The Party of "Less Government" Wants To Govern Every Aspect Of Our Lives

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By B.See
9 Apr 2022 5:36 am in No Holds Barred Political Forum
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31st Arrival
8 May 2022 8:57 am
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Believers resist understanding life in plain sight hiding behind codes of ethics like morality, legality, economics to manifest human rights within a species only living as biology eternally separates the reproductions occupying space here.
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10 May 2022 8:32 am
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10 May 2022 11:57 am
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Child Groomer, Sexual Predator
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Republicans aren't even bothering to lie about it anymore. They are now coming for birth control |

Here's a somewhat chilling video with a very calm and almost robotic Idaho State Rep. Brent Crane, a Republican, discussing state interference in women's most intimate decisions and bodily functions as if he's talking about a bond issue for the local water district. He blandly admits that his caucus would certainly consider banning Plan B and IUDs. The good news is that he says the caucus isn't currently talking about prosecuting women for crossing state lines to obtain abortions or trying women who get abortions for murder — yet. 


GOP Gov Tater Reeves. Defends Forcing Incest Victims to Have Children, Won't Rule Out Criminalizing Contraception - Rolling Stone

Author Margaret Atwood compares forced childbirth to ‘slavery’ amid Roe vs Wade row

After Roe: Here's the GOP Plan Kill to Marriage Equality, LGBTQ Rights


Texas isn’t ready to support more parents and kids in a post-Roe world, advocates warn

OF COURSE THEY AREN'T.  Because those bastards have NEVER given a FLYING **** about the welfare of families and children AFTER CHILDBIRTH in the FIRST place.

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10 May 2022 12:02 pm
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Leaving matters up to the POPULAR MAJORITY RULE of the individual States is the antithesis of totalitarian rule.
A Federal mandate is a TOTALITARIAN MEASURE that a US Citizen can't even travel to a different state to escape.

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10 May 2022 12:18 pm
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Child Groomer, Sexual Predator
3,714 posts
GHETTOBLASTER » 10 May 2022, 12:02 pm » wrote: Leaving matters up to the POPULAR MAJORITY RULE of the individual States is the antithesis of totalitarian rule.
A Federal mandate is a TOTALITARIAN MEASURE that a US Citizen can't even travel to a different state to esc


Poll: Majority Of Americans Want Federal Law Making Abortion Legal Across U.S. | HuffPost

Majority of Americans prefer political candidates who support abortion: Reuters/Ipsos poll | Reuters

But then again, seems little hateful TROLLS such as yourself ALSO hate WOMEN:

America's Worst Men Thrilled By Prospect Of Controlling Women's Bodies, Taking Away Our Rights - Wonkette

'Your body is mine': Video shows anti-abortion activists telling pro-choice protestors 'not your choice, not your body' -

Robert Regan, GOP Candidate Who Told Women to 'Enjoy' Rape, Loses Race

GOP Gov Tater Reeves. Defends Forcing Incest Victims to Have Children, Won't Rule Out Criminalizing Contraception - Rolling

Alice Stewart Shrugs Off Trolls Who Attack Her Over Abortion
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10 May 2022 12:22 pm
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B.See » 10 May 2022, 12:18 pm » wrote: It ISN'T POPULAR MAJORITY RULE, little Nazi. It's MINORITY RULE. Your FASCIST GOP wouldn't DARE put it to a vote by the people EVEN WITH THEIR **** RIGGED GERRYMANDERED DISTRICTS.

Leaving matters up to the POPULAR MAJORITY RULE of the individual States is the antithesis of totalitarian rule.
A Federal mandate is a TOTALITARIAN MEASURE that NO US CITIZEN  can escape by moving to a different state.

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31st Arrival
18 May 2022 8:11 am
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Static minds debating hypothetical probabilities never discuss physical absolutes to thermodynamic changes going on in plain sight.

watch below. static mind if full motion.
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3 Jun 2022 7:25 pm
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Child Groomer, Sexual Predator
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Arkansas Governor Goes On Defense About Near-Total Abortion Ban He Signed

'Free market' Texas Republicans want to ban retailers that support abortion rights

Southern Baptist scandal: It's no coincidence that anti-abortion churches protect sexual abusers

Indiana Pastor Admits Adultery, Neglects To Mention It Was With 16-Year-Old Girl

'More evil than I imagined': Evangelical leader stunned by massive abuse scandal at Southern Baptist Convention

Florida high schooler who says he was censored in graduation speech speaks out

“No time to ask nicely”: Protesters arrested after blocking roads over Manchin, Sinema obstruction

State Farm Halts Support For Donation Of LGBTQ-Based Books To Public School Children

YouTube CEO Susan Wojcicki speaks out on Roe v Wade: ‘Reproductive rights are human rights, this will be a big setback for women’

Texas Republicans look to ban companies that support women getting out-of-state abortions

Like a 'BAD neighbor': State Farm'S LGBTQ+ inclusion program is no longer there

Right-wing activist goads additional attacks on pro-LGBTQ+ corporations -

Austin to become first major red state city to shield people from abortion prosecution

Far right trains its eliminationist sights on LGBTQ community with deluge of threatening rhetoric

Republican governor proudly signs multiple hateful bills into law following Uvalde shooting

Jacky Eubanks Says She Would Vote To Make Birth Control Illegal In Michigan

Oklahoma Bans Abortions Starting at 'Fertilization' | The Mary Sue

Philadelphia high school students walk out of class to rally for abortion rights at Love Park in Center City
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31st Arrival
11 Jun 2022 6:01 am
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I am going to typecast you by your performance using language arts abusing power of suggestion here. See it is your behavior I am targeting not your ancestral displacement.

You are an uncompromising idealist that won't accept how biology works naturally, naturally being a biological result yourself.
Look below, he fit my description. Actions speak louder than theories and theologies combined.
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