The Fanatical Mindset of the Religious Right

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By B.See
6 Jun 2022 3:23 am in Liberals Only Political Chat Room
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16 Nov 2022 1:46 am
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In the worship of their anti-Christ...

‘He was chosen’: the rightwing Christian roadshow spreading the gospel of Trump - The Guardian

‘Black Robe Regiment’ of Christian nationalists is spreading the ‘gospel of Trump’ - Raw Story

Study links identity threat among white evangelicals to the belief Trump's election was part of God's plan - psypost

Mike Lindell: Trump's Tuesday announcement is 'divine intervention' in Kari Lake's election LOSS - Raw Story

Political violence "must always be an option," says far-right Catholic outlet - Salon

Florida Guv Ron DeSantis Rolled Out Cringe Campaign Ad Saying He Was Sent by God - thedailybeast

the GRIFT:

Texas politicians rake in millions from far-right Christian megadonors pushing private school vouchers - nbcnews

Evangelical 'prophets' have become top GOP surrogates waging 'spiritual warfare' against Dems: report - msn

the TRUTH:

Ahrens: Christian nationalism isn't Christianity. It's spewing hate in the name of Jesus - yahoo

Michael Moore: Republicans tried to make America into a theocracy — and it cost them big - Raw Story

Thousands of Christians Condemn Rep. Greene, Mike Flynn as False Prophets - newsweek

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19 Nov 2022 9:59 pm
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Church asks congregants to forgive pastor for prostitution arrest - Church & Ministries News

'She Didn't Satisfy Him': Josh Duggar's Wife Anna BLAMED By Churchgoers For His Sex Crimes

Evangelicals: "Trump Used Us!" 

No ****! And you lemmings will BEG him to USE YOU AGAIN.

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28 Nov 2022 5:03 am
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Christian Trump event left evangelical pastor 'absolutely terrified and horrified' - Raw Story - Celebrating 18 Years of Independent Journalism

Far from being about faith, Christian nationalism is about politics and hero worship - The Fresno Bee

This 1980 report, 42 years later, sheds light on the Christian nationalist extremism of 2022 - Alternet

Mormon church confirms the Colorado Springs shooter was a member - Raw Story - Celebrating 18 Years of Independent Journalism


Thousands Sign Christian Petition Against Trump's 2024 Bid - Business Insider

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12 Jan 2023 1:36 am
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Christian nationalist claimed he 'had no memory' he ran an uber-racist, antisemitic, sexist Twitter account - Dailykos

Former Christian school headmaster scrambling to defend ugly racist Twitter account: report - Raw Story

Christian Minister Testifies That He Was Involved in Effort to Influence Supreme Court - Business Insider

It's not fair: Genius MAGA pastor wants voting rights repealed because Democrats win elections - Alternet

Texas megachurch pastor returns to cheers and whistles after quitting over inappropriate relationship - Raw Story

GOP's embrace of Christian nationalism blasted by outgoing board of ed member - Raw Story

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24 Jan 2023 7:02 am
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Pastor William Barber says Christian nationalism is a form of heresy - CNN  (And THIS particular Christian wholeheartedly AGREE)

“The same forces demonizing immigrants are also attacking low-wage workers,” the North Carolina pastor said in an interview several years ago. “The same politicians denying living wages are also suppressing the vote;

the same people who want less of us to vote are also denying the evidence of the climate crisis and refusing to act now;

the same people who are willing to destroy the Earth are willing to deny tens of millions of Americans access to health care.”

"Jesus said the Gospel is about good news to the poor, healing to the brokenhearted, welcoming all people, caring for the least of these: the immigrant, the hungry, the sick, the imprisoned.

Christian nationalism attempts to sanctify oppression and not liberation. It attempts to sanctify lies and not truth. At best, it’s a form of theological malpractice. At worst, it’s a form of heresy."

White Christian nationalism isn’t pro-life. It’s pro-order - RNS (Religious News Service)

"...Christian nationalism isn’t really about preserving life. It’s about order.

In a number of studies now, we and other social scientists have shown that Christian nationalist ideology, particularly among white Americans, is associated with support for political violence, the death penalty, torture, more guns, any-means-necessary policing and opposition to COVID-19 vaccines (or vaccines generally).

Christian nationalism, in other words, isn’t opposed to death. It’s opposed to disorder—specifically the disruption of established hierarchies and the traditional moral order."


