Have you ever killed a human ?

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By Jinn Martini
30 Apr 2022 1:06 pm in The Water Cooler Chat Room
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Jinn Martini
30 Apr 2022 1:06 pm
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I did !

In fact several, while on duty  . . .  and one as a private citizen.

But he deserved it  . . .  
Never served a day in prison for that  . . . and no charges were ever leveled against me !
Self-defense thingy ! 

In fact, the sheriff thanked me for making the town more livable !
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30 Apr 2022 1:39 pm
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A sociopath braggart thread.

how quaint.

I’ve not killed anyone nor would I ever want to much less brag about it.

But that’s just me and my crazy morals.
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30 Apr 2022 1:45 pm
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JinnMartini » 30 Apr 2022, 1:06 pm » wrote: I did !

In fact several, while on duty  . . .  and one as a private citizen.

But he deserved it  . . .  
Never served a day in prison for that  . . . and no charges were ever leveled against me !
Self-defense thingy ! 

In fact, the sheriff thanked me for making the town more livable !

Must have been a dem voter.   
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30 Apr 2022 1:48 pm
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roadkill » 30 Apr 2022, 1:45 pm » wrote: Must have been a dem voter.
More likely a gloryholer who used his teeth. 
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30 Apr 2022 2:00 pm
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JinnMartini » 30 Apr 2022, 1:06 pm » wrote: I did !

In fact several, while on duty  . . .  and one as a private citizen.

But he deserved it  . . .  
Never served a day in prison for that  . . . and no charges were ever leveled against me !
Self-defense thingy ! 

In fact, the sheriff thanked me for making the town more livable !
Thankfully there are still some 99.9% WHITE / ASIAN AREAS IN THE USA where most cops still go their entire careers without ever firing their guns in the line of duty and where the civilian homicide rates are almost zero.
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30 Apr 2022 2:05 pm
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GHETTOBLASTER » 30 Apr 2022, 2:00 pm » wrote: Thankfully there are still some 99.9% WHITE / ASIAN AREAS IN THE USA where most cops still go their entire careers without ever firing their guns in the line of duty and where the civilian homicide rates are almost zero.
Is that Nazi math? 

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30 Apr 2022 2:09 pm
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GHETTOBLASTER » 8 minutes ago » wrote: 
8 minutes ago
Thankfully there are still some 99.9% WHITE / ASIAN AREAS IN THE USA where most cops still go their entire careers without ever firing their guns in the line of duty and where the civilian homicide rates are almost zero.
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30 Apr 2022 2:18 pm
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GHETTOBLASTER » 30 Apr 2022, 2:09 pm » wrote: GHETTOBLASTER » 8 minutes ago » wrote: 
8 minutes ago
Thankfully there are still some 99.9% WHITE / ASIAN AREAS IN THE USA where most cops still go their entire careers without ever firing their guns in the line of duty and where the civilian homicide rates are almost zero.
^^^keep telling yourself that. 
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30 Apr 2022 2:18 pm
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Pastafarian » 30 Apr 2022, 2:18 pm » wrote: ^^^keep telling yourself that.
Thankfully there are still some 99.9% WHITE / ASIAN AREAS IN THE USA where most cops still go their entire careers without ever firing their guns in the line of duty and where the civilian homicide rates are almost zero.
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30 Apr 2022 2:37 pm
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i would never kill another human being except in self defense. or maybe revenge. but marxists don't qualify as human beings.
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30 Apr 2022 3:43 pm
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Hey MORON, you need to do some REAL MATH!!!

US City with HIGHEST Murder Rate.....

1. St. Louis, Missouri

With 64.54 murders per 100,000 residents, St. Louis had the highest murder rate for any major American city in 2019.

Oh, and then we have THIS.....

What percentage of St. Louis is Black?45.3% Black residents totaled 136,167 as of July 1, 2019, or 45.3% of the city's population, according to estimates to be released Thursday by the U.S. Census Bureau. That represents declines of 2,928 from the 2018 estimate and of 20,993 from the 2010 census.Jun 25, 2020

So we can make the CORRELATION that the HIGHER the population of ******, the higher the MURDER RATE!!!

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30 Apr 2022 3:47 pm
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How about #2???

#2 Baltimore, Maryland

ImageGetty Images

The murder rate in Baltimore is 58.27 per 100,000.
 What percentage of the population of Baltimore is black?  As of the 2010 Census, African Americans are the majority population of Baltimore at 63% of the population.
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30 Apr 2022 3:49 pm
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Oh, and @Pastafarian  , that ain't WHITEY KILLING BLACKY EITHER!!!!

Seems you need to get your ****** under control as they are as animalistic as it comes!!!

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30 Apr 2022 3:50 pm
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Jinn Martini
30 Apr 2022 4:02 pm
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roadkill » 30 Apr 2022, 1:45 pm » wrote: Must have been a dem voter.
He was  . . .  

All criminals are ! 
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30 Apr 2022 4:19 pm
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Pastafarian » 30 Apr 2022, 1:39 pm » wrote: A sociopath braggart thread.

how quaint.

I’ve not killed anyone nor would I ever want to much less brag about it.

But that’s just me and my crazy morals.
You could well have killed any forum passerby, that noticed any of your repeated lies and deception against early treatment generic drug protocols, that didn't bother preparing as a result of noticing your lies.
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31st Arrival
30 Apr 2022 4:39 pm
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Jinn Martini » 30 Apr 2022, 1:06 pm » wrote: I did !

In fact several, while on duty  . . .  and one as a private citizen.

But he deserved it  . . .  
Never served a day in prison for that  . . . and no charges were ever leveled against me !
Self-defense thingy ! 

In fact, the sheriff thanked me for making the town more livable !
No, I may have driven a couple to suicide. Cannot be proven either way. It is like when I first went online and some young girl was asking what to do about a molesting dad that was abusing her last couple of years and his eyes started looking at her little sister and the mom didn't do anything about it.

I told her she has to stand up to him, 2 weeks later in Texas a 13 year old and little sister were found dead in a ditch in texas and it turned out dad did it because the children disrespected him. the was in early 2007.
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30 Apr 2022 7:27 pm
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Beekeeper » 30 Apr 2022, 3:43 pm » wrote: Hey MORON, you need to do some REAL MATH!!!

US City with HIGHEST Murder Rate.....

1. St. Louis, Missouri

With 64.54 murders per 100,000 residents, St. Louis had the highest murder rate for any major American city in 2019.

Oh, and then we have THIS.....

What percentage of St. Louis is Black?45.3% Black residents totaled 136,167 as of July 1, 2019, or 45.3% of the city's population, according to estimates to be released Thursday by the U.S. Census Bureau. That represents declines of 2,928 from the 2018 estimate and of 20,993 from the 2010 census.Jun 25, 2020

So we can make the CORRELATION that the HIGHER the population of ******, the higher the MURDER RATE!!!
What’s this have to do with retarded Nazi math?
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30 Apr 2022 7:29 pm
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lewstherin » 30 Apr 2022, 2:37 pm » wrote: i would never kill another human being except in self defense. or maybe revenge. but marxists don't qualify as human beings.
More sociopathy^^^
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30 Apr 2022 7:30 pm
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freeman » 30 Apr 2022, 4:19 pm » wrote: You could well have killed any forum passerby, that noticed any of your repeated lies and deception against early treatment generic drug protocols, that didn't bother preparing as a result of noticing your lies.

I’ve not given advice on treatment nor have I stood in anyone’s way to get treatment. 

Maybe you have?
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