Have you ever killed a human ?

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By Jinn Martini
30 Apr 2022 1:06 pm in The Water Cooler Chat Room
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31st Arrival
12 Mar 2025 5:21 am
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murdock » 11 Mar 2025, 7:36 pm » wrote: SMDWYMA ***. Are you sucking that *** cp's dick to get him to delete my posts? lmao, lame juvvie little bitches run this place! Lol, delete them all like that **** nucleus did. I don't care, I just like to point out what a child these bitches are.
whole lot less than you are asking to have other people's mother suck your dick with their rectum.

You won't accept all you been since a fertilize cell adapting in plain sight since conceived living eternally separated so far following a social consensus used within this species for over 7,000 years of recorded history of genetic outcomes left as 8.14 billion sole reproductions inhabiting space one at a time now.

Chromosomes don't lie. Ancestors do and the original sin of mankind is self deception cradle to grave within each ancestral lineage alive today.

See what happens to you when you disagree with everyone compromising with agreeing to disagree now is eternity. I started doing this in 1982 in a civilized manner accepting I would be cast aside by everyone I ever knew.

1. constant ridicule if I discuss what I navigate in plain sight.

2. shunned by my own family and friends unless I stay loyal to family traditions and social consensus of we.

3. exiled when I won't change my thinking to a franchise of humanity.

4. boycotted from working in any sort of economic theory keeping reality real.

5. My lack of social pride keeps me frustrated as hell while alive.

6. I understand how genetics eternally separates every reproduction native to this atmosphere past and current events.

7. Factual days of the week foster reasonable doubt since dawn of civilization within this species and its basic 5 ancestral lineages after inception to this atmosphere.

8. seasonal shifts of 4 seasons opposite one another each rotation of the planet each side of the equator daily. Dawn and dusk never meet because each is opposite edge of day and night on a rotating planet revolving around a star 365,365,365, 366 days an intellectual year.

9. Humanity is the Great Satan regardless the franchise of we believe now isn't eternity.

0-9 gates of Hell.
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12 Mar 2025 9:05 am
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31stArrival » 12 Mar 2025, 5:21 am » wrote: whole lot less than you are asking to have other people's mother suck your dick with their rectum.

You won't accept all you been since a fertilize cell adapting in plain sight since conceived living eternally separated so far following a social consensus used within this species for over 7,000 years of recorded history of genetic outcomes left as 8.14 billion sole reproductions inhabiting space one at a time now.

Chromosomes don't lie. Ancestors do and the original sin of mankind is self deception cradle to grave within each ancestral lineage alive today.

See what happens to you when you disagree with everyone compromising with agreeing to disagree now is eternity. I started doing this in 1982 in a civilized manner accepting I would be cast aside by everyone I ever knew.

1. constant ridicule if I discuss what I navigate in plain sight.

2. shunned by my own family and friends unless I stay loyal to family traditions and social consensus of we.

3. exiled when I won't change my thinking to a franchise of humanity.

4. boycotted from working in any sort of economic theory keeping reality real.

5. My lack of social pride keeps me frustrated as hell while alive.

6. I understand how genetics eternally separates every reproduction native to this atmosphere past and current events.

7. Factual days of the week foster reasonable doubt since dawn of civilization within this species and its basic 5 ancestral lineages after inception to this atmosphere.

8. seasonal shifts of 4 seasons opposite one another each rotation of the planet each side of the equator daily. Dawn and dusk never meet because each is opposite edge of day and night on a rotating planet revolving around a star 365,365,365, 366 days an intellectual year.

9. Humanity is the Great Satan regardless the franchise of we believe now isn't eternity.

0-9 gates of Hell.
Babbling bung biting bitch boi.
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31st Arrival
12 Mar 2025 2:26 pm
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murdock » 12 Mar 2025, 9:05 am » wrote: Babbling bung biting bitch boi.
Caricaturizing is the limits of your well trained mind, but my brain can work what humanity trained me to believe possible to figure out what never has taken place in any generation gap lived since inception of the species.

