America treats puppies and dogs better than babies and their moms

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By Pastafarian
3 May 2022 6:12 am in No Holds Barred Political Forum
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3 May 2022 5:04 pm
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Pastafarian » 03 May 2022, 4:37 pm » wrote: Capitalism hurries them back to work, barely giving them enough time to heal, much less bond with their child. 

Single mothers have it the worst. And that’s a thing these days, you know. Then you call them freeloaders for taking welfare and now Republicans want to hand their reproductive rights to the States who treat these women in the worst way. 

Your problem is, you don’t really think things through sometimes.

My problem is that I don't obsess over other people kids like you do right?

From what I see I wouldn't allow you to be alone with my dog at this point
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3 May 2022 5:04 pm
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Pastafarian » 03 May 2022, 4:58 pm » wrote: It makes perfect sense since most abortions occur at this stage of pregnancy.

What stage??? After the baby is 93% developed? Yer still not making sense. You must be buying more time to come up with more nonsense.

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3 May 2022 5:10 pm
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roadkill » 03 May 2022, 4:56 pm » wrote: 93% feel no pain?  That makes no sense at all.

How the hell do you know...did you get a suction nozzle up yer *** when you were in the womb?   

93% of what?  You mean when they're 7% developed?   Or by magic 93% feel no pain but 7% do???

You've posted some meaningless stuff before but this is beyond meaningless.    Image

he's reciting talking points.....there are scans of babies in the womb who are being aborted where they are trying to get away from the tools used that rip them apart during an abortion.

It's more accurate to say that 93% or should I say 97% of all scientists know that babies don't lack's just another hoax or flat out lie
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3 May 2022 5:23 pm
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nefarious101 » 03 May 2022, 5:10 pm » wrote: he's reciting talking points.....there are scans of babies in the womb who are being aborted where they are trying to get away from the tools used that rip them apart during an abortion.

It's more accurate to say that 93% or should I say 97% of all scientists know that babies don't lack's just another hoax or flat out lie

You nailed it..."there are scans of babies in the womb who are being aborted where they are trying to get away from the tools used that rip them apart during an abortion."

I've seen a video that shows a baby in the womb trying to avoid the abortion suction nozzle.  Pasta posted meaningless nonsense.
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3 May 2022 5:27 pm
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Pastafarian » 03 May 2022, 4:32 pm » wrote: Why would I hold your hero in high regard?

Bcuz he liked dogs?

That mother **** killed more dogs than anyone else in human history. 

You stupid, limey ****.
Because he outlawed vivisection. As is clearly written in the upper right corner of the picture.

And I am not sure I can spot a dog there. Mostly rabbits. You confused the man in the picture with someone else.
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3 May 2022 6:46 pm
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roadkill » 03 May 2022, 5:23 pm » wrote: You nailed it..."there are scans of babies in the womb who are being aborted where they are trying to get away from the tools used that rip them apart during an abortion."

I've seen a video that shows a baby in the womb trying to avoid the abortion suction nozzle.  Pasta posted meaningless nonsense.

Everything these people do or say is a lie....most of the lies are so ridiculous thar only a common progressive idiocrat would believe them.

The Progressive Idiocracy's Brain Trust is made up of sick twist degenerates.

Watch how these morons react to Elon Musk....he's the new Trump....the new "EVIL ONE"....soon "EVIL ONE'S will be crawling out of the woodwork.

The time is coming to purge and crush the Progressive Idiocracy and their girlish emasculated sally boy idiocrats....set your White Privilege Decoder Rings to Z mode.  Below is the secret message

"Momma Don't let your babies grow up to be idiocrats"
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3 May 2022 6:49 pm
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Hey goat!!...Wow...I thought I recognized you

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4 May 2022 4:26 am
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roadkill » 03 May 2022, 5:23 pm » wrote: You nailed it..."there are scans of babies in the womb who are being aborted where they are trying to get away from the tools used that rip them apart during an abortion."

I've seen a video that shows a baby in the womb trying to avoid the abortion suction nozzle.  Pasta posted meaningless nonsense.
Another lie. 

You’re pathological. 
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4 May 2022 5:44 am
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nefarious101 » 03 May 2022, 6:46 pm » wrote: Everything these people do or say is a lie....most of the lies are so ridiculous thar only a common progressive idiocrat would believe them.

