B.See » 25 Apr 2022, 7:14 am » wrote: ↑ The FASCIST MAGA PARTY of "LESS GOVERNMENT" - NOW AT WAR WITH MICKEY MOUSE.
'Christ, They're Going After Mickey Mouse!' Biden Roasts GOP
"Authoritarian socialist": Democratic governor slams Ron DeSantis' Disney stunt | Salon.com
Analysis: DeSantis vs. Disney: Homophobia and hate are beneath the surface of high-minded, right-wing talking points - CNN
Rating agency issues warning after DeSantis signs bill retaliating against Disney in Orlando - Raw Story - Celebrating 18 Years of Independent Journalism
Exclusive: Disney Pulling Employees Out Of Florida In Response Controversy - Tell Me Best
Here’s How DeSantis and Florida Republicans Just Violated Disney’s Civil Rights – Mother Jones
Alabama Families With Trans Kids Are Fundraising to Flee Anti-Trans Law
Alabama's new trans medicine ban facing a number of lawsuits
Florida family charged with beating man who they believe "turned" their son gay | Salon.com
LGBTQ Fox Corp. employees are calling out Fox News’ 'hateful' anti-gay rhetoric: report - Alternet.org
A grim prediction for Kansas: Abortion banned within a year if voters don’t show up - Raw Story - Celebrating 18 Years of Independent Journalism
These Eight States Have Passed Laws Making It Nearly Impossible to Get an Abortion – Mother Jones
Federal judge temporarily blocks new Kentucky abortion law from being enforced - CNNPolitics
A REPUBLICAN LED CLASS WAR: Tennessee plans to criminalize homelessness. The Independent
B.See » 25 Apr 2022, 7:14 am » wrote: ↑ The FASCIST MAGA PARTY of "LESS GOVERNMENT" - NOW AT WAR WITH MICKEY MOUSE.
'Christ, They're Going After Mickey Mouse!' Biden Roasts GOP
"Authoritarian socialist": Democratic governor slams Ron DeSantis' Disney stunt | Salon.com
Analysis: DeSantis vs. Disney: Homophobia and hate are beneath the surface of high-minded, right-wing talking points - CNN
Rating agency issues warning after DeSantis signs bill retaliating against Disney in Orlando - Raw Story - Celebrating 18 Years of Independent Journalism
Exclusive: Disney Pulling Employees Out Of Florida In Response Controversy - Tell Me Best
Here’s How DeSantis and Florida Republicans Just Violated Disney’s Civil Rights – Mother Jones
Alabama Families With Trans Kids Are Fundraising to Flee Anti-Trans Law
Alabama's new trans medicine ban facing a number of lawsuits
Florida family charged with beating man who they believe "turned" their son gay | Salon.com
LGBTQ Fox Corp. employees are calling out Fox News’ 'hateful' anti-gay rhetoric: report - Alternet.org
A grim prediction for Kansas: Abortion banned within a year if voters don’t show up - Raw Story - Celebrating 18 Years of Independent Journalism
These Eight States Have Passed Laws Making It Nearly Impossible to Get an Abortion – Mother Jones
Federal judge temporarily blocks new Kentucky abortion law from being enforced - CNNPolitics
A REPUBLICAN LED CLASS WAR: Tennessee plans to criminalize homelessness. The Independent
...thank you for your readership... sincerely.....you orange mouthers energize me too!... a big hand for all my flans...Beekeeper » 19 Apr 2022, 7:10 am » wrote: ↑ And THIS, ladies and germs, it what is to be expected when you BITCH SLAP these NAZIS into next week!!!
PRO GROOMER and PRO BABY MURDERER and PRO ELECTION POWER GRABS all rolled into ONE neat little package you can BITCH SLAP with ease!!!
Do you know what a PISSBOY is, PISSBOY???
The ancient ROMANS had many working in the court of the rich and powerful. THEY carried the buckets of PISS that all these RICH ELITISTS pissed out during their reveling in the POWER the wielded over the PISSBOYS LIKE YOU!!!
And PISSBOY (peepee) just willingly carries the PISS and does it so "eloquently" and cheers at being able to do it!!
