The Party of "Less Government" Wants To Govern Every Aspect Of Our Lives

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By B.See
9 Apr 2022 5:36 am in No Holds Barred Political Forum
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9 Apr 2022 5:36 am
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Abortion, LGBTQ rights and more: A roundup of controversial red-state actions - CNNPolitics

Republican-led states around the country have enacted a flurry of new restrictions on abortion, LGBTQ and transgender youth rights, and discussion of critical race theory.
Here’s a look at some of the legislation that has passed this session, what’s next for the bills and what else is under consideration: 
  • NEW ABORTION RESTRICTIONS in Republican led states that in some include felony charges for those attempting an abortion and even potentially giving the family of a rapist rights to sue. Furthermore,, some withing the GOP are seeking to ban morning after medication and even contraceptives.
  • NEW ANTI-LGBTQ RESTRICTIONS targeting trans youth and the families of trans youth, banning the teaching of any material related to sexual identity, restricting trans youths and their families' access to gender affirming healthcare, and laws that attempt to criminalize families of transgendered youths.
  • NEW ANTI DIVERSITY, ANTI "CRT" RESTRICTIONS prohibiting the teaching of so-called critical race theory in K-12 schools, prohibit or limit discussions about race in classrooms and prohibit schools from advocating so-called “divisive concepts,” or any discussion that makes people "feel anguish, guilt, or any other form of psychological distress” about their race.
  • NEW "ELECTION POLICE" legislation that would create a so-called "security office" to investigate so-called "election crimes" based upon the false and fraudulent claim that the 2020 election was rife with voter fraud.
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9 Apr 2022 5:53 am
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And just like that, our democracy could be a thing of the past | Opinion
Americans are watching a slow-motion stealth coup of our ideals | Miami Herald

What if the coup already came and nobody noticed? It sounds nonsensical, yes. How does a coup go unnoticed?

The conventional wisdom, as we learn more about the election of 2020 and the insurrection of 2021, is that by the machinations of Ginni Thomas, Rudy Giuliani, Donald Trump and others, America came this close to suffering an extralegal seizure of power, but escaped.

However, an argument can be made that another kind of coup — call it a stealth coup — has actually been underway for years... a coup that sneaks up on you, that isn’t obvious at first, because it slowly destroys not form but function... one that has overthrown not the government but, rather, one of its core tenets: the idea that that government is answerable to the will of the governed.

Consider the ongoing push by Republican lawmakers to restrict abortion, LGBTQ rights and the teaching of African-American history, while making it harder to access the ballot and easier to access guns. And then consider this: None of that represents the will of the American people.

Abortion? A 2021 Pew Research Center poll finds that most Americans support it.
LGBTQ rights? A 2021 Gallup poll finds that most Americans are fine with them.
African-American history? A 2022 CBS News poll finds that most Americans think teaching it is useful.
The ballot? A 2020 poll by Northeastern, Northwestern, Rutgers and Harvard universities finds that most Americans believe the last election was secure.
Guns? A 2020 Gallup poll finds that most Americans want stricter laws.

Yet most Americans are repeatedly overruled.

The culprits are manifold. They include gerrymandering, dark money, the lies and fear-mongering of right-wing media and the party-before-country gutlessness of GOP lawmakers. They also include the fecklessness of the political left, where voters often must be begged to vote, and it is not uncommon to hear them defend their detachment by whining how both parties are fundamentally the same."

