Have you ever killed a human ?

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By Jinn Martini
30 Apr 2022 1:06 pm in The Water Cooler Chat Room
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9 May 2024 1:07 pm
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murdock » 08 May 2024, 8:11 pm » wrote: I suck my dick with my mother's asshole.

Lol, I could suck a horse cock no handed  :)  
murdock » 20 Apr 2024, 6:17 pm » wrote: I **** my mothers asshole.  :rolleyes:  
murdock » 20 Apr 2024, 6:06 pm » wrote: I **** my bitch *** mother.  :cool:  
murdock » 20 Apr 2024, 6:04 pm » wrote: My bitch *** mother is a *** loving whore.  :rofl:  
murdock » 20 Apr 2024, 6:04 pm » wrote: My slut mother loves animal cock!  :cw:  
murdock » 20 Apr 2024, 6:04 pm » wrote: I suck my mothers dick with my asshole  :omg:  
change your avatar
@sooted up Cyndi  you see what he wrote? This is one sicko
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31st Arrival
9 May 2024 3:31 pm
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murdock » 09 May 2024, 12:40 pm » wrote: ^^^^ babbling idiot.
you must be an imbecile that cannot use your own brain to navigate living as uniquely alive each rotation of the planet your body keeps changing form since shaped a fertilized cell so all you can do is obey social consensus as a beta mind trying to control those corrupted cradle to grave each generation alive.
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9 May 2024 5:24 pm
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Cannonpointer » 24 Apr 2024, 8:15 pm » wrote: Hell, he doesn't need permission. He could just DO it.

This **** place is out of our control. We do not collect IPs.  :rofl:  

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9 May 2024 7:48 pm
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31st Arrival » 09 May 2024, 3:31 pm » wrote: you must be an imbecile that cannot use your own brain to navigate living as uniquely alive each rotation of the planet your body keeps changing form since shaped a fertilized cell so all you can do is obey social consensus as a beta mind trying to control those corrupted cradle to grave each generation alive.
Babbling imbecile, dick sucker, boi buggerer.
He's dead Jim!
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9 May 2024 10:43 pm
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sooted up Cyndi » 09 May 2024, 12:53 pm » wrote: i can take you out.
cyndi- i beg you for a truce- you pathetic little man? seek halp :lol:   never!
More unintelligible babble from the site ****.
He's dead Jim!
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10 May 2024 2:02 am
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murdock » 09 May 2024, 12:40 pm » wrote: Babbling imbecile, dick sucker, boi buggerer.
Babbling obsessed projecting *** says what?


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10 May 2024 2:43 am
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Jantje_Smit » 10 May 2024, 2:02 am » wrote: Babbling obsessed projecting *** says what?



:rofl:   :rofl:   :rofl:   :rofl:   :rofl:   :rofl:   :rofl:   :rofl:   :rofl:   :rofl:  
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31st Arrival
10 May 2024 4:28 am
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murdock » 09 May 2024, 7:48 pm » wrote: Babbling imbecile, dick sucker, boi buggerer.
Has your brain ever figured out the origins of pre-existing conditions? History leading into current events. Evolved results sustaining current events never the same details forward. Ancestries reproducing next generations one great great grandchild at a time.

Refusing to accept how evolving happens leads your brain to mind power of suggesting evolving isn't self evident. How are self evident results blocked from the results recognizing their own time limited to their actual position evolving forward each rotation they exist in ever changing form since arriving a fertilized cell?

Your time alive explains it. Common cause, common results, common sense, common since point of origins. I began existing uniquely here when conceived. My ancestry's point or origin was inception of ancestral lineage. series of events existing in parallel time.

Common parallel time is positioned universally here as specifically as existed since arrival. Balancing event horizons, i.e. time per cycle present.

Zero sum gain. Economic corruption of evolving results each generation within this species being the only species practicing self deception is a virtue to obtaining power, wealth, fame being in control of mayhem, madness, misery for the current 5 generation gaps living this rotation of the planet.

History recorded preexisting behaviors by laws directing social outcomes in each family, village, rural or urban, country/region, state province, country/continent, 5th generation arrived after conceptions began are siblings, cousins, other ancestries, 4th generation arrived parents, aunts, uncles, second cousins, 3rd generation are current grandparents, great aunts and uncles 3 cousins, 4th generation since inception up to 5th prior generation first of their kind mutated from a previous species of ancestral lineages recovering from the planet's food chain drastic change of more food or less food changing the diet of pregnant females causing changes in the gestating fetuses when born had more chromosomes than their original species where the new forms would only be able to reproduce with the offspring born during the food chain's recovery that would support both old results and new additions.

