The Party of "Less Government" Wants To Govern Every Aspect Of Our Lives

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By B.See
9 Apr 2022 5:36 am in No Holds Barred Political Forum
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B.See » 09 Apr 2022, 5:36 am » wrote: Abortion, LGBTQ rights and more: A roundup of controversial red-state actions - CNNPolitics

Republican-led states around the country have enacted a flurry of new restrictions on abortion, LGBTQ and transgender youth rights, and discussion of critical race theory.
Here’s a look at some of the legislation that has passed this session, what’s next for the bills and what else is under consideration: 
How does the universe balance with or without humanity? Getting to the biggest picture of the whole as you only compare parts of the whole against one another all the time each never stays the same details twice, evolving in plain sight limited to "coexisting since conceived to replace the ancestry of one's specific DNA.".

Your reality doesn't tolerate natural displacement.
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19 Apr 2022 6:39 am
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B.See » 19 Apr 2022, 6:18 am » wrote: Well I certainly had a pleasant Easter weekend (with the exception of my yearly ordeal at completing taxes) - choosing to spend it among loved ones and those that matter most, and taking a break from dealing with reprobates who seem to REVEL in their own moral squalor, venomous hate, and willful ignorance. In every respect, rank EVIL at its worse.

What it is, and who they ARE.  (oh... and those nine notices left for me in my absence... won't even bother to look... all considering, why BOTHER?)

In recent news:

What a tidal wave of anti-abortion legislation tells us about a post-Roe world.

Homophobia: Republicans Blamed for Stranger Accosting Gay Family

The sicko GQP can't stop saying their new favorite LGBTQ smear word "grooming" in supercut video | Boing Boing

Fox Corp's LGBTQ staff livid over 'hateful' coverage of 'Don't Say Gay' bill: report - Raw Story

ACLU Sues Steve Marshall Over Alabama Anti-Trans Law

Munchausen by Proxy Is Being Used Against Parents of Trans Kids

What Florida’s “Don’t Say Gay” law and homophobic “grooming” claims really mean - Vox

State senators walk out as Michigan Republican rants that kids are 'under attack' from 'forces' - Raw Story

Social media explodes with reactions after Ron DeSantis signs Florida's draconian anti-abortion bill into law -

TN House passes bill criminalizing abortion pill distribution via mail

Far-right Nevada school board candidate claims the Constitution mandates people procreate — so gayness is unconstitutional - Raw Story

Kentucky’s abortion law is the first in the US to ‘completely and immediately’ eliminate access | The Independent

GOP congressman who voted to impeach Trump says death threats will be 'a detriment getting good people to run'

WATCH: Kevin McCarthy refuses to condemn 63 Republicans who voted against supporting NATO

Ex-Ted Cruz aide built dark money 'slime machine' to smear Biden nominees: report

MEANWHILE:  Like their beloved Hitler some typically nazi fascist **** promo for "der master race":

Tucker Carlson’s 'homoerotic' ‘The End of Men’ is no laughing matter -
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19 Apr 2022 6:49 am
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B.See » 09 Apr 2022, 5:36 am » wrote: Abortion, LGBTQ rights and more: A roundup of controversial red-state actions - CNNPolitics

Republican-led states around the country have enacted a flurry of new restrictions on abortion, LGBTQ and transgender youth rights, and discussion of critical race theory.
Here’s a look at some of the legislation that has passed this session, what’s next for the bills and what else is under consideration: 
  • NEW ABORTION RESTRICTIONS in Republican led states that in some include felony charges for those attempting an abortion and even potentially giving the family of a rapist rights to sue. Furthermore,, some withing the GOP are seeking to ban morning after medication and even contraceptives.
  • NEW ANTI-LGBTQ RESTRICTIONS targeting trans youth and the families of trans youth, banning the teaching of any material related to sexual identity, restricting trans youths and their families' access to gender affirming healthcare, and laws that attempt to criminalize families of transgendered youths.
  • NEW ANTI DIVERSITY, ANTI "CRT" RESTRICTIONS prohibiting the teaching of so-called critical race theory in K-12 schools, prohibit or limit discussions about race in classrooms and prohibit schools from advocating so-called “divisive concepts,” or any discussion that makes people "feel anguish, guilt, or any other form of psychological distress” about their race.
  • NEW "ELECTION POLICE" legislation that would create a so-called "security office" to investigate so-called "election crimes" based upon the false and fraudulent claim that the 2020 election was rife with voter fraud.