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9 Apr 2022 6:02 am
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B.See » 09 Apr 2022, 5:36 am » wrote: Abortion, LGBTQ rights and more: A roundup of controversial red-state actions - CNNPolitics

Republican-led states around the country have enacted a flurry of new restrictions on abortion, LGBTQ and transgender youth rights, and discussion of critical race theory.
Here’s a look at some of the legislation that has passed this session, what’s next for the bills and what else is under consideration: 
  • NEW ABORTION RESTRICTIONS in Republican led states that in some include felony charges for those attempting an abortion and even potentially giving the family of a rapist rights to sue. Furthermore,, some withing the GOP are seeking to ban morning after medication and even contraceptives.
  • NEW ANTI-LGBTQ RESTRICTIONS targeting trans youth and the families of trans youth, banning the teaching of any material related to sexual identity, restricting trans youths and their families' access to gender affirming healthcare, and laws that attempt to criminalize families of transgendered youths.
  • NEW ANTI DIVERSITY, ANTI "CRT" RESTRICTIONS prohibiting the teaching of so-called critical race theory in K-12 schools, prohibit or limit discussions about race in classrooms and prohibit schools from advocating so-called “divisive concepts,” or any discussion that makes people "feel anguish, guilt, or any other form of psychological distress” about their race.
  • NEW "ELECTION POLICE" legislation that would create a so-called "security office" to investigate so-called "election crimes" based upon the false and fraudulent claim that the 2020 election was rife with voter fraud.
They are for selective freedoms. 
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9 Apr 2022 7:31 pm
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Pastafarian » 09 Apr 2022, 6:02 am » wrote: They are for selective freedoms. 

Exactly. THEIR freedom to write whatever laws they CHOOSE and IGNORE whatever laws they DON'T LIKE.

The "law and order" party:  THEIR LAWS - THEIR ORDERS. 
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9 Apr 2022 7:35 pm
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B.See » 09 Apr 2022, 5:36 am » wrote: Abortion, LGBTQ rights and more: A roundup of controversial red-state actions - CNNPolitics

Republican-led states around the country have enacted a flurry of new restrictions on abortion, LGBTQ and transgender youth rights, and discussion of critical race theory.
Here’s a look at some of the legislation that has passed this session, what’s next for the bills and what else is under consideration: 
  • NEW ABORTION RESTRICTIONS in Republican led states that in some include felony charges for those attempting an abortion and even potentially giving the family of a rapist rights to sue. Furthermore,, some withing the GOP are seeking to ban morning after medication and even contraceptives.
  • NEW ANTI-LGBTQ RESTRICTIONS targeting trans youth and the families of trans youth, banning the teaching of any material related to sexual identity, restricting trans youths and their families' access to gender affirming healthcare, and laws that attempt to criminalize families of transgendered youths.
  • NEW ANTI DIVERSITY, ANTI "CRT" RESTRICTIONS prohibiting the teaching of so-called critical race theory in K-12 schools, prohibit or limit discussions about race in classrooms and prohibit schools from advocating so-called “divisive concepts,” or any discussion that makes people "feel anguish, guilt, or any other form of psychological distress” about their race.
  • NEW "ELECTION POLICE" legislation that would create a so-called "security office" to investigate so-called "election crimes" based upon the false and fraudulent claim that the 2020 election was rife with voter fraud.
'Less government' is not a valid political position. 

You are either an anarchist or you aren't. 

**** this beating around the bush ****
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9 Apr 2022 7:40 pm
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Republicans flooding state legislatures with hundreds of anti-LGBTQ bills – most target children and trans people -

It’s not just Florida’s “Don’t Say Gay” law. Republicans across the country are flooding state legislatures with hundreds of anti-LGBTQ bills, most are targeting the nation’s most vulnerable: children and transgender people.So-called “bathroom bills” over the past few years were popular among the fear-mongering religious right and their partners, the Republican Party, but today the focus has become the often false claims that children, from kindergarten on up, and being taught about sex, sexual orientation, homosexuality and bisexuality, gender identity, and other concepts.

