When the left are crying and throwing fits, then you know America won.

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24 Jun 2022 12:16 pm in No Holds Barred Political Forum
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31st Arrival
28 Jun 2022 6:27 am
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Beekeeper » 27 Jun 2022, 8:33 pm » wrote: It's a HUMAN BEING based on SCIENCE!!!!

You baby killers conveniently call it a "fetus" so you don't have to face the REALITY that you are MURDERING ANOTHER HUMAN BEING!!!

It has 23 pairs of chromosomes, it's NOT the same DNA s the mother, and it is HUMAN LIFE AT CONCEPTION that ANY MEDICAL DOCTOR OR SCIENTIST IN THE WORLD WILL AGREE!!!

Gee I would think it was a human being since genetics added it to the population replacing existing population forward now. Natural process without an intellectual super being in charge. it is so specific in plain sight evolving individually here. 7 degrees of ancestrally present.

One planet
one food chain
each species
each ancestry
each family unit
each ancestor.
kinetically evolving spontaneously alive simultaneously mutually occupying space during their cycle of reproduced so far.

Where is life so difficult nobody can understand life limited to eternally separated now? I can and I was trained to believe nobody can, but I did it anyway.

Stop working 6 degrees of separation.
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28 Jun 2022 9:37 am
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Beekeeper » 27 Jun 2022, 8:33 pm » wrote: It's a HUMAN BEING based on SCIENCE!!!!

You baby killers conveniently call it a "fetus" so you don't have to face the REALITY that you are MURDERING ANOTHER HUMAN BEING!!!

It has 23 pairs of chromosomes, it's NOT the same DNA s the mother, and it is HUMAN LIFE AT CONCEPTION that ANY MEDICAL DOCTOR OR SCIENTIST IN THE WORLD WILL AGREE!!!
Calling us baby killers is provocative and incorrect.  There is lot of differences between a fetus and baby.
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31st Arrival
28 Jun 2022 9:41 am
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ScottMon » 28 Jun 2022, 9:37 am » wrote: Calling us baby killers is provocative and incorrect.  There is lot of differences between a fetus and baby.
evolving changes forms shaped since their point of origin to decomposed corpse never destroying the energy of streaming DNA results never duplicated inception to extinction.

Grow up little mentality, your dream state of mind has been debunked and your scripted reality shown as absolutely corrupted. What you going to do next, destroy what won't comply to your corrupted narrative?

Going to be a lot of alternate realities cancelling out their parallel universal views of how life should have evolved as planned by the few in charge.
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28 Jun 2022 10:18 am
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omh » 28 Jun 2022, 9:41 am » wrote: evolving changes forms shaped since their point of origin to decomposed corpse never destroying the energy of streaming DNA results never duplicated inception to extinction.

Grow up little mentality, your dream state of mind has been debunked and your scripted reality shown as absolutely corrupted. What you going to do next, destroy what won't comply to your corrupted narrative?

Going to be a lot of alternate realities cancelling out their parallel universal views of how life should have evolved as planned by the few in charge.
How many children have you adopted?
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31st Arrival
28 Jun 2022 10:34 am
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ScottMon » 28 Jun 2022, 10:18 am » wrote: How many children have you adopted?
none. I never wanted children, my wife always wanted to be a mom. I compromised saying we have 2 within 2 years apart so they could have one another after we die.

I have a brain that doesn't get emotionally attached to things as a child growing up with parents always struggling to keep up with things never the same again.

We, birth family, raised most of our own food less pork and beef, family had rabbits, ducks, geese that us kids could have as pets until butcher time, but we always had new pets before butcher time. I never felt poor, but learned what I needed to do within the social system to carry my own weight.

that is what liberty is, not being a burden to anyone else. Lead your own time with respect of allowing everyone else their own time. Guess that falls within the Jesus golden rule and God helps those helping themselves. Other than that, that is about as religious I ever got. Ironic how that falls within every spiritual philosophy typecasting people to think beyond being one species genetically changing people forward now.