We KNOW you don't get paid to carry the PISS, PISSBOY, but you worship at the ALTER OF THE NAZIS and grovel at their feet so you can CARRY MORE PISS for these FASCIST PIGS you worship!!!
this is your reality below. when mel blanc died so did looney tunes. the man with a 1,000 voices.peepee » 25 Apr 2022, 7:55 am » wrote: ↑ ...thank you for your readership... sincerely.....you orange mouthers energize me too!... a big hand for all my flans... :clap: :wave: :clap:
Your power of suggestion is lost. Your are more a despot than desperate to save your sole time being alive now. death by serving humanity because you fear everyone will recognize how fooled you chose to remain until dead.
I think YOU'RE the fool.omh » 28 Apr 2022, 11:01 am » wrote: ↑ Your power of suggestion is lost. Your are more a despot than desperate to save your sole time being alive now. death by serving humanity because you fear everyone will recognize how fooled you chose to remain until dead.
how do you think;
how do you think;
Tick tock, your reality is imploding because it was manifested by doubt ancestrally forward so far.B.See » 03 May 2022, 4:34 am » wrote: ↑ Supreme Court has voted to overturn abortion rights, draft opinion shows - POLITICO
Legal experts: Alito's leaked decision also calls into question laws on birth control, privacy and same-sex marriage - Raw Story
Jeffrey Toobin Warns Same-Sex Marriage Is ‘Certainly’ in Jeopardy After Opinion Overturning Roe v. Wade Leaked
Marjorie Taylor Greene says she opposes welfare because women 'need to be married' - Raw Story -
Bigotry is a collection of opinions actually learned through bad experiences.B.See » 28 Apr 2022, 7:42 am » wrote: ↑ SURPRISE SURPRISE. Just your average garden variety BIGOT
The racist, hate-fueled, and bigoted, world of Chaya Raichik’s Libs of TikTok.Last week, Washington Post reporter Taylor Lorenz revealed that a Brooklyn real estate agent named Chaya Raichik was the person behind the influential conservative Twitter account Libs of TikTok.
Raichik’s account, which previously operated anonymously, has become a powerful voice in the culture wars, pushing discourse designed to demonize supporters of LGBTQ rights as sexually predatory “groomers” of children.
Raichik’s account has even influenced policy through a symbiotic relationship with a top aide to Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis, who recently signed into law a “don’t say gay” bill that allows parents to sue school districts for employing gay or transgender teachers who are open about their lives with their students. Raichik has been at the vanguard of attempting to reframe the dangerous legislation as designed to protect children, calling it an “anti-groomer” bill.
Slate scrolled through thousands of Raichik’s tweets, including hundreds of deleted tweets, to understand how one real estate agent could gain such clout and to try to discern her next targets.
One notable trend was clear: Raichik’s feed is colored by an intense hostility to liberals generally, but she holds an especially pronounced animosity toward LGBTQ people, city dwellers, and Black people who have been killed at the hands of police.
Looks like the GOP obsession with CRT and bullying trans kids is backfiring
The funny part is you are making our case for us ...B.See » 25 Apr 2022, 7:14 am » wrote: ↑ The FASCIST MAGA PARTY of "LESS GOVERNMENT" - NOW AT WAR WITH MICKEY MOUSE.
'Christ, They're Going After Mickey Mouse!' Biden Roasts GOP
"Authoritarian socialist": Democratic governor slams Ron DeSantis' Disney stunt | Salon.com
Analysis: DeSantis vs. Disney: Homophobia and hate are beneath the surface of high-minded, right-wing talking points - CNN
Rating agency issues warning after DeSantis signs bill retaliating against Disney in Orlando - Raw Story - Celebrating 18 Years of Independent Journalism
Exclusive: Disney Pulling Employees Out Of Florida In Response Controversy - Tell Me Best
Here’s How DeSantis and Florida Republicans Just Violated Disney’s Civil Rights – Mother Jones
Alabama Families With Trans Kids Are Fundraising to Flee Anti-Trans Law
Alabama's new trans medicine ban facing a number of lawsuits
Florida family charged with beating man who they believe "turned" their son gay | Salon.com
LGBTQ Fox Corp. employees are calling out Fox News’ 'hateful' anti-gay rhetoric: report - Alternet.org
A grim prediction for Kansas: Abortion banned within a year if voters don’t show up - Raw Story - Celebrating 18 Years of Independent Journalism
These Eight States Have Passed Laws Making It Nearly Impossible to Get an Abortion – Mother Jones
Federal judge temporarily blocks new Kentucky abortion law from being enforced - CNNPolitics
A REPUBLICAN LED CLASS WAR: Tennessee plans to criminalize homelessness. The Independent
LOLZ. What a LOAD OF CRAP. Do you guys make this **** up on the fly or do you work from a MAGA **** TALKING POINTS manual?NEILCAR » 06 May 2022, 12:00 pm » wrote: ↑ The funny part is you are making our case for us ...
