Child Groomer, Sexual Predator
3,714 posts
Okay. True confessions time, now that the Senate is securely in the control of Democrats (even without a Warnock win, which, btw we absolutely WANT as well)
I've two confessions, actually.
I NEVER believed in the "red wave."
EVERY time they (or some MAGA herein) boasted of one I quietly sat back and said to myself "we'll see." I didn't dismiss it, nor laugh it off, because THAT would've been counterproductive to my OBJECTIVE here (as it had been elsewhere BEFORE here). So I allowed them to GASLIGHT THEMSELVES, just as MAGAS so thoroughly did in 2020.
Oh, I believed it'd be CLOSE, THAT'S for damn sure. And because of that I believe it's better to be worried about the outcome - worried ENOUGH to run, walk, fly or CRAWL to the polls... RATHER than being so self-assured and complacent as to sleep this thing and get OUTVOTED.
URGENCY preferable to COMPLACENCY. That was goal.
NOT that what I said and wrote of the MAGA threat to Democracy, their embrace of hate based rhetoric, their supremacist neo-Nazi notions, their fascism, their religious fanaticism, their attacks upon TRUTH AND KNOWLEDGE ITSELF,
and their continued efforts at RIGGING THE VOTE in their favor was ANYTHING SHORT OF THE ABSOLUTE TRUTH.
ALL of what I wrote of them was and IS WHO AND WHAT THEY ARE.
Which brings me to confession number two: FACT is, I was sort of hoping for a BLUE WAVE. And here, I must confess, I probably gaslit MYSELF.
Because I just couldn't believe that many Americans would FALL for what the MAGA Party represented.
Oh, I'm not talking about the dyed in the wool, **** bonkers, QAnon waiting for JFK "pizzagate" MTG-like MAGA quacks found at Trump rallies and such. Those fkrs are gone - under the sway of their anti-Christ and hell bent on cutting off their own noses....
No, I'm speaking of the REST of America.
Couldn't BELIEVE they'd support the party that tried to OVERTHROW DEMOCRACY then called it "legitimate protest."
Couldn't believe that (a reportedly 51 percent of white) women would support a party the relegated them to second class citizenry via their SCOTUS and their intended nationalization of extreme anti- abortion laws.
Couldn't believe that Americans would support the party that opposed EVERY piece of legislation designed to provide Americans with RELIEF, the party that even now is blocked student debt relief,
the party that plans on gutting Social Security and Medicare,
the party that supported Putin's atrocities in the Ukraine
the party that demonized the gay community, immigrants, educators, librarians
the party that failed to condemn violent rhetoric directed at elected officials, election workers, law-enforcement, ordinary citizenry and families
that party of whom MANY were WILLING PARTICIPANTS in racist and anti-Semitic rhetoric
the party of Trump.
Because, IMO, given ALL THAT AND MORE,
it shouldn't even have been CLOSE.