The Progressive Idiocracy's Brain Trust is made up of sick twist degenerates.

Watch how these morons react to Elon Musk....he's the new Trump....the new "EVIL ONE"....soon "EVIL ONE'S will be crawling out of the woodwork.

The time is coming to purge and crush the Progressive Idiocracy and their girlish emasculated sally boy idiocrats....set your White Privilege Decoder Rings to Z mode.  Below is the secret message

"Momma Don't let your babies grow up to be idiocrats"

Notice how they're gnashing their teeth over Roe v Wade and calling it sexist. They said men can get pregnant too. They just cleared men of sexism.   :clap:  

The Kook Kavalry keeps shooting themselves in the foot.  lol
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4 May 2022 6:17 am
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roadkill » 04 May 2022, 5:44 am » wrote: Notice how they're gnashing their teeth over Roe v Wade and calling it sexist. They said men can get pregnant too. They just cleared men of sexism.   Image  

The Kook Kavalry keeps shooting themselves in the foot.  lol

The Progressive Idiocracy is comprised of nutjobs, men in dresses, people who's own junk confuses them and common idiocrats...what else can we expect from such a bunch of circus geeks

  • 1.a society or group that is controlled by or consists of people of low intelligence:
  • 2.a government ruled by idiots
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4 May 2022 6:24 am
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nefarious101 » 04 May 2022, 6:17 am » wrote: The Progressive Idiocracy is comprised of nutjobs, men in dresses, people who's own junk confuses them and common idiocrats...what else can we expect from such a bunch of circus geeks

  • 1.a society or group that is controlled by or consists of people of low intelligence:
  • 2.a government ruled by idiots

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4 May 2022 6:34 am
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yep....that guy is a common idiocrat of the progressive idiocracy...we have a number of them posting here daily

  • 1.a society or group that is controlled by or consists of people of low intelligence:
  • 2.a government ruled by idiots
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Annoyed Liberall
4 May 2022 6:57 am
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Pastafarian » 03 May 2022, 4:43 pm » wrote: So what?  They kill them for humane reasons. 

Im against owning animals as well. Unless they’re you’re family and you treat them as such. 

Lots of bad “animal owners” in this country. 

Perspective, get some. 
Are you ok with PETA letting dogs out of their crates and pens at dog shows?
You know those dogs get hit by cars? PETA does that.
Why does PETA kill so many of the animals they take in to their 'shelter'?
They are in the business of murdering animals.
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4 May 2022 7:06 am
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Vegas » 03 May 2022, 4:40 pm » wrote: Yeah, I am going to have agree. Mankind is hopeless. There isn't a whole lot of redeeming qualities about us. Dogs, on the other hand, are awesome. There is nothing about them that is flawed as far as I am concerned.
  I have a hundred pound German Shepherd laying in my lap right now.
And I love it.

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4 May 2022 7:08 am
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Pastafarian » 03 May 2022, 6:12 am » wrote: It is illegal in America to take a puppy away from its mother until the eighth week of their lives. 

Yet human mothers are forced back to work in six weeks or less. 

Crazy, huh?
It's not natural for a woman to lay up on their *** after having a kid. 
When I lost hope I gained my freedom
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4 May 2022 7:18 am
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Pastafarian » 03 May 2022, 4:37 pm » wrote: Capitalism hurries them back to work,
Capitalism does no such thing. In fact, capitalism does nothing.  It is nothing more than a shortened term for a free market economy.  The individual hurries herself back to work.  Had she chosen to get married before having a child, she would not hurry back to work.  Had she chosen not to have a child, she would not have found the need to force herself back to work. Life choices have consequences.   Again, please allow me to say this louder, because leftists and liberals never seem to understand this:LIFE CHOICES HAVE CONSEQUENCES 
barely giving them enough time to heal, much less bond with their child.
It is not up to other individuals, except for her Husband, to give the woman who has a child anything.  Unrelated third parties did not have sex with a man.  Unrelated parties did not fail to use birth control.  Unrelated parties did not create a baby.  Unrelated third parties did not create a baby out of wedlock, out of a committed marriage where the Husband would step in and provide for the family while the wife is busy raising the baby.
Single mothers have it the worst. And that’s a thing these days, you know.
Single mothers who fail to take full  responsibility for their life choices are an abomination.  Irresponsible single mothers are a scourge on society.  They have it "worst" as you say because of what?  Please allow me to say it one more time, loudly....LIFE CHOICES HAVE CONSEQUENCES.
Then you call them freeloaders for taking welfare
That's because they are freeloaders.  The single mother, who chooses to have a baby out of wedlock, without planning on how to provide for herself and her baby is living off the backs of others who have no responsibility for her poor LIFE CHOICES.
Your problem is, you don’t really think things through sometimes.
That is not the problem.  The problem is that single mothers fail to think things through, because LIFE CHOICES HAVE CONSEQUENCES.
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31st Arrival
4 May 2022 7:32 am
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roadkill » 03 May 2022, 4:56 pm » wrote: 93% feel no pain?  That makes no sense at all.

