Have you ever killed a human ?

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By Jinn Martini
30 Apr 2022 1:06 pm in The Water Cooler Chat Room
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31st Arrival
18 Jul 2024 6:46 am
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murdock » 18 Jul 2024, 4:36 am » wrote: Keep babbling dick mouth.
Your character performs like a hardon with ears begging for someone besides yourself play with you. Anything you say comes from a mind that doesn't know the difference between your in balancing eternity or vernacular tribalism is comming out your mouth.
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18 Jul 2024 7:57 am
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31st Arrival » 18 Jul 2024, 6:46 am » wrote: Your character performs like a hardon with ears begging for someone besides yourself play with you. Anything you say comes from a mind that doesn't know the difference between your in balancing eternity or vernacular tribalism is comming out your mouth.
He's dead Jim!
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31st Arrival
18 Jul 2024 8:02 am
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I learned this 64 years ago.

Queer is a drip,
A drip is a drop of rain.
Rain is a natural occurrence in plain sight never same drop twice.
That makes my time evolving uniquely common place naturally here
Naturally here is my nature
Nature is beautiful.

Thanks for the compliment while you are a devil's advocate lived in denial since educated to believe life isn't self evident time uniquely alive today. Misery loves company, people denying life in plain sight invent alternate realities to silence each unique results adapting as ancestrally equally left alive, today.
Tyranny manifests live evil daily in each alternate reality governing tomorrow's results occupying time, ancestrally here today.

Living is a self evident personal experience while adapting in space now. Apply thermodynamic principles here.
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19 Jul 2024 8:28 am
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31st Arrival » 18 Jul 2024, 6:46 am » wrote: Your character performs like a hardon with ears begging for someone besides yourself play with you. Anything you say comes from a mind that doesn't know the difference between your in balancing eternity or vernacular tribalism is comming out your mouth.
The large hadron collider likes you.
He's dead Jim!
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31st Arrival
19 Jul 2024 8:30 am
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murdock » 19 Jul 2024, 8:28 am » wrote: The large hadron collider likes you.
Technology has no emotions.
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19 Jul 2024 8:44 am
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31st Arrival » 19 Jul 2024, 8:30 am » wrote: Technology has no emotions.
**** you
He's dead Jim!
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31st Arrival
19 Jul 2024 11:56 am
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everyone does. Embezzles my sole time living day to day telling me I am worthless to humanity keeping corruption going forward every generation gap alive today.

My brain allows me to escape into real time while everyone else is dying to keep relative time logistics law of the land.
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19 Jul 2024 1:22 pm
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31st Arrival » 19 Jul 2024, 11:56 am » wrote: everyone does. Embezzles my sole time living day to day telling me I am worthless to humanity keeping corruption going forward every generation gap alive today.

My brain allows me to escape into real time while everyone else is dying to keep relative time logistics law of the land.
**** you
He's dead Jim!
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31st Arrival
19 Jul 2024 6:30 pm
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You keep trying and always end up screwing yourself.
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29 Aug 2024 2:50 am
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31st Arrival » 03 May 2022, 6:38 am » wrote: you are as stupid as you post. crybaby that cannot defend yourself physically or mentally.
Try me ****.
He's dead Jim!
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29 Aug 2024 2:51 am
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I wiped out all your posts again  :)  
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29 Aug 2024 2:52 am
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*Nucleus » 6 minutes ago » wrote: I wiped out all your posts again  :)  
No one cares. Juvenile bitch. You still sucking cyndis dick?
He's dead Jim!
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29 Aug 2024 2:53 am
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real close to hacking it so I can BAN YOU  :rofl:  :rofl:  :rofl: 
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31st Arrival
29 Aug 2024 3:58 am
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post you quoted was from 2 years ago, and you are still as stupid now, as you were then. Nurtured minds society set in place after each great great grandchild added to the species at 4 years old 99.9% of the time won't change their mind until dead.

Reason for that is, the nurturing doesn't stop in any generation gap forward so all generations last 350 gaps added people of character follow power of suggestion rather than adapting to space limited to adapting in the moment here.

You won't change your mind and I don't mind power of suggesting life isn't self evident. Your give away of your biological time in on you.
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29 Aug 2024 4:42 am
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31st Arrival » 45 minutes ago » wrote: post you quoted was from 2 years ago, and you are still as stupid now, as you were then. Nurtured minds society set in place afir each great great grandchild added to the species at 4 years old 99.9% of the time won't change their mind until dead.

