In the decade following the Recovery Act, wind generation quintupled, and solar generation multiplied by a factor of 48.Zeets2 » 23 May 2022, 8:44 am » wrote: ↑ Exactly as I said! Tens of billions wasted on the hoax of 'global warming' by your demented that has done NOTHING to make energy more affordable for the poor and middle class.
And liberal dopes like you LOVE it!
Big deal! Five times nothing is still nothing, dickhead! Such a minimal increase did virtually nothing to slow the demand for fossil-fuel energy! If it had, the inflation rate wouldn't have skyrocketed as it did!supraTruth » 23 May 2022, 12:29 pm » wrote: ↑ In the decade following the Recovery Act, wind generation quintupled, and solar generation multiplied by a factor of 48.
Climate change AND CARCINOGENIC OIL POLLUTION of our air & water are NOT a hoax, u RNC PISS ANT.
No, huh? So why do you have SO much trouble explaining these two simple photos? Anyone with such strong convictions as you do regarding this hoax should be able to respond to them with ease! We're expected to believe that THIS phony climate prediction of yours is correct after 41 WRONG ONES OVER 55 YEARS?supraTruth » 23 May 2022, 12:29 pm » wrote: ↑ In the decade following the Recovery Act, wind generation quintupled, and solar generation multiplied by a factor of 48.
Climate change AND CARCINOGENIC OIL POLLUTION of our air & water are NOT a hoax, u RNC PISS ANT.
WOW!!! You post as if that is a big deal...IT AIN'T!!! Solar and Wind energy generation is NOT the solution for large scale commercial and residential needs. If it were profitable, the for profit utility corporations would have already implemented them. The best way for solar and wind electricity generation would be on an individual basis. But you see that would not be profitable to big energy corporations. Solar and wind power is heavily subsidized by the taxpayers, otherwise it would not be feasible.supraTruth » 23 May 2022, 12:29 pm » wrote: ↑ In the decade following the Recovery Act, wind generation quintupled, and solar generation multiplied by a factor of 48.
Climate change AND CARCINOGENIC OIL POLLUTION of our air & water are NOT a hoax, u RNC PISS ANT.
& U STUPID tCONS ARE CONvinced that we will NEVER run out of oil.Buffalo » 25 May 2022, 7:27 am » wrote: ↑ WOW!!! You post as if that is a big deal...IT AIN'T!!! Solar and Wind energy generation is NOT the solution for large scale commercial and residential needs. If it were profitable, the for profit utility corporations would have already implemented them. The best way for solar and wind electricity generation would be on an individual basis. But you see that would not be profitable to big energy corporations. Solar and wind power is heavily subsidized by the taxpayers, otherwise it would not be feasible.
Despite the fanfare they receive, wind and solar power still account for less than 5 percent of the total energy used by Americans in 2020, losing out to traditional biomass, according to U.S. Energy Information Administration data.
Oil was the most significant component at 35 percent of total energy use. Natural gas accounted for 34 percent, coal for 10 percent, nuclear for 9 percent, hydroelectric for 3 percent, solar for 1 percent, wind for 3 percent, and 5 percent came from biomass.
But, of course, you ****, liberal idiots have bought into the climate scam just like you sheople bought into the vax scam.
RECORD DROUGHTS & FOREST FIRES SAY U PUNK *** TRUMPER SCUM ARE DEAD WRONG ABOUT CLIMATE CHANGE,Buffalo » 25 May 2022, 7:27 am » wrote: ↑ WOW!!! You post as if that is a big deal...IT AIN'T!!! Solar and Wind energy generation is NOT the solution for large scale commercial and residential needs. If it were profitable, the for profit utility corporations would have already implemented them. The best way for solar and wind electricity generation would be on an individual basis. But you see that would not be profitable to big energy corporations. Solar and wind power is heavily subsidized by the taxpayers, otherwise it would not be feasible.
Despite the fanfare they receive, wind and solar power still account for less than 5 percent of the total energy used by Americans in 2020, losing out to traditional biomass, according to U.S. Energy Information Administration data.
Oil was the most significant component at 35 percent of total energy use. Natural gas accounted for 34 percent, coal for 10 percent, nuclear for 9 percent, hydroelectric for 3 percent, solar for 1 percent, wind for 3 percent, and 5 percent came from biomass.
But, of course, you ****, liberal idiots have bought into the climate scam just like you sheople bought into the vax scam.
I AGREE POTUS NEEDS TO FIRE THAT REPUBLICAN ASSHOLE JAY POWELL TRYING TO **** PRESIDENT BIDEN OVER!Buffalo » 16 Jun 2022, 8:54 am » wrote: ↑ Actions the fed is taking to raise interest rates while the dim-0-craps continue to restrict production of oil and gas will cause an accelerated shutdown of business. This hole the dim-0-craps have dug and put all of us in is just going to keep getting deeper. Change won't occur until the country is rescued from the tyranny of the marxist left. "Climate change" is a hoax, man cannot control the weather. CO2 is necessary for life, it is not causing global warming. Expensive electric cars will not solve anything. The green dream of a post-industrial world is a nightmare of shortages and starvation. We need border security. If we reverse all the dim-0-craps marxist policies we can start rebuilding our industry, producing our energy resources and MAGA!
We will be lucky if it’s only a recession...
****, liberal, idiot greenie, tidal and wave energy delivered to the consumer is 2 to 9 time higher at peak energy production. IF, all those feel good green energy schemes were profitable to for profit electric companies they would have already put them into greater use. As it is now, they all have to be subsidized which is a hidden cost to the consumer anyway.supraTruth » 16 Jun 2022, 9:29 am » wrote: ↑ RECORD DROUGHTS & FOREST FIRES SAY U PUNK *** TRUMPER SCUM ARE DEAD WRONG ABOUT CLIMATE CHANGE,FART!
The problem for private enterprise to develop these industries alone is property ownership & initial investment in unproven technology. Can't prove something before being done.Buffalo » 16 Jun 2022, 10:29 am » wrote: ↑ ****, liberal, idiot greenie, tidal and wave energy delivered to the consumer is 2 to 9 time higher at peak energy production. IF, all those feel good green energy schemes were profitable to for profit electric companies they would have already put them into greater use. As it is now, they all have to be subsidized which is a hidden cost to the consumer anyway.
supraTruth » 25 May 2022, 11:27 am » wrote: ↑ & U STUPID tCONS ARE CONvinced that we will NEVER run out of oil.
So that dork is another of your grinning ******* piss ants?TB7 » 16 Jun 2022, 5:22 pm » wrote: ↑
Wind and solar aren’t remotely competitive with traditional fossil fuels and cannot replace them. They would scarcely exist if it weren’t for massive federal subsidies, and state laws establishing quotas for renewable energy. Neither are good at reducing carbon dioxide emissions (CO2).
Compared to wind and solar, wave and tidal power lag. The primary reason is technological hurdles and a larger investment. Also, there are fewer locations where a wave and tidal power plant can be located.supraTruth » 16 Jun 2022, 9:39 pm » wrote: ↑ So that dork is another of your grinning ******* piss ants?
U are still ignoring untapped wave & tidal power that surrounds our country.