Have you ever killed a human ?

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By Jinn Martini
30 Apr 2022 1:06 pm in The Water Cooler Chat Room
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2 May 2022 7:30 am
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Beekeeper » 01 May 2022, 4:32 pm » wrote: I'm not a negro, and molesting your daughter seems to be a requirement of every male Negro in your family.

Did you find someone to service your fat *** wife??? I hear she has one might fine booty that you can't seem to handle. I am SURE a whitey can take care of that business that you can't, negro fool. It must be pretty pitiful that you just can seem to "measure up", huh?? And your daughter is mighty fine too from what I hear!! Bring her over and we can work on that one for you too!!
^^^this daughter molester, is also a race baiter. 
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2 May 2022 8:14 am
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Pastafarian » 02 May 2022, 7:27 am » wrote: I cite an individual who took your advice.
Since my advice (would be as it has been, to parrot the advice of world renowned 99+% successful clinicians like Dr. Zev Zelenko, Dr. Brian Tyson, the Dr.s Ratier, Dr. Peter McCullough the doctors in the AAPS and in myfreedoctor.com, as well as tens of thousands of doctors around the world) would be to begin treatment immediately upon the presentation of symptoms or clinical suspicion of COVID-19, with a minimum of ivermectin+zinc+doxycycline or HCQ+Zn+azithromycin, along with vitamins D, C and quercetin, lysine and more (through the applied SCIENCE and practice of evidence based COVID-19 treatment)......

In other words, to have treated himself properly with typically prescribed protocols:
https://covid19criticalcare.com/wp-cont ... NGLISH.pdf

......you either have to explain to forum members how you know that EltonJohnson did exactly that, or you wear the admission that you are a repeatedly bold faced lying homicidal sociopath, as I suggested before.
I wonder how many you’ve killed bcuz you know better than everyone else?
I don't "know better than everyone else" since it has nothing to do with me but rather the world renowned professionals that I quote and parrot whose 99+% success since spring of 2020 proves that they indeed do know better than at least everyone else that is less successful than they are.
Again, doubling down on your stupidity won't make you any more intelligent. It only makes you stupider.
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31st Arrival
2 May 2022 8:19 am
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2 May 2022 8:21 am
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freeman » 02 May 2022, 8:14 am » wrote: Since my advice (would be as it has been, to parrot the advice of world renowned 99+% successful clinicians like Dr. Zev Zelenko, Dr. Brian Tyson, the Dr.s Ratier, Dr. Peter McCullough the doctors in the AAPS and in myfreedoctor.com, as well as tens of thousands of doctors around the world) would be to begin treatment immediately upon the presentation of symptoms or clinical suspicion of COVID-19, with a minimum of ivermectin+zinc+doxycycline along with vitamins D, C and quercetin, lysine and more (through the applied SCIENCE and practice of evidence based COVID-19 treatment......

......you either have to explain to forum members how you know that Elton John did exactly that, or you wear the admission that you are repeatedly bold faced lying homicidal sociopath as I suggested before.

Doubling down on your stupidity won't make you any more intelligent. It only makes you stupider.
But you were wrong, at least when it came to EltonJohnson. 

You might have killed others? It would not surprise me one bit. 
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2 May 2022 8:32 am
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omh » 30 Apr 2022, 4:39 pm » wrote: No, I may have driven a couple to suicide. Cannot be proven either way. It is like when I first went online and some young girl was asking what to do about a molesting dad that was abusing her last couple of years and his eyes started looking at her little sister and the mom didn't do anything about it.

I told her she has to stand up to him, 2 weeks later in Texas a 13 year old and little sister were found dead in a ditch in texas and it turned out dad did it because the children disrespected him. the was in early 2007.
Your only coherent thought (a stupid one, but a coherent one) got two little girls murdered.  Lord, no wonder you choose to feign insanity. Reality would rip your heart out and twist it into an origami box.
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31st Arrival
2 May 2022 8:34 am
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Skans » 02 May 2022, 8:32 am » wrote: Your only coherent thought (a stupid one, but a coherent one) got two little girls murdered.  Lord, no wonder you choose to feign insanity. Reality would rip your heart out and twist it into an origami box.
one track mantra mentality cannot comprehend series parallel evolving even when described accurately.
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2 May 2022 8:36 am
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omh » 02 May 2022, 8:34 am » wrote: one track mantra mentality cannot comprehend series parallel evolving even when described accurately.
Yeah, I get it Sole, If I were you I'd tell me to "f-off" too for throwing my personal responsibility for 2 dead girls back in my face. 
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31st Arrival
2 May 2022 8:36 am
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Skans » 02 May 2022, 8:32 am » wrote: Your only coherent thought (a stupid one, but a coherent one) got two little girls murdered.  Lord, no wonder you choose to feign insanity. Reality would rip your heart out and twist it into an origami box.
I have no guilty feelings over that. don't try to install them because you failed to recognize life in real time.