GOP congressman displays Christian nationalist flag outside his congressional office - Raw Story - Celebrating 18 Years of Independent Journalism

Hate Preachers Warn Beer Makes Men 'More Feminine' - Comic Sands

Louisiana lawmakers want ‘In God We Trust’ signs in every classroom - Raw Story - Celebrating 18 Years of Independent Journalism

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9 Feb 2023 8:35 am
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Pro-Trump "prophet" Pastor Julie Green, who was previously a part of the far-right Christian nationalist ReAwaken America Tour, hopes for the deaths of many Democrats - MSN

Christianist nationalism is the greatest danger to America, and it now rules at the Supreme Court - Daily Kos

Pro-Trump Christian Leader Sean Feucht: MAGA 1,000 Percent Fighting 'Spiritual War' - Newsweek "It's a real spiritual battle that we're in and it's time that we rise up." said he.

Kevin McCarthy Went To A Gay-Hatin' Trans-Hatin' Christian Fascist Hootenanny Yesterday! - Wonkette

Revealed: A North Dakota Repubican's Ties to a White Nationalist Church That Inspired Olympic Bomber Eric Rudolph - Rawstory

State Rep. Rep. Donna Henderson (R-Calvin), who was elected with a slate of Donald Trump-aligned populist legislators, has extensive ties to the Church of Israel and its notorious founder's family, according to the Jamestown Sun columnist Rob Port - Rawstory

Yes, this prominent Jacksonville Florida megachurch is making all members sign an oath opposing LGBTQ+ freedoms - MSN

Christian K-8 school forced to close after publicly acknowledging ‘inclusive theology’ - Daily Kos

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21 Feb 2023 2:21 pm
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"ME": The Narcissism of Evangelical Christianity – A Lesson From Ebenezer Scrooge | Daniel Henderson - Patheos (dot com)

"I never realized how narcissistic Evangelical Christianity was, until I left it. For many years, as an evangelical, my worries and focus was totally on myself, my salvation and my sanctification. Oh yes, we were given the usual party line about “putting God first, others second, and ourselves last,” but that isn’t what the real message was. The real message was that I was the “apple of God’s eye” and “Christ died just for my sins, even if I were the only one on earth.” “I” was the center of the evangelical project: my salvation, my prayer life, my purity, my walk with Christ."

The Christian Groups Fighting Against the Indian Child Welfare Act – Mother Jones “I don’t really believe in historical trauma.” - Motherjones

GOP lawmaker tells Christians to take authority over the "drag queens running this place" - LGBTQ Nation

Anti-gay, anti-abortion Christian march takes over Santa Monica Pier - Dailykos

Florida Considers 'Christian Alternative' To Heathen Liberal SATs - Wonkette


Extremist Christian terrorists kill cops after luring them onto their trap-laden farm: report - Raw Story   An Australian family belonging to an extreme fundamentalist Christian movement murdered police officers in a bizarre terrorism plot — and the movement has a following in the United States as well, reported The Daily Beast on Thursday.

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6 Mar 2023 11:09 pm
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The Christian Nationalist Machine Turning Hate Into Law - Yahoo

Long a shadowy force in American politics, Christian Nationalism is having a coming out party. The movement seeks a fusion of fundamentalist theology with American civic life. “They believe that this country was founded for Christians like them, generally natural-born citizens and white,” says Andrew Whitehead, author of Taking America Back for God: Christian Nationalism in the United States.

Whitehead emphasizes that the danger of Christian Nationalism to democracy is that the movement “sees no room for compromise — their vision must be the one that comes to pass.”

How Trump-empowered religious extremists are having a Supreme Court field day - Raw Story

In a wide-ranging interview with Raw Story, Rachel Laser, president and CEO of Americans United for Separation of Church and State, said Trump’s departure from power — temporary or permanent — in no way signals any respite from a crisis of religious extremism he helped propel.

“We are witnessing a religious extremist movement that no longer is afraid to say the quiet part out loud, and that unabashedly is driving towards a white Christian America where the laws codify white Christian privilege,” Laser said. “And we have a Supreme Court that is by and large advancing their agenda.”

“Trump absolutely emboldened religious extremists to do what they’re doing. But whether or not Donald Trump wins in 2024 won't effect that, because he's already put this court into power. And the justices he appointed are intent on continuing what they’ve started.”

Laser also cited “a religious extremist crusade to take down public schools and divert all of the funding to private religious schools” as a particular threat.


