Cannonpointer » 18 May 2022, 6:59 pm » wrote: ↑ Or teachers have ceased to deserve it, because they have become drones and appartchiks.
In my experience, you merit respect, you get it. If you're NOT getting it, the man in the mirror is likely at cause.
I was that student.Vegas » 21 May 2022, 10:56 am » wrote: ↑ In some cases, sure. A lot of kids and parents these days have different definitions of respect. A teacher may gain respect from dickhead student, but still be disruptive as hell because they are under the delusion that they are more important than everybody else. It wouldn't be anything personal against the teacher, they are just dickhead students with dickhead parents.
Cannonpointer » 21 May 2022, 11:41 am » wrote: ↑ I was that student.
I was bored, and I was being step-beaten at home, and I saw no reason to learn Grammar. I learned that if I showed a willingness to disrupt, and was fearless, I could reach a deal: Don't **** with me and I won't disrupt your class. I was socially passed because they never wanted to deal with me again.
They had already taught me to read, write, and manage basic multiplication and division before I resigned from playing their game. I turned in no home work, took home no books, did no class work, aced all tests and passed with d's. I dropped out in ninth grade. I did a semester of my junior year in Spain at a baby-sitting oil field school - for social reasons. Made straight A's there - mostly for social reasons. It was all young teachers. Who the **** were they gonna party with - our redneck parents?
But I always worked for teachers I respected - both in Spain and in the states. I would usually have one A with all my D's. In seventh Grade, it was a literature teacher. The work lit me up and the teacher, though a total bitch, merited respect. I did all of my class work and homework for her. In 8th, it was a math teacher AND a science teacher. The math teacher gave me my own curriculum. He understood that learning at the rate of the slowest *** in class was nothing I was interested in, and he wanted to contribute. The science teacher got my respect because she was sneaky. She would draw me in by under-explaining interesting stuff, causing me to put my finger on the page of my library book and ask for more details - which would always excite the interest of the other students, who expected a show whenever I interacted with a teacher. She was clever like that - I did the work for her. She was pretty and young, on top of being cever and teaching an interesting topic. That semester I had 2 A's, one "I" for incomplete, and the rest D's. If that's not a portrait of a bored kid in a ****-show of a system...
It was all good until 4th grade, when integration came in and the learning went to the level of remedial ***. I LOVED school. Then the learning stopped, and my library books and sport fighting became my self-expression, I was a disciline problem and my parents weren't PTA members. We muddled through, I suppose. Later, I had a foundation. I will always be grateful for that. Learned to understand and appreciate Shakespeare in the context of the times - William Kidd, Ben Johnson, Baldesar Castiglioni, Niccolo Machiavelli. Learned how the field of statistics works, learned how to do post graduate level work in the field of literary criticism. Became an excellent orator and a decent marketer. All because of those first three years of school - the pre-negro years. Those were excellent, very profitable years.
They had 30 to the class in my day, too.Vegas » 21 May 2022, 11:46 am » wrote: ↑ I don't doubt you. Congrats on your journey. It still does nothing to negate my point. Generations are different. I recall the days when teachers, parents, and school admins were all on the same page and helped each other. Guess what? That is not the case these days, mostly. Parents love to blame teachers for their kids being dickheads. Admin will take the side of the parents. The teacher gets hammered from all directions, regardless of how much respect they show anyone. Not to mention that many teachers have 30+ students in a class. You cannot compare your generation to today. That's just dishonest.
Yeah, but back then they didn't encourage you to be gay or a tranny.Cannonpointer » 21 May 2022, 11:52 am » wrote: ↑ They had 30 to the class in my day, too.
And a lot of **** parents.
And a lot of cowardly admins.
And a lot of demoralized teachers who talked exactly like you're talking. I should know - I demoralized many.
The more things change, the more they stay the same.
That IS a whole other level.Vegas » 21 May 2022, 11:53 am » wrote: ↑ Yeah, but back then they didn't encourage you to be gay or a tranny.
Skans » 18 May 2022, 2:08 pm » wrote: ↑ Because, I evaluate each issue and/or position I take on something thoroughly and independently. I am not going to automatically take the opposite side on something just because my usual opposition takes a position on it as well.
You, on the other hand, stake out a position against a group you claim to dislike, and then simply take the opposite position on everything they support or challenge.
Can we back up time 6 years for a second? the current president of Ukraine was elected when? 2019. Zelenski wasn't president of Ukraine when Hunter Biden was working with his dad getting paid by Ukraine before Trump was inaugurated President of United States.
Just face the fact that U ALWAYS side with RNC WHITE TRASH GENERATIONAL HATE of races other than yours, LIKE ANY OTHER BRAIN RNC SCUMBAG.Cannonpointer » 18 May 2022, 2:15 pm » wrote: ↑ So, like the rinos at fixed noise, when you find yourself in the same cheering section as nancy pelosi and hillary clinton, it's because you have principles.
Got it.
And I guess Pelosi and Clinton must have some principles, too - some of the same principles that you have.
Funny thing, though. The only time your "principles" have you siding with dems is when Sean Hannity's "principles" have HIM siding with dems. It's almost like you're on his dick.
That is quite the little story that you are telling yourself. I was a staunch liberal - STILL identify as an FDR democrat. It was not my choice to be on the outs with other liberals. They fell for the climate hoax - I didn't. They fell for the gender hoax - I didn't. They fell for political race baiting - I didn't. I was pro gay rights, right up until gay rights won and the supreme court struck down sodomy laws and forced states to recognize gay marriage. Having won, I switched sides - kinda like West Virginia. I saw the folly of my erstwhile liberal position, when the last gay stepped into the light and the first trannies and pedos started demanding the microphone.
I gave up having a political home because the working people's party became a wall sreet, pro-war party. I was never a republican and still am not.