I have enough raw talent to fit into most social scenarios and I know my limitations and that is why I am most comfortable alone. I learned to control my rage by instinctively navigating around everyone's intellectual projections of what else life should be and discovered the core of how life does exist naturally here.

I don't have to justify being me to myself or anyone else at the same time able to deflate a we mentality treating me like either a second class citizen or 3rd world savage.

I am the most civil sole that isn't trapped in a civic mentality you will ever come across in cyberspace or face to face. Honest understanding of being alive isn't tolerated by those demanding character rights to perform as more than mutually evolving here.
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28 Jun 2022 11:25 am
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omh » 28 Jun 2022, 10:34 am » wrote: none. I never wanted children, my wife always wanted to be a mom. I compromised saying we have 2 within 2 years apart so they could have one another after we die.

I actualy want to apologize.  In the heat of the moment, I made a very personal attack that you didn't deserve.  I should never bring family up here, That would below the belt.
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31st Arrival
28 Jun 2022 11:30 am
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ScottMon » 28 Jun 2022, 11:25 am » wrote: I actualy want to apologize.  In the heat of the moment, I made a very personal attack that you didn't deserve.  I should never bring family up here, That would below the belt.
where was the attack you are staging this apology over to try and save face or ***?
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28 Jun 2022 11:37 am
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omh » 28 Jun 2022, 11:30 am » wrote: where was the attack you are staging this apology over to try and save face or ***?
Believe it or not, I feel bad about what I said.  I don't care what people think of me.  Much happier that way.
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31st Arrival
28 Jun 2022 11:44 am
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ScottMon » 28 Jun 2022, 11:37 am » wrote: Believe it or not, I feel bad about what I said.  I don't care what people think of me.  Much happier that way.
you put it upon yourself, because I never felt attacked asking me if I adapted children. I knew what your actual intentions were and your apology verified it.

You keep ignoring I debunked your ideology without picking on you and you stay in character to keep everyone believing you don't care what people think about you.

You are a denier through and throughout your time evolving here now. That is your choice compounding forward every decision to stay in character you keep.

Now comprehend what eternity physically has always been for biological results never duplicated living here now.
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28 Jun 2022 11:57 am
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omh » 28 Jun 2022, 11:44 am » wrote: you put it upon yourself, because I never felt attacked asking me if I adapted children. I knew what your actual intentions were and your apology verified it.

You keep ignoring I debunked your ideology without picking on you and you stay in character to keep everyone believing you don't care what people think about you.

You are a denier through and throughout your time evolving here now. That is your choice compounding forward every decision to stay in character you keep.

Now comprehend what eternity physically has always been for biological results never duplicated living here now.
The way I was raised, If man offered an apology, You take at face value the first time It's offered. I will clearly not offer it again.
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28 Jun 2022 5:10 pm
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ScottMon » 28 Jun 2022, 9:37 am » wrote: Calling us baby killers is provocative and incorrect.  There is lot of differences between a fetus and baby.



You are nothing more than MURDERING A$$HOLES with ZERO respect for HUMAN LIFE!!!

AND you will stoop to the lowest of levels to assure you keep your little BABY MURDERING FACTORIES alive and well!!!
Liberals are spoiled children, miserable, unsatisfied, demanding, ill-disciplined, despotic & useless. Liberalism is a philosophy of sniveling brats ~O'Rourke

The Democratic Party seems intransigent on their position of keeping the party ‘woke,’ detached, exclusionary, and totally insane.
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28 Jun 2022 6:15 pm
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Beekeeper » 28 Jun 2022, 5:10 pm » wrote: No, it's PERFECTLY CORRECT!!!!



You are nothing more than MURDERING A$$HOLES with ZERO respect for HUMAN LIFE!!!