the "cruelty's the point:" -- the fact is there is a job on every street conner in the US ... if you do not have a job it is because you do not want a job right now ... I think it is cruel you are supporting homeless people who can live for free, not contributing to society, and letting them break almost every public health law while they spread disease throughout our large cities...
You are ruining our cities and I think the dems are just like brandon .. they are the village idiots of out time...
lol don't tell him the Supreme Court has not made a decision yet ... lolB.See » 06 May 2022, 12:16 pm » wrote: ↑ LOLZ. What a LOAD OF CRAP. Do you guys make this **** up on the fly or do you work from a MAGA **** TALKING POINTS manual?
The Abortion Ruling Is Set To Be A Political Earthquake | HuffPost Latest News
Americans Can Get Abortions In Canada If Roe Is Overturned, Canada Official Says | HuffPost Latest News
Republicans worked for years to overturn Roe -- but now they're afraid to talk about it: analysis - Raw Story
'She has the right': Fox News host slaps down co-host after he says pregnant women shouldn't be hired - Raw Story
With Roe on the Ropes, students stage nationwide walkouts - Raw Story
Schumer announces abortion rights vote, 'pro-choice' Collins immediately declares her opposition
Susan Collins Says No to Democrats’ Abortion-Rights Bill Because It Contains Too Many Abortion Rights | Vanity Fair
What does it take to make tomorrow arrive as defined today?B.See » 09 Apr 2022, 5:36 am » wrote: ↑ Abortion, LGBTQ rights and more: A roundup of controversial red-state actions - CNNPolitics
Republican-led states around the country have enacted a flurry of new restrictions on abortion, LGBTQ and transgender youth rights, and discussion of critical race theory.
Here’s a look at some of the legislation that has passed this session, what’s next for the bills and what else is under consideration:
- NEW ABORTION RESTRICTIONS in Republican led states that in some include felony charges for those attempting an abortion and even potentially giving the family of a rapist rights to sue. Furthermore,, some withing the GOP are seeking to ban morning after medication and even contraceptives.
- NEW ANTI-LGBTQ RESTRICTIONS targeting trans youth and the families of trans youth, banning the teaching of any material related to sexual identity, restricting trans youths and their families' access to gender affirming healthcare, and laws that attempt to criminalize families of transgendered youths.
- NEW ANTI DIVERSITY, ANTI "CRT" RESTRICTIONS prohibiting the teaching of so-called critical race theory in K-12 schools, prohibit or limit discussions about race in classrooms and prohibit schools from advocating so-called “divisive concepts,” or any discussion that makes people "feel anguish, guilt, or any other form of psychological distress” about their race.
- NEW "ELECTION POLICE" legislation that would create a so-called "security office" to investigate so-called "election crimes" based upon the false and fraudulent claim that the 2020 election was rife with voter fraud.
LIKE I SAID EARLIER, WITH THE FASCIST REICH, IT'S NEVER ENOUGH:B.See » 06 May 2022, 11:05 am » wrote: ↑ Pushing Back on Alito’s Plan to Steal Our Rights and Destroy Democracy Taking away the right of choice from women is just the first step in Sam Alito’s jackbooted plan to trample the rights of gays and others, but he doesn’t intend to stop until he destroys Democracy itself.
The Anti-Abortion Movement’s Next Target: Birth Control – Mother Jones In addition to coming up with new strategies for making any abortion impossible in the US, there was a powerful undercurrent pushing a far more ambitious future agenda: expanding the definition of abortion itself to include contraception. Some made allowances for barrier methods like condoms, which prevent fertilization of the egg before there’s an embryo. But others seemed to take issue with the whole idea—they considered anything that thwarted the meeting of sperm and egg to be unchristian.
Louisiana GOP rushes to classify abortion as homicide -- and mothers could potentially be charged - Raw Story -
The Supreme Court's leak investigation is a farce