Second Amendment is from 1789. Thus the second amendment only applies to Muskets.

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16 Jun 2022 10:43 am in No Holds Barred Political Forum
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20 Jun 2022 10:19 pm
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FOS » 20 Jun 2022, 3:41 am » wrote: lets discuss strategy then. your idea of asymmetrical warfare requires your population greatly outnumbers your enemy population.

guess what, dont.
...aaaaaand you prove, once again, you don't know what you're talking about.  My idea of asymmetrical warfare requires nothing of the kind, but I know you won't let something as paltry as facts or logic dissuade you.
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20 Jun 2022 10:20 pm
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FOS » 20 Jun 2022, 3:48 am » wrote: the constitution you love so much can be ignored by simply **** ignoring it.

it comes down to power.

and you and you ar15 didnt do **** for your power. accept it.
Sure.  You tell yourself that if you want.  I don't really care either way.

We haven't reached my personal line in the sand yet.  We'll talk again if and when we get there.
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20 Jun 2022 10:39 pm
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Spartan » 20 Jun 2022, 10:20 pm » wrote: Sure.  You tell yourself that if you want.  I don't really care either way.

We haven't reached my personal line in the sand yet.  We'll talk again if and when we get there.

My line in the sand is the vax.

The answer is no, no matter what.

Most posters will not even understand the meaning of that statement. Their head or their heart or both are just not big enough.
"Because I SAY I am" is fallacy, not science

You cannot betray me - only yourself, to me.

Who cuts off your dick is not your friend

An opinion you won't defend is not yours. It's someone else's.

Humanity's Law of the Jungle: Survival NOT of the fittest, but of the tribe.

When peeing in the pool, stand on the edge.

Only religions declare heresy; only lies require protection.

If gender is not sex, why should a gender claim change what sex you shower with?
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20 Jun 2022 10:56 pm
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Spartan » 20 Jun 2022, 10:19 pm » wrote: ...aaaaaand you prove, once again, you don't know what you're talking about.  My idea of asymmetrical warfare requires nothing of the kind, but I know you won't let something as paltry as facts or logic dissuade you.
What is your example of asymmetric warfare?  Do you know of any from history?

viet cong vs US troops
Mao vs Imperial Japanese army
US revolutionary war

 Guerilla warfare is an example of asymmetric warfare.  Can you describe a conflict that happened where those using guerilla tactics did not outnumber those using conventional warfare?
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20 Jun 2022 11:44 pm
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razoo » 20 Jun 2022, 12:54 pm » wrote: If a shooter cannot get the target with one shot ........... too bad for the shooter .........
If you ever had to defend yourself and  a classroom full of kids from an armed attacker would you be able to do it if I handed you a loaded pistol...?
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21 Jun 2022 12:28 am
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razoo is a dumb ****. He thinks these are Muskets!  :rofl:   :rofl:   :rofl:   :rofl:  

 Image Image
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21 Jun 2022 9:55 am
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SJConspirator » 20 Jun 2022, 10:56 pm » wrote: What is your example of asymmetric warfare?  Do you know of any from history?

viet cong vs US troops
Mao vs Imperial Japanese army
US revolutionary war

 Guerilla warfare is an example of asymmetric warfare.  Can you describe a conflict that happened where those using guerilla tactics did not outnumber those using conventional warfare?
In studying past incidents from history we know that, inevitably, when an insurgency forms, it is a very small percentage of the population that chooses to engage in direct action against the enemy.  It is only over time, as the insurgency's successes lead to more draconian crackdowns by the already totalitarian government, that larger percentages of the population become sympathetic to the cause.
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21 Jun 2022 10:15 am
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The three percenters claim that only 3% defeated the British in the American Revolution.
The Three percenters totally ignore the absolutely indispensable assistance of the French Navy.
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21 Jun 2022 1:06 pm
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Spartan » 21 Jun 2022, 9:55 am » wrote: In studying past incidents from history we know that, inevitably, when an insurgency forms, it is a very small percentage of the population that chooses to engage in direct action against the enemy.  It is only over time, as the insurgency's successes lead to more draconian crackdowns by the already totalitarian government, that larger percentages of the population become sympathetic to the cause.
sometimes that is the case.  Other times, villages are already opposed to some standing army in their borders, and they support rebels.. hiding them, supplying them, informing them.  Look up Vichy French resistance For example.
Combatants are just one wing of resistance that comes in many forms.

