Why aren't the J6 Protesters charged with crimes and taken to court?"

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By roadkill
21 Jun 2022 9:17 am in No Holds Barred Political Forum
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21 Jun 2022 11:01 am
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Blackvegetable » 21 Jun 2022, 10:51 am » wrote: Why hasn't this abortion of a thread been euthanized?
Because we care about you.   lol

The point is, court documents claimed it was an armed insurrection knowing that any of us would consider that firearms without more information. Then yer own link called it an "attempted insurrection".  Sure wish you hoaxters could make up yer minds.

That's the problem with the J6 kangaroo hearings.  They can imply all sorts of things without evidence and then let the media and the public run wild with their imaginations.

Just like they did with the Russian collusion hoax that we now know was just that...a hoax.  We all remember you Communists humping that hoax.   lol
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21 Jun 2022 11:03 am
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Xavier_Onassis » 21 Jun 2022, 10:56 am » wrote: He is full of ****. Bear spray, flagpoles and baseball bats were in evidence.
And the mob that Trump provoked is guilty of breaking and entering.

Biden does not sniff everybody and Kim Jung Un never mentioned this.

Damn yer stupid...Biden sniffed a lot of women...and my signature is a joke you **** moron. It's scary to think you were actually employed as a teacher.  

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21 Jun 2022 11:04 am
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Xavier_Onassis » 21 Jun 2022, 10:34 am » wrote: Trump should be indicted, tried convicted and imprisoned.
His crimes are far worse that some looting that opportunists did when the police murder of George Floyd caused the cops to be overwhelmed.

I know how to use the red down arrow too.   lol
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21 Jun 2022 11:13 am
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Xavier_Onassis » 21 Jun 2022, 10:34 am » wrote: Trump should be indicted, tried convicted and imprisoned.
His crimes are far worse that some looting that opportunists did when the police murder of George Floyd caused the cops to be overwhelmed.

When the dems and people like you wrapped in swaddling cloth claimed elect fraud in the early 20s the GOP didn't call for indictments and prison.

You have selective emotions.
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21 Jun 2022 11:30 am
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Xavier_Onassis » 21 Jun 2022, 10:34 am » wrote: Trump should be indicted, tried convicted and imprisoned.
His crimes are far worse that some looting that opportunists did when the police murder of George Floyd caused the cops to be 
Yea trumps crimes are so worse SMH! BLM looted, killed and destroyed businesses. BLM will matter when they care about there own. I don’t see BLM burning cities when thugs drive by killing innocent kids. I don’t see Lebron James or Colin Krapernick speaking out! Don’t fit the narrative huh? Look at the numbers more crime Blacks on Blacks. Always looking for an excuse for something. Pretty pathetic 
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21 Jun 2022 12:14 pm
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How many are still cooling their heels in jail?

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sooted up Cyndi
21 Jun 2022 12:16 pm
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Squatchman » 21 Jun 2022, 12:14 pm » wrote: How many are still cooling their heels in jail?
Hey YOU! you're needed  in my energy thread.. trees- pronoto! :wave:  
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21 Jun 2022 12:20 pm
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Squatchman » 21 Jun 2022, 12:14 pm » wrote: How many are still cooling their heels in jail?

Antifa and BLM?  None that I know of...for far worse crimes.
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21 Jun 2022 12:22 pm
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jeffey17 » 21 Jun 2022, 11:30 am » wrote: Yea trumps crimes are so worse SMH! BLM looted, killed and destroyed businesses. BLM will matter when they care about there own. I don’t see BLM burning cities when thugs drive by killing innocent kids. I don’t see Lebron James or Colin Krapernick speaking out! Don’t fit the narrative huh? Look at the numbers more crime Blacks on Blacks. Always looking for an excuse for something. Pretty pathetic
Please be careful.  Xavier is our challenged little buddy.   :)
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21 Jun 2022 5:44 pm
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ScottMon » 21 Jun 2022, 9:58 am » wrote: I would LOVE to see Trump testify under oath.  So would the committee.
Show trial..

Adam Schiff and Nancy pelosi should be voted out, 
When I lost hope I gained my freedom
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21 Jun 2022 5:54 pm
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Hank » 21 Jun 2022, 5:44 pm » wrote: Show trial..

Adam Schiff and Nancy pelosi should be voted out,
And Trump is demanding equal time.  But he will never testify under oath because his lawyers will never let him.
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21 Jun 2022 5:58 pm
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ScottMon » 21 Jun 2022, 5:54 pm » wrote: And Trump is demanding equal time.  But he will never testify under oath because his lawyers will never let him.
When I lost hope I gained my freedom
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Ike Bana
21 Jun 2022 6:01 pm
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roadkill » 21 Jun 2022, 9:29 am » wrote: If the dems claim it was a riot on J6 why didn't Pelosi call out the fully geared up riot police?
You already heard my opinion on Jan 6th.  When the first blow struck a member of the capital police on the capital steps, the entire police force on those steps were within their legal authority to draw their sidearms and open up on their attackers.  The whole thing would have been over in minutes.