200 Anti-LGBTQ Bills And Counting: GOP's War On Trans Kids Continues | HuffPost Latest News

Texas Woman, 26, Charged With Murder After Alleged 'Self-Induced Abortion' | HuffPost Communities

Alabama Governor Signs Bill Prohibiting Gender-Transition Procedures for Children

Books Are The Latest Casualty Of The New Conservative Culture War


Louisiana GOP official arrested for taping children's mouths shut at his Christian school - Raw Story - Celebrating 18 Years of Independent Journalism

Florida Republicans Took Big Money From Ex-Congressman Who Wooed Underage Boys

From Hastert to Gaetz: Let's talk about Republicans and sex crimes


Abortion Rights Backers Block 'Trigger' Law In Nebraska | HuffPost Latest News

Kentucky governor vetoes bill incorporating 'anti-critical race theory,' calling it a step backward - CNN

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11 Apr 2022 6:46 am
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FOS » 09 Apr 2022, 7:35 pm » wrote: 'Less government' is not a valid political position. 

You are either an anarchist or you aren't. 

**** this beating around the bush ****
:rolleyes:   :drool: such thing as 'anarchy' [literally 'without government or rule(s)'] ...absent what you see now as 'traditional government' we will have many many individuals and many many groups making lots and lots of rules, dumb@ss...

...i consider myself a minarchist [minimum government] are merely a rank and foul authoritardian who favors arbitrary government by some f@cking fool 'fascists', dumb@ss... get real...  ;)   :wave:  
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11 Apr 2022 6:47 am
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B.See » 09 Apr 2022, 5:36 am » wrote: Abortion, LGBTQ rights and more: A roundup of controversial red-state actions - CNNPolitics

Republican-led states around the country have enacted a flurry of new restrictions on abortion, LGBTQ and transgender youth rights, and discussion of critical race theory.
Here’s a look at some of the legislation that has passed this session, what’s next for the bills and what else is under consideration: 
  • NEW ABORTION RESTRICTIONS in Republican led states that in some include felony charges for those attempting an abortion and even potentially giving the family of a rapist rights to sue. Furthermore,, some withing the GOP are seeking to ban morning after medication and even contraceptives.
  • NEW ANTI-LGBTQ RESTRICTIONS targeting trans youth and the families of trans youth, banning the teaching of any material related to sexual identity, restricting trans youths and their families' access to gender affirming healthcare, and laws that attempt to criminalize families of transgendered youths.
  • NEW ANTI DIVERSITY, ANTI "CRT" RESTRICTIONS prohibiting the teaching of so-called critical race theory in K-12 schools, prohibit or limit discussions about race in classrooms and prohibit schools from advocating so-called “divisive concepts,” or any discussion that makes people "feel anguish, guilt, or any other form of psychological distress” about their race.
  • NEW "ELECTION POLICE" legislation that would create a so-called "security office" to investigate so-called "election crimes" based upon the false and fraudulent claim that the 2020 election was rife with voter fraud.
them **** democrats
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11 Apr 2022 8:13 am
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peepee » 11 Apr 2022, 6:46 am » wrote: Image   Image such thing as 'anarchy' [literally 'without government or rule(s)'] ...absent what you see now as 'traditional government' we will have many many individuals and many many groups making lots and lots of rules, dumb@ss...

...i consider myself a minarchist [minimum government] are merely a rank and foul authoritardian who favors arbitrary government by some f@cking fool 'fascists', dumb@ss... get real...  Image   Image
you just dont get it dude.

you cannot have a 'political theory' that you want 'little politics'. That is just incoherent.

Power will still exist. You will not be eliminating power. You are just choosing to impose no ability to discriminate who has power or what their agenda is. Just disarming yourself.

that isnt politics that is anti politics.

and you arrived at this absurd and self contradictory position through arbitrary ethical concepts, rather than an attempt to face and solve actual problems. You are operating with faith that as long as you do the 'right' thing, which is nothing, God will take care of you.

but any realistic analysis of what you advocate should show that you inevitably will simply become enslaved by some entity that you do not officially call 'the state'.

consider your idiotic obsession with the federal reserve, for example. That is power given to private individuals that you are not voting for. they are not technically part of the 'state'. How would your silly 'minimal government' model do anything about that? it couldnt.
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11 Apr 2022 8:19 am
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Why is it the only freedoms democrats complain about these days are the right to murder their children in utero and the right to tell elementary school students the joys of lgbtqrstuv lifestyle choices?
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11 Apr 2022 9:09 am
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FOS » 11 Apr 2022, 8:13 am » wrote: you just dont get it dude.

you cannot have a 'political theory' that you want 'little politics'. That is just incoherent.

