They are for selective freedoms.B.See » 09 Apr 2022, 5:36 am » wrote: ↑ Abortion, LGBTQ rights and more: A roundup of controversial red-state actions - CNNPolitics
Republican-led states around the country have enacted a flurry of new restrictions on abortion, LGBTQ and transgender youth rights, and discussion of critical race theory.
Here’s a look at some of the legislation that has passed this session, what’s next for the bills and what else is under consideration:
- NEW ABORTION RESTRICTIONS in Republican led states that in some include felony charges for those attempting an abortion and even potentially giving the family of a rapist rights to sue. Furthermore,, some withing the GOP are seeking to ban morning after medication and even contraceptives.
- NEW ANTI-LGBTQ RESTRICTIONS targeting trans youth and the families of trans youth, banning the teaching of any material related to sexual identity, restricting trans youths and their families' access to gender affirming healthcare, and laws that attempt to criminalize families of transgendered youths.
- NEW ANTI DIVERSITY, ANTI "CRT" RESTRICTIONS prohibiting the teaching of so-called critical race theory in K-12 schools, prohibit or limit discussions about race in classrooms and prohibit schools from advocating so-called “divisive concepts,” or any discussion that makes people "feel anguish, guilt, or any other form of psychological distress” about their race.
- NEW "ELECTION POLICE" legislation that would create a so-called "security office" to investigate so-called "election crimes" based upon the false and fraudulent claim that the 2020 election was rife with voter fraud.
Exactly. THEIR freedom to write whatever laws they CHOOSE and IGNORE whatever laws they DON'T LIKE.
'Less government' is not a valid political position.B.See » 09 Apr 2022, 5:36 am » wrote: ↑ Abortion, LGBTQ rights and more: A roundup of controversial red-state actions - CNNPolitics
Republican-led states around the country have enacted a flurry of new restrictions on abortion, LGBTQ and transgender youth rights, and discussion of critical race theory.
Here’s a look at some of the legislation that has passed this session, what’s next for the bills and what else is under consideration:
- NEW ABORTION RESTRICTIONS in Republican led states that in some include felony charges for those attempting an abortion and even potentially giving the family of a rapist rights to sue. Furthermore,, some withing the GOP are seeking to ban morning after medication and even contraceptives.
- NEW ANTI-LGBTQ RESTRICTIONS targeting trans youth and the families of trans youth, banning the teaching of any material related to sexual identity, restricting trans youths and their families' access to gender affirming healthcare, and laws that attempt to criminalize families of transgendered youths.
- NEW ANTI DIVERSITY, ANTI "CRT" RESTRICTIONS prohibiting the teaching of so-called critical race theory in K-12 schools, prohibit or limit discussions about race in classrooms and prohibit schools from advocating so-called “divisive concepts,” or any discussion that makes people "feel anguish, guilt, or any other form of psychological distress” about their race.
- NEW "ELECTION POLICE" legislation that would create a so-called "security office" to investigate so-called "election crimes" based upon the false and fraudulent claim that the 2020 election was rife with voter fraud.
FOS » 09 Apr 2022, 7:35 pm » wrote: ↑ 'Less government' is not a valid political position.
You are either an anarchist or you aren't.
**** this beating around the bush ****
them **** democratsB.See » 09 Apr 2022, 5:36 am » wrote: ↑ Abortion, LGBTQ rights and more: A roundup of controversial red-state actions - CNNPolitics
Republican-led states around the country have enacted a flurry of new restrictions on abortion, LGBTQ and transgender youth rights, and discussion of critical race theory.
Here’s a look at some of the legislation that has passed this session, what’s next for the bills and what else is under consideration:
- NEW ABORTION RESTRICTIONS in Republican led states that in some include felony charges for those attempting an abortion and even potentially giving the family of a rapist rights to sue. Furthermore,, some withing the GOP are seeking to ban morning after medication and even contraceptives.
- NEW ANTI-LGBTQ RESTRICTIONS targeting trans youth and the families of trans youth, banning the teaching of any material related to sexual identity, restricting trans youths and their families' access to gender affirming healthcare, and laws that attempt to criminalize families of transgendered youths.
