the government’s stolen property, while demanding the unmasking of the witnesses who provided DoJ with the evidence necessary to procure the warrant,

because there’s a whole legion of Ricky Shiffers waiting in the wings, hoping to become America’s Next “Lone Wolf” Terrorist.

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20 Aug 2022 7:47 am
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continued excerpts part four:

But I’m sure the vanquished Velveeta Vulgarian’s offers to “reduce the heat” are sincere. As sincere as his wedding vows.

Certainly nobody else in the GOP got the memo. (Perhaps the FBI seized it?)

New York congressional candidate Carl Paladino wants to execute Merrick Garland,

while Mark Finchem, the party’s nominee for Arizona Secretary of State, and card-carrying Oath Keeper, kept a “treason watch list” on Pinterest, which really oughta be the very first thing that pops up when you google “the banality of evil.”

Anyway, until they get their marching orders from the Emperor of Hemorrhoids and Crotchrot, th’base will just have to content themselves with terrorizing the staff at Boston Children’s Hospital, the latest target of stochastic terror influencer Chaya Raichik, via her vile “LibsofTikTok” Twitter account.

Everybody’s gettin’ their reps in, see.


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20 Aug 2022 8:59 am
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Jantje_Smit » 06 Aug 2022, 5:08 am » wrote: You won't... and you know why... TROLL... you really need to go back to your safe space...



B.See is part of a herd of cattle.  He ignores the lies in the MSM because they support his Communist views.
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20 Aug 2022 9:36 am
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roadkill » 20 Aug 2022, 8:59 am » wrote: B.See is part of a herd of cattle.  He ignores the lies in the MSM because they support his Communist views.

uhh...right... herd cattle... msm... commie views.... says the maga cultist who believes "the election was stolen."
:LOL:   :LOL:   :LOL:   :LOL:   :LOL:   :LOL:   :LOL:   :LOL:  
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20 Aug 2022 10:12 am
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B.See » 20 Aug 2022, 9:36 am » wrote: uhh...right... herd cattle... msm... commie views.... says the maga cultist who believes "the election was stolen."
Image   Image   Image   Image   Image   Image   Image   Image

Yer worthless B.See.
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28 Aug 2022 2:00 am
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Working thru my latest batch of articles. Not a hundred or so this time... maybe about fifty. That's because MAGATS have been oddly quiet on the news front since they've put Trump's **** in the wind. So for now, the latest from the SHOWER CAP BLOG.

Liars, Lawyers, Laura Loomer, and…Listeria? - Shower Cap Blog

excerpts part one:

How does it keep getting dumber and dumber every single week? Mathematically speaking, it shouldn’t be possible to get too terrifically much dumber than bragging about passing a cognitive test, or telling folks to inject disinfectant, but damned if we don’t just keep on spiraling downward. There has to be a bottom at some point…right?

(wrong Cap... there's NO LOW TOO LOW for these mfkrs.)

Well, Merrick Garland’s nefarious persecution of a private citizen who only wanted to steal six or seven hundred pages of classified documents from the United States government continues apace, and I don’t even recognize my country anymore. Can somebody PLEASE explain to me, what’s the point of America’s vast intelligence apparatus, if not to enrich a single felonious game show host?
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28 Aug 2022 2:01 am
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Child Groomer, Sexual Predator
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Liars, Lawyers, Laura Loomer, and…Listeria? - Shower Cap Blog

excerpts part two:

Thanks to the court-ordered release of the redacted affidavit used for the Marm-a-Lago raid, we learned a fair amount about what the shifty **** stole: “184 unique documents bearing classification markings, including 67 documents marked as CONFIDENTIAL, 92 documents marked as SECRET, and 25 documents marked as TOP SECRET,”

plus the Macho Man Randy Savage bobblehead Peter Strzok kept at his desk, and while it’s perhaps premature to jump to conclusions regarding the identity of the break room Lean Cuisine thief, let me just say I have suspicions.

Oh, and word is, Lil’ Donnie Dotard wants his bottom-of-the-barrel, strip-mall “lawyers” to get “his” docs back from th’feds. All of ‘em, apparently, including the (checks notes) nuclear state secrets.

Considering the difficulties these Lionel Hutz wannabes are having with the more rudimentary aspects of their job, I’d scale back my expectations, bro. Maybe see if they can successfully deliver breakfast in bed without pouring Diet Pepsi on your Froot Loops before you go gettin’ greedy.

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28 Aug 2022 2:58 am
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B.See » 28 Aug 2022, 2:00 am » wrote: Working thru my latest batch of articles. Not a hundred or so this time... maybe about fifty... 
It's amazing how you can type something like that and claim you're not a trolll at the same time....

I know you're a busy troll but it's sunday night, you should take a break and get some rest... and seek professional help...


In memory of Pumpkins

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29 Aug 2022 3:43 am
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Jantje_Smit » 28 Aug 2022, 2:58 am » wrote: It's amazing how you can type something like that and claim you're not a trolll at the same time....

I know you're a busy troll but it's sunday night, you should take a break and get some rest... and seek professional help...

Typcal of MOST ****, bizarro world "alternate reality" MAGATS, you have it all ARSE-BACKWARDS.

People who post multiple topic posts backed up with relevant news articles and op-eds and commentary aren't "trolls" asshole.