just cuz I nitpick you doesn’t mean I don’t agree that owning firearms is essential for self defense and absolutely mandatory if there is ever civil war
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31st Arrival
21 Jun 2022 1:28 pm
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SJConspirator » 21 Jun 2022, 1:06 pm » wrote: sometimes that is the case.  Other times, villages are already opposed to some standing army in their borders, and they support rebels.. hiding them, supplying them, informing them.  Look up Vichy French resistance For example.
Combatants are just one wing of resistance that comes in many forms.

just cuz I nitpick you doesn’t mean I don’t agree that owning firearms is essential for self defense and absolutely mandatory if there is ever civil war
Elections are civil wars, civic wars are fought to have a winning ideology take control over everyone evolving forward from that event.

Conquering space for the time each have evolving here now and reality is a pay to stay in character serving idealists promising better tomorrows than ancestries evolved into current population so far.
see how I linked this thread into that other one about why aren't people just left alone bullying individuals into compliance constantly.
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22 Jun 2022 4:47 pm
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SJConspirator » 21 Jun 2022, 1:06 pm » wrote:
just cuz I nitpick you doesn’t mean I don’t agree that owning firearms is essential for self defense and absolutely mandatory if there is ever civil war
Fair enough.
I regret I don't have more time to discuss the issue more in depth with you.  
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26 Jul 2022 3:20 pm
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razoo » 16 Jun 2022, 10:19 am » wrote: Bullet was invented in 1847. Second Amendment is from 1789. Thus the second amendment only applies to Muskets.


Come get my ak ya filthy commie ***.
pom sucks *** dick from his mothers greasy asshole.
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26 Jul 2022 3:28 pm
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Cannonpointer » 20 Jun 2022, 12:06 pm » wrote: And with that, the dick sucker beevee shut his cock intake.
He's got one in the rear as well but leaves that one open 24/7 for business and Beto.
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26 Jul 2022 3:41 pm
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razoo » 16 Jun 2022, 10:19 am » wrote: Bullet was invented in 1847. Second Amendment is from 1789. Thus the second amendment only applies to Muskets.
WHERE does it mention "Muskets" in the Constitution... **** for BRAINS? 

If the founding fathers said we had a RIGHT to "Keep and bear ARMS"... they MENT "ARMS" (Armaments, weapons, and ammunition) !!  YOU SEE MORON, the Founding fathers wrote the Constitution as a document that could GROW as the Country grew... 1)  Freedom of SPEECH... NOT any particular KIND of speech,  2) Freedom of RELIGION... NOT any particular religion, 3)  the RIGHT to bear ARMS... NOT any particular KIND of arms...

Have YOU been STUPID all of your LIFE?  Or was it because some sort of accident?
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26 Jul 2022 3:46 pm
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Blackvegetable » 17 Jun 2022, 9:05 am » wrote: For what "civilian" purpose can an Assault Rifle be used?

For whatever the **** I want ya goddamned commie ***.
pom sucks *** dick from his mothers greasy asshole.
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26 Jul 2022 6:38 pm
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razoo » 16 Jun 2022, 10:19 am » wrote: Bullet was invented in 1847. Second Amendment is from 1789. Thus the second amendment only applies to Muskets.

and abortion was to only be used on Africanized-Americans....what are you?...a gun grabbing racist?