Separated groups and separated group rights overriding constitutional individual protections, titles of nobility with elimination of speech and non voluntary class and group manipulation, etc.

inland piracy, conspiracy against the constitutions, press-ganging, enslavement, peonage, genocide, and crimes against humanity.

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31st Arrival
19 Apr 2022 6:57 am
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Bob » 19 Apr 2022, 6:49 am » wrote: Separated groups and separated group rights overriding constitutional individual protections, titles of nobility with elimination of speech and non voluntary class and group manipulation, etc.

inland piracy, conspiracy against the constitutions, press-ganging, enslavement, peonage, genocide, and crimes against humanity.

What is humanity? Not accurate definition of ancestral results in plain sight, but a definition of how homo sapiens replacements have designed ways to bring their own species to extinction without natural disasters doing it in real time.
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19 Apr 2022 6:59 am
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peepee » 11 Apr 2022, 9:09 am » wrote: Image   Image  

.....little ((((((GOVERNMENT)))))), fascist retard....not little 'politics'...ugh...i want massive, vigorous, etc., 'politics'...i.e. a massive, open, honest competition of ideas about being a brain-laundered monetary ignoramus who recently voted for puppet donald trump have obviously never even considered what an honest rational system would look like... unfortunately you are saddled with a mentally-crippled, authoritardian worldview... your stinking 'ideas' as to the truly mo$t important thing$ are not much different than any other garden-variety republicrat-level @sshole...word...

...unlike you, i understand there are essentially two ways to get someone to do what you want.. 1.) persuade them 2.) coerce them... smart and decent people want a society dominated by the former....brain-laundered republicrat-level @ssholes such as yourself haven't even thought about any of this and end up facilitating a society dominated by the latter...

...btw, use (((((MY))))) words, bonehead...i don't even recognize your retarded retelling of my words...  Image
So, pissboy, you want MORE GOVERNMENT to dictate to you and kids, what you get, what you think, and what you want.

You are a PRO GROOMER of children in order to have them available to meet your SEX WITH CHILDREN'S NEEDS AND PERVERTED DESIRES!!! It means you want to DECRIMINALIZE that ACTS that involve Man/BOY relationships and making them your little playtoys for your perversions and sex.

You are ALL FOR MURDERING babies in their mother's womb, just so you can say you did and no one could stop you!! What's next from your ilk??4th Trimester "abortions", because it cries too much??

YOU are all for cheating to KEEP YOUR POWER, no matter what it takes and to have ANY LAWS that prevents that is "evil" or some stupid crap like that.

Run along little COMMIE POS!! YOUR kind isn't needed in this nation.
Liberals are spoiled children, miserable, unsatisfied, demanding, ill-disciplined, despotic & useless. Liberalism is a philosophy of sniveling brats ~O'Rourke

The Democratic Party seems intransigent on their position of keeping the party ‘woke,’ detached, exclusionary, and totally insane.
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19 Apr 2022 7:04 am
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Beekeeper » 19 Apr 2022, 6:59 am » wrote: So, pissboy, you want MORE GOVERNMENT to dictate to you and kids, what you get, what you think, and what you want.

You are a PRO GROOMER of children in order to have them available to meet your SEX WITH CHILDREN'S NEEDS AND PERVERTED DESIRES!!! It means you want to DECRIMINALIZE that ACTS that involve Man/BOY relationships and making them your little playtoys for your perversions and sex.

You are ALL FOR MURDERING babies in their mother's womb, just so you can say you did and no one could stop you!! What's next from your ilk??4th Trimester "abortions", because it cries too much??

YOU are all for cheating to KEEP YOUR POWER, no matter what it takes and to have ANY LAWS that prevents that is "evil" or some stupid crap like that.

