Don't try what? Do I need your permission to try "it"? Can you make me a list of what I can and can't do, just in case you're being an idiot, so I can refrain from pointing it out? Black vegetable! LoLz!
That was the first US attack against Syria.one1zer0 » 08 Jun 2022, 9:53 pm » wrote: ↑ I said started any new wars' doorknob. Do you enjoy being this idiotic?
Wouldn't be a bad idea.one1zer0 » 08 Jun 2022, 9:58 pm » wrote: ↑ Don't try what? Do I need your permission to try "it"? Can you make me a list of what I can and can't do, just in case you're being an idiot, so I can refrain from pointing it out? Black vegetable! LoLz!
So, by your idiot logic, Obama actually started the war in Syria, not Trump. On September 23, 2014, the US and Arab allies launch air raids in Syria. That was not the first U.S. attack in Syria. I'm almost tired of making you look stupid, even though it's really not that hard because you are so good at it.Blackvegetable » 08 Jun 2022, 10:00 pm » wrote: ↑ That was the first US attack against Syria.
**** imbecile. attention.one1zer0 » 08 Jun 2022, 10:22 pm » wrote: ↑ So, by your idiot logic, Obama actually started the war in Syria, not Trump. On September 23, 2014, the US and Arab allies launch air raids in Syria. That was not the first U.S. attack in Syria. I'm almost tired of making you look stupid, even though it's really not that hard because you are so good at it.
Hey retard, what has this got to do with Trump not starting any new wars? Oh, I get it, if Obama takes military action for a reason it's a good thing, but if Trump does it then it's starting a war, and it's a bad thing? So Trump is the reason that Syria is at war or Trump started the Syrian civil war? I know you're an idiot, but can you explain your idiot logic?Blackvegetable » 08 Jun 2022, 10:26 pm » wrote: ↑ attention.
The strike was the first unilateral military action by the United States targeting the Syrian government during the Syrian Civil War.[9][10] President Trump stated shortly thereafter, "It is in this vital national security interest of the United States to prevent and deter the spread and use of deadly chemical weapons."[11][12]
Beekeeper » 01 Jun 2022, 7:07 pm » wrote: ↑ Ever notice that these libretard MORONS never want to talk about one single "accomplishment" of Bye-DONE???
Wonder why that is???
OH WAIT!!!! It's because EVERYTHING he has touched has turned to one big pile of ****!!!
The strike was the first unilateral military action by the United States targeting the Syrian government during the Syrian Civil War.[9][10]one1zer0 » 09 Jun 2022, 12:16 am » wrote: ↑ Hey retard, what has this got to do with Trump not starting any new wars? Oh, I get it, if Obama takes military action for a reason it's a good thing, but if Trump does it then it's starting a war, and it's a bad thing? So Trump is the reason that Syria is at war or Trump started the Syrian civil war? I know you're an idiot, but can you explain your idiot logic?
One state in USA is equivalent to a Nation in European Union formed back in the 90's falling apart now, The EU and European citizenship were established when the Maastricht Treaty came into force in 1993.one1zer0 » 08 Jun 2022, 8:34 pm » wrote: ↑ Your chart looks like it's data from one state. Further, digging into your retardation, I found this.suggested Citation:U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics, All Employees, Total Nonfarm [PAYEMS], retrieved from FRED, Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis. So it is true you are a lobotomy victim. It does not include proprietors, private household employees, unpaid volunteers, farm employees, and the unincorporated self-employed.
Well, I said Trump never started any new wars, and then you linked unilateral military action and called it proof that Trump did start a new war. Your replies seem idiotic to me, so I asked if you could explain your idiot logic. So either Trump did start a new war, and I'm wrong, or you are retarded. Are you just going to link different parts of the strike that was done because of accusations of chemical weapons used by Bashar al-Assad as proof? Do you even remember why you posted that to begin with? Now if I said Trump never used the military to strike any country, you would obviously be right instead of a moron. Just another Libtard with Trump derangement syndrome.---> Trump bad! Trump evil! Look how Trump breaths like a warmonger, he looks like he wants to start WW3! Gasp! Do you feel better now? lolzBlackvegetable » 09 Jun 2022, 5:09 am » wrote: ↑ The strike was the first unilateral military action by the United States targeting the Syrian government during the Syrian Civil War.[9][10]
it's **** hard can this be?
