Second Amendment is from 1789. Thus the second amendment only applies to Muskets.

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16 Jun 2022 10:43 am in No Holds Barred Political Forum
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27 Jul 2022 6:47 pm
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razoo » 27 Jul 2022, 6:34 am » wrote: good thinking ......

Two dum **** sucking up to each others stupid.
pom sucks *** dick from his mothers greasy asshole.
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27 Jul 2022 6:49 pm
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When the 2nd specifies "muskets", I'll give it a second thought. 
Time's up. You fail.
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27 Jul 2022 7:09 pm
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IkeBana » 27 Jul 2022, 7:12 am » wrote: The Constitution is a living document, and a guideline for governance.  It is not the **** holy bible of governance.  We have courts, including the SCOTUS, that are there to interpret the application of the Constitution and Amendments to it.  It's just too bad that right now the high court happens to be disgustingly politicized due to the shortcomings of a Constitution that is supposed to protect it, that what we need is a new Constitutional Convention.

The founders would be tearing off their wigs and spitting out their wooden teeth over the democratized gun carnage that we now have because of the vague guidelines of their Second Amendment.  The Second Amendment is not chiseled in stone brought down from Mount Rushmore by Moses Reagan. 

You rightwing "constitutional originalist" hypocrites are more than happy to have case by case interpretations of your holy Constitutional bible made when it's an interpretation you like.
I am a lifelong political liberal, and a longtime Democrat until it became clear the Democrats cared NOTHING for the Constitution except when convenient to them.

The Constitution is THE LAW.  It is NOT a "living document" in the way you claim.  It is a "living document" because the people can come together and amend the Constitution to take into account things the Founders did not anticipate.

Your claims about the founders and their response to what you call 'democratized gun carnage' is simply wrong.

The Founders believed every citizen should have equivalent weapons to the average soldier to prevent the military being used to oppress the people.  And don't make me laugh in your accusations about it being "rightwing" people who are only happy "when it's an interpretation you like."  The extreme left is INFAMOUS for its hypocrisy about holding the court sacrosanct so long as it gives them the rulings they want.

The Second Amendment is not "vague" in its guidelines at all.  What part of "shall not be infringed" do you think is "vague"??
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31st Arrival
28 Jul 2022 5:28 am
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They were introduced in 1789 as was the original Constitution was ratified sept of that year. the first 10 amendments weren't ratified until Jan 1791.
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31st Arrival
28 Jul 2022 5:44 am
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Ike Bana » 27 Jul 2022, 7:12 am » wrote: The Constitution is a living document, and a guideline for governance.  It is not the **** holy bible of governance.  We have courts, including the SCOTUS, that are there to interpret the application of the Constitution and Amendments to it.  It's just too bad that right now the high court happens to be disgustingly politicized due to the shortcomings of a Constitution that is supposed to protect it, that what we need is a new Constitutional Convention.

The founders would be tearing off their wigs and spitting out their wooden teeth over the democratized gun carnage that we now have because of the vague guidelines of their Second Amendment.  The Second Amendment is not chiseled in stone brought down from Mount Rushmore by Moses Reagan. 

You rightwing "constitutional originalist" hypocrites are more than happy to have case by case interpretations of your holy Constitutional bible made when it's an interpretation you like. 
Kind of like the 10 commandments.
1-4. Make believe now isn't eternity and eternal life only arrives after personally dead. Promise of intellectual immortality.
5. Honor thy Parents, was about follow what they believed true since real life doesn't matter to humans being in character.
6. thou shall not murder, know the difference from killing in self defense.
7. adultery, loyalty to promises made, promises kept
8. stealing, earn your keep or else.
9. false witness, original sin here. everyone ignores their natural displacement as genetically being eternally separated in plain sight.
10. Not covet another person's family or property, but the state of mind controls everyone cradle to grave by rule of law controlled by the chosen few.(Elected to save humanity.) Not rescue the species from itself.

Really doesn't matter since the Old Testament was a combination of Torah and Quran tenants. Making Judeo-Christianity, Islam western religions compared to Eastern spiritual philosophies of the three wise men from the orient.
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28 Jul 2022 6:01 am
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Spartan » 27 Jul 2022, 7:09 pm » wrote: I am a lifelong political liberal, and a longtime Democrat until it became clear the Democrats cared NOTHING for the Constitution except when convenient to them.

The Constitution is THE LAW.  It is NOT a "living document" in the way you claim.  It is a "living document" because the people can come together and amend the Constitution to take into account things the Founders did not anticipate.

Your claims about the founders and their response to what you call 'democratized gun carnage' is simply wrong.

The Founders believed every citizen should have equivalent weapons to the average soldier to prevent the military being used to oppress the people.  And don't make me laugh in your accusations about it being "rightwing" people who are only happy "when it's an interpretation you like."  The extreme left is INFAMOUS for its hypocrisy about holding the court sacrosanct so long as it gives them the rulings they want.

The Second Amendment is not "vague" in its guidelines at all.  What part of "shall not be infringed" do you think is "vague"??
This Nation was founded upon the 2nd Amendment which guarantees us 1) the individual freedom to own the means to engage in war and 2) the right to form private militias to prepare for war.
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28 Jul 2022 6:09 am
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razoo » 16 Jun 2022, 10:19 am » wrote: Bullet was invented in 1847. Second Amendment is from 1789. Thus the second amendment only applies to Muskets.
So then, based on your totally BS logic, we can then say that FREEDOM OF THE PRESS only applies to NEWPAPERS since there was no internet, radio or TV back in 1789. (Actually the Bill of Rights was enacted in Dec. 1791, but you are an idiot, so we let the FACTS speak for themselves)

AND we can also say that FREE SPEECH only applies if you are standing on the STREET since the SAME RESTRICTIONS of TV, RADIO, and INTERNET don't apply.

