So, when the election fraud has been exposed, which is currently in plans as we speak...

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By Vegas
30 Jan 2022 10:05 pm in No Holds Barred Political Forum
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4 Jun 2024 10:31 am
Giant Slayer
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Blackvegetable » 03 Jun 2024, 4:31 pm » wrote: I'm going to disregard what you didn't say in the statement in question.

It perfectly addresses your statement in question. 

Neither you nor I are surprised that you would evade it. 
4 Jun 2024 10:33 am
Giant Slayer
12,199 posts
Blackvegetable » 03 Jun 2024, 4:26 pm » wrote: No...all I have to do is prove that you lied when you posted as follows

Would you prefer to confess?

:rofl:   :rofl: This is what you are whining about? Oh ok. I used the word 'never' instead of 'mostly.' Go pound sand with that **** My point remains.   
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5 Jun 2024 7:42 am
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Vegas » 30 Jan 2022, 11:05 pm » wrote: how many lefties here will laugh their *** off because you successfully destroyed the democratic process in our beloved country?
^^^ from January 2022

it didn’t really age all that well, did it? :rofl:   :rofl:  
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5 Jun 2024 8:22 am
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maineman » 05 Jun 2024, 7:42 am » wrote: ^^^ from January 2022

it didn’t really age all that well, did it? Image   Image
Moron never does...

Where does he find the will to live?
5 Jun 2024 1:57 pm
Giant Slayer
12,199 posts
maineman » 05 Jun 2024, 7:42 am » wrote: ^^^ from January 2022

it didn’t really age all that well, did it? Image   Image

It aged just fine. There are still may Americans who doubt the election process due to 2020. 
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31st Arrival
5 Jun 2024 2:34 pm
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Blackvegetable » 05 Jun 2024, 8:22 am » wrote: Moron never does...

Where does he find the will to live?
Evolving has one rule, fail to survive your own mistakes, life will continue without you or your ideas living isn't a self evident situation of genetics eternally separating each reproduction occupying space each rotation they uniquely exist now in their relative position of ancestry lived uniquely here so far.
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5 Jun 2024 5:03 pm
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Vegas » 05 Jun 2024, 1:57 pm » wrote: It aged just fine. There are still may Americans who doubt the election process due to 2020.
The plans, though…two years later and this imminent exposure is still in the planning stage? :rofl:  
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5 Jun 2024 5:09 pm
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Vegas » 30 Jan 2022, 11:05 pm » wrote: how many lefties here will laugh their *** off because you successfully destroyed the democratic process in our beloved country?
I remember when that guy @slideman  was here saying that people questioning the 2020 election was what was destroying the integrity of the system... and that Trump was facilitating it on purpose so that he could be dictator.

He was one of those that believed in bringing the weight of the entire justice system in this Country down on Donald Trump to "save democracy" too.

What a fookin' loon that guy was.

The powers not delegated to the United States by the Constitution, nor prohibited by it to the States, are reserved to the States respectively, or to the people
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5 Jun 2024 5:11 pm
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I think Ruby Freeman might have a last minute begging session with God while laying on her DEATH BED.
The video that shows her looking around the room to see if anyone is looking [while she  is handling the flash drive] is all I had to see.
5 Jun 2024 6:15 pm
Giant Slayer
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maineman » 05 Jun 2024, 5:03 pm » wrote: The plans, though…two years later and this imminent exposure is still in the planning stage? Image

Doesn't matter. The people are disgruntled. Millions have lost faith in the system because of it. 
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5 Jun 2024 6:53 pm
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Vegas » 05 Jun 2024, 6:15 pm » wrote: Doesn't matter. The people are disgruntled. Millions have lost faith in the system because of it.

from my perspective, they are a small, stupid slice of “the people”.  You fit in so nicely.
5 Jun 2024 8:22 pm
Giant Slayer
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maineman » 05 Jun 2024, 6:53 pm » wrote: Millions?

from my perspective, they are a small, stupid slice of “the people”.  You fit in so nicely.
I accept your apology. Now run along. ... al-system/
 Just 44% are highly confident that votes in the 2024 presidential election will be counted accurately, including only 22% of Republicans but 71% of Democrats. Democrats worry about voter suppression, while Republicans are concerned about voter fraud. Only 44% of the public has a great deal or quite a bit of confidence that the votes in the 2024 presidential election will be counted accurately.
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31st Arrival
6 Jun 2024 4:04 am
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maineman » 05 Jun 2024, 5:03 pm » wrote: The plans, though…two years later and this imminent exposure is still in the planning stage? :rofl:  
Reasonable doubt has been in effect for 7,000 years planning better tomorrows than genetics maintains ancestors this rotation of the planet in plain sight of one another native to this atmosphere in their current geographical location.

you pick the longitude of 24 hours a rotation and the latitude of temperate zone either side of the equator regardless day or night, dawn or dusk at this moment every lifetime that is of homo sapien DNA has unique chromosomes like no other ever lived prior or conceived forward now.

there are 5 generation gaps living, there are 5 basic DNA ancestral lineages and the hybrids among them living as the over 8 billion residents to this atmosphere within this species alone. there are 5 physical brain wave patterns per ancestral brain evolved from the nucleus of their original fertilized cell.
Unique chromosomes only happen in compounding combinations of ancestors changing population when born separate rotations in the past. There are no births without conceptions.