AND you will stoop to the lowest of levels to assure you keep your little BABY MURDERING FACTORIES alive and well!!!
No babies are being murdered.  Plenty of fetuses with no central nervous systems being terminated.
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28 Jun 2022 6:18 pm
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ScottMon » 28 Jun 2022, 6:15 pm » wrote: No babies are being murdered.  Plenty of fetuses with no central nervous systems being terminated.
THERE it is!!!!


And you call yourselves the "Party of Science"!!!


And you hate ANYONE that disagrees!!! The fact is, you are NOT PRO CHOICE or your nasty ILK wouldn't be bombing, burning, and destroying these "Crisis Pregnancy Centers" who actually OFFER A CHOICE TO A MOTHER TO CARRY HER BABY TO BIRTH!!! But OH NO, you can't have ANY of those around since you only want ONE CHOICE and that is to MURDER BABIES!!

Liberals are spoiled children, miserable, unsatisfied, demanding, ill-disciplined, despotic & useless. Liberalism is a philosophy of sniveling brats ~O'Rourke

The Democratic Party seems intransigent on their position of keeping the party ‘woke,’ detached, exclusionary, and totally insane.
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28 Jun 2022 6:23 pm
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Beekeeper » 28 Jun 2022, 6:18 pm » wrote: THERE it is!!!!


And you call yourselves the "Party of Science"!!!


And you hate ANYONE that disagrees!!! The fact is, you are NOT PRO CHOICE or your nasty ILK wouldn't be bombing, burning, and destroying these "Crisis Pregnancy Centers" who actually OFFER A CHOICE TO A MOTHER TO CARRY HER BABY TO BIRTH!!! But OH NO, you can't have ANY of those around since you only want ONE CHOICE and that is to MURDER BABIES!!

Ok, You caught me.  I'm doing free abortions in my back yard.  Did about 30 today.  Make get about an 100 more tomorrow.   I got a BOGO.  I do two abortions at the same time.  I'm doing one right now as I type.  
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28 Jun 2022 6:34 pm
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ScottMon » 28 Jun 2022, 6:23 pm » wrote: Ok, You caught me.  I'm doing free abortions in my back yard.  Did about 30 today.  Make get about an 100 more tomorrow.   I got a BOGO.  I do two abortions at the same time.  I'm doing one right now as I type.
Yeah, let's not let a FEW FACTS get in your way of MURDERING BABIES IN THEIR MOTHER'S WOMB!!!
Within three weeks, the blastocyte cells ultimately form a little ball, or an embryo. By this time, the first nerve cells have formed.
Oops. Caught you in ANOTHER LIE that your handlers blew up your arse with that BIG SMOKE HOSE you have dangling out for all to see!!!

So we have NERVE CELLS DEVELOPING IN 3 WEEKS!! Which means, there is a NERVOUS SYSTEM IN THE MAKING AND ONE THAT THIS little 23 pair Chromosome HUMAN BEING is getting ready for the brain, heart, and all the OTHER organs to grow!!

Funny though, you HATERS of HUMANS are far more about the PROSECUTION OF THOSE KILLING OF A PUPPY OR KITTEN than you do about the MURDER OF BABIES!!!

Liberals are spoiled children, miserable, unsatisfied, demanding, ill-disciplined, despotic & useless. Liberalism is a philosophy of sniveling brats ~O'Rourke

The Democratic Party seems intransigent on their position of keeping the party ‘woke,’ detached, exclusionary, and totally insane.
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28 Jun 2022 6:47 pm
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ScottMon » 28 Jun 2022, 6:23 pm » wrote: Ok, You caught me.  I'm doing free abortions in my back yard.  Did about 30 today.  Make get about an 100 more tomorrow.   I got a BOGO.  I do two abortions at the same time.  I'm doing one right now as I type.

