When (((THEY))) start bussing J o g g e r sSJConspirator » 19 Feb 2022, 8:51 pm » wrote: ↑ It starts in childhood. When you had all white kids on the school bus one year, then they bring in the J O G G E R S
Scottmon probably 'thinks' diversity means eating at Chipotle or some Chinese restaurant that caters to ******* whites who think orange chicken / sweet and sour pork is "Chinese food"Cannonpointer » 20 Feb 2022, 4:45 am » wrote: ↑ Real diversity "happening" is wondeful. I prsonally like it - a LOT.
Fake diversity being shoved down throats, not so much.
Be very clear about yourself. You are no fan of diversity. You don't even know what diversity is, or why it should be valued.
If you WERE such, you would celebrate and wish to see preserved, rather than forcibly altered, the many pockets of white American culture in all of their diversity; from the gulf coast to the northwest woods - cultures formed from the clay and honest toil of the people who live those cultures: the woodsmen of the Pacific Northwest, the Shrimpers of Louisianna, the fishing fleets of the Florida coast and the Maryland coast and the Maine coast - the farms and villages of Vermont, etc. All of these cultures have their own histories, their own stories, their own songs, their own folk art, their own cuisines. THAT is what diversity looks like - not the forced "melting pot" that you mistake for diversity, but which is actually the homogeneity that you say nature abhors.
You are no proponent of diversity. You are its enemy. You have about the same command of diversity as you do of gender and climate and liberalism. You stole my childhood.
I assume that's a typo but did you not mean "hundreds of thousands?"FOS » 20 Feb 2022, 10:33 am » wrote: ↑ Why do midwits like you always think you are smart?
Europeans are a product of centuries of evolution. When we first migrated to Europe we were not adapted to it.
Over time we did become adapted to it. Not only to the physical environment...but also to a unique method of building a tribe that can survive using some particular general strategy...which for Europeans was focusing on innovation.
it takes time to fine tune the genetics of a population in that way. Not thousands of years but hundreds.
but you can ruin all thay work in one generation by mixing with some out group.
Brazil is the neoliberal mud people **** you are staring at down the road.SJConspirator » 20 Feb 2022, 10:21 am » wrote: ↑ for the elites, it’s an investment. They seek to cultivate a race of mud people with no distinct heritage, a mixture of races, therefore loyal to none. Mud people are easier to control , with no sense of pride in their tribe, no group destiny.
they want the world to be their wage slaves, which explains the animosity toward entrepreneurs, small business and off grid people like the Amish.
Interesting. I was under the impression this would take hundreds of thousands of yrs but apparently that is not trueFOS » 20 Feb 2022, 4:17 pm » wrote: ↑ we are all very impressed by your insults but yet again you offer no insight on biology.
whatever happened among human populations 30k years ago is pretty irrelevant to the modern day.
there do exist certain slightly relevant features that are a callback to some very distant past...for example the blonde gene seemed to appear about 16k years ago in the region of Ukraine and was the result of females greatly outnumbering males in a tribe...thanks to it being very dangerous to hunt mammoths.
but as far as behavior and particularly socially based traits...these things evolve in a fairly short period of time...in both humans and in every other animal which engages in sexual reproduction.
a 'wolf pack' composed of a mix of Grey wolves, timber wolves, and some random dogs thrown in is not going to function. They will have incorrect instincts about how to work together and form a functional pack. They will probably fail to succeed at hunting the local deer...and the pack will inevitably all die.
and that is nature's way of saying she is a nazi. Nature doesn't like that sort of diversity.
exact same truth with humans.
now I am literally speaking science here...which all you midwits claim to love. I guess it is time for you to make a choice. Do you love science less than you hate nazis and truth?
I'm guessing you are ready to disown science, personally.
Yeah, I get blasted for my views from both sides sometimes.Polar1ty » 21 Feb 2022, 2:50 pm » wrote: ↑ Careful. The truth you spouted goes against the conservative patriot mantra that "serving your country is the highest honor."
You will be deemed a LIBTARD TRAITOR by people lacking nuance
https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sama-BajauPolar1ty » 21 Feb 2022, 3:10 pm » wrote: ↑ Interesting. I was under the impression this would take hundreds of thousands of yrs but apparently that is not true
It would certainly explain the lie taught in biology classes that "human race can't be real cuz it takes millions of yrs and humans only existed for 200k."
I'm actually extremely pissed I have to relearn everything and I'm very short on time. I don't have farmland to collect passive income off of unlike someone
Ecks dee
Socialism is cultural also. Largely it promotes an environment of belonging and that everyone is in this together.Polar1ty » 21 Feb 2022, 2:44 pm » wrote: ↑ I have read quite a few accounts from fascists who were disillusioned with "free market theology." Many of them worked in blue collar skilled professions and believed Austrian school/neoclassical economics BS (or the more juvenile Ayn Rand type BS) right before their jobs were shipped overseas.
At the same time, Stalinist economics was unappealing for obvious reasons as nobody wants the government to force them to work in factories or collectives.