We do not want word to go out that we want to exterminate the Negro population. – Margaret Sanger, founder of Planned Parenthood, 1939
As the founder of America’s largest abortion chain, Margaret Sanger’s ideology for Planned Parenthood was cemented in eugenics, the belief and practice that aims to eliminate certain groups of people.
As a eugenicist, Sanger encouraged the sterilization of persons with less desirable qualities, and strongly encouraged the reproduction of groups with more desirable qualities. Sanger’s disdain for blacks, minority groups, and the diseased and disabled spawned the birth of an abortion corporation that profits off the killing of the weakest and most vulnerable. From its conception, Planned Parenthood was built upon the roots of exterminating individuals deemed “unfit” for the human family.
Today, the spirit of Sanger lives on. According to the Guttmacher Institute, the former pro-abortion research division of Planned Parenthood, African-American women are five times more likely to choose abortion over white women. Planned Parenthood clinics are strategically planted in minority communities, targeting blacks and impoverished minority groups, and abortion remains the leading cause of death for the black community.
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31st Arrival
27 Jul 2022 6:37 am
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razoo » 27 Jul 2022, 6:34 am » wrote: good thinking ......
Your mind doesn't evolve, your brain never stops evolving. What is wrong about this self anointed idiot not paying attention to actual life?
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Ike Bana
27 Jul 2022 7:12 am
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GHETTO » wrote:
razoo » 16 Jun 2022, 10:19 am » wrote: Bullet was invented in 1847. Second Amendment is from 1789. Thus the second amendment only applies to Muskets.
We should fly you back to Washington DC and  give you 5 minutes on LIVE  NATIONAL TV.   
This would be your big chance to address The Senate and   The Supreme Court while you explain to those poor, misguided individuals that The Founding Fathers  only wanted us to have muskets for the rest of time
The Constitution is a living document, and a guideline for governance.  It is not the **** holy bible of governance.  We have courts, including the SCOTUS, that are there to interpret the application of the Constitution and Amendments to it.  It's just too bad that right now the high court happens to be disgustingly politicized due to the shortcomings of a Constitution that is supposed to protect it, that what we need is a new Constitutional Convention.

The founders would be tearing off their wigs and spitting out their wooden teeth over the democratized gun carnage that we now have because of the vague guidelines of their Second Amendment.  The Second Amendment is not chiseled in stone brought down from Mount Rushmore by Moses Reagan. 

You rightwing "constitutional originalist" hypocrites are more than happy to have case by case interpretations of your holy Constitutional bible made when it's an interpretation you like. 
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31st Arrival
27 Jul 2022 7:19 am
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Ike Bana » 27 Jul 2022, 7:12 am » wrote: The Constitution is a living document, and a guideline for governance.  It is not the **** holy bible of governance.  We have courts, including the SCOTUS, (which right now happens to be disgustingly politicized through the shortcomings of a Constitution that is supposed to protect that what we need is a new Constitutional Convention) that are there to interpret the application of the Constitution and Amendments to it.

The founders would be tearing off their wigs and spitting out their wooden teeth over the democratized gun carnage that we now have because of the vague guidelines of their Second Amendment.  The Second Amendment is not chiseled in stone brought down from Mount Rushmore by Ronald Reagan.  You rightwing "constitutional originalist" hypocrites are more than happy to have case by case interpretations of your holy Constitutional bible made when it's an interpretation you like. 
If the Constitution was a living document, it would write itself, not people composed it the first time and amended it since ignoring life's perpetual balancing act in plain sight forward..
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27 Jul 2022 7:25 am
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Ike » wrote:
GHETTO » wrote:
razoo » 16 Jun 2022, 10:19 am » wrote: Bullet was invented in 1847. Second Amendment is from 1789. Thus the second amendment only applies to Muskets.
We should fly you back to Washington DC and  give you 5 minutes on LIVE  NATIONAL TV.   
This would be your big chance to address The Senate and   The Supreme Court while you explain to those poor, misguided individuals that The Founding Fathers  only wanted us to have muskets for the rest of time
The Constitution is a living document, and a guideline for governance.  It is not the **** holy bible of governance.  We have courts, including the SCOTUS, that are there to interpret the application of the Constitution and Amendments to it.  It's just too bad that right now the high court happens to be disgustingly politicized due to the shortcomings of a Constitution that is supposed to protect it, that what we need is a new Constitutional Convention.

The founders would be tearing off their wigs and spitting out their wooden teeth over the democratized gun carnage that we now have because of the vague guidelines of their Second Amendment.  The Second Amendment is not chiseled in stone brought down from Mount Rushmore by Moses Reagan. 

You rightwing "constitutional originalist" hypocrites are more than happy to have case by case interpretations of your holy Constitutional bible made when it's an interpretation you like. 

That is why there is an amendment process written in the constitution.  
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