I know the difference between event horizons from natural perpetual motion never duplicating a person's chromosomes in streaming DNA results occupying space daily.
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12 Mar 2025 2:43 pm
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31stArrival » 12 Mar 2025, 2:26 pm » wrote: Caricaturizing is the limits of your well trained mind, but my brain can work what humanity trained me to believe possible to figure out what never has taken place in any generation gap lived since inception of the species.

I know the difference between event horizons from natural perpetual motion never duplicating a person's chromosomes in streaming DNA results occupying space daily.

Babble burble babble, spew stupid ****, we don't really care why you eat the gnarly ****. 
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31st Arrival
12 Mar 2025 2:54 pm
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murdock » 12 Mar 2025, 2:43 pm » wrote: Babble burble babble, spew stupid ****, we don't really care why you eat the gnarly ****. 
You are the babbler, I am just an ancestor standing my time, lived in plain sight, so far. I am not a character on the world stage pretending life is too difficult to navigate honestly alive daily here.

what I am is one male ancestor from one specific ancestral lineage and generation gap proportionately alive since arrived a 31st parallel of my previous 4 generations, parent to my 2 children, and grandparent to my two grandchildren under the age of 4 years old so far.

I want this corruption corrected and it doesn't require humanity to correct it. Humanity sustains it every day.

Accountability. Specifically me against humanity corrupting everyone in my family tree.

Intellectual Armageddon is my kind of civil war. I actually remain civil to ancestors while being disrespectful to people demanding everyone sacrifice their biological time to pretend now isn't eternity so they can feel superior daily.
19 Mar 2025 5:45 pm
1,822 posts
31stArrival » 03 May 2022, 6:38 am » wrote: you are as stupid as you post. crybaby that cannot defend yourself physically or mentally.
The *** sure like deleting this post. Well, here it is again 5th graders! Show us your stuff! lmao
19 Mar 2025 5:46 pm
1,826 posts
31stArrival » 12 Mar 2025, 2:54 pm » wrote: You are the babbler, I am just an ancestor standing my time, lived in plain sight, so far. I am not a character on the world stage pretending life is too difficult to navigate honestly alive daily here.

what I am is one male ancestor from one specific ancestral lineage and generation gap proportionately alive since arrived a 31st parallel of my previous 4 generations, parent to my 2 children, and grandparent to my two grandchildren under the age of 4 years old so far.

I want this corruption corrected and it doesn't require humanity to correct it. Humanity sustains it every day.

Accountability. Specifically me against humanity corrupting everyone in my family tree.

Intellectual Armageddon is my kind of civil war. I actually remain civil to ancestors while being disrespectful to people demanding everyone sacrifice their biological time to pretend now isn't eternity so they can feel superior daily.
You are a **** babbling **** eating horse cock sucking freak child molester.
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31st Arrival
19 Mar 2025 6:29 pm
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murdock » 45 minutes ago » wrote: You are a **** babbling **** eating horse cock sucking freak child molester.
You are a person that cannot accept all you been since conceived to replace your previous ancestral lineage so far. Whose the coward that cannot be honest within their self evident time alive here now?

I understand how chromosomes compound ancestrally alive now. You won't accept it being a specific lifetime in plain sight.
19 Mar 2025 6:30 pm
1,829 posts
31stArrival » 2 minutes ago » wrote: You are a person that cannot accept all you been since conceived to replace your previous ancestral lineage so far. Whose the coward that cannot be honest within their self evident time alive here now?

I understand how chromosomes compound ancestrally alive now. You won't accept it being a specific lifetime in plain sight.
You are a **** babbling **** eating horse cock sucking freak child molester.
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31st Arrival
19 Mar 2025 6:33 pm
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murdock » 6 minutes ago » wrote: You are a **** babbling **** eating horse cock sucking freak child molester.
Do you have to pay others for dues to belong in a reality to recite your adopted mantra?
19 Mar 2025 6:35 pm
1,833 posts
31stArrival » 3 minutes ago » wrote: Do you have to pay others for dues to belong in a reality to recite your adopted mantra?

