Ok, he only paid $750 on personal income, but how much did his companies pay local, city, county, state, federal in business taxes? You really don't think beyond isolated talking points into the kinetic whole. Always insulating details that fit a narrative of doubt life only exists when naturally timed apart here as one of a kind proportionately alive since conceived bringing something out of nothing added before or duplicated since a fertilized cell.
your mentality is a single topic narrative in a time evolving leaves nothing the same total sum twice.peepee » 04 Jun 2022, 5:47 am » wrote: ↑ [file under 'mindless, orange :o mouthed republican parrotry'] :loco:
:rofl: :lol:
One would expect a self styled comedian to post amusing retorts. If that self styled comedian is Cannonpointer, one is sorely disappointed.. One is left, instead, to wonder how many people went Will Smith on him during his open mic sets.Cannonpointer » 03 Jun 2022, 6:35 pm » wrote: ↑ Who IS the man, **** nuts, if NOT the **** judicial system?
You got zero game, boy. None at all.
I'm NOT !Monderegal » 04 Jun 2022, 9:51 am » wrote: ↑ Well, if you are referring to the suffering of the Ukrainian people I think you have a point.
Well, he's not the one . . . Zelensky the *** is !Olivaw » 05 Jun 2022, 3:24 am » wrote: ↑ One would expect a self styled comedian to post amusing retorts.
If that self styled comedian is Cannonpointer, one is sorely disappointed..
Now, MORON, let me show you how MORONIC your meme is. And how EASILY manipulated you losers really are.
Your sniveling isn't jest-worthy, fruit loop. Tell us who the man is, freak. You've assured us that the judicial system is not part of the system. What else isn't "the man," fascist ***? Better yet - who IS the man? Is it the diaper dandy? Does dementia joe run the show?Olivaw » 05 Jun 2022, 3:24 am » wrote: ↑ One would expect a self styled comedian to post amusing retorts. If that self styled comedian is Cannonpointer, one is sorely disappointed.. One is left, instead, to wonder how many people went Will Smith on him during his open mic sets.
You have guzzled the koolid.Monderegal » 04 Jun 2022, 9:51 am » wrote: ↑ This war is completely in the hands of Putin in my view.
Wrong again, unfunny one. You've assured us that you are ignorant about the term "the man".Cannonpointer » 05 Jun 2022, 8:53 am » wrote: ↑ Your sniveling isn't jest-worthy, fruit loop. Tell us who the man is, freak. You've assured us that the judicial system is not part of the system. What else isn't "the man," fascist ***? Better yet - who IS the man? Is it the diaper dandy? Does dementia joe run the show?
Cannonpointer » 05 Jun 2022, 9:29 am » wrote: ↑ You have guzzled the koolid.
Did Putin overthrow the democracy in Ukrain and install a coup government?
No - that was us. Here, listen to a top US spy plot the coup - even deciding who gets to head the coup government - with Obama's Ambassdor to Ukraine:
Here is a question that your post makes you accountble to answer. It's a yes/no:
If Russia overthrew the government of Mexico and planted a coup government on our border that was hostile to our intersests, would you suggest that the US should roll over like a little bitch?
NATO pushes tranny culture - is trying to FORCE tranny culture onto Christian Russia. Are you FOR tranny culture as embodied by Zelensky (see below what you appear to support), or against it?
The egg on Putin's face from Zelensky's courageous resistance is riotously funny.JinnMartini » 05 Jun 2022, 5:08 am » wrote: ↑ Well, he's not the one . . . Zelensky the *** is !
And he's not amusing at all !
He needs to be assassinated together with his whole extended family !
So, you think Biden has "created a united front", do you? If that were the case, Russia would not now be enjoying a significant rise in their currency and wouldn't have found both India and China to happily be buying Russian oil at the current highest cost in history, which is making the cost of their war an easy expense to handle, while severely hurting the US economy with the inflation and gas and diesel prices at record high prices, which in turn is also causing many of the supply chain problems we now have.Monderegal » 04 Jun 2022, 9:51 am » wrote: ↑ Well, if you are referring to the suffering of the Ukrainian people I think you have a point. I want this war over myself and have hopes for diplomacy soon. Still, from a White House perspective, Biden sent warnings with his intelligence that Putin was possibility making this move. He also created a united front against the invasion of Ukraine. Therefore, from what he could do from a US perspective he played the right cards. This war is completely in the hands of Putin in my view. Yet, I just read that the sanctions regime on Russia isn't working. The carnage is also a humanitarian disaster so I agree with you there.
One of us has, fruit cake - probably the one ducking questions, weakness.Olivaw » 05 Jun 2022, 10:19 am » wrote: ↑ Wrong again, unfunny one. You've assured us that you are ignorant about the term "the man".
Ya see what you did there? You equated a hostile coup government being installed in Ukraine through mischief, to Mexico getting along well with the interntional community.Monderegal » 05 Jun 2022, 10:21 am » wrote: ↑ Well there is the issue of China and countries south of the border. Are we going to invade Mexico because they are too close to China?
There is no "also," here.
Your military analysis on the heels of collapsing friendly international relations among elected governments with the overthrow of a democratic government and the installtion of a coup government hostile to its neighbor is taken under due consideration.Monderegal » 05 Jun 2022, 10:21 am » wrote: ↑the terminology "puppet government". Yes, Ukraine would have favored EU ties but Russia would not have been taken out of the equation. Pro Russian parties still existed in Ukraine and Zelensky was unpopular before the war. You also have to consider the politics of an invasion. There was probably less to be gained from invading.
Or provide a tape of it happening in real time, with the mischief-makers deciding who would run the coup government.
You don't have a perspective - you just admitted as much. A three minute clip is too great an investment - so the paltry **** you wanna spout does not, by any stretch, amount to a perspective.Monderegal » 05 Jun 2022, 10:21 am » wrote: ↑That seems hard for some but the protests were organic from what I have been reading although some people tend to think America is the global hegemon. I don't really have time to watch your clips but that is the understanding from my perspective.
The media spin is ludicrous. Calling the action a failure because they didn't accomplish things they never stated they had intentions of doing. They didn't take Kiev in a week? They never tried. What stated goal has Russia failed? Nato free Ukraine, donbas on it's way to independence. If Russia provided billions in arms to the Taliban I bet they would have put up a better fight too.Olivaw » 05 Jun 2022, 10:22 am » wrote: ↑ The egg on Putin's face from Zelensky's courageous resistance is riotously funny.
Olivaw » 05 Jun 2022, 10:22 am » wrote: ↑ The egg on Putin's face from Zelensky's courageous resistance is riotously funny.
There is no question. You don't understand the term "the man".Cannonpointer » 05 Jun 2022, 11:30 am » wrote: ↑ One of us has, fruit cake - probably the one ducking questions, weakness.