Feds fine Mormon church for illicitly hiding $32 billion investment fund behind shell companies - NBC News

The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints engaged in the scheme for more than 20 years.

Christian Conservatives Out Here DEFENDING That Youth Pastor Who Dated A 14-Year-Old! - Perez Hilton

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29 Mar 2023 9:29 pm
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Christians clash as extremists move into Idaho – and very frightened population moves out - Raw Story

Woman furiously confronts male ballerina for performing outside church - Unilad (dot com)

Jordan Peterson Lectures Pope Francis On Christianity & Social Justice - Comic Sands

New Documentary Shows How American Evangelicals Are ‘Praying For Armageddon’ And Pulling The Levers Of Power To Achieve It – Yahoo

Trump Was Compared To Jesus Christ By A MAGA Lawyer - Uproxx (dot com)

Far-right pastor likens Trump to Jesus in holy war Twitter rants - Raw Story

Mike Pence implies that Trump is a fake Christian during speech to room full of journalists - Raw Story


Up to 20,000 people who attended a religious gathering may have been exposed to measles. What should they do next? - MSN


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7 Apr 2023 7:10 am
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They sure do love their anti-Christ, don't they? about says it ALL doesn't it??

Grotesque: right-wing evangelicals hammered for perverted comparison of Trump and Jesus - Raw Story

Reverend says comparisons between Trump and Jesus are heretical - MAGA leaders are more like Pontius Pilate - Raw Story

Two-bit televangelist Lindsey Graham ruthlessly ridiculed by Morning Joe panel over tearful pleas for donations to help Donald Trump's legal defense. - Raw Story

Really sick: Morning Joe bashes huckster evangelicals continuing to embrace Trump - Raw Story


Missouri Dems Erupt After Human Rights Chair Moonlights as Anti-LGBT Church Lobbyist - TheDailyBeast

Praying For Armageddon Review: Scary Exposé of Evangelical Influence - Variety (dot com)

Texas Republicans Have New Ideas To Force More Religion Into Public Schools - TheMarySue

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22 Apr 2023 5:57 am
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I find it interesting that Texans who now want to enforce the placing of The Ten Commandments in every Texas public school apparently know little of the very first of them. Or maybe it's that, like everything else, they think those laws are for EVERYONE ELSE:

Evangelicals hijacked Holy Week to turn Trump into MAGA Jesus: religion expert - Raw Story


According to a professor of religious studies at the University of Pennsylvania, American evangelicals who should have spent the week spreading the word of the resurrection of Jesus Christ, who reportedly died for the world's sins, instead worked overtime elevating Donald Trump as "MAGA Jesus."

Some evangelicals are marking this week as the Passion of Donald Trump - MSNBC (dot com)  Trump's prosecution is not persecution. And his getting indicted doesn't constitute a sacrifice.

Ten Commandments would be required in public schools under Texas bill - NBC News


Here’s what American Christian fundamentalists are exporting to Africa - TampaBay (dot com)  “Having lost ground at home on gay rights and women’s rights, the U.S. Christian Right is now exporting its so-called Christian values — rejected and discredited in the United States — to Africa,” a Zambian minister says.

Fundamentalist Christian Religion, the Abuse of Truth and the Decline of American Democracy - Dailykos

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2 May 2023 2:48 am
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B.See » 06 Jun 2022, 3:23 am » wrote: What had long been apparent to me, is becoming increasingly apparent to many observers, journalists, and even some theologians. That the religious right has grown increasingly DIVORCED from any semblance of the "Christianity" they profess to believe in.

Yes, they'll trot on down to their places of worship, and piously cant scriptured notions such as "love thy neighbor"  and "blessed be the meek" but don't think that an ever increasing number of them BELIEVE in it... not one bit.

Because many of them have replaced those sentiments with those of hate and intolerance for whomever and WHATever they perceive as "other."

Some introspectives re the above:

How evangelicals abandoned Christianity — and became "conservatives" instead |

"Evangelical leaders have focused their agenda on protecting things they feel entitled to, while focusing the attention of their followers on what they define as the enemies of God. That fear of God's enemies has allowed billions of dollars of donations to flow into the hands of religious hypocrites.

They have convinced millions of Christians that the enemies of God are people who live south of the border, who are coming for their guns, their jobs, their property, their health insurance, their taxes and even their families. Trump tapped masterfully into the fear planted by evangelical leaders in the hearts of their followers.

