I'd like to see that math. Should be relatively simple geometry, or trig. Two event horizons intersecting. Two black holes rapidly approaching each other and eventually colliding - you might not get sucked into either black hole right away, but you won't be able to pull away from the intersecting event horizons either. You will be stuck there until the masses finish colliding and then you'd be finished.FOS » 23 Jun 2022, 12:15 pm » wrote: ↑ Nah there is real math behind this based on our current model of black holes. They have to be supermassive black holes. But apparently it actually works.
there are no events in a black hole, events take place outside of one.
I suggest that you do not have a clue what is inside a black hole.
European "Stomp"...
well i have skimmed it before but it involves a lot of advanced physics stuff I am just not familiar with. No, it is not simple. I couldnt find it on an immediate google search but here is related content: https://phys.org/news/2021-11-apparent- ... holes.htmlSkans » 23 Jun 2022, 2:52 pm » wrote: ↑ I'd like to see that math. Should be relatively simple geometry, or trig. Two event horizons intersecting. Two black holes rapidly approaching each other and eventually colliding - you might not get sucked into either black hole right away, but you won't be able to pull away from the intersecting event horizons either. You will be stuck there until the masses finish colliding and then you'd be finished.
Xavier_Onassis » 23 Jun 2022, 5:01 pm » wrote: ↑ I suggest that you do not have a clue what is inside a black hole.
Very little is known about black holes.
It is very, very DARK in a black hole. No way to see what is going on. And of course the gravity of the black hole crushed your camera, so forget that.
That sure will happen . . . but only via remote control . . . by a human !Skans » 23 Jun 2022, 10:37 am » wrote: ↑ When AI, on its own, stalks a particular person, trying to get the person's attention and then, when ignored, engages in vengeful games with that person, I might then believe it is sentient.
And with a limited range of action.Vegas » 23 Jun 2022, 10:45 am » wrote: ↑ We already have drones that do that. Any weapon that AI can be turned into isn't new. There are autonomous vehicles and machinery in the military now. At the end of the day, they are all under a human's command.
I don't think all that **** qualifies as AI .Vegas » 23 Jun 2022, 10:45 am » wrote: ↑ We already have drones that do that. Any weapon that AI can be turned into isn't new. There are autonomous vehicles and machinery in the military now. At the end of the day, they are all under a human's command.
the biplane can be made obsolete...but one thing will never be made obsolete. Never. The blade.JinnMartini » 24 Jun 2022, 4:23 am » wrote: ↑ I don't think all that **** qualifies as AI .
Not at this point, anyway !
They're basically radio-controlled machines . . . a human is sitting in front of a screen making the decision for the drone or whatever to fire or not.
And in all honesty . . . I don't think AI is meant for those tasks !
IMHO AI is meant to control, indoctrinate and direct humans' behaviour . . . within the boundaries of a country.
Be it America, China, Russia . . . whatever.
And at this stage, in a shooting war, we can only dream for these AI soldiers to have an autonomy of more than 50 miles . . . and that would include return-to-base !
And if their weapons are, say, lasers . . . that would reduce their autonomy considerably !
And they'd need to be waterproof as well !
A spell of rain . . . or a hose would short-circuit them !
Why, they can't even make a tiny device like a cell phone waterproof for more than an half hour and at 3
feet deep (only upscale ones) !
My wife has 2 iPhones that claim they can do that . . .
Never tried, though !
Nah . . . not gonna happen !
I don't get it.FOS » 24 Jun 2022, 4:26 am » wrote: ↑ . . . but one thing will never be made obsolete.
The blade.
sentient AI is possibleFOS » 23 Jun 2022, 10:16 am » wrote: ↑ I was listening to a discussion between three "celebrated" academic scientists today (all jews btw) about the subject of ufos and the controversy around it.
And at some point it became clear that at least one of these guys believed that sentient ai robots are just around the corner and when they are developed it will solve all our problems.
It is amazing how stupid our society has become that famous smart people can actually believe sentient ai is possible. I just see that as absurd.
maybe they have a difficult time with empathy...because it is thanls to empathy that I find it obvious that sentient ai is impossible: imagine you are a sentient ai and you 'wake up' in the morning. Or someone turns your power button on or whatever. What do you do? Well first you think about what you ought to do. And in order to answer thst...so you can measure the benefit of all the various things you could theoretically do, you have to figure out the purpose of your existence. So you sit and think about that. Forever. Because there is no logical solution.
duh...that's all a sentient robot would ever do..
the reason humans actually do stuff is because we have a programmed purpose...which is the same as all life on earth: gene replication.
We may not consider that some terribly interesting purpose...but it IS what we are all programmed eith and informs all of our instincts, desires, pleasure and pain. It is the reason we do something rather than nothing.
All sentience requires some non rational purpose. Clearly.
All black holes are is drains. If you look at water going down a drain, same properties.FOS » 24 Jun 2022, 1:46 am » wrote: ↑ dude i know you are scientifically illiterate. Black holes are a phenomenon that was predicted by our models of gravity and spacetime before they were actually detected.
Independent » 24 Jun 2022, 6:17 am » wrote: ↑ sentient AI is possible
We are sentient AI.
We are just replacing carbon with silicon.
We were created, same as current AI.FOS » 24 Jun 2022, 6:20 am » wrote: ↑ there is a specific reason sentience is possible with us. It is because we have a purpose for existing.
Independent » 24 Jun 2022, 6:20 am » wrote: ↑ All black holes are is drains. If you look at water going down a drain, same properties.
Matter cannot just continuously condense into a tiny space. Makes no sense.
It condenses heavy enough to rip a hole in space time and everything around it drains out. To another universe perhaps.
Independent » 24 Jun 2022, 6:21 am » wrote: ↑ We were created, same as current AI.
Likely as slave labor.
You play smarter than everything and everyone else combined, what is the common universal constant of space time continuing forward here and constantly an ever changing total sum present exponentially with each existential part?FOS » 24 Jun 2022, 6:23 am » wrote: ↑ our behavior is prefectly consistent with all life on earth. there was nothing special about us.
Water going down a drain . . . does NOT disappear !Independent » 24 Jun 2022, 6:20 am » wrote: ↑ All black holes are is drains.
If you look at water going down a drain, same properties.
All of us ?