Jinn Martini » 04 Jun 2022, 4:43 am » wrote: ↑
You're such a smart guy -I mean it- how could you allow having your brain bleached, when it comes to Rus / Ukr ?
That's all western propaganda, disinformation campaigns and fake news !
Just look at Zelensky . . . how can you really trust this scary clown ?
ha ha ha ha all western propaganda like north, east, south aren't using propaganda in all angles between 2 dimensional rational thoughts 4 polarized corners on a flat plane of rhetoric using circle logic that leads to nowhere but 360 degrees of confusion 24/7.
Circle to sphere plus square to cube being triangulated by intellectual social manifested doubt to one's brain naturally navigating space being one of a kind.
that is what the origami in my signature is all about, measuring kinetic results in plain sight from a central point surrounded by everything else evolving same way differently at the same time.
read between the lines defining life thinking outside self contained to your own skin since conceived. Social symbol for thinking outside a boxed in philosophy serving humanity's promises of better tomorrows than genetics delivered to date. take the 8 corners of the cube and invert them to center mass and out comes 7 degrees of displacement 24/7. 24 timezones 7 axioms of doubt governing 8 great grandparents 4 grandparents, 2 parenting next generation of each great great grandchild.
third pic is expanding the ratio of 4 generations to 5 occupying space as reproductive numbers came to pass through the atmosphere as specifically existed or existing here.
Gee kinetic self evident results without true or false facts to believe biology cannot physically sustain eternal separation of lifetimes here.
Excuse me while I watch your reality implode because you refuse to change your social identity back into only being alive as an equal reproduction misleading everyone else to your own advantage.
Is that greed, pride, gluttony, slouth, false witness, no respect for natural displacement, ignoring kinetics telling everyone else to honor hyperbole or else all hell will fall upon anyone not complying to reality of any franchised distortion of real.
See I know what eternity is physically here, because I instinctively navigate within being eternally separate sole displacement biologically here now.