I am the second coming of instinctive honesty about living here now,

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By 31st Arrival
17 Jun 2022 12:36 pm in The Water Cooler Chat Room
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31st Arrival
17 Jun 2022 6:26 am
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naturally displaced and kinetically evolving now. Doesn't matter if nobody believes me or not, I understand kinetic evolving as one of a kind naturally occupying space here as only me having a one time experience existing so far. SERENITY achieved. I have peace in my brain with intellectual choices I made since 1982. 30 of my 70 years was governed by manifested doubt and another 24 not able to describe it in real time.

Then society decided to use one of my siblings to create racial divide in this country on a national level. I got even without harming a soul character or a sole ancestor.

Like the progressives worked the Dems over last 60 years, they operated the Rhinos in charge as well. You think every third party works differently and all the time you divide the whole of what living is dividing into 6 degrees of separation 7 different ways thinking outside self containment in your own skin.

Can you list 7 separate ways to divide anything intellectually defined into 6 degrees of separation?
8 corners of doubt start earth, wind, water, fire, heart, mind, body, soul of character assumed cradle to grave socially larger than ancestral displacement.

1. how, why, each which, what, where, when, who
2. God, Country, Community, Generation, Geometrical numbers, Geographically here.
3. Academia, arts, economics, politics, religion, mandatory social consensus or else.
4. Universe, Galaxies, Solar Systems, Planets, Inorganic Positions, Ancestral displacements when reproduced evolving at the same time.
5. Plant, animal, predatory, prey, male, female, asexual half life replacement
6. 16 great great grandparents 6.25% arriving great great grandchild, 8 great grandparents 12.5% each great grandchild, 4 grandparents 25% each grandchild, 2 parents 50% children, children 100% next generation of arriving great great grandchildren. See the flow of life never exceeding mutually evolving here now yet or chasing dreams made reality by ignoring now is eternity since dawn of civilization.

7. Power of suggesting real isn't real has 6 generations denying now is eternity. has in this species for about 300 generations to date in relative time statistical logistics used against the majority of the population electing lesser of two evils.

I didn't design this ****, but I did figure out how it was used throughout history.
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31st Arrival
17 Jun 2022 6:36 am
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All this came together the instant I figured out time is stationary and existing never stays the same results here now anywhere in the finite universe perpetual balancing now as a whole is equal to total sum of all its current parts.

Kept it simple. Compounding exponential human intellect has ancestrally existentially tears it apart by design operating the power of suggesting real isn't actual and reality is factually morally, legally, ethically socially true 24/7.
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17 Jun 2022 7:22 am
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omh » 17 Jun 2022, 6:26 am » wrote:
I didn't design this ****, but I did figure out how it was used throughout history. 
I still don't see the point of the figuring it out but that's an interesting comment... so, who designed the **** in the first place?

In memory of Pumpkins

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31st Arrival
17 Jun 2022 7:29 am
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Jantje_Smit » 17 Jun 2022, 7:22 am » wrote: I still don't see the point of the figuring it out but that's an interesting comment... so, who designed the **** in the first place?

You never will admit it. The very second you do will undo all you did to save reality in that decision. All that natural time you gave away enabling corruption to amplify each generation added since you arrived a great great grandchild.

Power of suggestion is the corrupted absolute power governing people since dawn of civilization and you don't see my point.

I want to say gfy, but you already have. I can describe what you have done, I cannot make everyone stop doing it when rule of law demands everyone practice it or else.
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17 Jun 2022 7:57 am
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omh » 17 Jun 2022, 7:29 am » wrote: You never will admit it. The very second you do will undo all you did to save reality in that decision. All that natural time you gave away enabling corruption to amplify each generation added since you arrived a great great grandchild.

Power of suggestion is the corrupted absolute power governing people since dawn of civilization and you don't see my point.

I want to say gfy, but you already have. I can describe what you have done, I cannot make everyone stop doing it when rule of law demands everyone practice it or else.
Right, that's why I can't see the point of figuring it out... you cannot stop anyone from being dishonest so what good does the figuring out do...