In the end, millions of Christians have abandoned their faith for a narrow-minded political ideology."
 James 2:14-26

New International Version

Faith and Deeds

14 What good is it, my brothers and sisters, if someone claims to have faith but has no deeds? Can such faith save them? 

15 Suppose a brother or a sister is without clothes and daily food. 

16 If one of you says to them, “Go in peace; keep warm and well fed,” but does nothing about their physical needs, what good is it? 

17 In the same way, faith by itself, if it is not accompanied by action, is dead.

18 But someone will say, “You have faith; I have deeds.”Show me your faith without deeds, and I will show you my faith by my deeds. 
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6 May 2023 5:51 am
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Letter to My Christian Conservative Aunt on Moral Depravity of Today’s GOP - TheDailyBeast

Pro-Trump pastors rebuked for ‘overt embrace of white Christian nationalism’ | US elections 2024 - The Guardian

Suit-Wearing Student: Nashville Christian School BANNED Me From Prom - TheDailyBeast

Texas GOP legislators plan to replace certified counselors in schools with "chaplains" - Dailykos

Pastor Insists Trans People and Non-Christians are Possessed by Demons - During Ohio House Committee Hearing - TheMarySue (dot com)

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9 May 2023 9:43 pm
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Christian right replacing biblical commands with secular prophets like Tucker Carlson: columnist - Raw Story

Texas Republicans double down on white Christian nationalism as state grows more purple - Alternet (dot org)

‘Morning Joe’ Says the ‘Bill Will Come Due’ for Evangelicals Who Support Donald Trump - Yahoo (dot com)


I’m a pastor. Everyone sees through Greg Abbott’s religious school voucher charade: Opinion - (dot com)

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22 May 2023 7:42 am
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Texas lawmaker slams blasphemous Christian nationalist legislation - Raw Story

Faith leaders speak out against ‘toxic’ Christian nationalist conference arriving at Trump’s Miami resort - AOL (dot com)

Key supporter of Texas school chaplain bill has pushed for evangelism in schools - texastribune (dot org)

Rocky Malloy, a self-described former drug-smuggling pirate saved by 'divine intervention' has led a group that promotes chaplains as a tool to proselytize to schoolchildren.

How the Kansas legislature is influenced by white Christian nationalism around the clock on a daily basis - Raw Story

Kansas Republicans use religion to fuel hate and nationalism. That’s not Christianity: Opinion - Yahoo (dot com)

You cover up abuse: Right-wing Catholic group slammed over anti-LGBTQ tweet - Raw Story

You cover up abuse: Twitter demolishes right-wing Catholic group over anti-LGBTQ tweet - Alternet (dot org)

a twitter poster: "Hey @CatholicVote, might want to clean up your BS first before offering up your thoughts here."


Religious broadcasters seek to reverse California law aimed at quelling online hate speech - religionnews (dot com)

The National Religious Broadcasters, an association of Christian media outlets said the law affects its members by "having their speech repressed."


The Cruel and Retrogressive Mentalities of the Republican Party - and Why Many DON'T Support Them

The Continuous Republican Assault Upon the Rights of Women, Minorities, Immigrants, and the LGBTQ Community

So I Totally Expect Russia to Invade Ukraine

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7 Sep 2023 10:37 pm
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DC insider: True patriotism is the opposite of Trump's White Christian Nationalism - Raw Story

MAGA musician at prayer event calls for blaze to 'sweep our city like a fire sweeps through the woods' - Raw Story

Dangerous and Insane: Tucker Carlson Claims U.S. Hates Russia Because It’s a ‘Christian’ Country - Mediaite

ASST. ****:

Beyonce's music is 'satanic' says top Republican candidate for North Carolina governor - Dailykos

According to Pizzagate conspiracy theorists, the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles on Pizza Hut boxes are encouraging Satanic ritual abuse - Boing Boing


Fight this wicked ideology: Evangelical fundamentalist declares war on white Christian nationalism - Raw Story

Pastors call out far-right Christian nationalism as a source of white supremacist violence - Alternet


Pope says some 'backwards; conservatives in US Catholic Church have replaced faith with ideology - AP News (Amen!)

My latest posts can be found here:

Covid Is Not A Hoax (Coming to Liberals Only Chat Room)
The Criminality of Donald Trump (Liberals Only Chat Room)
The Fanatical Mindset of the Religious Right (Liberal Only Chat Room)
The Capitol Insurrectionists (NHB)
The Republican Assault Upon Education (NHB)
So I Totally Expect Russia to Invade Ukraine (NHB)

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