Liberals are spoiled children, miserable, unsatisfied, demanding, ill-disciplined, despotic & useless. Liberalism is a philosophy of sniveling brats ~O'Rourke

The Democratic Party seems intransigent on their position of keeping the party ‘woke,’ detached, exclusionary, and totally insane.
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28 Jun 2022 9:23 pm
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Roe Vs Wade was about patient privacy.  If you don't want an abortion, Don't get one.  If someone else gets an abortion, Not your business.
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28 Jun 2022 9:26 pm
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Beekeeper » 28 Jun 2022, 6:34 pm » wrote: Yeah, let's not let a FEW FACTS get in your way of MURDERING BABIES IN THEIR MOTHER'S WOMB!!!

Oops. Caught you in ANOTHER LIE that your handlers blew up your arse with that BIG SMOKE HOSE you have dangling out for all to see!!!

So we have NERVE CELLS DEVELOPING IN 3 WEEKS!! Which means, there is a NERVOUS SYSTEM IN THE MAKING AND ONE THAT THIS little 23 pair Chromosome HUMAN BEING is getting ready for the brain, heart, and all the OTHER organs to grow!!

Funny though, you HATERS of HUMANS are far more about the PROSECUTION OF THOSE KILLING OF A PUPPY OR KITTEN than you do about the MURDER OF BABIES!!!
You keep demonstrating that you have no clue about the difference between a fetus and a baby is.  I'm glad you're not a pediatrician.  
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31st Arrival
29 Jun 2022 5:00 am
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ScottMon » 28 Jun 2022, 11:57 am » wrote: The way I was raised, If man offered an apology, You take at face value the first time It's offered. I will clearly not offer it again.
surface value. I know how society raises people from personal experience being trained to believe life is too complicated to figure out alone. Facts aren't facts without consensus. Actual life is self evident in the kinetics of evolving at the same time being separate ancestors with bodies never the same details twice distance of fertilized cell to decomposed corpse.

Simple compounding changes to everything occupying space here. inorganic evolves by compounding combinations of molecular elements erodes in specific conditions, rebuilding in new combinations same as DNA does from erosion to decomposition of organic life evolving as combined DNA additions to deaths within inception to extinction.

Humanity corrupts because it is all done on intellectual planes separating individual cycles isolating each cycle present in comparison to each pother as a whole. It is how instincts and intellect create intelligence to navigating space mutually evolving now. Make a brain believe there is more to life than adapt or become extinct and the rational mind will ignore one's own brain being itself.

all that is done by lines of communication becoming borders of interpreting who's who and the entire species corrupts itself into thinking it is an exception to only being a part of the whole balancing effect of proportionately here.

Again, I will not make you understand actual life because you are part of actually living here now. Equal displacement from a separate ancestral position. I explain what went wrong. I give everyone the equal opportunity I had to discover a serenity everyone thinks arrives after death. maybe because I survived 4 events I should have died from and yet, still here.

Imagine instead of reality promising eternal intellectual life after death, you understood being eternally separated when adapting to the moment now.

Thermodynamics and molecular migration inverting conversions of inorganic and ancestral events going on here. Natural perpetual motion limited to sustaining perpetual balancing cycles present.

Yes it is that simple, stupid.
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29 Jun 2022 6:05 am
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ScottMon » 28 Jun 2022, 9:26 pm » wrote: You keep demonstrating that you have no clue about the difference between a fetus and a baby is.  I'm glad you're not a pediatrician.
In YOUR mind a "fetus" is what you MURDER, when in effect, it's STILL HUMAN LIFE and something you OBVIOUSLY have ZERO REGARD FOR!!!

Somehow if you use the "medical terminology" you can justify the KILLING OF THAT BABY IN THE MOTHER'S WOMB, right, KILLER???
Liberals are spoiled children, miserable, unsatisfied, demanding, ill-disciplined, despotic & useless. Liberalism is a philosophy of sniveling brats ~O'Rourke

The Democratic Party seems intransigent on their position of keeping the party ‘woke,’ detached, exclusionary, and totally insane.
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