But besides that, you're evading the question... as usual... where does thas power of suggestion come from, who or what designed that ****....

In memory of Pumpkins

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31st Arrival
17 Jun 2022 8:53 am
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Jantje_Smit » 17 Jun 2022, 7:57 am » wrote: Right, that's why I can't see the point of figuring it out... you cannot stop anyone from being dishonest so what good does the figuring out do...

But besides that, you're evading the question... as usual... where does thas power of suggestion come from, who or what designed that ****....

Because I do understand how I fit in real time is why I never fit in relative time RWO, Reality's Words Orders where honesty will never be tolerated in family, friends, community, state of mind, global spirit of never accepting life in plain sight.

Physically being eternally separated as biologically existing by numbers present, you tell me now isn't manifested by choice Eternal Hell on each brain subject to elimination for not complying with we the believers demand _____________________ ?

I can and do explain why an 18 year old would eliminate 21 other soles from occupying time here now. I do explain how collective ideologies perform like sibling rivalries each generation seeking favorite child status from their two parents, 4 grandparents, 8 great grandparents.

go ahead denier, stick to the positive notions real doesn't matter and stage end of time scenarios until they actually arrive with governing people under the illusion nobody knows and there isn't anyone that can defy a court of law, and what people will do to ignore now is eternity.

So much for better tomorrows each generation trained to recycle the same **** each generation. Will this thread remain in NHB since I pinned it at 1:35 pm today.
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31st Arrival
17 Jun 2022 6:46 pm
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Did I get a refund after mods unpinning my thread today?
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31st Arrival
18 Jun 2022 6:31 am
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All you intellectual mind experts sure stay away from discussions about flowing kinetic DNA to numbers ratio in plain sight debating possibilities into fruition of law and order around the global typecasting people cradle to grave.

Gee, I debunk the theory of missing links and everyone goes silent, like I have a plague. <Great idea for my next thread.
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18 Jun 2022 10:02 am
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omh » 17 Jun 2022, 6:36 am » wrote: All this came together the instant I figured out time is stationary and existing never stays the same results here now anywhere in the finite universe perpetual balancing now as a whole is equal to total sum of all its current parts.

Kept it simple. Compounding exponential human intellect has ancestrally existentially tears it apart by design operating the power of suggesting real isn't actual and reality is factually morally, legally, ethically socially true 24/7.
If you truly have wisdom to share. Can you please work on putting it into plainer terms people can understand?

Mutual evolver
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31st Arrival
18 Jun 2022 4:11 pm
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Independent » 18 Jun 2022, 10:02 am » wrote: If you truly have wisdom to share. Can you please work on putting it into plainer terms people can understand?

Mutual evolver
kinetic self evident way living happens in plain sight, mutually evolving as individually here since ancestrally conceived from inception until extinction of the whole species, not just specific ancestries geographically located but within the whole atmosphere with the rest of the food chain past, curent, future developing forward now.

Evolution is a subject, evolving is the action of changing forms without destroying the perpetual motion sustaining perpetual balancing outcomes here now nowhere else possible duplicating same details here. Everything is separate reproductive cycles, be it inorganic universal positions like this planet or ancestral lineages in this atmosphere developing after erosion and after decomposition molecular content from decomposition goes back to adding inorganic results.

The whole cycle of existing. Life is but the concompounding results of expanding details never the same lifetimes added once, again. From noting ever reproduced to any reproduction never added twice.

Ever changing total sum. Makes the shared universal moment physical eternity and everything changing shape and form eternally different forward here now.

Kinetic wisdom is far deeper than philosophy projecting prophecies of tomorrow as they only arrive now when reaching fruition.
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18 Jun 2022 5:46 pm
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omh » 17 Jun 2022, 6:26 am » wrote: naturally displaced and kinetically evolving now. Doesn't matter if nobody believes me or not, I understand kinetic evolving as one of a kind naturally occupying space here as only me having a one time experience existing so far. SERENITY achieved. I have peace in my brain with intellectual choices I made since 1982. 30 of my 70 years was governed by manifested doubt and another 24 not able to describe it in real time.