What you do is puke whatever fox news is puking - because you're a weak, partisan shill. Currently, you beat the war drum with Maddow and her ilk - because you are an easily manipulated midwit shill.
With one post, You proved that fascism is right wing.Skans » 17 May 2022, 9:18 am » wrote: ↑ What's the best way to combat leftism?
1. Retake our education system, purge it of all liberals and leftists and fill the rolls with real educators, conservatives and strict constructionists?
2. By force - i.e. violent revolution?
3. By exclusivity movements - clubs, organizations, societies, churches, etc. which have strict sets of rules prohibiting globalists, liberals and leftists?
4. By capturing and manipulating technology against the proliferation of leftism?
Other thoughts are welcome.
Bring back the importance of the family front and center for one.Skans » 17 May 2022, 9:18 am » wrote: ↑ What's the best way to combat leftism?
1. Retake our education system, purge it of all liberals and leftists and fill the rolls with real educators, conservatives and strict constructionists?
2. By force - i.e. violent revolution?
3. By exclusivity movements - clubs, organizations, societies, churches, etc. which have strict sets of rules prohibiting globalists, liberals and leftists?
4. By capturing and manipulating technology against the proliferation of leftism?
Other thoughts are welcome.
What is "fascist" about exercising our natural right of FREEDOM OF ASSOCIATION and FREE SPEECH..?
YEP, MOST OF U SCUMMY *** TRUMPER SCUM SUPPORTED REAGAN & HERBERT, EVEN AS THEY FUNDED BOTH OBL AND SADDAM,Skans » 18 May 2022, 2:46 pm » wrote: ↑ Yes, I was right - this is a group you don't like. You can't evaluate a position, so you feel the need to lump me in with a group you don't like.
Again, you lump me in with people you don't like. That's all you have to your position.
And, again, you lump me in with people you don't like - that's what you've got.
Now, you hate Hannity and associate me with him, claiming I suck his dick. Got it.
Figures. I hate FDR - don't like a damn thing he did or stood for. But, again, I don't really care, because FDR has no bearing on my position with regard to Ukraine.
I am against Homosexual marriage. Marriage is traditionally between one man and one woman. This is the foundation upon which this country was founded and built. Homosexuals should have and have always had the same rights as everyone else - no one is saying they can't choose a woman to marry.
Your problem, not mine. I have always been a registered Republican and I'm pretty proud of that fact. I'm also a life member of the NRA, and I am still proud to be a member of that organization as well.
What you do is make stupid assumptions and erroneous associations. And in doing so, I can smell your weakness.
Which is why a CANCEL CULTURE PUD LIKE U GETS NO RESPECT. U STINKY WHITE TRASH PUDS SPEND TOO MUCH TIME JERKING EACH OTHER OFF.Cannonpointer » 18 May 2022, 6:59 pm » wrote: ↑ Or teachers have ceased to deserve it, because they have become drones and appartchiks.
In my experience, you merit respect, you get it. If you're NOT getting it, the man in the mirror is likely at cause.
When corruption dictates what sides a person can choose from, smart people elect the lesser of two evils left in control evolving forward now debating 6 degrees of separation from their 7th point of displacement as one of a kind occupying space in the same moment.supraTruth » 12 Jun 2022, 2:19 pm » wrote: ↑ Just face the fact that U ALWAYS side with RNC WHITE TRASH GENERATIONAL HATE of races other than yours, LIKE ANY OTHER 🐷BRAIN RNC SCUMBAG.
My asking a few questions, placing a topic up for discussion is something you label "fascist", Democrat? Boy, that's rich! Your statement is proof that Democrats favor stifling freedom of thought and speech by labeling others "racists", "fascists", "nazis", "homophobes", etc. Whenever you encounter someone who is expressing a thought or asking "THE WRONG" question, you Democrats come up with a word to demean the writer rather than debate the thought.
I like it - there's an important one I failed to consider.jefftec » 12 Jun 2022, 3:04 pm » wrote: ↑ Bring back the importance of the family front and center for one.
Yeah, & the worst thing u farts can do is call Democrats "liberals." U know, "liberals' who gave US TRUE PROGRESSIVE MARGINAL GRADUATED TAXATION FOR THE GROSSLY OVERPAID CEOS, & UNIONS & RACE EQUALITY, BEAT THE **** OUT OF HITLER'S ******* NAZIS, THAT U PUNKS ARE TRYING TO BRING BACK WITH YOUR WHITE TRASH SUPREMACIST ****.Skans » 13 Jun 2022, 7:49 am » wrote: ↑ My asking a few questions, placing a topic up for discussion is something you label "fascist", Democrat? Boy, that's rich! Your statement is proof that Democrats favor stifling freedom of thought and speech by labeling others "racists", "fascists", "nazis", "homophobes", etc. Whenever you encounter someone who is expressing a thought or asking "THE WRONG" question, you Democrats come up with a word to demean the writer rather than debate the thought.
I haven't called anyone a "liberal" - there you go, lying again. But, you are a Communist and I do call it the way I see it. Because I do not claim to be above the truth, like you are. I am Truth.supraTruth » 13 Jun 2022, 7:57 am » wrote: ↑ Yeah, & the worst thing u farts can do is call Democrats "liberals." U know, "liberals' who gave US TRUE PROGRESSIVE MARGINAL GRADUATED TAXATION FOR THE GROSSLY OVERPAID CEOS & UNIONS & RACE EQUALITY!
NO, U ARE JUST ANOTHER FART SPEWING LIES.Skans » 13 Jun 2022, 8:00 am » wrote: ↑ I haven't called anyone a "liberal" - there you go, lying again. But, you are a Communist and I do call it the way I see it. Because I do not claim to be above the truth, like you are. I am Truth.