LAGNIAPPE: The Shower Cap Blog

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By B.See
5 Jan 2022 7:34 am in Liberals Only Political Chat Room
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B.See » 05 Jan 2022, 8:50 am » wrote: I'm getting nervous being outside of my safe space pg.
Maybe a lullaby will make you feel safer...      Image
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3 Dec 2022 3:28 am
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Kanye. Elon. Trump. Gosh, Where Did It All Go Wrong? - showercapblog (dottcom)


I hope that like me, you’re still enjoying the hey-that-wasn’t-so-badness of the recent midterms, though of course there’s ample **** to discuss tonight. On the Right, it is a time of reflection. Or it would be, if anybody’s brain still worked over there.

Watching the chum from the red wave that wasn’t settle at the bottom of the tank, you cannot but be awed by the pure, incandescent unteachability of these people.

And certainly, the intersection of fascism and failure is not one where top drawer talent tends to congregate, but the future of the GOP looks…hoo. Bit grim.

After failing damn near every test of basic human decency for years, expectations of political courage from the Republican Party are appropriately low, but I feel like the Ye/Fuentes dinner was like the teacher taking pity on the paste-eating kid and giving him a sticker for spelling his name right.

So, the former Kanye West’s public breakdown slash Neo-Nazi media tour swung by Mar-a-Lago for a dinner party, with prominent anti-Semite Nick Fuentes in tow. That’s an easy one, fellas.

Do you realize how **** up it is, how warped your party has become, that any of you did anything except condemn it, at the top of your lungs, at the earliest opportunity?

Especially here, in the immediate aftermath of the third consecutive election this idiot game show host’s fashy shenanigans cost you. Cognitive test-passing abilities notwithstanding, he’s not exactly a hot pro
spect with a bright future, y’know? Can y’all just take the goddamn off-ramp, pick up a **** bucket, and join the rest of us in fighting the fire y’all started? Please?

No, somehow it took still more vileness from Ye, a stream of babbling bigotry that shocked even Alex Jones, to make the House GOP recant their allegiance to America’s most famous Jew-hater, so that’s another Tootsie Pop we finally got to the center of. Congratulations on barely beating out Parler, by the way.

That’s about where the Republican Party lives these days, just outside Parler, and I don’t think you should need an autopsy report from Blake Masters (though he keeps a couple under his mattress) to figure out how America got so sick of your ****.

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3 Dec 2022 9:15 am
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you cannot but be awed by the pure, incandescent unteachability of these people.

that line is so money, it's @Vegas  
3 Dec 2022 11:12 am
Giant Slayer
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Blackvegetable » 03 Dec 2022, 10:15 am » wrote: you cannot but be awed by the pure, incandescent unteachability of these people.

that line is so money, it's @Vegas

Speaking of you being unteachable...what's survivorship bias? 

Hell, you don't even know what bias meas. 
Retarded Horse's view on women.

JohnEdgarSlowHorses » Today, 7:28 pm » wrote: ↑Today, 7:28 pm
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10 Dec 2022 6:16 am
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I've been sitting on a whole batch of articles for days now because, hey, it's Christmas, friends, family, shopping, decorations - what can I say? But I'll be posting those still relevant a bit later on.

For now though, the newest edition of The Shower Cap Blog

It Was a Lovely Constitution. A Shame We Had to Terminate It.

I’m starting to understand why Republicans’re demanding so many investigations into Hunter Biden, since they seem to believe his dong is powerful enough to make millions of voters ignore a mismanaged pandemic and a crashed economy, and re-elect the blithering jackass responsible for both...

It would be really cool if anyone involved in inventing or disseminating breathtakingly dumb narrative cared that they were so completely incorrect about the First Amendment, or “shadow banning,” or the mystical election-granting powers of Hunter Biden’s laptop, but I suppose that would require any number of qualities that’ve fallen out of fashion on the Right: thoughtfulness, humility, decency…I shouldn’t’ve even brought it up.

Anyway, [the] frontrunner for the GOP’s 2024 presidential nomination once again used the first, flimsy excuse presented to call for the overthrow of the entire constitutional order, he does that sort of thing from time to time, especially when he’s feeling cornered…sometimes people dress up and build gallows, it’s a whole thing.

