Reality is an intellectual fake it into fruition social order while life is evolving with genetics living evidence ancestors are simple half life results of combined generation gaps living uniquely alive today in ever changing form since arriving a product of a fertilized cell.
I answer your question to bet a person's brain activated from their mental mind nurtured by social consensus of the last 7,000 years ancestries have misled the last arriving great great grandchildren conceived today since day of birth 0-9 months from now one at a time as conceived one at a time so far.
Women don't get pregnant from blowjobs or anal sex. the fads are suggested in artforms to slow down the birth rate tomorrow when people became characters on the world stage yesterday.
funny thing about rule of 72 compounding yields between building better tomorrows noon to midnight when tomorrow happens midnight to noon. Yesterday is just recorded human behavior since dawn of civilization used against each of the 8.2 billion members of this species today.
All 5 generation gaps living now.