- NEW ANTI DIVERSITY, ANTI "CRT" RESTRICTIONS prohibiting the teaching of so-called critical race theory in K-12 schools, prohibit or limit discussions about race in classrooms and prohibit schools from advocating so-called “divisive concepts,” or any discussion that makes people "feel anguish, guilt, or any other form of psychological distress” about their race.
- NEW "ELECTION POLICE" legislation that would create a so-called "security office" to investigate so-called "election crimes" based upon the false and fraudulent claim that the 2020 election was rife with voter fraud.
you just dont get it dude.peepee » 11 Apr 2022, 6:46 am » wrote: ↑![]()
![]() such thing as 'anarchy' [literally 'without government or rule(s)'] ...absent what you see now as 'traditional government' we will have many many individuals and many many groups making lots and lots of rules, dumb@ss...
...i consider myself a minarchist [minimum government] are merely a rank and foul authoritardian who favors arbitrary government by some f@cking fool 'fascists', dumb@ss... get real...![]()
FOS » 11 Apr 2022, 8:13 am » wrote: ↑ you just dont get it dude.
you cannot have a 'political theory' that you want 'little politics'. That is just incoherent.
Power will still exist. You will not be eliminating power. You are just choosing to impose no ability to discriminate who has power or what their agenda is. Just disarming yourself.
How utterly stupid.FOS » 09 Apr 2022, 7:35 pm » wrote: ↑ 'Less government' is not a valid political position.
You are either an anarchist or you aren't.
**** this beating around the bush ****
Xavier_Onassis » 11 Apr 2022, 9:23 am » wrote: ↑ How utterly stupid.
No government can dominate the lives of the people totally.
A lack of any government will result in the country being overrun by some other power.
You are claiming that total absolutism or total anarchy are the choices.
That is just stupid.
Some degree of government making rules is always necessary to have a functioning country.
peepee » 11 Apr 2022, 9:09 am » wrote: ↑![]()
.....little ((((((GOVERNMENT)))))), fascist retard....not little 'politics'...ugh...i want massive, vigorous, etc., 'politics'...i.e. a massive, open, honest competition of ideas about being a brain-laundered monetary ignoramus who recently voted for puppet donald trump have obviously never even considered what an honest rational system would look like... unfortunately you are saddled with a mentally-crippled, authoritardian worldview... your stinking 'ideas' as to the truly mo$t important thing$ are not much different than any other garden-variety republicrat-level @sshole...word...
...unlike you, i understand there are essentially two ways to get someone to do what you want.. 1.) persuade them 2.) coerce them... smart and decent people want a society dominated by the former....brain-laundered republicrat-level @ssholes such as yourself haven't even thought about any of this and end up facilitating a society dominated by the latter...
...btw, use (((((MY))))) words, bonehead...i don't even recognize your retarded retelling of my words...
FOS » 11 Apr 2022, 10:21 am » wrote: ↑ So you want people to sit around and talk about politics that the state lacks any power to actualize. Got it.
You are not going to acquire freedom by shifting power away from the state and giving it to drug cartels or foreign countries.peepee » 11 Apr 2022, 4:43 pm » wrote: ↑![]()
...jeeeezus fkn christ, you're numb... 'government' is nothing more than the people who make it up....i want a (((((((VIGOROUS))))))) 'competition of ideas about government' among hopefully many candidates for public office so the best thinkers/thinking can be exposed to the public/the world...
... ultimately, i'm looking for maximum freedom and minimum government/coercion... i sense a f@cking fool such as yourself seeks minimum [individual] freedom and maximum government/coercion...but i'm not sure because you're a blatheringblowhard who's never gotten specific...focus, dumb@ss, focus... start by defining what you mean by 'government', dummy...
FOS » 11 Apr 2022, 4:46 pm » wrote: ↑ You are not going to acquire freedom by shifting power away from the state and giving it to drug cartels or foreign countries.