I read just today that Lake Powell has lost 100 feet of water in the last 3 years. If it loses 32 more feet it will not be able to produce hydroelectric power for close to 6 million homes in the West. Of course, that would mean those customers would need to switch to fossuel fuels like natural gas.
The world fossil fuel energy Markets have always been spotty, up and down and never reliable, not to mention the pollution they create, and of course the climate change which drives more drought.
We have watched collectively how the fossuel fuel companies have orchestrated nonsensical propaganda to create uncertanty about climate change allowing our government leaders to not take the necessary action for the last forty years. And yes, this has created wars in distant places, enabled dictators to stay in power and aided corruption as well as human rights abuses again and again.
The dream of creating a better world has been constantly clouded over with so much nonsense to no knowable end.
I confess to truly not understanding just how we as a people continue to allow this to stand when we have the tools to right the course.
I stand with people like Elizabeth Warren and others who want to fight back. This whole issue is about common sense and doing what is right for our nation and the world as whole.
We need to spend trillions, yes trillions, to rebuild our energy grid and switch to renewable energy as fast as humanly possible. We need top level federal leaders who are not political appointees to make the decisions that need to be made.
We need to look at the fundamental issues at hand - energy efficiency / using less.
Reduction of Food waste -
Soil revitalization -
Fresh water conservation, cover reservours with solar panels, etc... -
End to Nuclear weapon stock piles -
If nuclear power is required find a way to store waste and make it safe or don't use it -
Energy storage in efficient ways that does not harm the environment, If you make it build in a way to not harm the environment once it needs to be replaced -
Computer waste deal with it up front -
Computer bugs ,fix it before its sold -
Stop the plastic packaging -
These are just some of the things, and they are not easy, but they are definitely more than possible.
The point is - the crazyness you speak of B. See has detrimental effects for us all!