Yup - and mom of his four kids, and a home schooler - probably a prepper, definitely a thinker. Quite the gal - hell of a poster, too. I never once encountered a lame argument from her. Just Polar1ty, FOS, SJC, GW level posting. With some AL on the side cuz of tits.
Cannonpointer » 30 Mar 2022, 5:16 pm » wrote: ↑ Yup - and mom of his four kids, and a home schooler - probably a prepper, definitely a thinker. Quite the gal - hell of a poster, too. I never once encountered a lame argument from her. Just Polar1ty, FOS, SJC, GW level posting. With some AL on the side cuz of tits.
You should be but I saw you and cp had a spat a few days ago or something
FOS » 30 Mar 2022, 5:23 pm » wrote: ↑ You should be but I saw you and cp had a spat a few days ago or something
No, he DEFINITELY does not belong on a list of posters who are uniformly solid in their argumentation.FOS » 30 Mar 2022, 5:23 pm » wrote: ↑ You should be but I saw you and cp had a spat a few days ago or something
Cannonpointer » 30 Mar 2022, 5:31 pm » wrote: ↑ No, he DEFINITELY does not belong on a list of posters who are uniformly solid in their argumentation.
He was running anti-russian zelensky hero-worship like a good MSM reader, before he saw the light and took an "I don't trust any of em, we have no dog in the fight" posture.
I'm not saying he's crazytrain level or anything, but GW level? Nope.
Opinions differ as to how graciously you acknowledged error.Vegas » 30 Mar 2022, 5:36 pm » wrote: ↑ Are you still carrying on about that? I am not going to apologize for being open to new data, facts, or arguments. Thus, causing a change in my position. That's what open minded people with little egos do. Everybody should do that.
Cannonpointer » 30 Mar 2022, 5:44 pm » wrote: ↑ Opinions differ as to how graciously you acknowledged error.
My recollection is that you preened your new position into existence in a smug manner, never admitting error or correcting your previous stance. Indeed, you hed a grudge that you were forced into the new position by the cruelty of having the old one shoved up your arse.
That's kind of the opposite of the flavor you are trying to convey here.
And that is why you do not belong in the pantheon of the dogs.
Uh huh. Link us to you admitting error, or it never happened.Vegas » 30 Mar 2022, 5:47 pm » wrote: ↑ Your recollection is ****. I admitted my error. You just wanted to take credit for it when it had nothing to do with you.
Yes, they are busy and industrious beavers. They have attracted the attention of haters, sad to say - leftist **** without jobs or meaningful pursuits to distract them from their natural villainy. But they seem to be holding up well, under the circumstances. They have my well wishes. We need more like them.impartialobserver » 30 Mar 2022, 6:04 pm » wrote: ↑ Further evidence that she (and KFools) have other fish to fry. Can't really blame them with the site having no consistent revenue streams.
Have they been sued? Or are these attacks purely verbal in nature?Cannonpointer » 30 Mar 2022, 6:10 pm » wrote: ↑ Yes, they are busy and industrious beavers. They have attracted the attention of haters, sad to say - leftist **** without jobs or meaningful pursuits to distract them from their natural villainy. But they seem to be holding up well, under the circumstances. They have my well wishes. We need more like them.
I'm not in regular communication, so I have no particulars. As far as I know, just online harassment - doxing and spotlighting, that sort of thing. Attempts to rouse the rabble and get the loons in motion.impartialobserver » 30 Mar 2022, 6:11 pm » wrote: ↑ Have they been sued? Or are these attacks purely verbal in nature?
Cannonpointer » 30 Mar 2022, 6:13 pm » wrote: ↑ I'm not in regular communication, so I have no particulars. As far as I know, just online harassment - doxing and spotlighting, that sort of thing. Attempts to rouse the rabble and get the loons in motion.