NO POINT OF HAVING ANY LAWS, PER RNC CULTURE NOW!one1zer0 » 10 Jun 2022, 1:26 pm » wrote: ↑ They do with law-abiding citizens, not criminals, was my point. Leftist illogic is puzzling. Average people thinking that if they are on the left it means they are automatically a good person saving the world, fighting racism, being inclusive, tolerant, peaceful, etc...
Laws work because most people abide by them because they comprehend mutually evolving in the same space at the same time, those breaking the laws have no respect for their own time biologically here so they won't respect anyone else's whilod showing respect is the act of pretending to respect to get their way when everyone compromises away their biological time already.
I am a leftist robot bleep blip I say no point in laws when I know that is absurd. Bleep blip defund the police defund the police. RNC culture.. . RNC RNC RNC is the devil! RNC is my enemy blip bleep. I am a drone. lolz RNC RNC error error we need fascism to save democracy against RNC they should be arrested!
Oh look, it's someone who thinks it's Russia and Trumps fault when Biden's 100 or so executive orders **** everything up. I remember when Trump made a few of those and was called a fascist. Does that make Biden an Uber fascist? lolz It's not so much blame as it is pointing out leftist failures and retarded policies that have consequences.IkeBana » 10 Jun 2022, 6:14 am » wrote: ↑ Oh look...another **** blaming the president for inflation, the price of gasoline, and the mis-use of the Second Amendment. BWAHAHAH!!!
GOT YOUR ATTENTION!one1zer0 » 10 Jun 2022, 2:31 pm » wrote: ↑ I am a leftist robot bleep blip I say no point in laws when I know that is absurd. Bleep blip defund the police defund the police. RNC culture.. . RNC RNC RNC is the devil! RNC is my enemy blip bleep. I am a drone. lolz RNC RNC error error we need fascism to save democracy against RNC they should be arrested!
Do you think because you use capital letters and bold on your font that it makes your one-liner absurdities more valid?
Laws work for law-abiding citizens, so all the gun laws do is take it out of the hands of responsible gun owners. If you think criminals obey gun laws or drug laws, then I'd have to say there is something very wrong with your world view. No laws work for criminals, that's why they are criminals, get it?supraTruth » 10 Jun 2022, 8:57 pm » wrote: ↑ GOT YOUR ATTENTION!
So, no laws work for criminals?one1zer0t » 11 Jun 2022, 1:11 am » wrote: ↑ Laws work for law-abiding citizens, so all the gun laws do is take it out of the hands of responsible gun owners. If you think criminals obey gun laws or drug laws, then I'd have to say there is something very wrong with your world view. No laws work for criminals, that's why they are criminals, get it?
All the banning and anti-gun crusades that you are dumb enough to believe is for public safety and not to push an agenda of the Libtard politicians that were paid for and or planted by the **** stains at the world economic forum for their one world dictatorship where you will apparently "own nothing and be happy" and the only way they will be able to pull the "owning nothing" part will be stripping everyone's rights away. They are already working on it through the W.H.O. and trying to get countries to sign up to suspend constitutions and the rights of all people in case of another "pandemic" as they put it, for however long they want, to do what ever they want, like force vax people, suspend bank accounts to the people that protest against it, etc... In order for them, like all other dictatorships, to succeed, is to first take guns away from the people.
The only reason America exists is that the population was armed after the British traitor George Washington decided to **** his country off. Why do you think it's so hard to take over Afghanistan, for example? It's because the population is armed to the teeth with military grade weapons. Go to the store, pick up some opium and an AK47, as easy as anyone going to the grocery store in North America. The Russians tried and failed and the U.S. tried, failed, and royally **** up the grand exit of the country.
If you don't like guns and personally don't want to own one, that's fine, but if you think forcing others into your idealized fantasy world where the guns are all banned for public safety and because of that there is no violent crime anywhere and everyone is holding hands singing campfire songs, then you are even more retarded than just thinking criminals obey the law.
I've already said I have no political affiliation, I just can't stand hypocrisy, stupidity, woeful ignorance, and brainwashed indoctrinated morons, so basically I'm not a fan of leftist political ideology.
I'll await your all capped, bold, sentence that makes you look like a douche with below average brain functions. lolz.
So, no laws work for criminals?one1zer0 » 10 Jun 2022, 1:26 pm » wrote: ↑ They do with law-abiding citizens, not criminals, was my point. Leftist illogic is puzzling. Average people thinking that if they are on the left it means they are automatically a good person saving the world, fighting racism, being inclusive, tolerant, peaceful, etc...
Do you even know what an AR15 is, besides a scary looking weapon that was called a "semi-automatic weapon of war", that Whoopee Goldberg said will turn people into dust? Do you think AR stands for Automatic Rifle? It's just a small calibre rifle that doesn't have a wood finish stock like some higher calibre rifles [like a 308] that are perfectly fine to a woefully ignorant leftist. Do you seriously not see why your question: "So, no laws work for criminals?" is **** retarded? Should I say "not the ones they break"? It might seem like you are trolling, but most likely really believe in what you are politically parroting. Don't like guns? Cool don't own one, ban them from your life, don't associate with people that own them, but forcing others to comply with your political ideology and your personal feeling about guns is just too **** up in my opinion.supraTruth » 11 Jun 2022, 4:16 am » wrote: ↑ So, no laws work for criminals?
How about a national law that raises the age to buy ARs to 21?