Simple compounding results never same details twice each lifetime unique conceived to decomposed each rotation occupying time this rotation never same results as before.

Pre-existing conditions with now being eternity and every rotation is eternally separating the results native to this atmosphere. Always has been this simple until people imagine anything else can be better tomorrow. This is where creed, hate, envy, all the things emotions spawn for or against understanding live living uniquely here as eternally separated today.

MY babbling solved the eternal conflict this species does to itself every generation gap historically reaching this rotation.
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10 May 2024 7:31 pm
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Jantje_Smit » 10 May 2024, 2:02 am » wrote: Babbling obsessed projecting *** says what?


I said your mother sucked my dick with her asshole, and you're jealous, illiterate loser!
He's dead Jim!
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31st Arrival
11 May 2024 12:07 pm
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murdock » 10 May 2024, 7:31 pm » wrote: I said your mother sucked my dick with her asshole, and you're jealous, illiterate loser!
You say a lot of things that never existed in evolving circumstances, just possibilities that never reached fruition recited over and over until others believe it was possible, then factualize it into history for next generations to copy the social behavior every generation forward..

Why does every reality center around doing the same things over and over expecting a different conclusion every generation added one ancestor at a time this rotation forward?

Is there a mind on this website that can navigate series parallel existence beside my brain naviging space uniquely here now?
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14 May 2024 11:47 am
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31st Arrival » 03 May 2022, 6:38 am » wrote: you are as stupid as you post. crybaby that cannot defend yourself physically or mentally.
Suck my dick with your mother's asshole.
He's dead Jim!
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31st Arrival
14 May 2024 2:36 pm
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murdock » 14 May 2024, 11:47 am » wrote: Suck my dick with your mother's asshole.
However, in the arena of ideas where people mind possibilities beyond their time evolving in plain sight, I am the only human defending my time living uniquely here as adapting in space specifically me since my conception understanding why people of faith now isn't eternity take sides playing everyone ideology as fools to their one sided exemption by reasonable doubt following the facts theories and theologies supplied every generation rule of law prevailed in every geographical area in this atmosphere defined by time longitudes and temperate latitudes of relative time semantics practiced every generation gap lived between dawn of civilization and how humanity is governed this rotation of population never staying same form as their unique fertilized cell each rotation this planet has sustained this universal geographical location no two ancestors were conceived in two separate generations so far.

One can clone chromosomes but the cloned results still have to adapt to time limited of ancestral position here now changing form with the same unique chromosomes at death that arrived in its original fertilized cell. intellectual forward or backward is still never staying the same form living in this current rotation life is a series parallel set of events as universally changing perpetually never same outcome every heart beat, blink of an eye, breathe, combined choices repeated over and over pretending/believing/faith, actual life isn't physically absolute each intellectual second of each rotation of the planet.

I attack intellectual time and space factualized by social consensus of everyone ignoring what they been since conceived only following a common sense of playing each other as fools cradle to grave regardless siblings, ancestral lineages, characters on a world stage projecting life is but a dream state of mind and not each brain adapting to their own unique position sharing the moment here, naturally added since inception of every ancestral lineage of reproductions left alive this rotation.

Accountability given as to the specificity of my time inhabiting space as me never escaping my chromosome DNA report equal I am

Back to you defending the ideas that your ancestral results define who you have rather been since birth equals who we say we could be if life wasn't self evident..
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15 May 2024 2:08 pm
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JinnMartini » 30 Apr 2022, 1:06 pm » wrote: I did !

In fact several, while on duty  . . .  and one as a private citizen.

But he deserved it  . . .  
Never served a day in prison for that  . . . and no charges were ever leveled against me !
Self-defense thingy ! 

In fact, the sheriff thanked me for making the town more livable !
stfu, you stupid bitch
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31st Arrival
15 May 2024 3:06 pm
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lard » 15 May 2024, 2:08 pm » wrote: stfu, you stupid bitch
Hey LARD, you are responding to a 2 year old post telling the person whom made the post hasn't posted for over a year and you telling them to stfu this current rotation of the planet?

You are doing pure theatrics to direct events going on this rotation .ike there hasn't been over 720 tomorrows between the post you responded with and your post responding.