Then society decided to use one of my siblings to create racial divide in this country on a national level. I got even without harming a soul character or a sole ancestor.

Like the progressives worked the Dems over last 60 years, they operated the Rhinos in charge as well. You think every third party works differently and all the time you divide the whole of what living is dividing into 6 degrees of separation 7 different ways thinking outside self containment in your own skin.

Can you list 7 separate ways to divide anything intellectually defined into 6 degrees of separation?
8 corners of doubt start earth, wind, water, fire, heart, mind, body, soul of character assumed cradle to grave socially larger than ancestral displacement.

1. how, why, each which, what, where, when, who
2. God, Country, Community, Generation, Geometrical numbers, Geographically here.
3. Academia, arts, economics, politics, religion, mandatory social consensus or else.
4. Universe, Galaxies, Solar Systems, Planets, Inorganic Positions, Ancestral displacements when reproduced evolving at the same time.
5. Plant, animal, predatory, prey, male, female, asexual half life replacement
6. 16 great great grandparents 6.25% arriving great great grandchild, 8 great grandparents 12.5% each great grandchild, 4 grandparents 25% each grandchild, 2 parents 50% children, children 100% next generation of arriving great great grandchildren. See the flow of life never exceeding mutually evolving here now yet or chasing dreams made reality by ignoring now is eternity since dawn of civilization.

7. Power of suggesting real isn't real has 6 generations denying now is eternity. has in this species for about 300 generations to date in relative time statistical logistics used against the majority of the population electing lesser of two evils.

I didn't design this ****, but I did figure out how it was used throughout history.

You are a gibbering imbecile.
pom sucks *** dick from his mothers greasy asshole.
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31st Arrival
18 Jun 2022 6:49 pm
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murdock » 18 Jun 2022, 5:46 pm » wrote: You are a gibbering imbecile.
This imbecile debunked every reality of humanity with a simple compounding formula that just happens to match compounding DNA additions as ancestrally changing population 24/7.

I found out how to disprove a negative. That negative is every social identity agrees to disagree now is eternity each generation since dawn of civilization.

It is in the code of law that orders ancestors to comply with consensus or be removed from society one way or another as ends justify the means between morality, legality, situational ethics, economic reward or punishment to power, wealth, fame selling hope faith, charity better tomorrows arrive from out of mayhem, madness, misery governing people cradle to grave comparing history of compliance using hypothetical values, potential differences of opinions, denying biology maintains eternal separation of ancestral results changing population occupying space here one at a time spontaneous evolving as simultaneously ancestrally displaced evolving here geometrically, geographically.
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20 Jun 2022 6:15 pm
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omh » 18 Jun 2022, 6:49 pm » wrote: This imbecile debunked every reality of humanity with a simple compounding formula that just happens to match compounding DNA additions as ancestrally changing population 24/7.

I found out how to disprove a negative. That negative is every social identity agrees to disagree now is eternity each generation since dawn of civilization.

It is in the code of law that orders ancestors to comply with consensus or be removed from society one way or another as ends justify the means between morality, legality, situational ethics, economic reward or punishment to power, wealth, fame selling hope faith, charity better tomorrows arrive from out of mayhem, madness, misery governing people cradle to grave comparing history of compliance using hypothetical values, potential differences of opinions, denying biology maintains eternal separation of ancestral results changing population occupying space here one at a time spontaneous evolving as simultaneously ancestrally displaced evolving here geometrically, geographically.

Now a prevaricator too.
pom sucks *** dick from his mothers greasy asshole.
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31st Arrival
21 Jun 2022 4:53 am
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murdock » 20 Jun 2022, 6:15 pm » wrote: Now a prevaricator too.
what is the difference between personal choices and social decisions?