Power will still exist. You will not be eliminating power. You are just choosing to impose no ability to discriminate who has power or what their agenda is. Just disarming yourself.

:rolleyes:   :drool:  

.....little ((((((GOVERNMENT)))))), fascist retard....not little 'politics'...ugh...i want massive, vigorous, etc., 'politics'...i.e. a massive, open, honest competition of ideas about being a brain-laundered monetary ignoramus who recently voted for puppet donald trump have obviously never even considered what an honest rational system would look like... unfortunately you are saddled with a mentally-crippled, authoritardian worldview... your stinking 'ideas' as to the truly mo$t important thing$ are not much different than any other garden-variety republicrat-level @sshole...word...

...unlike you, i understand there are essentially two ways to get someone to do what you want.. 1.) persuade them 2.) coerce them... smart and decent people want a society dominated by the former....brain-laundered republicrat-level @ssholes such as yourself haven't even thought about any of this and end up facilitating a society dominated by the latter...

...btw, use (((((MY))))) words, bonehead...i don't even recognize your retarded retelling of my words...  :loco:     
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11 Apr 2022 9:23 am
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FOS » 09 Apr 2022, 7:35 pm » wrote: 'Less government' is not a valid political position. 

You are either an anarchist or you aren't. 

**** this beating around the bush ****
How utterly stupid.
No government can dominate the lives of the people totally.
A lack of any government will result in the country being overrun by some other power.

You are claiming that total absolutism or total anarchy are the choices.
That is just stupid.

Some degree of government making rules is always necessary to have a functioning country.
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11 Apr 2022 10:19 am
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Xavier_Onassis » 11 Apr 2022, 9:23 am » wrote: How utterly stupid.
No government can dominate the lives of the people totally.
A lack of any government will result in the country being overrun by some other power.

You are claiming that total absolutism or total anarchy are the choices.
That is just stupid.

Some degree of government making rules is always necessary to have a functioning country.

no that isnt what i said at all
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11 Apr 2022 10:21 am
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peepee » 11 Apr 2022, 9:09 am » wrote: Image   Image  

.....little ((((((GOVERNMENT)))))), fascist retard....not little 'politics'...ugh...i want massive, vigorous, etc., 'politics'...i.e. a massive, open, honest competition of ideas about being a brain-laundered monetary ignoramus who recently voted for puppet donald trump have obviously never even considered what an honest rational system would look like... unfortunately you are saddled with a mentally-crippled, authoritardian worldview... your stinking 'ideas' as to the truly mo$t important thing$ are not much different than any other garden-variety republicrat-level @sshole...word...

...unlike you, i understand there are essentially two ways to get someone to do what you want.. 1.) persuade them 2.) coerce them... smart and decent people want a society dominated by the former....brain-laundered republicrat-level @ssholes such as yourself haven't even thought about any of this and end up facilitating a society dominated by the latter...

...btw, use (((((MY))))) words, bonehead...i don't even recognize your retarded retelling of my words...  Image

So you want people to sit around and talk about politics that the state lacks any power to actualize. Got it.
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11 Apr 2022 4:43 pm
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FOS » 11 Apr 2022, 10:21 am » wrote: So you want people to sit around and talk about politics that the state lacks any power to actualize. Got it.

...jeeeezus fkn christ, you're numb... 'government' is nothing more than the people who make it up....i want a (((((((VIGOROUS))))))) 'competition of ideas about government' among hopefully many candidates for public office so the best thinkers/thinking can be exposed to the public/the world... 