Run along little COMMIE POS!! YOUR kind isn't needed in this nation.

You're a **** moron. False accusations, slander, etc. are all you hating mfkrs HAVE.  Why is it usually those of YOUR ilk being caught doing **** like that, I wonder.  As for my thoughts on abortion, I don't believe it is MY right to dictate to women what they can do with THEIR bodies, regardless of my personal feelings about it.

UNLIKE YOU, NAZI.  Hope Putin is paying you well enough to troll "liberal" forums with your kind of TRASH, btch. Otherwise go **** yourself.
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19 Apr 2022 7:10 am
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B.See » 19 Apr 2022, 7:04 am » wrote: You're a **** moron. False accusations, slander, etc. are all you hating mfkrs HAVE.  Why is it usually those of YOUR ilk being caught doing **** like that, I wonder.  As for my thoughts on abortion, I don't believe it is MY right to dictate to women what they can do with THEIR bodies, regardless of my personal feelings about it.

UNLIKE YOU, NAZI.  Hope Putin is paying you well enough to troll "liberal" forums with your kind of TRASH, btch. Otherwise go **** yourself.
And THIS, ladies and germs, it what is to be expected when you BITCH SLAP these NAZIS into next week!!!

PRO GROOMER and PRO BABY MURDERER and PRO ELECTION POWER GRABS all rolled into ONE neat little package you can BITCH SLAP with ease!!!

Do you know what a PISSBOY is, PISSBOY???

The ancient ROMANS had many working in the court of the rich and powerful. THEY carried the buckets of PISS that all these RICH ELITISTS pissed out during their reveling in the POWER the wielded over the PISSBOYS LIKE YOU!!!

And PISSBOY (peepee) just willingly carries the PISS and does it so "eloquently" and cheers at being able to do it!!

We KNOW you don't get paid to carry the PISS, PISSBOY, but you worship at the ALTER OF THE NAZIS and grovel at their feet so you can CARRY MORE PISS for these FASCIST PIGS you worship!!!
Liberals are spoiled children, miserable, unsatisfied, demanding, ill-disciplined, despotic & useless. Liberalism is a philosophy of sniveling brats ~O'Rourke

The Democratic Party seems intransigent on their position of keeping the party ‘woke,’ detached, exclusionary, and totally insane.
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19 Apr 2022 7:17 am
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Beekeeper » 19 Apr 2022, 7:10 am » wrote: And THIS, ladies and germs, it what is to be expected when you BITCH SLAP these NAZIS into next week!!!

PRO GROOMER and PRO BABY MURDERER and PRO ELECTION POWER GRABS all rolled into ONE neat little package you can BITCH SLAP with ease!!!

Do you know what a PISSBOY is, PISSBOY???

The ancient ROMANS had many working in the court of the rich and powerful. THEY carried the buckets of PISS that all these RICH ELITISTS pissed out during their reveling in the POWER the wielded over the PISSBOYS LIKE YOU!!!

And PISSBOY (peepee) just willingly carries the PISS and does it so "eloquently" and cheers at being able to do it!!

We KNOW you don't get paid to carry the PISS, PISSBOY, but you worship at the ALTER OF THE NAZIS and grovel at their feet so you can CARRY MORE PISS for these FASCIST PIGS you worship!!!
Projection much?? Go **** YOURSELF... TROLL.
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19 Apr 2022 7:18 am
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B.See » 19 Apr 2022, 7:17 am » wrote: Projection much?? Go **** YOURSELF... TROLL.
Nice try PISSBOY, but no one really pays any attention to NAZI PISS CARRYING TROLLS like you.
Liberals are spoiled children, miserable, unsatisfied, demanding, ill-disciplined, despotic & useless. Liberalism is a philosophy of sniveling brats ~O'Rourke

The Democratic Party seems intransigent on their position of keeping the party ‘woke,’ detached, exclusionary, and totally insane.
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19 Apr 2022 7:21 am
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LGBTQ community, people of color in the crosshairs of burn (correction) banned book movement

Students in one Pennsylvania school district are not allowed to read a biography of the first Black president, Barack Obama. In some Tennessee classrooms, a nonfiction comic book about the atrocities of the Holocaust is banned.

