Mid level dimwit?IkeBana » 20 Feb 2022, 12:21 pm » wrote: ↑ We know we're smart from repeatedly dealing with **** like you.
What's a midwit?
IkeBana » 20 Feb 2022, 12:21 pm » wrote: ↑ We know we're smart from repeatedly dealing with **** like you.
What's a midwit?
Nobody needs to rise to that level to dismantle a **** like you.Cannonpointer » 20 Feb 2022, 2:35 pm » wrote: ↑ If you have to ask, you don't rise to that level, nitwit.
IkeBana » 20 Feb 2022, 3:12 pm » wrote: ↑ Nobody needs to rise to that level to dismantle a **** like you.
halfway between dim and nit all on the outside of circle jerking each other 24/7. where intellect is thinking beyond boxed in social consensus used historically over and over ancestrally where nobody knows how biology works in plain sight.Ike Bana » 20 Feb 2022, 12:21 pm » wrote: ↑ We know we're smart from repeatedly dealing with **** like you.
What's a midwit? :rofl:
Pay attention. Nobody's gonna waste their time bringing a putz like you up to speed.
we are all very impressed by your insults but yet again you offer no insight on biology.IkeBana » 20 Feb 2022, 4:03 pm » wrote: ↑ Pay attention. Nobody's gonna waste their time bringing a putz like you up to speed.
FLAG MANIA!SJConspirator » 19 Feb 2022, 4:20 pm » wrote: ↑ The clearest definition I can see for patriot:
One who loves his country's flag and hates his country's people
I prefer the swastika to the red hat.
Field Marshall Heinrich, I am the REBEL WITHOUT A CLUE!FOS » 20 Feb 2022, 5:18 pm » wrote: ↑ I prefer the swastika to the red hat.
Was that the wrong answer? You obsessive rebel conformist?
ChinatownCannonpointer » 20 Feb 2022, 4:45 am » wrote: ↑Real diversity "happening" is wondeful. I prsonally like it - a LOT.ScottMon » 19 Feb 2022, 9:57 pm » wrote: ↑ Trouble is, Diversity is going to happen no matter what you do. nature abhors homogeny.
Fake diversity being shoved down throats, not so much.
Be very clear about yourself. You are no fan of diversity. You don't even know what diversity is, or why it should be valued.
If you WERE such, you would celebrate and wish to see preserved, rather than forcibly altered, the many pockets of white American culture in all of their diversity; from the gulf coast to the northwest woods - cultures formed from the clay and honest toil of the people who live those cultures: the woodsmen of the Pacific Northwest, the Shrimpers of Louisianna, the fishing fleets of the Florida coast and the Maryland coast and the Maine coast - the farms and villages of Vermont, etc. All of these cultures have their own histories, their own stories, their own songs, their own folk art, their own cuisines. THAT is what diversity looks like - not the forced "melting pot" that you mistake for diversity, but which is actually the homogeneity that you say nature abhors.
You are no proponent of diversity. You are its enemy. You have about the same command of diversity as you do of gender and climate and liberalism. You stole my childhood.
Wait for the succdem to fascist pipeline to appear any decade nowFOS » 19 Feb 2022, 8:06 pm » wrote: ↑ The majority of modern fascists seem to have gotten there from a libertarian to fascist pipeline...largely motivated by respect for freedom of association and anger over the betrayal of woke capital.
I personally was actually a monarchist and came to fascism by the above realization, well documented and explained by the political philosopher and historian Bertrand de jouvenal...and the whole phenomenon of the top and low alliance against the middle and how monarchy incentivizes it.
That was also the monarchist to fascist pipeline in the 1920s....which was the biggest group that converted.