Self governance staying within balancing outcomes evolving forward now vs leaderships controlling consensus between fellowships of organized conflicts interpreting life beyond genetic evolving taking place here in the moment life works in series parallel proximity to which generation one arrived in so far for each species under categories of plant or animal, predator or prey, male, female, asexual means to reproduce a next generation forward from all the ones arrived to current changing population specifically existing here now.

With a rhetorical question, the person asking must also give the inclusive answer that delivers no exceptions by reasonable doubt sustained by intellectual theories or theologies used ancestrally misleading every generation historically.

Which arrives first, personal choice or compromised social decisions defying why living never exceeds mutually evolving in plain sight to one's ancestral point of occupying time in this specific atmosphere, now.
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21 Jun 2022 12:40 pm
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Opinions vary.

You are certainly consistent though.

Consistently boring.

Like a rock.

Are you a Chevy?
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31st Arrival
21 Jun 2022 12:52 pm
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Hat_Creek » 21 Jun 2022, 12:40 pm » wrote: Opinions vary.

You are certainly consistent though.

Consistently boring.

Like a rock.

Are you a Chevy?
opinions create a mental illusion of living can be anything other than what does continue self evidently from here. Called theories, theologies, situational ethics, power of suggestion, persuasion of power, philosophy, psychology, metaphysical science of psychiatry converting ancestors into social caricatures great great grandchild evolving into 1 of 16 great great grandparents each generation between event horizons achieved while living or after dead by those "left behind" adapting to space mutually evolving here.

another NHB thread moved to water cooler. ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha. My intellectual Armageddon is exposing corruption everywhere even in little message boards like this.
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24 Jun 2022 4:18 pm
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omh » 21 Jun 2022, 4:53 am » wrote: what is the difference between personal choices and social decisions?

Self governance staying within balancing outcomes evolving forward now vs leaderships controlling consensus between fellowships of organized conflicts interpreting life beyond genetic evolving taking place here in the moment life works in series parallel proximity to which generation one arrived in so far for each species under categories of plant or animal, predator or prey, male, female, asexual means to reproduce a next generation forward from all the ones arrived to current changing population specifically existing here now.

With a rhetorical question, the person asking must also give the inclusive answer that delivers no exceptions by reasonable doubt sustained by intellectual theories or theologies used ancestrally misleading every generation historically.

Which arrives first, personal choice or compromised social decisions defying why living never exceeds mutually evolving in plain sight to one's ancestral point of occupying time in this specific atmosphere, now.

You're a babbling lunatic that likes young boys.
pom sucks *** dick from his mothers greasy asshole.
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24 Jun 2022 4:24 pm
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Hat_Creek » 21 Jun 2022, 12:40 pm » wrote: Opinions vary.

You are certainly consistent though.

Consistently boring.

Like a rock.

Are you a Chevy?

He's a sun dried piece of ****.
pom sucks *** dick from his mothers greasy asshole.
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31st Arrival
24 Jun 2022 4:41 pm
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murdock » 24 Jun 2022, 4:18 pm » wrote: You're a babbling lunatic that likes young boys.
your imagination has the better of you and your reality owns the worst of all you have left on display here.
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18 Feb 2024 2:53 pm
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Nostradamus' omh » 18 Jun 2022, 6:49 pm » wrote: This imbecile debunked every reality of humanity with a simple compounding formula that just happens to match compounding DNA additions as ancestrally changing population 24/7.

I found out how to disprove a negative. That negative is every social identity agrees to disagree now is eternity each generation since dawn of civilization.

It is in the code of law that orders ancestors to comply with consensus or be removed from society one way or another as ends justify the means between morality, legality, situational ethics, economic reward or punishment to power, wealth, fame selling hope faith, charity better tomorrows arrive from out of mayhem, madness, misery governing people cradle to grave comparing history of compliance using hypothetical values, potential differences of opinions, denying biology maintains eternal separation of ancestral results changing population occupying space here one at a time spontaneous evolving as simultaneously ancestrally displaced evolving here geometrically, geographically.
**** you, you babbling imbecile.
He's dead Jim!
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