I cant believe you cocksuckers would have a problem with this.  You have no problem defending white cops who shoot unarmed black men in the back because they're trying to run away.
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21 Jun 2022 6:11 pm
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Fact: Trump is DEMANDING equal time.  Fact: During his 1st Impeachment, Trump wanted to testify but his lawyers put the kibosh on it.
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21 Jun 2022 8:17 pm
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IkeBana » 21 Jun 2022, 6:01 pm » wrote: You already heard my opinion on Jan 6th.  When the first blow struck a member of the capital police on the capital steps, the entire police force on those steps were within their legal authority to draw their sidearms and open up on their attackers.  The whole thing would have been over in minutes.

I cant believe you cocksuckers would have a problem with this.  You have no problem defending white cops who shoot unarmed black men in the back because they're trying to run away.
Not even apples to apples. Only one cop that day, of the hundreds who were armed, felt lethal force was justified. Just one. 2000+ cops were injured during blm riots, many seriously. If the Babbitt shooting was justified then the next time cops defend themselves from violent leftists, their actions will be similarly justified. You **** have set the bar pretty low for law enforcement to use lethal force against unarmed protesters. Don't want to hear any whining when some pro abortion rioters get shot by law enforcement. 
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21 Jun 2022 8:19 pm
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Rump wants “equal time”. 

he just doesn’t want to be placed under oath. 
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Ike Bana
22 Jun 2022 7:30 am
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Neo » 21 Jun 2022, 8:17 pm » wrote: Not even apples to apples. Only one cop that day, of the hundreds who were armed, felt lethal force was justified. Just one. 2000+ cops were injured during blm riots, many seriously. If the Babbitt shooting was justified then the next time cops defend themselves from violent leftists, their actions will be similarly justified. You **** have set the bar pretty low for law enforcement to use lethal force against unarmed protesters. Don't want to hear any whining when some pro abortion rioters get shot by law enforcement.
****.  Lethal force is justified any time any cop is assaulted by anybody, but particularly by a black man.  When was the last time a cop was indicted by a grand jury for the use of lethal force when that cop was physically assaulted by a civilian.  Never that I know of.  Attack a cop with a knife, or a stick, or a belt or your fists and there's a good chance you're dead.  You say ONE capitol cop was assaulted on Jan 6th?  Well...we already knew this about you of course...you're a **** liar.

Prosecutors: Jan. 6 rioters committed more than 1,000 assaults on police

You're a ridiculous lying-*** cocksucker.  The Babbit shooting was justified.  On Jan 6th, the capitol police were ordered not to use any "crowd disbursement weapons".  So obviously that included their sidearms, which are lethal and typical crowd disbursement weapons are not.

What is not even apples to apples is bringing up torching and looting by criminal elements during peaceful BLM demonstrations.  Just more **** whataboutism from cocksuckers like you.

Unarmed protesters, my ***.  Abortion protest riots, my ***.  Violent leftists, my ***.

You're just a **** Carlson talking points lying cocksucker, Neo.  Well documented.
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22 Jun 2022 7:33 am
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IkeBana » 22 Jun 2022, 7:30 am » wrote: ****.  Lethal force is justified any time any cop is assaulted by anybody, but particularly by a black man.  When was the last time a cop was indicted by a grand jury for the use of lethal force when that cop was physically assaulted by a civilian.  Never that I know of.  Attack a cop with a knife, or a stick, or a belt or your fists and there's a good chance you're dead.  You say ONE capitol cop was assaulted on Jan 6th?  Well...we already knew this about you of course...you're a **** liar.

Prosecutors: Jan. 6 rioters committed more than 1,000 assaults on police

You're a ridiculous lying-*** cocksucker.  The Babbit shooting was justified.  On Jan 6th, the capitol police were ordered not to use any "crowd disbursement weapons".  So obviously that included their sidearms, which are lethal and typical crowd disbursement weapons are not.

What is not even apples to apples is bringing up torching and looting by criminal elements during peaceful BLM demonstrations.  Just more **** whataboutism from cocksuckers like you.

Unarmed protesters, my ***.  Abortion protest riots, my ***.  Violent leftists, my ***.

You're just a **** Carlson talking points lying cocksucker, Neo.  Well documented.

"When was the last time a cop was indicted by a grand jury for the use of lethal force when that cop was physically assaulted by a civilian.  Never that I know of."

It's not unusual for you not to know.
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22 Jun 2022 7:35 am
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thelion » 21 Jun 2022, 8:19 pm » wrote: Rump wants “equal time”. 

he just doesn’t want to be placed under oath.

Why would he...it's a kangaroo hearing where only one side will get to set the narrative. The dems would not allow any defense of Trump to take place.  
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Deezer Shoove
22 Jun 2022 7:37 am
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Xavier_Onassis » 21 Jun 2022, 10:56 am » wrote: He is full of ****. Bear spray, flagpoles and baseball bats were in evidence.
And the mob that Trump provoked is guilty of breaking and entering.

Biden does not sniff everybody and Kim Jung Un never mentioned this.
Burning building and months of neighborhood "occupations" with complicit prog chicken local politicians...
The peaceful rioting STILL is not cleaned up . . .
Please seat yourself.


I like the very things you hate.
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