Blackvegetable » 08 Jun 2022, 10:26 pm » wrote: ↑ attention.
The strike was the first unilateral military action by the United States targeting the Syrian government during the Syrian Civil War.[9][10] President Trump stated shortly thereafter, "It is in this vital national security interest of the United States to prevent and deter the spread and use of deadly chemical weapons."[11][12]
please stop with this **** and read the citation.Monderegal » 10 Jun 2022, 12:12 pm » wrote: ↑ From what I understand the situation in Syria began under Obama. ISIS was the pretext to send soldiers into Syria and Russia was the military that backed Assad. The United States never did anything to challenge that intervention and Trump tried to pull the troops from Syria. From what I remember he made the announcement on Twitter and faced heavy criticism for not going through his generals first. I also don't exactly know if the troops were actually pulled given the career government employees that Trump labeled the deep state. Of course, the major repercussion of such a move is the exposure of the Kurds to attack from Turkey and other governments that see them as terrorists. They helped a lot with the battle against ISIS. The best guess on this is that we still have a small contingent of troops in Syria on counterterrorism operations.
I would like to know when and what context Trump made that statement. I know that Obama didn't go after Assad when he drew the "red line" of not allowing the use of chemical weapons which Assad used shortly thereafter.
Wow, so you can speak English. What I was pointing out is that the chart that was trying to prove that 7 million jobs weren't created was from one state. The data was collected from a bank in St. Louis.omh » 09 Jun 2022, 6:28 am » wrote: ↑ One state in USA is equivalent to a Nation in European Union formed back in the 90's falling apart now, The EU and European citizenship were established when the Maastricht Treaty came into force in 1993.
Haha, are you putting lines through it because of cognitive dissonance? Is the lines that part your mind refuses to believe because it disturbs your world view? lolz
No...because life is too short for Replicant Stupid.one1zer0 » 10 Jun 2022, 12:32 pm » wrote: ↑ Haha, are you putting lines through it because of cognitive dissonance? Is the lines that part your mind refuses to believe because it disturbs your world view? lolz
Too short for: A replicant is a fictional, bioengineered humanoid featured in the 1982 film Blade Runner? lolzBlackvegetable » 10 Jun 2022, 12:34 pm » wrote: ↑ No...because life is too short for Replicant Stupid.
Are you from another planet?one1zer0 » 10 Jun 2022, 12:38 pm » wrote: ↑ Too short for A replicant is a fictional, bioengineered humanoid featured in the 1982 film Blade Runner? lolz
with evolving, nobody can change results already here, past and currently.one1zer0 » 10 Jun 2022, 12:28 pm » wrote: ↑ Wow, so you can speak English. What I was pointing out is that the chart that was trying to prove that 7 million jobs weren't created was from one state. The data was collected from a bank in St. Louis.
The use of the military in Syria began after ISIS formed a calipath and was used as counter terrorism operations in Syria. ISIL or Daesh (as they are known in Arabic) was the pretext for US military operations under the Obama administration. I wasn't aware that it was the first strike directly at the Assad regime. Still, the US ultimately didn't come into direct conflict with the Assad regime. That was an effort to stop the use of chemical weapons.
Just read what the citation tells you.Monderegal » 10 Jun 2022, 12:56 pm » wrote: ↑ The use of the military in Syria began after ISIS formed a calipath and was used as counter terrorism operations in Syria. ISIL or Daesh (as they are known in Arabic) was the pretext for US military operations under the Obama administration. I wasn't aware that it was the first strike directly at the Assad regime. Still, the US ultimately didn't come into direct conflict with the Assad regime. That was an effort to stop the use of chemical weapons.