Off-Brand Orbán’s casual fascism earned mostly silence from institutional Republicans, though it did get one whole minute on Fox News, and a brief, lonely round of applause from Paul Gosar, who likes to remind us from time to time that there’s a white nationalist dentist with a not-quite-functioning brain serving in the House of Representatives.

Which brings us to the Georgia Senate runoff, and the most welcome end to the freakiest goddamn election cycle of my lifetime. Oh Herschel, I think I’ll miss you most of all, though I certainly hope you come to no harm in the never-ending war between vampires and werewolves, to which I assume you now return.

The state of conservative thinking has fallen so far that they apparently need debates and postmortems to figure out what went wrong in the 2022 midterms. Yeah, it’s a mystery, fellas.

In Republicans’ defense, the object of their adulation rewards them with a reliable stream of humiliation and defeat, and I think by now, we have to assume they’re into that. The Dotard was already a first ballot Loser Hall of Famer, but I think he’s doing some of his finest work right now. 

How can one man lose so often and so massively without simply dissipating in the wind?

Most losers would lose the unlosable midterms and call that a fine day’s work, but not our Donald.

Just this week, he faced potential criminal referrals from the January 6th committee, amidst a fresh wave of subpoenas from the new special counsel, to say nothing of the classified documents that keep popping up in his possession or, oh yeah, the seventeen felony tax fraud convictions.

It’s like a century of Cubs baseball every three days.

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10 Dec 2022 6:37 am
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B.See » 10 Dec 2022, 7:16 am » wrote: I've been sitting on a whole batch of articles for days now because, hey, it's Christmas, friends, family, shopping, decorations - what can I say? But I'll be posting those still relevant a bit later on. 
You think anyone will give a **** now because it's xmas?


In memory of Pumpkins

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17 Dec 2022 12:14 am
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Like I said last week, been too busy with doing the whole Christmas family and friends thing to make time for posting the (hundreds) of weekly news articles I regularly post. But HEY, ALWAYS time enough for a good SHOWER CAP BLOG:

Who Put the Fun in Non-Fungible Tokens? (showercapblog dott com)


It’s been said there’s a sucker born every minute, though scientists currently estimate that number may be as high as 4.39. The question is, after three years of guzzling horse dewormer, how many are still alive to buy NFTs?

Donald Trump is like some Dickensian avatar of chiseling for chiseling’s sake. And we made him -resident of the United States, where one of his big accomplishments was wringing piss money out of the Secret Service. I’ve said this before, but I guarantee you the pockets of every ill-fitting suit in the guy’s closet are stuffed with tiny fistfuls of restaurant mints.

But Jesus Christ, what do you even say about a con petty enough to make Mike Flynn and Steve Bannon feel cheap? Except that it WORKED, that the almost tauntingly **** “digital trading cards” sold out within 24 hours?

Don’t get me wrong, I enjoy a good polling-induced Dotard tantrum as much as the next fellow, but until Ron DeSantis has a legion of fevered drones he can bleed for millions of dollars whenever the fancy strikes him, they’re not in the same league, at least as far as the GOP’s cultified politics are concerned.

Of course, Ron-Ron managed to identify the one godforsaken patch of the wingnut fever swamp from which someone could potentially out-crazy/outflank Donald Trump with the maniac MAGA base, and guess where he’s decided to set up camp? Gonna win the primary by pandering to anti-vaxxers, what a fun, healthy strategy that is.

Wouldn’t want to interrupt your very serious postmortem of what historians are already calling the Inflation Sucks But Y’All Ain’t Right in the Head midterms, I’m sure Blake Masters’ insight is both thrilling and valuable, but maybe stop trying so hard to be the party of unhinged ****?

How are these lessons still so **** unlearnable? How am I still reading **** like, “Rick Scott says Herschel Walker will continue to be a leader in our party for years to come?” Why would you want that? Why would you buy another ticket for the Herschel Walker ride? What about that experience are you so eager to repeat?

You’ve got Marjorie Taylor Greene stumbling around, shrieking about butt plugs, defiantly spouting the sort of violent rhetoric that led to her censure, and you’re talking about putting her on House Oversight? To be the face of your party during all these televised hearings on Dr. Fauci and Hunter Biden’s pee-pee and furry kids using litter boxes in school?

But in conservative politics, the loudest asshole is King.

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17 Dec 2022 1:43 am
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B.See » 17 Dec 2022, 1:14 am » wrote: Like I said last week, been too busy with doing the whole Christmas family and friends thing to make time for posting the (hundreds) of weekly news articles I regularly post. But...
But like I said last week... ah never mind, just **** off... TROLL....

