neither, I am honest about life in plain sight. I get how society is supposed to make living easier for all, but that never reached fruition of promises of better tomorrows since dawn of societal evolution was named civilization.
omh » 03 May 2022, 2:18 pm » wrote: ↑ neither, I am honest about life in plain sight. I get how society is supposed to make living easier for all, but that never reached fruition of promises of better tomorrows since dawn of societal evolution was named civilization.
How many animals did PETA save last year?Pastafarian » 03 May 2022, 7:30 am » wrote: ↑ And this angers you?
I’m a member of PETA and we stop this kind of **** from going on.
What have you ever done, oh impotent one. ... peta-killsDogs and Cats killed by PETA
Year Received † Transferred Adopted Killed
2021 2,355 623 27 1.1% 1,699 71.1%
2020 2,595 836 33 1.2% 1,719 66.2%
2019 2,421 807 29 1.1% 1,578 65.20%
2018 2,470 658 35 1.42% 1,771 71.70%
2017 2,445 585 44 1.8% 1,809 74.0%
2016 1,963 478 57 2.9% 1,411 71.9%
2015 1,974 446 60 3.0% 1,456 73.8%
2014 2,631 252 39 1.5% 2,324 88.3%
2013 2,175 311 46 2.1% 1,792 82.4%
2012 1,843 130 19 1.0% 1,647 89.4%
2011 1,992 34 24 1.2% 1,911 95.9%
2010 2,345 63 44 1.9% 2,200 93.8%
2009 2,366 31 8 0.3% 2,301 97.3%
2008 2,216 34 7 0.3% 2,124 95.8%
2007 1,997 35 17 0.9% 1,815 90.9%
2006 3,061 46 12 0.4% 2,981 97.4%
2005 2,165 69 146 6.7% 1,946 89.9%
2004 2,655 1 361 13.6% 2,278 85.8%
2003 2,224 1 312 14.0% 1,911 85.9%
2002 2,680 2 382 14.3% 2,298 85.7%
2001 2,685 14 703 26.2% 1,944 72.4%
2000 2,681 28 624 23.3% 2,029 75.7%
1999 1,805 91 386 21.4% 1,328 73.6%
1998* 943 125 133 14.1% 685 72.6%
Total 52,092 4,864 3,515 6.74% 43,238 83.0%
there is no fence on abortion beyond typecasting people for or against to create social divide within a population.
Roman numeral for ten that disguises 0-9 being less than 1.0.
omh » 03 May 2022, 3:13 pm » wrote: ↑ there is no fence on abortion beyond typecasting people for or against to create social divide within a population.
Stop screwing with people psychologically to obtain power of suggestion biology doesn't sustain eternal separation of reproduced results here now..
It's the same tactic as the title of this thread. Bait and switch through 6 degrees of se[parating opposing conflicting interpretations people box themselves into willingly playing roles to save humanity tomorrow.
7th point of displacement playing 6 degrees of separation while mutually evolving here. one becomes central authority of maybes.
I stand with now being physical eternity leaving my time evolving to be alive in series parallel displacement same as you exist since conceived. guess what that means?
No one forces mothers to work. In fact, a mother should not be working. If a mother needs to work, this is due to her poor choices of having a child outside of a stable marriage. Mothers are expected to take care of babies. Working should not even be a consideration after birth.Pastafarian » 03 May 2022, 6:12 am » wrote: ↑ It is illegal in America to take a puppy away from its mother until the eighth week of their lives.
Yet human mothers are forced back to work in six weeks or less.
Crazy, huh?
omh » 03 May 2022, 3:25 pm » wrote: ↑ I stand with now being physical eternity leaving my time evolving to be alive in series parallel displacement same as you exist since conceived. guess what that means?
I am equally created as any other homo sapien ever occupied space in this atmosphere past, current, future. less talented as some, more so than most since I did decipher the core of power of suggestion corrupts every great great grandchild until they reach being 1 of 16 great great grandparents dead or alive absolutely..
Rather different things here since puppy is taken away for good. A she wolf lives her pups for a time when goes to hunt.Pastafarian » 03 May 2022, 6:12 am » wrote: ↑ It is illegal in America to take a puppy away from its mother until the eighth week of their lives.
Yet human mothers are forced back to work in six weeks or less.
Crazy, huh?
You should hold this man in high esteem.Pastafarian » 03 May 2022, 7:30 am » wrote: ↑ I’m a member of PETA and we stop this kind of **** from going on.
you cannot rationalize anything outside fictional movies. Let me guess Wolves of Wall street was on your mind when posting this? Plenty of other movies on same topic so you do have plausible deniability on your side.roadkill » 03 May 2022, 3:43 pm » wrote: ↑ Yer like a penny stock stay just outside of commitment.
Why would I hold your hero in high regard?dickens » 03 May 2022, 3:51 pm » wrote: ↑ Rather different things here since puppy is taken away for good. A she wolf lives her pups for a time when goes to hunt.
You should hold this man in high esteem. ... banned.jpg
Capitalism hurries them back to work, barely giving them enough time to heal, much less bond with their child.Skans » 03 May 2022, 3:32 pm » wrote: ↑ No one forces mothers to work. In fact, a mother should not be working. If a mother needs to work, this is due to her poor choices of having a child outside of a stable marriage. Mothers are expected to take care of babies. Working should not even be a consideration after birth.
Your problem is that you look at everything through the fake goggles of slavery. This leads you to make outrageous claims like some "master" is forcing a mother to get back to work after giving birth, under threat of being whipped, hanged, or tortured. When, in reality, what you are really discussing is a mother's choice. Life choices - yes, they matter.
So what? They kill them for humane reasons.AnnoyedLiberall » 03 May 2022, 3:08 pm » wrote: ↑ How many animals did PETA save last year?
How many did they kill?
You know that PETA is against any forms of animal ownership, right? ... peta-kills
Except Capitalists.
Another lie.roadkill » 03 May 2022, 1:34 pm » wrote: ↑ Unborn babies are treated the worst! They feel pain at a much earlier stage than what was originally thought.
It makes perfect sense since most abortions occur at this stage of pregnancy.roadkill » 03 May 2022, 4:56 pm » wrote: ↑ 93% feel no pain? That makes no sense at all.
How the hell do you know...did you get a suction nozzle up yer *** when you were in the womb?
93% of what? You mean when they're 7% developed? Or by magic 93% feel no pain but 7% do???
You've posted some meaningless stuff before but this is beyond meaningless.
Pastafarian » 03 May 2022, 6:12 am » wrote: ↑ It is illegal in America to take a puppy away from its mother until the eighth week of their lives.
Yet human mothers are forced back to work in six weeks or less.
Crazy, huh?