How the hell do you know...did you get a suction nozzle up yer *** when you were in the womb?   

93% of what?  You mean when they're 7% developed?   Or by magic 93% feel no pain but 7% do???

You've posted some meaningless stuff before but this is beyond meaningless.    :blink:  
why did you use 93%? Did you ever figure out compounding DNA transfers of reproductive cells adding next generations where last 4 generations make up 93.75% of the added great great grandchild never like anyone born before or after their time living here now?

You comprehend natural balancing total sum never duplicated again being part within it yourself?
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4 May 2022 8:23 am
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Pastafarian » 03 May 2022, 6:12 am » wrote: It is illegal in America to take a puppy away from its mother until the eighth week of their lives. 

Yet human mothers are forced back to work in six weeks or less. 

Crazy, huh?
I'm sorry, but no mother I know of would allow any American to treat her baby cruelly.  Well, perhaps there are some bad mothers out there that would allow others to be cruel to their offspring.  Sucks to have a bad mother.  Luck of the draw, I suppose.LIFE CHOICES HAVE CONSEQUENCES.
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4 May 2022 8:29 am
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Skans » 04 May 2022, 7:18 am » wrote: Capitalism does no such thing. In fact, capitalism does nothing.  It is nothing more than a shortened term for a free market economy.  The individual hurries herself back to work.  Had she chosen to get married before having a child, she would not hurry back to work.  Had she chosen not to have a child, she would not have found the need to force herself back to work. Life choices have consequences.   Again, please allow me to say this louder, because leftists and liberals never seem to understand this:LIFE CHOICES HAVE CONSEQUENCES 

It is not up to other individuals, except for her Husband, to give the woman who has a child anything.  Unrelated third parties did not have sex with a man.  Unrelated parties did not fail to use birth control.  Unrelated parties did not create a baby.  Unrelated third parties did not create a baby out of wedlock, out of a committed marriage where the Husband would step in and provide for the family while the wife is busy raising the baby.

Single mothers who fail to take full  responsibility for their life choices are an abomination.  Irresponsible single mothers are a scourge on society.  They have it "worst" as you say because of what?  Please allow me to say it one more time, loudly....LIFE CHOICES HAVE CONSEQUENCES.

That's because they are freeloaders.  The single mother, who chooses to have a baby out of wedlock, without planning on how to provide for herself and her baby is living off the backs of others who have no responsibility for her poor LIFE CHOICES.

That is not the problem.  The problem is that single mothers fail to think things through, because LIFE CHOICES HAVE CONSEQUENCES.
Of course capitalists influence a woman’s decision to hurry back to work. 

Why do you always blame the women. Men force themselves on to women at a higher rate than you’d like to believe. Many times they don’t have those choices. 

And now, red states will force women to carry unwanted pregnancies to term. 

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4 May 2022 8:48 am
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Pastafarian » 04 May 2022, 8:29 am » wrote: Why do you always blame the women.
For getting pregnant out of wedlock? Who should I blame?  The Spaghetti Monster?  Life choices have consequences.
Men force themselves on to women at a higher rate than you’d like to believe.
That's called "rape".  It's a crime and should be prosecuted.  In fact, I proposed the death penalty for violent rapists. Nor do I have any objection to abortion in the case of rape, so I don't know who you are talking to.
And now, red states will force women to carry unwanted pregnancies to term.
That's a lie.
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