Life is balancing out now, nothing fair about that. Why call of the wild is named adapt or become extinct, failure to adapt is dead.
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2 May 2022 8:38 am
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Pastafarian » 02 May 2022, 8:21 am » wrote: But you were wrong, at least when it came to EltonJohnson. 

You might have killed others? It would not surprise me one bit.
And even yet again, doubling down on your lies and stupidity won't make you any more intelligent. It only makes you stupider.
230 million people, 310,783 cases April, cut 97.1% in June, just 22 cases August
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31st Arrival
2 May 2022 8:40 am
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Skans » 02 May 2022, 8:36 am » wrote: Yeah, I get it Sole, If I were you I'd tell me to "f-off" too for throwing my personal responsibility for 2 dead girls back in my face. 
you ever once in your time being alive figure out the meaning of what you said there"If I were you.....". You would be doing exactly what I have done to this point of being alive here.

You have no instinctive empathy about adapting to time occupying space here being just one of a kind biology maintains eternally separated now.
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2 May 2022 8:41 am
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omh » 02 May 2022, 8:36 am » wrote: I have no guilty feelings over that.
****, you don't.
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2 May 2022 8:42 am
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omh » 02 May 2022, 8:40 am » wrote: you ever once in your time being alive figure out the meaning of what you said there"If I were you.....". You would be doing exactly what I have done to this point of being alive here.

You have no instinctive empathy about adapting to time occupying space here being just one of a kind biology maintains eternally separated now.
Empathy.  Empathy is nonsense.
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31st Arrival
2 May 2022 8:46 am
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Skans » 02 May 2022, 8:42 am » wrote: Empathy.  Empathy is nonsense.
intellectually you say so, but what does your intellect know without consensus in context of history misleading ancestries since dawn of civilization? My brain understands evolving in motion never duplicating results present again here now.

kinetic whole is equal to total sum of all that is remaining parts changing forward here now. Population never stays same people twice same way your form still isn't just a fertilized cell that became your brain by birth.
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2 May 2022 8:52 am
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JinnMartini » 30 Apr 2022, 1:06 pm » wrote: I did !

In fact several, while on duty  . . .  and one as a private citizen.

But he deserved it  . . .  
Never served a day in prison for that  . . . and no charges were ever leveled against me !
Self-defense thingy ! 

In fact, the sheriff thanked me for making the town more livable !

Too bad you didn't kill more leftists as they are worthless scum beyond any value.
pom sucks *** dick from his mothers greasy asshole.
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2 May 2022 8:52 am
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omh » 02 May 2022, 8:46 am » wrote: intellectually you say so, but what does your intellect know without consensus in context of history misleading ancestries since dawn of civilization? My brain understands evolving in motion never duplicating results present again here now.

kinetic whole is equal to total sum of all that is remaining parts changing forward here now. Population never stays same people twice same way your form still isn't just a fertilized cell that became your brain by birth.
Two dead girls.  You told them to stand up to their old man who was fornicating with the girl you were chatting with and looking at sissy like "the little bitch is ready for me" in his loins. While you were evolving in motion never duplicating results, you neglected to figure out a way to gather enough information to report this to the police. 

What is a person's empathy going to do for you, Sole?

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31st Arrival
2 May 2022 9:18 am
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Skans » 02 May 2022, 8:52 am » wrote: Two dead girls.  You told them to stand up to their old man who was fornicating with the girl you were chatting with and looking at sissy like "the little bitch is ready for me" in his loins. While you were evolving in motion never duplicating results, you neglected to figure out a way to gather enough information to report this to the police. 

What is a person's empathy going to do for you, Sole?
Resolve the situation once and for all. Are those two girls being tortured anymore by society telling them what life isn't and reality should remain forward.

that 13 year old girl found freedom from dad even though dad killed her for defying his lust. Mom didn't lift a finger. that gene pool isn't around anymore. when the parents finally die.

natural Karma.
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31st Arrival
2 May 2022 9:57 am
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Skans » 02 May 2022, 8:41 am » wrote: ****, you don't.
I don't. Know why I am not a serial killer? I understand life better than you believe in reality. Apathy is my emotional ally to instinctive empathy to people being miserable from their own choices to survive denying what they are.
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2 May 2022 9:59 am
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freeman » 02 May 2022, 8:38 am » wrote: And even yet again, doubling down on your lies and stupidity won't make you any more intelligent. It only makes you stupider.
230 million people, 310,783 cases April, cut 97.1% in June, just 22 cases August
Again, you double down on your lies. 

You **** murderer. 
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2 May 2022 10:05 am
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Secret Service will be investigating you.  LOL - you're screwed.
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