People like YOU who patrol these threads lobbing drive-by **** posts, personal attacks, and NOTHING having to do with the TOPIC are the TROLLS. Which is PRECISELY why you and others like you aren't allowed to INFECT and DERAIL p.g. threads with your USUAL nonsense.
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29 Aug 2022 3:48 am
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Liars, Lawyers, Laura Loomer, and…Listeria? - Shower Cap Blog

excerpts part three:

A recount of the recent abortion vote in Kansas confirmed the Republican base is comprised of credulous buffoons, willing to piss away enormous sums of money on doomed efforts to prove Alex Jones’ Second Theory of Objective Reality, (“nothing I don’t want to believe is true can possibly be true, provided I stamp my feet hard enough”)

in addition to the indisputable, inescapable fact that they got their theocrat asses handed to them in this referendum. Have fun this coming November, dirtbags.

In Georgia, Herschel Walker made a big play for the notoriously swingy People Who Despise Trees vote, compounding Senator Warnock’s problems with an electorate that has long perceived him as a puppet of Big Arboretum.

continued below:
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29 Aug 2022 3:49 am
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excerpts part four:

As this cycle’s mouthbreathingest incumbent, Wisconsin’s Ron Johnson must be feeling intense pressure to keep up with all these brash, upstart morons, which may explain why he publicly confessed to joining the criminal conspiracy to overthrow the United States government, but only for, like, a little while.

I guess somebody finally told Blake Masters that Arizona’s birthing vessels, excuse me, Arizona’s “women” are still allowed to vote, (for now) so he made some hasty edits to his campaign website, erasing draconian abortion positions, no doubt imagining voters will ignore his well-documented extremism if he simply dons a sufficiently jaunty hat.

And while Arizona gubernatorial candidate Kari Lake “tries to run from (her) antisemitic ties,” Ron DeSantis sprints in the other direction, campaigning alongside Gab-wallowing white nationalist **** Doug Mastriano in Pennsylvania.

Meanwhile, the Lügenpresse won’t tell you about the equivalent bigotry on the Left, probably because it stubbornly refuses to exist.

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29 Aug 2022 8:37 am
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B.See » 29 Aug 2022, 3:43 am » wrote: Typcal of MOST ****, bizarro world "alternate reality" MAGATS, you have it all ARSE-BACKWARDS.

People who post multiple topic posts backed up with relevant news articles and op-eds and commentary aren't "trolls" asshole.
But you don't do topic posts, you do a few hundred copy/paste TDS links without any thoughts of your own... that makes you a troll in my book...
While I'm still parsing through the 230 newer articles I'll be posting over the next several days...
People like YOU who patrol these threads lobbing drive-by **** posts, personal attacks, and NOTHING having to do with the TOPIC are the TROLLS. Which is PRECISELY why you and others like you aren't allowed to INFECT and DERAIL p.g. threads with your USUAL nonsense.
lol... if it wasn't for me and few others doing drive by postings you would be the only one in this thread... it's quite obvious that no one gives a **** about your spam... if you don't want to be treated as a troll you shouldn't act like one...


In memory of Pumpkins

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29 Aug 2022 8:41 pm
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Jantje_Smit » 29 Aug 2022, 8:37 am » wrote: But you don't do topic posts, you do a few hundred copy/paste TDS links without any thoughts of your own... that makes you a troll in my book...


lol... if it wasn't for me and few others doing drive by postings you would be the only one in this thread... it's quite obvious that no one gives a **** about your spam... if you don't want to be treated as a troll you shouldn't act like one...
Only, apparently YOU care... TROLL.

The threads are the topics, TROLL. The links support the topics, TROLL, I do make commentary in ALL of them, TROLL, none of which YOU apparently haven't bothered to read because you were too busy TROLLING all of my threads and writing **** like "nobody cares."

Which is why it was a mistake giving you even ONE chance to post in my pg threads... TROLL.

Now go **** off like a good little Image
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sooted up Cyndi
29 Aug 2022 8:49 pm
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Water Cooler Poleece
Water Cooler Poleece
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B.See » 29 Aug 2022, 8:41 pm » wrote: Only, apparently YOU care... TROLL.

The threads are the topics, TROLL. The links support the topics, TROLL, I do make commentary in ALL of them, TROLL, none of which YOU apparently haven't bothered to read because you were too busy TROLLING all of my threads and writing **** like "nobody cares."

Which is why it was a mistake giving you even ONE chance to post in my pg threads... TROLL.

Now go **** off like a good little Image
You work way to hard for nothing.
No one reads them.  As if you're gonna change anyone's mind here. coo coo. :)  
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29 Aug 2022 8:52 pm
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sootedupCyndi » 29 Aug 2022, 8:49 pm » wrote: You work way to hard for nothing.
No one reads them.  As if you're gonna change anyone's mind here. coo coo. Image
I don't expect to change any MAGAT'S  mind, coo coo. Because they are FAR TOO GONE for that. As I've said NUMEROUS times before, these posts aren't for them.

They are for the REST OF US... the ones who HAVEN'T fallen under the spell of their anti-Christ and his hell spawn.
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sooted up Cyndi
29 Aug 2022 8:53 pm
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Water Cooler Poleece
Water Cooler Poleece
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B.See » 29 Aug 2022, 8:52 pm » wrote: I don't expect to change any MAGAT'S  mind, coo coo. Because they are FAR TOO GONE for that. As I've said NUMEROUS times before, these posts aren't for them.
Who are they for then?  :lol:  just askin.
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29 Aug 2022 9:25 pm
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sootedupCyndi » 29 Aug 2022, 8:53 pm » wrote: Who are they for then?  Image  just askin.
already answered above... but mebbe we see come November who they are for....
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29 Aug 2022 9:36 pm
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Cucurbitophobia » 29 Aug 2022, 9:33 pm » wrote: ....THE STRUGGLE FOR CIVIL RIGHTS ON MANY FRONTS IS FAR FROM OVER. IN FACT IT'S ONLY JUST BEGUN.[/s]

More proof of what happens when vermin and scum are allowed to INFECT a thread.
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