Their mindsets are stuck on the illogic that US can somehow counter the effects of the worst air pollution that continues to take place in China, India, and all over Africa and So. America. We're expected to crash our own economy while the countries that are doing the most pollution take our manufacturing jobs that regulators here have been forced to kill our industry because they've made it impossible to make a fair profit here. The net result is we have fewer jobs and MORE world pollution as we are forced to buy the products we need from those same countries doing the most polluting.NEILCAR » 22 May 2022, 12:15 pm » wrote: ↑ China put 40 coal plants online last year ... net result is you didn't do anything about the worlds air pollution.
Dems cut off a pipeline (which has no to very low carbon emissions) in place of importing oil (at a higher cost) on ships which have very high carbon emissions...
Then the Dems raise the "carbon" tax on oil from $7/ton to $51/ton forcing oil prices even higher.
Then the Dems would give you a lease to drill for oil but not the permits ... further compounded the issue...
The Dems have screwed up the energy policy and have made every effort to harm the U.S. Citizen... hell even the lack of baby formula was caused by the biden team ,,,
BECAUSE U TRUMPER SCUM WANT TO GIVE CREDIT TO A FAT BLOWHARD WHO HAD NOTHING TO DO WITH IT, UZeets2 » 22 May 2022, 10:56 am » wrote: ↑ And what difference does THAT make? We've cut air pollution substantially even though we've increased the number of cars on the road dramatically, so isn't it obvious to even a dope like you that burning fossil fuels IS NOT causing us to go in the wrong direction on reducing it?
The leasing pause is an unintended result of the Feb. 11 decision by U.S. District Judge James Cain, who sided with a group GOP-led states and argued that the Biden administration's attempt to raise the real cost of climate change would hike energy costs and hurt state revenues from energy production.The "social cost of carbon" estimate accounts for effects of events like droughts, wildfires, and storms that have grown more frequent and intense with climate change.In his order, Cain wrote that using such a metric in oil and gas lease reviews would "artificially increase the cost estimates of lease sales," which would directly impact states receiving bids and production royalties through energy production.Max Sarinsky, a senior attorney at the Institute for Policy Integrity at New York University School of Law, called Cain's ruling "legally incoherent," arguing that it's put federal agencies in a Catch-22 as they attempt to assess the cost of climate change in major decisions."There's a fair amount of legal precedent for these agencies to consider climate science," Sarinsky said. "And this injunction prevents them from using these climate estimates."Michael Freeman, a senior attorney at Earthjustice, said Cain's ruling was "deeply flawed and contained numerous legal and factual errors," and that the government's decision to delay new leases was unintended fallout."Louisiana, and the oil and gas industry, have tripped over their own feet in trying to force the federal government to rush full speed ahead with irresponsible oil and gas development," Freeman said.NEILCAR » 22 May 2022, 12:15 pm » wrote: ↑ China put 40 coal plants online last year ... net result is you didn't do anything about the worlds air pollution.
Dems cut off a pipeline (which has no to very low carbon emissions) in place of importing oil (at a higher cost) on ships which have very high carbon emissions...
Then the Dems raise the "carbon" tax on oil from $7/ton to $51/ton forcing oil prices even higher.
Then the Dems would give you a lease to drill for oil but not the permits ... further compounded the issue...
The Dems have screwed up the energy policy and have made every effort to harm the U.S. Citizen... hell even the lack of baby formula was caused by the biden team ,,,
It doesn't matter in the slightest who gets credit for reducing pollution. MY COUNTRY did it, and I've got no problem with the current degree of traffic, especially since Biden has forced our gas prices so high that most of the poor and middle class can't afford to buy gas if they need to buy food or medicine. The roads haven't been this empty in NJ since Obama forced the gas price over $4 a gallon. Trump fixed that and he'll fix it again in 2 years when your idiot gets crushed in '24. I'll continue to drive my big, SAFE, gas-guzzling Lincoln as much as I want until then since I can easily afford to do so while I laugh about you idiots wringing your hands over the "global warming" hoax!supraTruth » 22 May 2022, 12:55 pm » wrote: ↑ BECAUSE U TRUMPER SCUM WANT TO GIVE CREDIT TO A FAT BLOWHARD WHO HAD NOTHING TO DO WITH IT, UBRAINED LIAR!