... ultimately, i'm looking for maximum freedom and minimum government/coercion...  i sense a f@cking fool such as yourself seeks minimum [individual] freedom and maximum government/coercion...but i'm not sure because you're a blathering  :o   blowhard who's never gotten specific...focus, dumb@ss, focus... start by defining what you mean by 'government', dummy...  :wave:  
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11 Apr 2022 4:46 pm
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peepee » 11 Apr 2022, 4:43 pm » wrote: Image  

...jeeeezus fkn christ, you're numb... 'government' is nothing more than the people who make it up....i want a (((((((VIGOROUS))))))) 'competition of ideas about government' among hopefully many candidates for public office so the best thinkers/thinking can be exposed to the public/the world... 

... ultimately, i'm looking for maximum freedom and minimum government/coercion...  i sense a f@cking fool such as yourself seeks minimum [individual] freedom and maximum government/coercion...but i'm not sure because you're a blathering  Image   blowhard who's never gotten specific...focus, dumb@ss, focus... start by defining what you mean by 'government', dummy...  Image
You are not going to acquire freedom by shifting power away from the state and giving it to drug cartels or foreign countries. 
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11 Apr 2022 4:57 pm
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Yeah it's funny they been screaming government doesn't matter for the last forty years.

Now they want government up your *** daily.
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12 Apr 2022 7:56 am
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FOS » 11 Apr 2022, 4:46 pm » wrote: You are not going to acquire freedom by shifting power away from the state and giving it to drug cartels or foreign countries.
Image   Image

...there would be no [powerful] 'drug cartels' if it were not for YOUR F@CKING AUTHORITARDIAN 'STATE' POLICY OF DRUG PROHIBITION, you dense @sshole...  Image  

...and 'shifting power' and resource$ away from all the areas you authoritardians have illegitimately foisted 'government' will free up resources to legitimate areas: ...An honest money system, 'NATIONAL DEFENSE' [not thi$ f@cking in$ane offen$e that you republicrats have foi$ted], courts/courtrooms, critical infrastructure, and not much else...

..what you republicrat-level dummies haven't figured out is that 'the freedom/ability to say NO!!' is very important to a healthy society... hopefully someday you dummies figure out that you can't say 'NO' to 'the government' so minimizing 'government' is very important to a healthy society...

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19 Apr 2022 6:18 am
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Well I certainly had a pleasant Easter weekend (with the exception of my yearly ordeal at completing taxes) - choosing to spend it among loved ones and those that matter most, and taking a break from dealing with reprobates who seem to REVEL in their own moral squalor, venomous hate, and willful ignorance. In every respect, rank EVIL at its worse.

What it is, and who they ARE.  (oh... and those nine notices left for me in my absence... won't even bother to look... all considering, why BOTHER?)

In recent news:

What a tidal wave of anti-abortion legislation tells us about a post-Roe world.

Homophobia: Republicans Blamed for Stranger Accosting Gay Family

The sicko GQP can't stop saying their new favorite LGBTQ smear word "grooming" in supercut video | Boing Boing

Fox Corp's LGBTQ staff livid over 'hateful' coverage of 'Don't Say Gay' bill: report - Raw Story

ACLU Sues Steve Marshall Over Alabama Anti-Trans Law

Munchausen by Proxy Is Being Used Against Parents of Trans Kids

What Florida’s “Don’t Say Gay” law and homophobic “grooming” claims really mean - Vox

State senators walk out as Michigan Republican rants that kids are 'under attack' from 'forces' - Raw Story

Social media explodes with reactions after Ron DeSantis signs Florida's draconian anti-abortion bill into law -

TN House passes bill criminalizing abortion pill distribution via mail

Far-right Nevada school board candidate claims the Constitution mandates people procreate — so gayness is unconstitutional - Raw Story

Kentucky’s abortion law is the first in the US to ‘completely and immediately’ eliminate access | The Independent

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