In memory of Pumpkins

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2 Jan 2023 5:00 pm
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What Took You So Long, George Santos?  from The Shower Cap Blog (dotcom) - Friday, December 30th, 2022

Y’know, I was so worried about what would happen to the country if the creeps n’ freaks actually won power in the midterms, I didn’t have any spare headspace to contemplate the poo-flinging-howler-monkeys-performing-Ionesco wackiness of the Republican civil war that would follow if they didn’t, so these last few weeks’ve been surprisingly delightful. I have a favorite circular firing squad now, which I never expected. It has been a show, y’all.

For example, Mike Lindell turning his crazed attention toward Ron DeSantis? Glorious! Like watermelon Oreos, that was something I had no idea I even wanted until I’d devoured half the bag.

Plus, Lauren Boebert and Marjorie Taylor Greene are fighting. Feuding, even, WWF style. Like watching two **** rats go at it. Andy Biggs vs. MTG, too? What have I done to deserve such bounty?

****, even Sean Hannity’s on the outs with the maniacal MAGA multitudes, for saying, of their holy, belovéd Big Lie, “I did not believe it for one second.” Gracious.

I wouldn’t worry, bro, it’s not like there’s any sort of massive propaganda apparatus in this country, with a proven track record of inciting violence against enemies of the faithful. Hey, help me out, Sean, I forget sometimes, who signs your checks again?

Congressdolt-elect George Santos, who is almost certainly going to turn out to be six marmots in a trench coat, is gonna fit right in, isn’t he? I don’t have space in this blog to keep up with all of Georgie’s “embellishments,” though I’ll grudgingly admit it was noble of him to save all those endangered whales from the Holocaust,

but golly, how much do you have to suck to get frickin’ Tulsi shoving you out of the tent this hard? I mean, this is a pretty **** tent we’re talkin’ about.

Seems Nick Fuentes is inviting incels into the tent, because nothing screams “master race” quite like building your entire personality around being belligerently ****.

I mean, what’s one lie about your mom dying on 9/11 between incels? Pour yourself a glass of ivermectin and start writin’ laws, kiddo!

Meanwhile, Kari Lake’s Fair-to-Middling Lie shambles feebly on, attracting little attention, decisively losing in court here, inciting violence there, ho hum. Rapidly congealing conventional wisdom says she’s done, because “there’s no place for losers in Trumpworld,”

as though MAGA culture was anything other than a resentment cult for losers.

Especially now, with the Diminished Dotard wallowing ineffectually in his own stink down in Marm-a-Lago, pretending to run for President, pushing the phantom Diet Coke button, watching Sunset Blvd. over and over, which is a little on the nose, if you ask me.

I see he’s now claiming to be “clairvoyant,” and I’m actually not willing to dismiss this one out of hand. Think about it, how else could he pass a cognitive test?

We finally got to see those tax returns, too, and when you think about it, Wee Donnie One-Term’s legal stall tactics have only just begun to run out of road. Tick tock, ****.

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2 Jan 2023 5:13 pm
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Poor libtard b.see
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14 Jan 2023 12:36 am
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I see the whiners have started posting again in one of the many B.See tribute threads. Good. Shows they're worried, and I'd be worried if they weren't. Some of 'em even had bitch fits because I'd started posting in that other forum. (Laffed my *** off) Beyond that, couldn't give a rat's *** about what any of 'em have to say.

Anyhoo, I've caught up with five weeks worth of news items in a matter of days. But, not to worry 'cause I'm rounding up a whole new batch.

So for now, the latest installment from THE SHOWER CAP BLOG:

Moving Past the Speaker Vote Was a Mistake - Friday, January 13th, 2023

excerpts part one:

Well, it took a display of buffoonish dysfunction unseen in a century, but the new MAGA majority finally managed to anoint Kevin McCarthy, who ascended to the post of Grand High Kakistocrat with a swagger most unbefitting a man who spent an entire week devouring Chip Roy’s **** on live television.

The most shocking part of the whole affair was when someone intervened to save Matt Gaetz from perhaps the most deserved [***] whoopin’ in Washington. I would’ve thought some sort of evolutionary instinct kicks in, when the herd stumbles into an opportunity to rid itself of a tantrum-prone child molester.