YEAH, U KEEP SPEWING, U SICK RNC PISS ANT FOR THE SICK SON OF A BITCH GUN MANUFACTURERS! IT WAS A HIGH-POWERED AR-15 THAT DECAPITATED CHILDREN IN UVALDE!one1zer0 » 15 Jun 2022, 3:22 am » wrote: ↑ Do you even know what an AR15 is, besides a scary looking weapon that was called a "semi-automatic weapon of war", that Whoopee Goldberg said will turn people into dust? Do you think AR stands for Automatic Rifle? It's just a small calibre rifle that doesn't have a wood finish stock like some higher calibre rifles [like a 308] that are perfectly fine to a woefully ignorant leftist. Do you seriously not see why your question: "So, no laws work for criminals?" is **** retarded? Should I say "not the ones they break"? It might seem like you are trolling, but most likely really believe in what you are politically parroting. Don't like guns? Cool don't own one, ban them from your life, don't associate with people that own them, but forcing others to comply with your political ideology and your personal feeling about guns is just too **** up in my opinion.
Your fantasy land you've idealized because of your easily manipulated mind that leads you to believe in so many false and contradictory narratives is comical and pathetic at the same time. A lot of leftists are like communicating with someone that has the mentality of a 10-year-old that thinks they have it all figured out. I've only been able to have conversations and debates with 2 out of the 6 I cross path's with without them either getting overly emotional, lying, recycling false information, or resorting to typical leftist name-calling in place of anything resembling a fact. a logical opinion or an intelligent answer to why they disagree.
Didn't you ever hear "sticks and stones will break my bones, but names will never hurt me"? Damn, I just thought that if sticks and stones will break my bones, we should ban them! lolz They should update that to '"AR15's will make me dead and names are hate speech, so they all should be banned!" lolzsupraTruth » 15 Jun 2022, 1:53 pm » wrote: ↑ YEAH, U KEEP SPEWING, U SICK RNC PISS ANT FOR THE SICK SON OF A BITCH GUN MANUFACTURERS! IT WAS A HIGH-POWERED AR-15 THAT DECAPITATED CHILDREN IN UVALDE!
If it is bad people responsible, then why do u want those bad people to have guns?
and the media.walkingstick » 16 Jun 2022, 12:43 am » wrote: ↑ most lethal weapon are the tongues of congress. remove all the tongues of congress, and violence will end in usa.
SAME OLD CRAP! U **** RNC SCUM CARE MORE ABOUT HOW FREAKY YOUR **** GUNS LOOK THAN HOW MANY CHILDREN ARE DECAPITATED BY THEM! U PANSY *** SCUM ALWAYS SAY THE SAME ****. I CERTAINLY DON'T WANT RNC FART SCUM LIKE U OVERTHROWING OUR GOVERNMENT! & I DON'T WANT ANY OF U GUN SCUM BRANDISHING GUNS IN GROCERY STORES!one1zer0 » 16 Jun 2022, 12:13 am » wrote: ↑ Didn't you ever hear "sticks and stones will break my bones, but names will never hurt me"? Damn, I just thought that if sticks and stones will break my bones, we should ban them! lolz They should update that to '"AR15's will make me dead and names are hate speech, so they all should be banned!" lolz
Those so-called "bad" people will get them no matter what, banning guns from law-abiding people will render them defenseless against them, and also put everyone in the U.S. in a position of the corrupt deep state not being afraid to permanently put illegal mandates in, that are the same actions dictators rule by. Just because liberals are being used as useful idiots by making them believe nobody should have guns because of public safety, like they actually give a **** about the people and not an agenda to disarm the population of the U.S. like every do good DICKtator has done in the past in the same way. Don't you know anything about history and the **** bags who tricked the people into disarming and what usually happens after? You should be happy that law-abiding citizens want to own guns, they are keeping the government from becoming tyrannical at a fast pace.
Well now I couldn't care less of what you want, or the other coward conformists leftists that seem to love being locked down, forced to wear masks, believe that Big Pharma cares about them and not money and profits, you love to obey the government and actually believe they give a **** about you. You are even way too retarded to realize that I'm not a part of the RNC and I have no political ideology that I blindly follow, as I've explained 2 times before. I've also written that interacting with a Libtard is very similar to interacting with a 10-year-old child who thinks they have it all figured out.supraTruth » 16 Jun 2022, 1:56 am » wrote: ↑ SAME OLD CRAP! U **** RNC SCUM CARE MORE ABOUT HOW FREAKY YOUR **** GUNS LOOK THAN HOW MANY CHILDREN ARE DECAPITATED BY THEM! U PANSY *** SCUM ALWAYS SAY THE SAME ****. I CERTAINLY DON'T WANT RNC FART SCUM LIKE U OVERTHROWING OUR GOVERNMENT! & I DON'T WANT ANY OF U GUN SCUM BRANDISHING GUNS IN GROCERY STORES!
leaderships sacrifice the fellowships as acceptable losses. Fellowships wait to be rescued by hope, faith, charity while sacrificing their biological time to make idealists' relative time logistics matter more than survival of the species or food chain balancing out new total sum constantly as each lifetime never stays same form entering space as leaving it after so many rotations of the planet, lunar cycles of the moon, seasons passing each revolution around the star of this solar system working same way as everything altogether balancing in displacement here.walkingstick » 16 Jun 2022, 12:43 am » wrote: ↑ most lethal weapon are the tongues of congress. remove all the tongues of congress, and violence will end in usa.
having laws to corrupt next generations until extinction doesn't assure longevity of ideologies dividing up generations occupying space now as welol as sustaining self fulfilling prophecies by denying the kinetics of biological results being one each.