Now if life never stays same results twice, you haven't moved ahead a day in your life believing living isn't self evident evolving limits your physical time adapting to the moment each rotation you never stay the same total sum reached here now.

You won't accept life as it naturally works and you will sacrifice every rotation you are alive to believe anything else is possible so much so you rather die corrupted than fix what your mind obeys and your brain navigates beyond the facts keeping you loyal to a royal we instead of a unique me/I am unique naturally here equally alive since replacing your specific ancestors in the previous 4 generation gaps society calls bio parents, bio grandparents, bio great grandparents, bio great great.

Now in history that is selected 30 persons over the last century your time was conceived to replace them after they die when they were still alive reproducing next generation of specific rotations conception, zygote, embryo, fetus, birth, infant, toddler, adolescent, puberty, adult capable of reproducing another generation gap or not.Each state happens for each reproduction each generation gap specifying the uniqueness of each lifetime living each rotation.

Simple correct and wrong ways to explain the natural eternal separation of current population within the same species of several different ancestral lineages present 5 generation gaps left alive this rotation of specific lifetimes here.

So how does evolution theory, All the separate theologies of a supreme intellectual mind over every ancestral brain exists without form or function sustaining perpetual balancing outcomes eliminating extreme results from every angle of contracting lifetimes each generation forward.

Again sequence of events within specific bloodlines regardless the ancestral lineage. original ancestors became 16 great great grandparents when delivering children that became 8 great grandparents to the next generation 4 reproductions became grandparents the others didn't.

Now the 4 grandparents added however many children they had but only 2 became parents to the newly arriving great great grandchildren of the original 16 great great grandparents that weren't the entire population in that first generation called inception.

So back to the topic of ever killing another human, directly or indirectly getting every ancestor to believe life isn't self evidently limited to genetics eternally separating every lifetime living each rotation homo sapiens have occupied space only natively alive in this atmosphere so far.

See I established there hasn't been missing links possible, yet all the facts directing social outcomes tomorrow have led people to sacrifice their biological time protecting those that won't be honest about adapting uniquely here every generation since dawn of civilization.

So again back to the title of this thread and those protesting for human rights to deceive every ancestor living this rotation?
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16 May 2024 3:17 pm
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31st Arrival » 09 May 2024, 3:31 pm » wrote: you must be an imbecile that cannot use your own brain to navigate living as uniquely alive each rotation of the planet your body keeps changing form since shaped a fertilized cell so all you can do is obey social consensus as a beta mind trying to control those corrupted cradle to grave each generation alive.
Suck my dick with your mother's asshole.
He's dead Jim!
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31st Arrival
16 May 2024 3:30 pm
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murdock » 16 May 2024, 3:17 pm » wrote: Suck my dick with your mother's asshole.
You try so hard to box others into adopting your opinion cradle to grave that you forgot you gave away your brain to mind people that got you to recite history cradle to grave evolving into a new world order every rotation of the planet your body is changing form shaped since a fertilized cell.

See, you allowed yourself to become an educated idiot New World Order activist is just people denying the Natural World Order ancestrally here. and you are pissed because every reality is imploding at the same time.

Honesty is making a come back silently. all the roar and chaos is performed by those that won't change their mind since adopting a reality to die for as what is life if a person cannot ignore their natural time evolving this rotation.
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16 May 2024 7:08 pm
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31st Arrival » 16 May 2024, 3:30 pm » wrote: You try so hard to box others into adopting your opinion cradle to grave that you forgot you gave away your brain to mind people that got you to recite history cradle to grave evolving into a new world order every rotation of the planet your body is changing form shaped since a fertilized cell.

See, you allowed yourself to become an educated idiot New World Order activist is just people denying the Natural World Order ancestrally here. and you are pissed because every reality is imploding at the same time.

Honesty is making a come back silently. all the roar and chaos is performed by those that won't change their mind since adopting a reality to die for as what is life if a person cannot ignore their natural time evolving this rotation.
Suck my dick with your mother's asshole.
He's dead Jim!
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31st Arrival
17 May 2024 6:24 am
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murdock » 16 May 2024, 7:08 pm » wrote: Suck my dick with your mother's asshole.
Has anyone ever told you critical thinking skills come from thinking beyond social mantras saving humanity from humans understanding life as genetically eternally separated living uniquely alive this rotation never same total sum of results twice.

Do you know how deep that goes in total sum corruption taking place this rotation of the planet your mind only knows how to use preprogrammed responses like the one you use here?