And since you losers don't seem to understand that we ARE NOT a "Democracy" we can do away with those pesky 9th and 10th Amendments which spells out that STATES and the PEOPLE reserve ALL non-enumerated functions of the Federal Government. You know, that way so you can "take over" all functions of government from the States.
Liberals are spoiled children, miserable, unsatisfied, demanding, ill-disciplined, despotic & useless. Liberalism is a philosophy of sniveling brats ~O'Rourke

The Democratic Party seems intransigent on their position of keeping the party ‘woke,’ detached, exclusionary, and totally insane.
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31st Arrival
28 Jul 2022 6:58 am
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Skans » 28 Jul 2022, 6:01 am » wrote: This Nation was founded upon the 2nd Amendment which guarantees us 1) the individual freedom to own the means to engage in war and 2) the right to form private militias to prepare for war.
Nation was founded to defend personal liberty from mob rule democracy silencing individual liberty to understand kinetic self evident life when being alive here, one of a kind never same form shaped since conceived.

Equally created by God or Naturally Displaced Ancestor.

Intellectual World Orders never last as founded more than 5 generations before reinterpreted to mean something completely different. Doubt me, First line of Gettysburg Address. 4 Score and 7 years ago............. that was 87 years for those that were never educated on how many years a score means? 20.

that is what I based my reproductive cycles on. 20 years for each generation gap between original generation, 2nd, generation, 3 rd generation, 4th generation, arriving great great grandchildren replacing the first 4 each generation forward.

how my brain cracked the conundrum of space time relativity theory where time is stationary and results never stay total sum evolving forward here.

Natural result is now has always been eternity to results timed apart in the universe currently operating as usual, without contextual governance..
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28 Jul 2022 8:27 am
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omh » 28 Jul 2022, 6:58 am » wrote: Nation was founded to defend personal liberty from mob rule democracy silencing individual liberty to understand kinetic self evident life when being alive here, one of a kind never same form shaped since conceived.

Equally created by God or Naturally Displaced Ancestor.

Intellectual World Orders never last as founded more than 5 generations before reinterpreted to mean something completely different. Doubt me, First line of Gettysburg Address. 4 Score and 7 years ago............. that was 87 years for those that were never educated on how many years a score means? 20.

that is what I based my reproductive cycles on. 20 years for each generation gap between original generation, 2nd, generation, 3 rd generation, 4th generation, arriving great great grandchildren replacing the first 4 each generation forward.

how my brain cracked the conundrum of space time relativity theory where time is stationary and results never stay total sum evolving forward here.

Natural result is now has always been eternity to results timed apart in the universe currently operating as usual, without contextual governance..
Our nation was created both as a Republic of States and as a Democracy, giving the right to choose a leader to the people. Mob Rule, as you call it, was not ousted by the drafters of the Constitution.  They only intended to stifle Mob Rule as it pertains to the encroachment by government upon certain inalienable individual rights, and agreed upon States rights.
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31st Arrival
28 Jul 2022 8:33 am
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Skans » 28 Jul 2022, 8:27 am » wrote: Our nation was created both as a Republic of States and as a Democracy, giving the right to choose a leader to the people. Mob Rule, as you call it, was not ousted by the drafters of the Constitution.  They only intended to stifle Mob Rule as it pertains to the encroachment by government upon certain inalienable individual rights, and agreed upon States rights.
Democratic Representative Republic. Persons volunteered to serve their vested community with separate levels from town hall, city council, county seat, state and federal capitals, global trade between nations, provinces, regions, local towns, local businesses.

Why there is such a thing as chain of command to work separate proportions of the whole. cycles within the cycle of life working in series parallel time of displacement cradle to grave when ancestrally alive between womb to tomb adapting to the moment here.

Please note I covered expanding from and contracting towards with the whole in the center and all limitations around it regardless which direction going towards or angle coming from genetically accounting for every ancestor alive.
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28 Jul 2022 10:49 am
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C'mon people, why make this a complex issue when it is not? The type of weapon IS NOT mentioned in the 2nd, so one can't assume the founders even gave it a thought, aside from the fact that Americans can arm themselves. Anti-gunners are putting words into the 2nd which aren't there. The type of weapon is a moot point. If adhered to properly, we should have the right to own any fully automatic machine gun if we choose. (Actually, we can with a class 3 license which is an infringement upon our rights as well).
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28 Jul 2022 11:53 am
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DeplorablePatriot » 28 Jul 2022, 10:49 am » wrote: C'mon people, why make this a complex issue when it is not? The type of weapon IS NOT mentioned in the 2nd, so one can't assume the founders even gave it a thought, aside from the fact that Americans can arm themselves. Anti-gunners are putting words into the 2nd which aren't there. The type of weapon is a moot point. If adhered to properly, we should have the right to own any fully automatic machine gun if we choose. (Actually, we can with a class 3 license which is an infringement upon our rights as well).
The fed government did nothing for around 140 years to restrict the type of weapon you can own.
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