But we are not dealing with bright people here. Thanks to Kev’s first-class leadering, the looniest loons in his razor-thin majority seized the power to yoke the whole party to the deranged agenda that blew up in their faces during the easiest midterms of all time, aka the GOP’s third consecutive electoral disaster.

You sort of want Clarence from It’s a Wonderful Life to torment these dorks with a vision of the Congress they could’ve had, the Congress they lost by nominating telequacks and white nationalists and Some Guy Who Painted a Reality TV Character On His Lawn.

You see ****’ McCarthy thank Trump? Jesus Christ. It’s like thanking a colon polyp. Kevin’s life is a floor, and every inch of that floor is covered in Donald Trump’s Legos, and he still cannot stop sucking on that ***. Cool leader, House Republicans.


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14 Jan 2023 12:44 am
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Moving Past the Speaker Vote Was a Mistake - Friday, January 13th, 2023

excerpts part two:

Anyway, experts from across the ideological spectrum agree, the new majority’s inflation-fighting plan is flawless, apart from not existing. Problem-solving isn’t really these folks’ “thing.”

They want to jump right into these hearings, y’see, because obviously, what America’s thirstiest for right now is more performative ****.

They think all they have to do is push the Benghazi button over and over again until all their cares disappear.

The belief that Donald Trump would’ve been reelected, if only more voters had seen Hunter Biden’s dong, while demented, seems both widespread and sincere.

Insurrectionist legislators who begged for pardons two short years ago now get to “investigate the investigators,” which is every crook’s fantasy, I suppose.

Anyway, outside the community theatre-level show trials, the rest of the GOP platform has been transcribed directly from the peasant torture porn Rick Scott composes. They struck a mighty, populist blow for America’s wealthiest tax cheats, for example, because sometimes the oldest cons work best.

And of course it wouldn’t be a new Republican Congress without a fresh assault on reproductive rights, despite the electorate’s resounding rejection of their regressiveness.

I guess we should touch on the Biden docs story. Sigh. You knew the moment you saw that headline that our poor, befuddled media wouldn’t be able to handle it. It’s like watching the family cat get his head stuck in a cup again. “Oh, sweetie, your poor little cat brain just can’t figure this out, can it?”

They don’t know whether to **** or go blind. “Something Joe Biden did bears superficial similarities to one of Donald Trump’s dozens of crimes*?

Clearly our only option is to ignore the magnitudes of severity separating these alleged acts of wrongdoing, and treat them as perfectly equivalent scandals!”

*Why, just this week, his business received the maximum allowable fine (of just $1.6 million? WTF, legal system?) following 17 felony convictions.

…maybe just pushing the Benghazi button over and over again isn’t such a bad plan after all.

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14 Jan 2023 4:48 am
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B.See » 14 Jan 2023, 1:36 am » wrote: I see the whiners have started posting again in one of the many B.See tribute threads. Good. Shows they're worried, and I'd be worried if they weren't... 
No one gives a **** about your worries... delusional insecure TROLL...
So for now, the latest installment..
And they don't give a **** about your latest spam either


In memory of Pumpkins

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22 Jan 2023 1:13 am
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Harry Potter and the Oversight Committee of Madness


Zounds. Possibly the dumbest week yet, and I don’t say that lightly. From “Idaho Republican sorry for comparing women’s health to milking cows” to “I want you to make me a shoe I can ****,” this week’s news was determined to bludgeon our battered brains into paste.... 

So I guess we’re jumping right into the manufactured debt ceiling crisis. Welp, it’s leaderin’ time, Speaker McCarthy, let’s see what you got. Looks like we’re gonna do the thing where Chip Roy and his idiot buddies get an eight ball and play chicken with the global economy...

Especially since Kev has to run everything by Marj first. Yes, riding a wave of momentum after holding fifteen times as many speakership votes as that bum Pelosi ever allowed, the House’s mad new masters passed out committee assignments this week, and my god, they’re actually going to try to govern the country with these yahoos. 

The makeup of the Republican side of the House Oversight Committee is…howling lunacy. A roster drawn straight from a roadside freak show in some 50’s exploitation flick.... Gosar. Boebert. Taylor Greene. Perry. What the **** are you thinking, Kevin? 

Folks, Paul Gosar is a scary dude. A scary dude in clown shoes, yes, but an unapologetic white nationalist who lost his committee assignments in the first place for inciting political violence. Why do you want an unapologetic white nationalist who lost his committee assignments for inciting political violence conducting oversight of the federal government? 

