Monderegal » 08 Jun 2022, 8:38 pm » wrote: ↑ Well I'm not a big pharma lobbyist or a member of the Sackler family. Do no harm is the Hippocratic oath.
GHETTOBLASTER » 08 Jun 2022, 6:52 pm » wrote: ↑ What have you ever accomplished with your "PERDUE MATH"...?
Monderegal » 08 Jun 2022, 6:50 pm » wrote: ↑ I'm a Purdue student myself. I went medicine instead of engineering though. I learned some of the NASA stuff but always wanted to be of service to others. Maybe that is just me. Good at math and a lot of science.
Nowadays "math ability" doesn't amount to much more than knowing how to plug the right numbers into a calculator.
DeplorablePatriot » 08 Jun 2022, 9:08 pm » wrote: ↑ Without googling it, what is b amyloid plaque, and where is it found?
Honest answer. It's been well documented that the plaque is a protein and is toxic to at least the synapses and destroys them. The plaques can be visualized now, and I can't recall which it is, but they show up as a specific color. This greatly interests me, as brain-ravaging diseases are so rampant and cause terrible, lengthy distress for patients and all who know them.Monderegal » 08 Jun 2022, 9:45 pm » wrote: ↑ Well, I have to admit I had to google it. I went to college 20 years ago and medical science advances at a feverous pace. I also never got to medical school and don't specialize in neurology where such science becomes more focused. I can tell you a few things without googling from what I remember.
The brain is a organ of "gray matter" with a system of billions of neurons that send signals across the body through said neurons. They have action and resting potentials and can fire in milliseconds sending messages through the nervous center, usually down the spinal cord. There are several regions of the brain but most of that research is done in concert with psychology given the fact the sciences intertwin in research currently. From my understanding, and note this is pre medical and not a specific area of medicine, the amyloid plaque is probably some sort of well documented theory of the cause of Alzheimer's disease. Usually they are in peer reviewed medical journals but are broken up in separate fields of medical science. To really understand a potential cause of a common neurological disease it would take a degree in medical school and a residency in the field. That usually takes years. Pre Med at Purdue is more of a foundational science program and genetics was something I really dug myself into when I was there.
By the way, I also saw it is a peptide. That's almost certainly correct given the chemistry advances and the knowledge of chemical structures of biological chemicals. Piptides are short structures of amino acids. Amino acids are coded by DNA and usually form long chains which are proteins. Peptides are shorter. DNA therefore is called the governor of cells since it codes for these proteins (and peptides which are less foundational).
Just for fun, There are 23 pairs of DNA in every human cell. One from your mother and one from your father. One of these pairs is the sex chromosomes. They are either XX which makes you female or XY which makes you female. You will always get an X from your mother but the sperm can split with either an X or Y. The differences in the Y chromosome makes you male. Its also a lot smaller than the X but you are either male or female in every cell in your body. I did have to google the b amyloid plaque though.
That's why there's so much research and no cure. I also wonder why all the old Italian paintings show Adam and Eve with belly buttons. No umbilical cord?DeplorablePatriot » 08 Jun 2022, 9:59 pm » wrote: ↑ Honest answer. It's been well documented that the plaque is a protein and is toxic to at least the synapses and destroys them. The plaques can be visualized now, and I can't recall which it is, but they show up as a specific color. This greatly interests me, as brain-ravaging diseases are so rampant and cause terrible, lengthy distress for patients and all who know them.
Considering your notes on DNA, and I have no idea how this can occur, but diverting to the topic of theism, if Eve was the first mother, why do we not all share the same mitochondrial DNA?
GHETTOBLASTER » 08 Jun 2022, 9:12 pm » wrote: ↑ Nowadays "math ability" doesn't amount to much more than knowing how to plug the right numbers into a calculator.
With Mondregal we have a "Purdue Graduate" who pretends to know more about gun shot victims than the rest of us.
Cannonpointer » 09 Jun 2022, 12:58 am » wrote: ↑ He knows the culprit in every shooting - the firearm.
The shooter is not responsible - the gun did it.
There's money is reserch. There's LONG money in treatments. There's only short money in cures - they stop the game.
Cannonpointer » 09 Jun 2022, 1:03 am » wrote: ↑ I keep a close eye on my guns - don't trust the sneaky buggers.
He's also the same guy who foamed at the mouth for decades about how DRUG WAR / PROHIBITION will never work.Cannonpointer » 09 Jun 2022, 12:58 am » wrote: ↑ He knows the culprit in every shooting - the firearm.
The shooter is not responsible - the gun did it.