You stupid **** liberals just never learn, do you? Even after you see how many millions those companies kicked back to Obama in bribe money, you STILL want to double down on trusting the idiot you voted for NO MATTER HOW MANY TIMES THEY'VE **** YOU OVER!!!Obama-backed green energy failures leave taxpayers with $2.2 billion tab, audit finds
Stephen Dinan - Washington Times - Monday, 4/27/15
Taxpayers are on the hook for more than $2.2 billion in expected costs from the federal government’s energy loan guarantee programs, according to a new audit Monday that suggests the controversial projects may not pay for themselves, as officials had promised. Nearly $1 billion in loans have already defaulted under the Energy Department program, which included the infamous Solyndra stimulus project and dozens of other green technology programs the Obama administration approved, totaling nearly $30 billion in taxpayer backing, the GAO reported in its audit.
List Of Failed Green Energy Jobs & Companies – By Obama
- The Amonix Solar: FAIL!
- Solar Trust of America: FAIL!
- Bright Source: FAIL!
- Solyndra: FAIL
- LSP Energy: FAIL!
- Energy Conversion Devices: FAIL!
- Abound Solar: FAIL!
- SunPower: FAIL!
- Beacon Power:
- Ecotality: FAIL!
- A123 Solar: FAIL!
- UniSolar: FAIL!
- Azure Dynamics: FAIL!
- Evergreen Solar: FAIL!
- Ener1: FAIL!
**** U ******* LYING TRUMPER SCUM!Zeets2 » 22 May 2022, 1:45 pm » wrote: ↑ It doesn't matter in the slightest who gets credit for reducing pollution. MY COUNTRY did it, and I've got no problem with the current degree of traffic, especially since Biden has forced our gas prices so high that most of the poor and middle class can't afford to buy gas if they need to buy food or medicine. The roads haven't been this empty in NJ since Obama forced the gas price over $4 a gallon. Trump fixed that and he'll fix it again in 2 years when your idiot gets crushed in '24. I'll continue to drive my big, SAFE, gas-guzzling Lincoln as much as I want until then since I can easily afford to do so while I laugh about you idiots wringing your hands over the "global warming" hoax!![]()
So you admit that even though we can't control any other country's level of intentional pollution that is FAR worse than ours, we STILL have to impose even more restrictions on fossil fuels to try to make up for THEIR pollution, right? Is that the solution that sounds logical to a staunch lib like you, while you dream about phony "solutions" that you think will fix it? Besides, isn't Biden's multi trillion-dollar phony "infrastructure" bill the thing that's going to resolve all the traffic issues with better roads, bridges, and airports, and didn't REPUBLICANS agree to sign on to it? Maybe you should ask a question or two about what the LAST trillion-dollar infrastructure bill that Obama signed and put Biden in charge of spending? Apparently, you're ready for yet ANOTHER round of hundreds of billions wasted on "green energy solutions" just like last time when Biden paid out BILLIONS to companies like these!:
You stupid **** liberals just never learn, do you? Even after you see how many millions those companies kicked back to Obama in bribe money, you STILL want to double down on trusting the idiot you voted for NO MATTER HOW MANY TIMES THEY'VE **** YOU OVER!!!
The Recovery Act also funneled money into programs meant to stimulate new clean energy science and technology. $400 million was earmarked to launch the Advanced Research Projects Agency for energy, or ARPA-E, a kind of scientific incubator for new green technologies. (Trump has repeatedly threatened to defund it).“There was political hay to be made with Solyndra,” Aldy said. But he thinks the scandal overshadowed what was actually a success; the point of the program was to take risks on technologies that could have big payoffs (and big risks). The program doled out money to many projects that succeeded, including the 300-megawatt Agua Caliente solar facility in Arizona and the 99-megawatt Granite Reliable wind farm in New Hampshire.Zeets2 » 22 May 2022, 1:45 pm » wrote: ↑ It doesn't matter in the slightest who gets credit for reducing pollution. MY COUNTRY did it, and I've got no problem with the current degree of traffic, especially since Biden has forced our gas prices so high that most of the poor and middle class can't afford to buy gas if they need to buy food or medicine. The roads haven't been this empty in NJ since Obama forced the gas price over $4 a gallon. Trump fixed that and he'll fix it again in 2 years when your idiot gets crushed in '24. I'll continue to drive my big, SAFE, gas-guzzling Lincoln as much as I want until then since I can easily afford to do so while I laugh about you idiots wringing your hands over the "global warming" hoax!![]()
So you admit that even though we can't control any other country's level of intentional pollution that is FAR worse than ours, we STILL have to impose even more restrictions on fossil fuels to try to make up for THEIR pollution, right? Is that the solution that sounds logical to a staunch lib like you, while you dream about phony "solutions" that you think will fix it? Besides, isn't Biden's multi trillion-dollar phony "infrastructure" bill the thing that's going to resolve all the traffic issues with better roads, bridges, and airports, and didn't REPUBLICANS agree to sign on to it? Maybe you should ask a question or two about what the LAST trillion-dollar infrastructure bill that Obama signed and put Biden in charge of spending? Apparently, you're ready for yet ANOTHER round of hundreds of billions wasted on "green energy solutions" just like last time when Biden paid out BILLIONS to companies like these!:
You stupid **** liberals just never learn, do you? Even after you see how many millions those companies kicked back to Obama in bribe money, you STILL want to double down on trusting the idiot you voted for NO MATTER HOW MANY TIMES THEY'VE **** YOU OVER!!!