Plus, you want MTG and Boebert dueling for attention in front of live cameras, as they frolic through this blossoming, TMZ-for-fashy-dweebs feud? They’re already fighting in the bathroom, you hapless goon, how do you imagine this is going to work out for you? 

Marjorie will also be bringing her rich expertise on the threat posed by Jewish space lasers to the Homeland Security Committee, where she plans on acting as an instrument of God’s “vengeance,” ... everything’s so healthy and normal, I don’t know why I even bother blogging anymore. 

Anyway, with the more garish ghouls drawing the spotlight, it was barely noted that Scott Perry was also named to Oversight, and he’s the dangerous one, folks.The FBI wouldn’t seize the cellphone of a sitting U.S. Congressman without serious reason to believe that phone contained evidence of substantial ****,

and anyone who tells you different is probably trying to sell you horse dewormer. 

Boy, this George Santos character jumped the shark in a hurry, huh? I was really into his zany antics at first, but now he feels like a dumping ground for all the writers’ room’s weirdest ideas. Like, he was a drag queen who lied about his mom dying on 9/11 and he stole money from a disabled veteran’s dying dog? You’re just insulting my intelligence at this point

Anyway, as squirrel poop nutty as things are in Washington, it’s the states that’re the true laboratories of kakistocracy.

In North Dakota, some unfathomable numbnuts called “David Clemens” wants to pass a law imposing a $1,500 fine for using a transgender person’s preferred pronouns, because Republicans believe that government is where the angriest idiots go to tell the rest of us what we’re allowed to think. 

The high priests of DeSantistan issued their latest edict, proclaiming an AP African American Studies course anathematic, on the grounds that it “significantly lacks educational value.” 

In Missouri, they’re dreaming of patriotism boot camps for public schoo
l teachers, and golly doesn’t that sound like the kind of dream George Orwell might have after an evening of pizza rolls and boxed wine?   
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22 Jan 2023 2:16 am
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No one gives a ****... TROLL..

In memory of Pumpkins

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24 Jan 2023 6:34 am
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Says the ONLY guy (?) who shows up here like clockwork. LMFAO. But hey, I get it. Little junkje just wants to be acknowledged.  :LOL:   :LOL:   :LOL:  

Oh, BTW, forgot to mention, the above excerpt from the SHOWER CAP BLOG as USUAL, precedes my next batch of a hundred or so new articles for you to also NOT care about.  ;)  
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24 Jan 2023 7:11 am
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B. See the forum liar
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28 Jan 2023 2:19 am
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While I sort thru the latest batch of news headlines from the week, excerpts from Friday's SHOWER CAP BLOG:

Marjorie Taylor Greene and the 221 Dwarfs - Friday, January 27th, 2023 - showercapblog (dot com)

Before we dive into the latest antics from Kevin’s kooky kakistocrats, let’s take a moment to remember the context: this is an audition, folks. This is the Republican Party putting its best foot forward. These are their church clothes, and this is their best behavior. Yikes. Yiiiiiiiiiiiikes.

The Marvel comic about this Congress would be titled The Unteachable Kevin McCarthy. The signals from the 2022 midterm electorate were, um, let’s call them unsubtle, and yet Kevin’s message to everyone watching his first, faltering steps is, “Well actually, I don’t think you people gave Herschel Walker a fair shake, I’m going to speak louder and slower and you’ll see how wrong you were.”

The master plan, which is just leaderiffic if you ask me, is to plant Marjorie Taylor Greene center stage, and throw the doors open to the public.

Don’t miss her on Oversight! Tune in every Wednesday to the United States House Committee on Homeland Security, to watch this idiot Nazi, excuse me, that’s unfair, this idiot Serial Inciter of Violence/Purveyor of Anti-Semitic Conspiracy Theories Who is Definitely Not a Nazi, There’re Super-Important Differences, wield the power of public office!

Kevin McCarthy and Marjorie Taylor Greene have a BOND, you guys. They’re buds. They go on bike rides and share malteds and stay up late chatting about Hunter Biden’s penis. Marj thinks she’s gonna be Vice President, by the way. And why wouldn’t she, with her “respectable” House colleagues so willing to justify their party’s elevation of a 9/11 truther to so many posts of prominence?