I paid your momma to suck my dick.
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31st Arrival
19 Mar 2025 6:37 pm
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murdock » 6 minutes ago » wrote: I paid your momma to suck my dick.
A person can say anything is possible, but those reciting possibilities never discuss what is never possible in real time living as adapting uniquely alive in series parallel positions inhabiting space now.
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20 Mar 2025 6:47 pm
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31stArrival » Yesterday, 6:33 pm » wrote: Do you have to pay others for dues to belong in a reality to recite your adopted mantra?

No, just your mother! She's got a mean dick sucking asshole, lemme tell ya!
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31st Arrival
21 Mar 2025 5:33 am
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murdock » Yesterday, 6:47 pm » wrote: No, just your mother! She's got a mean dick sucking asshole, lemme tell ya!
You say a lot, but you tell everyone nothing real, just define your artificial reality of adapting as your "we" are genetically displaced. in social circles cycling ancestrally here..
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21 Mar 2025 7:12 am
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31stArrival » Today, 5:33 am » wrote: You say a lot, but you tell everyone nothing real, just define your artificial reality of adapting as your "we" are genetically displaced in social circles cycling ancestrally here.
14 rhetorical questions I don't need to know your specific answers, but you won't give the actual answers without inaccurate responses.

How did you arrive existing one of a kind?
Why are you limited to chromosomes of a male or female human being in character on an intellectual world stage?
What generation gaps have you entered into after birth?
When were you conceived?
Where were you born?
Which ideology is your character typecast in?
Who do you believe you became after birth?

Explain the philosophical means, psychological motives, physical methods your reality makes ancestries mind applying to defend your faith now isn't eternity?

Academia, arts, economics, politics, religions, relative time cycle occupying time daily here since conceived teaches ancestors one cannot defy power of suggesting now isn't eternity or else cradle to grave regardless which generation gap achieved cradle to grave.

How does tyranny socially work 24/7 until extinction regardless serving god, country, hope, faith, charity, character counts and generation gaps are just a mystery tour living factually alive day born until dead?

Re-read this post again. History explains it all been done over and over expecting better days 24/7, 52 weeks a year.
Babble in you **** spewing idiot.
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31st Arrival
21 Mar 2025 7:14 am
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murdock » 7 minutes ago » wrote: Babble in you **** spewing idiot.
At least my gibberish shows where everything humanity became corrupted, came from.
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22 Mar 2025 5:21 pm
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31stArrival » 03 May 2022, 6:38 am » wrote: you are as stupid as you post. crybaby that cannot defend yourself physically or mentally.

Yep the little boy rapist deleted it again. It must give this little bitch some sort of power trip to delete my posts. Lol, delete them all, just like I told him when he was pretending to be nucleus and deleting my posts. Lol, useless powerless little bitches failing downwardly! lmao!
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31st Arrival
23 Mar 2025 6:30 am
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murdock » Yesterday, 5:21 pm » wrote: Yep the little boy rapist deleted it again. It must give this little bitch some sort of power trip to delete my posts. Lol, delete them all, just like I told him when he was pretending to be nucleus and deleting my posts. Lol, useless powerless little bitches failing downwardly! lmao!
Shame you don't understand the separation of knowing equally created and feeling superior than every other reality existing. we, us, ours vs them, they, those, theirs.

Life evolves never staying what it was before arriving and every human intellectual reality pretends evolving isn't the root of everything never same total sum twice here now.

zero sum gain is universal perpetual balancing of results never same total sum left alive tomorrow.
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23 Mar 2025 9:56 am
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31stArrival » 03 May 2022, 6:38 am » wrote: you are as stupid as you post. crybaby that cannot defend yourself physically or mentally.
Keep babbling you **** spewing asshole.

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31st Arrival
23 Mar 2025 2:31 pm
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murdock » Today, 9:56 am » wrote: Keep babbling you **** spewing asshole.

responding to almost a 3 year old post twice in the same day and you haven't learned anything between now and 3 years ago.
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