TC is the apex of controlled opposition. He far surpasses the likes of Glenn Beck and slightly outedges Alex Jones.Cannonpointer » 20 Feb 2022, 4:38 am » wrote: ↑ I dont watch television, period. I have posted tucker carlson clips that popped un on youtube due to other sht I watch - not subscribed. Don't particularly like the silver spoon ersatz-everyman. But I enjoy and somewhat marvel that the Bosses give him so much rope.I guess he's the lead cow for the maverick herd... Keeping the heard feeling heard, keeping them in the fold, making them feel represented.
I thought cons insisted "America is not a democracy. It's a constitutional republic?"Neo » 19 Feb 2022, 5:48 pm » wrote: ↑ Hating government dependence is different from hating those so dependent. Patriotism is simply love of country, of it's past and present. To love America is to love democracy, win or lose. To love America is to love diversity and the entrepreneur. To love America is to love religious and personal liberties.
The fact American conservative flag cultists are retarded does not make you intelligent. You are in fact about as retarded as they are.Crazytrain » 19 Feb 2022, 5:51 pm » wrote: ↑ Yeah you got yahoos that hate everything about America an it's government but love wearing American flag and patriot garb.
It quite interesting to say the least.
The best is when they fly the confederate flag and profess love for country.
"She" is not a dude btw. At first I thought "his" posting style was far too effeminate even among libtards...and voila...turns out it's a "she".FOS » 19 Feb 2022, 6:11 pm » wrote: ↑ the old soviet union broke up because it wasnt russian, dude. Even after I define the terms you still dont seem to understand it.
UKRANIAN NATIONALISTS want independence from russia.
a russian that wants to conquer ukranians is EMPIRE BUILDING. that is NOT NATIONALISM
They were liberal nationalists who happened to agree with the "white" part. That makes them different from white nationalists (fascists) as liberal nationalism lacks the bite to protect the values and heritage. Conflating the two is dangerous.FOS » 19 Feb 2022, 6:40 pm » wrote: ↑ bear in mind that the 'founding fathers' as deep as they were into liberal philosophy, REVOLTED against the overly diverse british empire and constructed a country that only allowed citizenship to white people. They were white nationalists. They obviously werent patriots, because they started a civil war.
I have read quite a few accounts from fascists who were disillusioned with "free market theology." Many of them worked in blue collar skilled professions and believed Austrian school/neoclassical economics BS (or the more juvenile Ayn Rand type BS) right before their jobs were shipped overseas.FOS » 19 Feb 2022, 8:06 pm » wrote: ↑ The majority of modern fascists seem to have gotten there from a libertarian to fascist pipeline...largely motivated by respect for freedom of association and anger over the betrayal of woke capital.
I personally was actually a monarchist and came to fascism by the above realization, well documented and explained by the political philosopher and historian Bertrand de jouvenal...and the whole phenomenon of the top and low alliance against the middle and how monarchy incentivizes it.
That was also the monarchist to fascist pipeline in the 1920s....which was the biggest group that converted.
Careful. The truth you spouted goes against the conservative patriot mantra that "serving your country is the highest honor."DeezerShoove » 19 Feb 2022, 8:37 pm » wrote: ↑ Your first sentence supports what I have said.
People have many reasons to end up in the military
Cannonpointer listed a few of the most common (which I also agree with).
I maintain that our military is peopled by personal reasons.
Most of them boil down to money... or lack of.
Sure, there is some pride and serving-your-country recruits in the mix.
But the low hanging fruit is the bulk of it: Needing a break or a paycheck.
Is that somehow bad? Or is it just the way it is? I lean toward the latter rather than the former.
Nobody here > 130 watches TV on a regular basis. I haven't paid for any cable program since I turned 18.FOS » 19 Feb 2022, 9:45 pm » wrote: ↑ how many people here even watch fox news? I would like to see a show of hands.
I personally have literally never watched fox news. Ever.
I have seen some tucker Carlsen clips cause the guy comes close to the truth sometimes. But that is all.. I never watched fox news for it.
I can't be certain but I have a feeling that most of the other people involved in this conversation also do not watch fox news.