The core of every alternate reality working in series parallel time now suggesting multiple dimensional universe and/or parallel universes with wormholes between that create time travel to past or future events.

Ironically time doesn't change anything evolving this rotation since evolving is a continuous change of anything occupying space in the universe here now never same results as before in each cycle present.

Individual cycles are whole parts of the whole time this whole universe is specifically the total sum of movements taking place here. Perpetual motion is an exponential compared to all the whole results existentially here evolving as displaced.

Kinetic self evident results when one isn't protecting reasonable doubts by hypothetical situations, theories, theologies. What if, what about, what kind of intellect governs physical absolutes naturally balancing between contracting results building details never same total sum twice all existing as evolving now and each item universally geographically where it is occupying time inhabiting space proportionately here geometrically present in either ever changing forms, universal positions or event horizons to balancing cycle of combinations eroding, evolving, decomposing uniquely here equally timed apart.

Perpetual motion supplies the energy that cannot be created or destroyed by the occupants of space inhabiting the moment here as evolving changes total sum constantly what is is here now.

Adapt to physical absolutes or adopt ways and means to self destruct as a species destroying the atmosphere's food chain in the process of self destruction ignoring the Natural World Order promising each next generation a New World Order where individuals can control space all the time by power of suggesting actual life isn't what is factually here.

Let me guess your next post will be "someone needs to remove me from living.". There will be several that will second that opinion and in reality majority wins in a democracy serving ideas, not ancestral positions. See Tyranny regardless dictatorships or democracy..
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18 May 2024 9:05 am
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31st Arrival » 17 May 2024, 6:24 am » wrote: Has anyone ever told you critical thinking skills come from thinking beyond social mantras saving humanity from humans understanding life as genetically eternally separated living uniquely alive this rotation never same total sum of results twice.

Do you know how deep that goes in total sum corruption taking place this rotation of the planet your mind only knows how to use preprogrammed responses like the one you use here?

The core of every alternate reality working in series parallel time now suggesting multiple dimensional universe and/or parallel universes with wormholes between that create time travel to past or future events.

Ironically time doesn't change anything evolving this rotation since evolving is a continuous change of anything occupying space in the universe here now never same results as before in each cycle present.

Individual cycles are whole parts of the whole time this whole universe is specifically the total sum of movements taking place here. Perpetual motion is an exponential compared to all the whole results existentially here evolving as displaced.

Kinetic self evident results when one isn't protecting reasonable doubts by hypothetical situations, theories, theologies. What if, what about, what kind of intellect governs physical absolutes naturally balancing between contracting results building details never same total sum twice all existing as evolving now and each item universally geographically where it is occupying time inhabiting space proportionately here geometrically present in either ever changing forms, universal positions or event horizons to balancing cycle of combinations eroding, evolving, decomposing uniquely here equally timed apart.

Perpetual motion supplies the energy that cannot be created or destroyed by the occupants of space inhabiting the moment here as evolving changes total sum constantly what is is here now.

Adapt to physical absolutes or adopt ways and means to self destruct as a species destroying the atmosphere's food chain in the process of self destruction ignoring the Natural World Order promising each next generation a New World Order where individuals can control space all the time by power of suggesting actual life isn't what is factually here.

Let me guess your next post will be "someone needs to remove me from living.". There will be several that will second that opinion and in reality majority wins in a democracy serving ideas, not ancestral positions. See Tyranny regardless dictatorships or democracy..
Suck my dick with your mother's asshole.
He's dead Jim!
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31st Arrival
18 May 2024 9:21 am
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murdock » 18 May 2024, 9:05 am » wrote: Suck my dick with your mother's asshole.
How many times have you requested your dick get sucked? I don't make such demands of anyone else alive. I request people use their own evolved brain instead of a socially constructed mind obedient to vernacular tribalism faking life every rotation evolving happens naturally here each great great grandchild gets a second chance to correct their ancestral history of ignoring how life actually exists this rotation 23 hours, 56 minutes, and 56 seconds every rotation they are living in ever changing form shaped since conceived.

You display you won't change your mind and rather die protecting the living hell you did to yourself be served by everyone else with you. I won't comply. Most everyone else has in their own alternate reality way of ancestral traditional beliefs character careers matter more than self evident time to one's ancestral position after birth to have created biological children, outlived offspring, never became a parent.

the haves and have nots isn't about economics. Skin in the game of life are the generations one leaves behind after dead. How DNA moves in real time this rotation of the planet.
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