And one school district in Wisconsin banned from libraries a picture book about a gay rights activist who was assassinated.

In the last nine months, hundreds of books across dozens of states are being banned at an alarming rate. A majority of the bans feature books written by authors who are people of color, LGBTQ+, Black and Indigenous, and feature characters from marginalized groups.

And now, state Republican lawmakers are joining the movement, spurred by ultra conservative groups, to ban books from public schools and libraries.

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19 Apr 2022 7:21 am
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RCP Poll Average

President Biden Job Approval
41.0 Approve

51.7 Disapprove +10.7

ALL the proof you need to know that PISSBOY'S ( @peepee  ) claims are NOT what the American people believe nor want!!!
Liberals are spoiled children, miserable, unsatisfied, demanding, ill-disciplined, despotic & useless. Liberalism is a philosophy of sniveling brats ~O'Rourke

The Democratic Party seems intransigent on their position of keeping the party ‘woke,’ detached, exclusionary, and totally insane.
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19 Apr 2022 7:23 am
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B.See » 19 Apr 2022, 7:17 am » wrote: Projection much?? Go **** YOURSELF... TROLL.

Hey, you.
Come over here.
I think that you owe me an apology.
You slandered me.     
In the words of pro-poker player, Phil Hellmuth............
"Put up.......or shut up".
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19 Apr 2022 7:27 am
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Beekeeper » 19 Apr 2022, 7:21 am » wrote: RealClearPolitics

RCP Poll Average

President Biden Job Approval
41.0 Approve

51.7 Disapprove +10.7

ALL the proof you need to know that PISSBOY'S ( @peepee  ) claims are NOT what the American people believe nor want!!!
ONE: Biden's job approval rating HASN'T A **** THING TO DO with the issues of this thread.
TWO: His (average) job approval rating is STILL BETTER THAN TRUMP'S EVER WAS

Btw, I've heard those RUBLES aren't worth jack **** these days, TROLL. Best find another J.O.B.
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19 Apr 2022 7:27 am
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Taipan » 19 Apr 2022, 7:23 am » wrote: Hey.
Hey, you.
Come over here.
I think that you owe me an apology.
You slandered me.     
In the words of pro-poker player, Phil Hellmuth............
"Put up.......or shut up".
You can go **** yourself too. And yes, I have the proof.. for BOTH of your threats.
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19 Apr 2022 7:37 am
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B.See » 19 Apr 2022, 7:27 am » wrote: ONE: Biden's job approval rating HASN'T A **** THING TO DO with the issues of this thread.
TWO: His (average) job approval rating is STILL BETTER THAN TRUMP'S EVER WAS

Btw, I've heard those RUBLES aren't worth jack **** these days, TROLL. Best find another J.O.B.
Psssst. It has EVERYTHING to do with this thread!!!

YOU claim you want "democracy" which is MAJORITY RULES and when the MAJORITY- over 51%- say that your boy Bye-DONE'S policies that you DEMAND aren't what the AMERICAN PEOPLE want, you lose!!!

What's so stinking funny is that SOMEHOW you think you "won" with a DEFINITE MINORITY that doesn't have a CLUE!!

Oh, and Bye-DONE is lower than Trump was at this time in his Presidency. As in LOWER THAN its EVER been RECORDED FOR ANY PRESIDENT!! ... ing-at.jpg
Liberals are spoiled children, miserable, unsatisfied, demanding, ill-disciplined, despotic & useless. Liberalism is a philosophy of sniveling brats ~O'Rourke

The Democratic Party seems intransigent on their position of keeping the party ‘woke,’ detached, exclusionary, and totally insane.
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19 Apr 2022 7:46 am
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Beekeeper » 19 Apr 2022, 7:37 am » wrote: Psssst. It has EVERYTHING to do with this thread!!!

YOU claim you want "democracy" which is MAJORITY RULES and when the MAJORITY- over 51%- say that your boy Bye-DONE'S policies that you DEMAND aren't what the AMERICAN PEOPLE want, you lose!!!