Conceptual ideologies only govern behaviors of each cradle to grave each rotation of the planet going on this rotation, not conceived to decomposed.

over 85% live in the northern hemisphere. 75% live in urban sprawl. Guess why democracy fails slower than dictatorships do regardless serving humanity or God and country, community theater and social consensus of previous 4 generations demanding great great grandchildren carry on the ideas held in history so far.

Psychological class warfare is sustained by hope, faith, charity people commanding generations to die sacrificing their natural biological time adapting as displaced to maintain ideas life isn't self evident genetics eternally separates each reproduction native to the atmosphere this rotation.

Everyone creates their own career serving possibilities life isn't self evident or face laws ordering compliance or else social justifications will remove the ancestral lineages not honoring history again by punishing the last arrivals first with ridicule, shunning, exile, and executed for anti social behavior towards 4 previous generations..

Means, motives, methods, every generation gap practices today, mayhem, madness, misery are direct results of hope, faith, charity, equal opportunity to join self deception done to obtain power, wealth, and fame controlling tomorrows today using planned obsolescence and plausible deniability as truth and justice for people of character cradle to grave.

"......Lead us not into temptation and deliver us from evil live devil in details lived to date....... Though I walk in the shadow of death(evolving in plain sight conceived to decomposed) I will not fear promises life is larger than adapting to space this rotation being me each next rotation my body is never same shape since formed a fertilized cell living as eternally separated now.".
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6 Jun 2024 5:54 am
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Vegas » 30 Jan 2022, 11:05 pm » wrote: how many lefties here will laugh their *** off because you successfully destroyed the democratic process in our beloved country?
Shouldn't this fool have eaten this by now?

**** should be smothered at birth.
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31st Arrival
6 Jun 2024 7:54 am
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Vegas » 05 Jun 2024, 6:15 pm » wrote: Doesn't matter. The people are disgruntled. Millions have lost faith in the system because of it. 
why? Every personal brain navigates living as eternally separated since conception and every social mind obeys ideas life isn't self evident one is living as eternally changing occupying space specifically here as uniquely alive in the generation gap living multiple revolutions around the star on a rotating planet their own body is never same total sum twice combined each rotation still alive.

Personally evolving doesn't end at death as the cellular regeneration started when conceived reverses the process after dead removing what did exist between cradle to grave adapting as displaced in the food chain native to this universal location so far.

Evolving leaves nothing existing the same results again with details working the same way every rotation a new total sum is delivered this rotation. Simple compounding details never duplicated reproduce results never same form since conceived here now. Always has been that simple until reasonable doubt governs outcomes tomorrow promising a new world order every rotation of the planet.
6 Jun 2024 11:08 am
Giant Slayer
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Blackvegetable » 06 Jun 2024, 5:54 am » wrote: Shouldn't this fool have eaten this by now?

**** should be smothered at birth.
If you are going to keep repeatedly bringing the same **** up, then at least have the balls to disprove it. 

Same with my media comment. And no, you haven't disproven ****. 

Over and over and over...the same redundant **** with you. Do I need to spam you again?
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6 Jun 2024 11:10 am
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Vegas » 06 Jun 2024, 11:08 am » wrote: If you are going to keep repeatedly bringing the same **** up, then at least have the balls to disprove it. 

Same with my media comment. And no, you haven't disproven ****. 

Over and over and over...the same redundant **** with you. Do I need to spam you again?
I did.

You ran, crying.

Like a little **** bitch.
6 Jun 2024 11:12 am
Giant Slayer
12,199 posts
Blackvegetable » 06 Jun 2024, 11:10 am » wrote: I did.

You ran, crying.

Like a little **** bitch.

Another lie. 

You continue to lie

I win again. 

1. "Prove it" to which I say "disprove it." etc....
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6 Jun 2024 11:15 am
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Vegas » 06 Jun 2024, 11:12 am » wrote: Another lie. 

You continue to lie

I win again. 

1. "Prove it" to which I say "disprove it." etc....
It was even did so with the treble hook in your mouth..

Wanna see me do it again?
6 Jun 2024 11:16 am
Giant Slayer
12,199 posts
Blackvegetable » 06 Jun 2024, 11:15 am » wrote: It was even did so with the treble hook in your mouth..

Wanna see me do it again?

Prove you did it the first time...or ever. 

1. Evade and run.
2. lie
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