Reason for that is, the nurturing doesn't stop in any generation gap forward so all generations last 350 gaps added people of character follow power of suggestion rather than adapting to space limited to adapting in the moment here.

You won't change your mind and I don't mind power of suggesting life isn't self evident. Your give away of your biological time in on you.
Only simple minded **** stains cry about responding to old posts. You have nothing to say so you make up silly crap about posts. Limited mindsets do that. And you are very limited.
He's dead Jim!
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29 Aug 2024 4:46 am
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31st Arrival » 03 May 2022, 6:38 am » wrote: you are as stupid as you post. crybaby that cannot defend yourself physically or mentally.
Try me ***.
He's dead Jim!
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31st Arrival
29 Aug 2024 4:55 am
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I have in every conversation so far. I explain how you got so corrupted, and you won't change your mind. I can explain exactly what you were since conceived and you only defend the character you believe is more than time you had lived since conceived.

Your mental point of origin is date of birth, My origin is unknown except it was the exact rotation I was conceived and not recorded in history.

thing my brain comprehends vs your mind doesn't accept. Choices made the difference a constant barrier you hold pretending your body isn't your sole time alive.
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29 Aug 2024 5:07 am
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31st Arrival » 13 minutes ago » wrote: I have in every conversation so far. I explain how you got so corrupted, and you won't change your mind. I can explain exactly what you were since conceived and you only defend the character you believe is more than time you had lived since conceived.

Your mental point of origin is date of birth, My origin is unknown except it was the exact rotation I was conceived and not recorded in history.

thing my brain comprehends vs your mind doesn't accept. Choices made the difference a constant barrier you hold pretending your body isn't your sole time alive.
You are quite likely the biggest **** babbling imbecile ever encountered.
He's dead Jim!
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31st Arrival
29 Aug 2024 5:10 am
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murdock » 29 Aug 2024, 5:07 am » wrote: You are quite likely the biggest **** babbling imbecile ever encountered.
Last instinctive brain not blinded by power of 8,119,999,999 people believing life isn't self evident. Only way to stop being corrupted is be honest about why you exist in plain sight naturally eternally separated as everyone believing it isn't possible.
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29 Aug 2024 5:10 am
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31st Arrival » 3 minutes ago » wrote: Last instinctive brain not blinded by power of 8,119,999,999 people believing life isn't self evident.
babble babble babble babble babble babble babble babble babble babble babble babble babble babble babble babble babble babble babble babble babble babble babble babble babble babble babble babble babble babble babble babble babble babble babble babble babble babble babble babble babble babble babble babble babble babble babble babble babble babble babble babble babble babble babble babble babble babble babble babble babble babble babble babble babble babble babble babble babble babble babble babble babble babble babble babble babble babble babble babble babble babble babble babble babble babble babble babble babble babble babble babble babble babble babble babble babble babble babble babble babble babble babble babble babble babble babble babble babble babble babble babble babble babble babble babble babble babble babble babble babble babble babble babble babble babble babble babble babble babble babble babble babble babble babble babble babble babble babble babble babble babble babble babble babble babble babble babble babble babble babble babble babble babble babble babble babble babble babble babble babble babble babble babble babble babble babble babble babble babble babble babble babble babble babble babble babble babble babble babble babble babble babble babble babble babble babble babble babble babble babble babble babble babble babble babble babble babble babble babble babble babble babble babble babble babble babble babble babble babble babble babble babble babble babble babble babble babble babble babble babble babble babble babble babble babble babble babble babble babble babble babble babble babble babble babble babble babble babble babble babble babble babble babble babble babble babble babble babble babble babble babble babble babble babble babble babble babble babble babble babble babble babble babble babble babble babble babble babble babble babble babble babble babble babble babble babble babble babble babble babble babble babble babble babble babble babble babble babble babble babble babble babble babble babble babble babble babble babble babble babble babble babble babble babble babble babble babble babble babble babble babble babble babble babble babble babble babble babble babble babble babble babble babble babble babble babble babble babble babble babble babble babble babble babble babble babble babble babble babble babble babble babble babble babble babble babble babble babble babble babble babble babble babble babble babble babble babble babble babble babble babble babble babble babble babble babble babble babble babble babble babble babble babble babble babble babble babble babble babble babble babble babble babble
He's dead Jim!
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