Kevin McCarthy is creating subcommittees just for Marjorie Taylor Greene to serve on. Yeah, she gets to work on the inquisition into, of all things, the government’s response to COVID-19.

After spending the entire pandemic uncritically platforming every scrap of disinformation that drifted into her field of vision. That’s happening in real life.

The Speaker of the House wants this wild-eyed fascist twit on television, screeching gibberish at Dr. Fauci. He believes that to be good governance, and good politics.

Now, it’s always a pleasure watching President Biden outmaneuver congressional Republicans, but I’m really enjoying the simple elegance of this “by all means, let’s hear more about Chip Roy’s plans!” approach to the debt ceiling standoff. Heh. Speak up so everybody can hear ya, Chip!

I’m sure Joe Biden would like nothing more than to spend a few weeks defending Social Security from you weirdos. If you really, truly want to pick that fight, with a wily old bastard who knows how to fight it…hey, I support your decision 100%. The public’s already on to your ****, dorks. Proceed.

Oh, and since you can’t afford to lose his vote, you’ll be taking this whoopin’ with George Santos providing the background music, a never-ending, cacophonous, avant-garde symphony of drag photos, campaign finance crimes, and Hitler jokes.

George wants to help the Jewish space laser lady raise the age for Medicare eligibility, isn’t that right, Chip?

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28 Jan 2023 3:36 am
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B.See » 24 Jan 2023, 7:34 am » wrote: Says the ONLY guy (?) who shows up here like clockwork. LMFAO. But hey, I get it. Little junkje just wants to be acknowledged.  Image   Image   Image   
lol... I missed your acknowledgement... but as I told you before, I'm just here to annoy you... TROLL.. and it's satisfying to see it worked...
Oh, BTW, forgot to mention, the above excerpt from the SHOWER CAP BLOG as USUAL, precedes my next batch of a hundred or so new articles for you to also NOT care about.  Image
oh, BTW, I forgot to mention that no one gives a ****...


In memory of Pumpkins

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4 Feb 2023 2:01 am
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Well, it's been a couple-a-days since my last batch of headlines, and I'm working on a new batch from this week past, but for now, it's time again for another edition of the Shower Cap Blog.

All Things Being Equal, I’d Rather Be the Jobs Guy - Shower Cap Blog (dot com)  Friday, February 3rd, 2023


Writing about Republican politics is like babysitting the **** kids in the world, and honestly, I feel like these little assholes owe us a good, long nap. Never a moment’s **** peace. Little ****.

Ok, you kicked Ilhan Omar off the Foreign Affairs Committee, yippee for you. Took you fifteen tries just to turn the lights on, but when it’s time for petty payback, you’re one-take wonders.

Anyway, I’m sure you fooled lots and lots of people with your pious justifications for excommunicating the brown lady;

I mean, you were fighting anti-Semitism so hard, surely no one noticed you elevating that one deranged bigot to a position of national prominence. No, not the dentist, the other one, the one with the history of anti-Semitism substantial enough to warrant a callout from the US Holocaust Museum.

Yes, Marjorie Taylor Greene is cleaning up her image to gain power, if the headlines are to be trusted. Cleaning up her image. I feel like once you’ve publicly suggested that wildfires are caused by Jewish-owned lasers stationed in outer space, the ol’ reputation is more or less locked in.

Kevin, probably because he likes answering questions about Ashli Babbitt, gave Marj all the power she could ask for anyway, which is how she found herself on an honest-to-goodness congressional committee, bellowing about the $5.1 billion-per-school wokeness grants she made up.

My god, this doofus is flummoxed by Joe Biden’s wily insistence that House Republicans state an opening position in the debt ceiling standoff they started. Flat out flummoxed. Never in his wildest dreams did Kevin McCarthy imagine he’d need to publicly identify the specific spending cuts he wants. It’s breathtaking to behold.

“What do you want, Kevin?”

“Wh-what do you mean?”

“What do you want? What policy outcome are you seeking?“  and Kevin can’t get his head out of that bag. It’s been a week, folks. A week.

“Aw heck, Mr. President, you’ve got me all tied up in knots! I figured we’d call you names for a few weeks, and then, I dunno…maybe you’d cut Medicaid?”

Obviously, everyone’s been super busy, fighting anti-Semitism, and owning imaginary libs with their cute little assault rifle pins, but I’m sure the serious governance is right around the corner. Any day now. Two weeks.

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