Your link refutes you, retard.Blackvegetable » 21 Jun 2022, 9:40 am » wrote: ↑ They are. ... sentences/
You're Vegas class stupid.
You FINALLY try to respond pertinently to an OP, and you **** it up.Only around a quarter of those arrested—185 individuals—have received criminal sentences, while the rest are waiting for their trials or haven’t yet reached plea agreements.
Blackvegetable » 21 Jun 2022, 10:51 am » wrote: ↑ Why hasn't this abortion of a thread been euthanized?
I remember a loooong time ago, you told me I wasn't asking an "honest question".
Funny story - I cannot remember who it was, but someone on this board once took great umbrage at my suggestion that a question could be dishonest. I'm 90% sure it was @Vegas . He was quite miffed at the very suggestion that a QUESTION could be dishonest. He insisted that the very concept was ludicrous on its face. He went on a good bit about it, in a rather adamant manner - really took me to task in a rant spanning several paragraphs.DeezerShoove » 22 Jun 2022, 11:00 pm » wrote: ↑ I remember a loooong time ago, you told me I wasn't asking an "honest question".
At the moment I said, "How can a question not be honest? It's a question, not a statement."
I recollect it was a teachable moment for me because I had to think about whether or not it was.
You said that it's a question to which I already knew the answer but was not willing to put forth that answer.
Not technically a rhetorical question which is asked in good faith as the answer is obvious to all.
BlaVe does this so much he doesn't know how cowardly and passive-aggressive it is.
It's just his hard-wired self: cowardly and passive-aggressive.
you should go back to sucking dick.Cannonpointer » 22 Jun 2022, 10:45 pm » wrote: ↑ Your link refutes you, retard.
You FINALLY try to respond pertinently to an OP, and you **** it up.
You should go back to asking questions, dick sucker.
Y'know...these **** act like the **** universe owes them prosperity. Built in to the American character...DeplorablePatriot » 22 Jun 2022, 8:56 pm » wrote: ↑ How's prosperity fairing under Brandon? Ooops...It's not. It's floundering, along with everything else, you cock holster.
8 million more Americans are working.DeplorablePatriot » 22 Jun 2022, 8:56 pm » wrote: ↑ How's prosperity fairing under Brandon? Ooops...It's not. It's floundering, along with everything else, you cock holster.
And who among those arrested for the Jan. 6th riot has been found guilty or even charged with treason?
Zeets2 » 23 Jun 2022, 7:32 am » wrote: ↑ And who among those arrested for the Jan. 6th riot has been found guilty or even charged with treason?
Sorry jerkoff! You DON'T get to accuse someone is guilty of a crime and then refuse to charge them with it.
Most have been charged with nothing more than a misdemeanor, despite your desire to have them put to death.
Absolutely! And they all know that if Trump runs again he'll beat them easily after the mess Biden has made of this country, and they'll be prosecuted for their many crimes!roadkill » 23 Jun 2022, 7:41 am » wrote: ↑ Exactly. The dems must try and destroy Trump because there's been way to many high level gov. officials that have lied to the world.
Liberal law professor Jonathan Turley explains that the J6 hearing is biased.
Sorry wanker...but you obviously don't even know what treason is. It's a very specific charge in a very specific situation. Under US law treason is the act of providing aid and comfort to the enemy or making surreptitious contact with other governments in time of war. Under US law, the country has to be at war for treason to have been committed. The last time someone got caught committing treason was in the fall of 1968, weeks before the '68 election, when Nixon sabotaged the Paris peace talks by promising Nguyen Van Thieu that if he walked away from the table that Nixon would be much harder on the North Vietnamese in future negotiations than Hubert Humphrey. It was a clear act of treason during wartime and some historians believe that if Ford had not pardoned Nixon he would have ended up executed for treason.Zeets2 » 23 Jun 2022, 7:32 am » wrote: ↑ And who among those arrested for the Jan. 6th riot has been found guilty or even charged with treason?
Sorry jerkoff! You DON'T get to accuse someone is guilty of a crime and then refuse to charge them with it.
Zeets2 » 23 Jun 2022, 7:51 am » wrote: ↑ Absolutely! And they all know that if Trump runs again he'll beat them easily after the mess Biden has made of this country, and they'll be prosecuted for their many crimes!
Being exposed as the criminals they are is their biggest fear, and they're certain that a second Trump term will do that!
What else could have possibly evoke this kind of fear in liberals like Crooked Hillary?:
Your mindless prattle notwithstanding, it remains a fact that libs like you wanted those demonstrators charged with treason, for which the penalty is death.IkeBana » 23 Jun 2022, 7:53 am » wrote: ↑ Sorry wanker...but you obviously don't even know what treason is. It's a very specific charge in a very specific situation. Under US law treason is the act of providing aid and comfort to the enemy in time of war. Under US law, the country has to be at war for treason to have been committed. The last time someone got caught committing treason was in the fall of 1968, weeks before the '68 election, when Nixon sabotaged the Paris peace talks by promising Nguyen Van Thieu that if he walked away from the table that Nixon would be much harder on the North Vietnamese than Hubert Humphrey. It was a clear act of treason during wartime and some historians believe that if Ford had not pardoned Nixon he would have ended up executed for treason.
Of course, the country is at war with maybe those DC rioters did commit treason, eh?
So **** what? Opinions are like assholes. Everybody's got one. Is Jonathan Turley's opinion...if this really is his opinion...any better than anybody else's opinion.'s a **** opinion. Was Ginsburg's opinion any better than her pal Scalia's opinion, or vice versa? No...opinions are opinions. Opinions are not truths, opinions are not facts.roadkill » 23 Jun 2022, 7:52 am » wrote: ↑ Liberal law professor Jonathan Turley explains that the J6 hearing is biased.
IkeBana » 23 Jun 2022, 8:01 am » wrote: ↑ So **** what? Opinions are like assholes. Everybody's got one. Is Jonathan Turley's opinion...if this really is his opinion...any better than anybody else's opinion.'s a **** opinion. Was Ginsburg's opinion any better than her pal Scalia's opinion, or vice versa? No...opinions are opinions. Opinions are not truths, opinions are not facts.
It also explains why they're SO eager to take our guns away.roadkill » 23 Jun 2022, 7:55 am » wrote: ↑ Yep...all the crooks have so much dirt on each other they have to ban together to save themselves.
Those kind of people want power, control, and wealth so badly they will destroy anything to get it.Zeets2 » 23 Jun 2022, 8:05 am » wrote: ↑ It also explains why they're SO eager to take our guns away.
Obviously, they know what they've been doing will infuriate the country enough to be willing to shoot them!
And Democrats haven't been this angry about anything since the Republicans took away their slaves!!!
You're absolutely nuts zits. More Americans have voted for the Democratic candidate for president than the Republican candidate in seven of the last eight presidential elections. You **** were saying the same **** about Biden for a year before the 2020 election that you're saying now and Biden still got seven million more votes. The two times Trump was the Republican candidate for president, the Democratic candidate got more votes. It doesn't matter who the **** candidates are in 2024. The Democratic candidate will get more votes.Zeets2 » 23 Jun 2022, 7:51 am » wrote: ↑ Absolutely! And they all know that if Trump runs again he'll beat them easily after the mess Biden has made of this country, and they'll be prosecuted for their many crimes!