So really the economics of fascism (protectionism + industrial socialism mixed in with market economics on a lower level, e.g. local small businesses can compete freely) is about as equally appealing as the cultural side, as much as you hate economics.
Sure I agree but be aware that not every white nationalist is a fascist. Many of them are still unable to shake off a lifetime of liberal propaganda.Polar1ty » 21 Feb 2022, 2:39 pm » wrote: ↑ They were liberal nationalists who happened to agree with the "white" part. That makes them different from white nationalists (fascists) as liberal nationalism lacks the bite to protect the values and heritage. Conflating the two is dangerous.
Liberal nationalism was a great experiment while it lasted but we can chalk liberal nationalism up as a failure (unless your goal is to create some kind of neoliberal "utopia" like California...massive inequality + poverty combined with a small brain trust of techies and oligarchs...very high GDP with low trust)
Liberal nationalism contained the seeds of its own destruction as (((bad actors and groups))) eventually worm their way in.
That there are gay sex tapes in TC's past is as obvious as the bow ties he used to wear.Polar1ty » 21 Feb 2022, 2:20 pm » wrote: ↑ TC is the apex of controlled opposition. He far surpasses the likes of Glenn Beck and slightly outedges Alex Jones.
If (((they))) wanted to silence TC they would have done so ages ago, most likely via some sort of (obviously manufactured) sex scandal. The fact they did not is a huge red flag.
Polar1ty » 21 Feb 2022, 2:57 pm » wrote: ↑ Scottmon probably 'thinks' diversity means eating at Chipotle or some Chinese restaurant that caters to ******* whites who think orange chicken / sweet and sour pork is "Chinese food"
This is slightly relevant but I've been wondering.FOS » 21 Feb 2022, 4:24 pm » wrote: ↑ More than a thousand years of subsistence freediving associated with their life on the sea appear to have endowed the Bajau with several genetic adaptations to facilitate their lifestyle.[84][85]
The extreme adaptations the Bajau have with diving only took about a thousand years. And it is quite extreme. Many of these people can free dive 200 feet
TC did come off as more feminine than the other Fox News hosts (yes, including Laura Ingraham).Cannonpointer » 21 Feb 2022, 4:42 pm » wrote: ↑ That there are gay sex tapes in TC's past is as obvious as the bow ties he used to wear.
Polar1ty » 21 Feb 2022, 6:17 pm » wrote: ↑ This is slightly relevant but I've been wondering.
Back in early college we had to take "electives" and it was there I stumbled upon post-modernist propaganda (CRT).
CRT propagandists claimed that the notion "blacks are simply better at basketball" is false because Jews in America supposedly comprised the majority of professional basketball players back in the 1800s (?)
I had a hard time believing this but I'm curious what you think about this line.
Here's an example from a midwit writing for (((PBS))):FOS » 21 Feb 2022, 6:20 pm » wrote: ↑ Lol what?
Blacks weren't allowed to enter team sports in the 1800s. So...their excuse is obviously ****.
i don't know anything about Jewish basketball players..
I do know the heavyweight boxer us champion during ww2 was a jew. And he initially lost to the German nazi boxer who gained the world title...but then in a rematch the jew managed to win
This was the "hurr durr Jews gud at basketball."When professional basketball first began, one of the best teams was made up of mainly Eastern European Jews, and it was said that the reason why they were so good at basketball was because the "artful dodger" characteristic of the Jewish culture made them good at this sport.
I never found michael "beautiful." But then, my taste has never run to broad shouldered she-boons.Polar1ty » 21 Feb 2022, 6:19 pm » wrote: ↑ TC did come off as more feminine than the other Fox News hosts (yes, including Laura Ingraham).
But whatever "gay sex tapes" there may be (or may not be, we will never know)...let's not forget that YOUR side back in the Obama days claimed "Obama has such a wonderful/beautiful wife."
It wouldn't surprise me at all but obviously now that blacks are allowed in sports they are far superior to jews at basketball.Polar1ty » 21 Feb 2022, 6:24 pm » wrote: ↑ Here's an example from a midwit writing for (((PBS))):
https://www.pbs.org/race/000_About/002_ ... -01-06.htm
This was the "hurr durr Jews gud at basketball."
There's at least 1 tranny who literally argued that "if you're a man and you don't date trans-womyn you are 'transphobic'"Cannonpointer » 21 Feb 2022, 6:24 pm » wrote: ↑ I never found michael "beautiful." But then, my taste has never run to broad shouldered she-boons.
I HAVE walked on the wild side a time or three - but they always had straight hair and passable features.
Hope none of that is interpreted as "racist." Speaking plainly and truthfully is generally frowned upon - even as regards one's perfect right to one's own sexual preferences.
I guess I could have worked a LITTLE harder and found a way to say she-boons without saying she-boons.
I just enjoy saying she-boon, TBH. But it isn't being racist. It's being an asshole.
Were we supposed to take it as a given that transphobia is bad?Polar1ty » 21 Feb 2022, 6:47 pm » wrote: ↑ There's at least 1 tranny who literally argued that "if you're a man and you don't date trans-womyn you are 'transphobic'"