Somewhere in all that vague bitter yapping is a point.Huey » 22 May 2022, 5:38 pm » wrote: ↑ Talk to @Blackvegetable
He is an oil industry insider who makes his money on the finance side. He was at another oil finance conference in Plano Tx recently. This is his second or third one this year alone.
And he votes and supports the Dems.
Nothing bitter about it. You chose you path in life and there is no shame in that. I applaud the fact that you are involved in drilling investments.Blackvegetable » 22 May 2022, 6:02 pm » wrote: ↑ Somewhere in all that vague bitter yapping is a point.
It's bitter, and entirely uninformed.Huey » 22 May 2022, 6:05 pm » wrote: ↑ Nothing bitter about it. You chose you path in life and there is no shame in that. I applaud the fact that you are involved in drilling investments.
Just don’t be ashamed to own it, Oil Boy,
Blackvegetable » 22 May 2022, 6:24 pm » wrote: ↑ It's bitter, and entirely uninformed.
You couldn't describe my path if I wrote it down for you.
You're an idiot.
Zeets2 » 21 May 2022, 11:23 am » wrote: ↑ Atta girl! Run away from your scumbag lies, just as every other ignorant liberal does here!
For all your effort posting far-left liberal views here (that no one ever bothers to read), why can't you substantiate your own words, ****?
So **** YOU TOO, and the demented liberal donkey you rode in on!
ANOTHER RNC PISS ANT WITH BDS!NEILCAR » 22 May 2022, 5:35 pm » wrote: ↑ Yes, I wish to thank Brandon for closing the oil pipeline, and developing policies that have made the price of oil to sky rocket. Brandon has increased by earnings so much I may go out and buy another 640 acres to run cattle on... thank you dems ...
Dems control the House, Senate, and the Presidency ... the must like how things are as they are because they are not changing the tax laws nor making it easier to get oil ...
Exactly as I said! Tens of billions wasted on the hoax of 'global warming' by your demented that has done NOTHING to make energy more affordable for the poor and middle class.supraTruth » 22 May 2022, 3:41 pm » wrote: ↑ **** U ******* LYING TRUMPER SCUM!
In 2008, wind and solar energy were just blips on the U.S. electricity grid: Solar energy produced 0.1 percent of the country’s power; wind less than 1 percent. Renewables were on the rise, but their contribution to the electricity grid remained vanishingly small — almost half came from coal.
Democrats won control of both houses of Congress. They soon sent a stimulus package to Obama that provided over $25 billion to renewable energy generation, $20 billion to energy efficiency programs, $18 billion to transit programs, and $10 billion to modernizing the country’s electricity grid, among other miscellaneous projects.And although the Recovery Act was frequently mocked — Republicans labeled it the “failed stimulus” — its effect on renewable power was undeniable. Today, solar and wind provide 9 percent of the country’s electricity, while coal has fallen to 23 percent.
In the decade following the Recovery Act, wind generation quintupled, and solar generation multiplied by a factor of 48.
Yes oil companies are making record profits following huge losses during the communist chinese/US bioweapon covid 1984 planneddemic lock downs thatnks to braindead biden and his administration of INCOMRTENT queers, trannys and *** anti-American anti-fossil fuel **** using phony non-existent man made climate change as a pretext.supraTruth » 16 May 2022, 8:30 pm » wrote: ↑ As long as your favorite oil companies are making record profits, your squeaky squeals only cost u money. Hope u have a gas hog like so many of u worthless tRumper scum.
"INCOMRTENT queer"Buffalo » 23 May 2022, 8:56 am » wrote: ↑ Yes oil companies are making record profits following huge losses during the communist chinese/US bioweapon covid 1984 planneddemic lock downs thatnks to braindead biden and his administration of INCOMRTENT queers, trannys and *** anti-American anti-fossil fuel **** using phony non-existent man made climate change as a pretext.
And it is ****, liberal idiots, like YOU, superLIAR, that have bought into the climate scam of wealth transfer!!!
NOT in control with 2 fake Democrats in the Senate.NEILCAR » 23 May 2022, 6:19 am » wrote: ↑ Dems control the House, Senate, and the Presidency ... the must like how things are as they are because they are not changing the tax laws nor making it easier to get oil ...