What's so stinking funny is that SOMEHOW you think you "won" with a DEFINITE MINORITY that doesn't have a CLUE!!

Oh, and Bye-DONE is lower than Trump was at this time in his Presidency. As in LOWER THAN its EVER been RECORDED FOR ANY PRESIDENT!! ... ing-at.jpg
Only a MAGATly deluded sick fk would believe the LIE that Biden got a "definite minority" of the vote. Your "chosen one" NEVER got a majority vote. Not the FIRST NOR THE SECOND TIME.  ASSCLOWN.

BTW - Polls go up and down ASSCLOWN. 


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31st Arrival
19 Apr 2022 7:57 am
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B.See » 19 Apr 2022, 7:27 am » wrote: You can go **** yourself too. And yes, I have the proof.. for BOTH of your threats.
what can you prove to be kinetically self evident as to the whole functions of life by the numbers present never same details added twice, without hypothetical values doing the defining?

those 5 hypothetical values, what if we, what about they, them, those people, I could, he would, she should.
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19 Apr 2022 8:00 am
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B.See » 19 Apr 2022, 7:46 am » wrote: Only a MAGATly deluded sick fk would believe the LIE that Biden got a "definite minority" of the vote. Your "chosen one" NEVER got a majority vote. Not the FIRST NOR THE SECOND TIME.  ASSCLOWN.

BTW - Polls go up and down ASSCLOWN. 


Have you ever noticed that the MORE we REPUBLICANS WIN, the angrier and nastier these leftwing NAZI IMBECILES get???

Hey doofus, what are you going to be saying and doing once your side gets their little ARSES handed to them in November?? Will you whining become even more incessant and nastier??

Face it, your ilk is heading for a defeat that is going to be of Biblical proportions and one that you will be seeing DESTROY the Democratic Party for DECADES to come. The FACT is, you're so far out of touch with the REALITY that AMERICANS FEEL that you might not win an election forever!!
Liberals are spoiled children, miserable, unsatisfied, demanding, ill-disciplined, despotic & useless. Liberalism is a philosophy of sniveling brats ~O'Rourke

The Democratic Party seems intransigent on their position of keeping the party ‘woke,’ detached, exclusionary, and totally insane.
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19 Apr 2022 8:06 am
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Beekeeper » 19 Apr 2022, 8:00 am » wrote: Have you ever noticed that the MORE we REPUBLICANS WIN, the angrier and nastier these leftwing NAZI IMBECILES get???

Hey doofus, what are you going to be saying and doing once your side gets their little ARSES handed to them in November?? Will you whining become even more incessant and nastier??

Face it, your ilk is heading for a defeat that is going to be of Biblical proportions and one that you will be seeing DESTROY the Democratic Party for DECADES to come. The FACT is, you're so far out of touch with the REALITY that AMERICANS FEEL that you might not win an election forever!!
Nasty?? You've some fkng NERVE eh?

YOU'RE the one who came in with the name calling and suggesting I'm some pedo or something because I'm not hating on people perceived as some "other" like YOUR *** and those of your ilk are doing.

TRUTH is, I've been rather NICE to you, so far. So maybe you should run along, junior. Before I say what I REALLY think of fkrs like you.
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31st Arrival
19 Apr 2022 8:12 am
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B.See » 19 Apr 2022, 8:06 am » wrote: Nasty?? You've some fkng NERVE eh?

YOU'RE the one who came in with the name calling and suggesting I'm some pedo or something because I'm not hating on people perceived as some "other" like YOUR *** and those of your ilk are doing.

TRUTH is, I've been rather NICE to you, so far. So maybe you should run along, junior. Before I say what I REALLY think of fkrs like you.
you have never been nice. Just presumptuous about how much character counts and genetics doesn't matter about who one says they should have been all the time.

besides who there are what, where, when, which person you are adapting in space occupying time now limited to mutually evolving since conceived. You know any better way to define each being equally created as ancestrally positioned exactly as each exists now?
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