So, when the election fraud has been exposed, which is currently in plans as we speak...

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By Vegas
30 Jan 2022 10:05 pm in No Holds Barred Political Forum
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31 Jan 2022 4:45 pm
Giant Slayer
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FOS » 31 Jan 2022, 5:44 pm » wrote: easy answer if you are white.

There is no way I would want to live there, let alone work there. That place is a cesspool of piss and ****. 
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31 Jan 2022 4:45 pm
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Vegas » 31 Jan 2022, 5:45 pm » wrote: There is no way I would want to live there, let alone work there. That place is a cesspool of piss and ****.
so is the us
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31 Jan 2022 5:52 pm
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IkeBana » 31 Jan 2022, 4:27 pm » wrote: Yeh brother, housebound with MS is lazy, politically ignorant and loaded down with stolen ID.  You, however, are without question a bigoted ****.
MS is perhaps a valid excuse for absentee voting. 
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31 Jan 2022 8:22 pm
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Neo » 31 Jan 2022, 5:28 pm » wrote: We are just going to pass laws to make sure we have in person election DAY requiring proper identification. If you don't believe democrats profit from fraud and laziness you shouldn't be opposed.
Arbeit Macht Frei, QaLiebkind....

I think you should be able to provide a cogent argument in favor of your candidate.

You're on a streak of 4 votes for the worst of your lifetime.

Maybe you need to sit down, shut the **** up and be reeducated.
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31 Jan 2022 11:02 pm
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We know you cons will be beating that drum like you did everything else.

We know all about your con playbook.
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1 Feb 2022 3:31 am
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Vegas » 30 Jan 2022, 11:05 pm » wrote: how many lefties here will laugh their *** off because you successfully destroyed the democratic process in our beloved country?
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1 Feb 2022 3:40 am
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Squatchman » 01 Feb 2022, 4:31 am » wrote: Hahahahahahahahahaha 
Remember the kraken is coming line they were pushing for months because right wing news touched their Willy's. 
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31st Arrival
1 Feb 2022 7:26 am
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FOS » 31 Jan 2022, 5:37 pm » wrote: you would be better off in many countries. so would i. ... SKBN28V23T
why aren't you in another country, liberty of voting with your feet and move. there is a reason you won't. It isn't saving the Constitution's intent of personal liberty to not be governed by intellectual elites as it became anyway,
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2 Feb 2022 5:37 pm
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Vegas » 30 Jan 2022, 11:05 pm » wrote: how many lefties here will laugh their *** off because you successfully destroyed the democratic process in our beloved country?
Any day now.

2 Feb 2022 5:48 pm
Giant Slayer
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As if any of you retards are going to admit it, duh. The question was rhetorical stupid ***. 
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2 Feb 2022 5:56 pm
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Vegas » 02 Feb 2022, 6:48 pm » wrote: As if any of you retards are going to admit it, duh. The question was rhetorical stupid ***.
"Which is currently in plans [sic] as we speak"

Does this mean something different in parking vslet pidgin?
2 Feb 2022 5:58 pm
Giant Slayer
12,419 posts
Blackvegetable » 02 Feb 2022, 6:56 pm » wrote: "Which is currently in plans [sic] as we speak"


Yeah, so? Where did I give a date and time? 

I don't give a **** if you are getting impatient about it. 
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2 Feb 2022 6:03 pm
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Vegas » 02 Feb 2022, 6:58 pm » wrote: Yeah, so? Where did I give a date and time? 

I don't give a **** if you are getting impatient about it.

you're a **** moron
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2 Feb 2022 6:07 pm
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Vegas » 30 Jan 2022, 11:05 pm » wrote: how many lefties here will laugh their *** off because you successfully destroyed the democratic process in our beloved country?

first of all let's assume there was election fraud. 

The people who enabled it would almost certainly be the exact same people who would expose it. 

Or let us pretend law enforcement is totally neutral. With this much time would not be worth destroying 'faith in the system' to expose it. You know how hear thr cliche that the government would conceal proof of aliens cause the public would panic? 

Well for the same reason they would conceal that voting is pointless. 

This simply is never going to happen. Even if true it won't happen. 
2 Feb 2022 6:07 pm
Giant Slayer
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I am level 2+ per most of my OPs. 

You are level 0 per all of your OPs.

Kill yourself. 
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2 Feb 2022 6:11 pm
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Waiting for more gaslighting by vegas the right wing attacked America's democracy with lies and now he is blaming democrats.

You gotta love how stupid his is.
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nuckin futz
2 Feb 2022 6:15 pm
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Vegas » 30 Jan 2022, 11:16 pm » wrote: You need to pay attention to the math. Do you really think that there would be blatant evidence just laying around slapping us in the face? This was a massive undertaking.  It's actually not hard to fool hundreds of millions of people. History is full of examples of where a minority of people pulled a giant one over on the masses without being caught. The math, however, is undeniable. Given the discrepancies of the red counties shifting to blue, and many other red flags, it's entirely possible, with a high level of certainty, that large scale fraud took place.
Possible, but highly unlikely! All the courts and even Trump judges have said a resounding "no!" So did Barr and Mitch the bitch.You are a 'conspiracy nut' and buy into the "Stop the Steal" ****. You are as nutz as Trump is, dittohead! MAJOR FAILURE! :loco:   :loco:   :loco:  
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2 Feb 2022 6:16 pm
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nuckinfutz » 02 Feb 2022, 7:15 pm » wrote: Possible, but highly unlikely! All the courts and even Trump judges have said a resounding "no!" So did Barr and Mitch the bitch.You are a 'conspiracy nut' and buy into the "Stop the Steal" ****. You are as nutz as Trump is, dittohead! MAJOR FAILURE! Image   Image   Image
Vegas has to be the stupidest person on this forum. 
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nuckin futz
2 Feb 2022 6:19 pm
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Crazytrain » 02 Feb 2022, 7:16 pm » wrote: Vegas has to be the stupidest person on this forum.
He loves to stir up the 'outraged NUT JOBS'!
That is his only function here! AGITPROP!
:loco:   :x   :x  
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2 Feb 2022 6:20 pm
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Vegas » 02 Feb 2022, 7:07 pm » wrote: I am level 2+ per most of my OPs. 

You are level 0 per all of your OPs.

Kill yourself.
Sez a moron.

Did you call your uncle today, moron?
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